The BEST EXXEN shows of all time

Every EXXEN show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every EXXEN show to compile this list of best shows!

651 votes

#1 - Leyla and Mecnun

Two babies who were born on the same day in the same hospital are hospitalized side by side due to the low number of beds. Babies whose cradles are cradled after their parents' words "found each other as soon as they were born" are named after the legendary lovers Leyla and Mecnun. 25 years pass. One morning, his family tells Majnun about the situation and they go to ask for Leyla. Although Mecnun is uncomfortable with this situation at first, he falls in love as soon as he sees Leyla. Not knowing what to do to impress him, Mecnun dreams of a bearded grandfather one night. Things get complicated when the Akbeard grandfather comes out of his dreams and starts living with Mecnun.

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285 votes

#2 - As If (2021)

Yılmaz and İlkkan are two friends who are constantly fighting each other. Their biggest feature is always being able to do things that will turn their ordinary lives upside down. They magnify small events incredibly and give you a nervous breakdown. They are the embodiment of the misfortunes, strange events and despair we experience every day. Get ready for the adventure of Yılmaz and İlkkan consisting of 12 different stories.

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52 votes

#3 - Konusanlar

You have never witnessed a conversation like this! Different experiences, different people, different laughters. Hasan Can Kaya first handpicks the club members, then entertainment is unleashed with questions more interesting that the others.

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