The BEST Italia 1 shows of all time

Every Italia 1 show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every Italia 1 show to compile this list of best shows!

98 votes

#1 - Angel's Friends

Four Angels (Raf, Uri, Sweet and Miki) and four Devils (Sulfus, Cabiria, Kabale and Gas) are sent to Earth, in an unused area of the Golden School, where they learn everything they need to become Guardian Angels and Guardian Devils. The Angels and Devils are required to form pairs as part of their education, each of which will have to deal with a human being, known as Earthly Ones, and help them choose between the right and wrong way in life without being discovered. Angels and Devils cannot operate at the same time, so they decide, clashing in the Challenge Room, who will work first.

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208 votes

#2 - Camera Café (IT)

The funny and irreverent daily story of a politically incorrect office life and the superfine art of not working. Next to the coffee machine, employees of a company weave their lives together.

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