The BEST Club Illico shows of all time

Every Club Illico show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every Club Illico show to compile this list of best shows!

135 votes

#1 - Blue Moon

Young soldier in his early thirties, Justine Laurier did not doubt that his arrival at the head of Blue Moon, a private para-miliary society thwarts the plans of a group of unscrupulous individuals who are hiding behind the screen offered the '' national security '' and '' state secrets '' to enrich themselves with impunity in illegal activities where cash flows freely.

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107 votes

#2 - The Night Logan Woke Up

Adaptation of the popular stage play, "La nuit où Laurier Gaudreault s'est reveillé" from playwright Michel Marc Bouchard. The series, which mixes horror, humour and drama, takes place in the early 1990s and follows Mimi and her brother Jules, who are best friends with Logan.

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55 votes

#3 - The Wall

Fermont: A remote mining colony in the endless frozen hell that is Canada's far North. The body of a young exotic dancer is found and the Quebec City police sends one of their toughest, most experienced detectives to investigate. Céline sure is always up for a challenge. Being cooped up in the massive structure that is the colony – the inhabitants simply call it “The Wall” – soon presents her with some challenges that exceed her investigative efforts.

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