The BEST shows of all time

Every show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every show to compile this list of best shows!

1199 votes

#1 - The Mysterious Cities of Gold

In the year 1532, Mendoza, a Spanish Navigator, Estaban, a young orphan, Zia, a young Incan girl, and a band of Spanish sailors set sail from Barcelona in search of El Dorado, the Mysterious City of Gold. Each is on a personal quest of discovery, heritage, and wealth.

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1386 votes

#2 - Wakfu

Follow Yugo and his friends Amalia, Evangelyne, Tristepin, Ruel and Az as they try to rescue the World of Twelve from destruction.

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131 votes

#3 - Parliament

Samy, a young parliamentary assistant, arrives in Brussels a few weeks after the Brexit referendum. He doesn’t know much about European institutions but hopes to get away with it thanks to his wit and cleverness. Tough luck! He gets assigned to take care of an amendment for the Committee on Fisheries. Samy has six months to get it adopted at the European Parliament.

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