The BEST Encore shows of all time

Every Encore show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every Encore show to compile this list of best shows!

290 votes

#1 - 3x3 Eyes

Pai is the last of the Sanjiyan -- a magical race of 3-eyed creatures, and she comes in search of Tokyo high-school student Yakumo with news of his father`s death and hopes of becoming human. After a fatal accident, Pai is forced to absorb Yakumo`s soul to keep him from dying, making him an undead creature bound to her. Their journey to make Pai human becomes complicated with dark forces seeking to stop them, especially when Pai`s crueler nature emerges...

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214 votes

#2 - Titanic: Blood and Steel

"Titanic: Blood & Steel" chronicles the story of human relationships and adversity, that led to the birth of the legendary RMS Titanic. To its wealthy investors, it was a dream. To the middle class who oversaw the project, it was a challenge. But to the working class who built it, Titanic was the start of a revolution. With Ireland under British rule, and the Protestant and Catholic struggle intensifying, Titanic was more than a ship - it was a symbol of ambition, hope and unity.

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155 votes

#3 - Eiken

Zasshono School is a mammoth private school with a total of 54000 students from elementary level, junior high and high school. Within a large number of club activities in the school, lies a unique club that differs from others: The Eiken Club. All activities of the club are enfolded by a veil of darkness, which makes the Eiken Club looks bad. However, what makes us worry about is that the members are, starting with sports and academic all-rounder beauty Azumo Chiharu as an example, mostly charismatic cute girls. Mifune Densuke, a fresh high school boy, gets forced to join the Eiken Club! In an instant, his life so far, which was dull, becomes full of passion, romance and troubles...!

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