The BEST Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting shows of all time

Every Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting show to compile this list of best shows!

1052 votes

#1 - Last Exile

Anime Series created by Gonzo. The 1st Series "Last Exiled" air between April 7, 2003 - September 29, 2003. A sequel series, "Last Exile -Fam, The Silver Wing-, aired between October 15, 2011 and March 23, 2012. // The 1st Series : On the world of Prester, the nations of Anatore and Dusis are deep in a war that is controlled by a secret organization known as the Guild. However, Claus Valca and Lavie Head want no part of it and instead are the pilot and navigator of a messenger vanship. Flying across a sea of wind and clouds, they deliver messages to anyone and anywhere. After a near-death collision with a crippled vanship during a local race, both are asked to deliver a young girl named Alvis to the infamous battleship Sylvana. Followed by a star-shaped craft bent on killing them, these three lives are about to forever alter the face of Prester. // the 2nd Series "Last Exiled: Fam, The Silver Wing: Taking place 2 years after the events Last Exile. The original home world of the colonists of Prester. The new story focuses on Fam Fan Fan and Giselle Collette, 2 vespa vanship pilots who work as Sky Pirated, capturing and selling battleships for a living. Fam and Giselle get into an adventure when they and the Sky Pirates rescue Liliana il Grazioso Merlo Turan and her younger sister, Millia II Velch Cutrettola Turan, Princesses of the Turan Kingdom, from the clutches of the mighty Ades Federation. The Federation, led by Empress Sara Augusta and Premier Luscinia Hafez, is on a all out war against nation who descended from immigrants who came back to Earth by Exile ships. As Ades was the only nation to stay on Earth when it was in a stat of chaos and ruin, Luscinia believes that the Exile immigrants have no right to return to Earth since their ancestors abandoned Earth when it was in chaos only to return when Earth was viable to live on again and force the original inhabitants of Earth off their lands to form their own nations. To return these lands to their ori

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431 votes

#2 - The Troubled Life of Miss Kotoura

Koutora, a girl who was born with the ESP ability to read minds, can hear the thoughts of anyone around her without trying. Due to this, children at school began to hate her, and even her own parents abandon her; causing her to curse her ability and begin avoiding interaction with others. However, one day she transfers to a new school and meets a surprising boy who does not care that she can read his mind.

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101 votes

#3 - Requiem from the Darkness

The setting is the end of the Edo period amid political strife and human suffering. Young Momosuke, an aspiring author, sets out on a journey to collect 100 stories to make into a book. Right away he meets up with a trio of outlaws: Mataichi the Trickster, Ogin the Puppeteer and Nagamimi the Bird Caller. As they travel, the group encounters the most twisted and horrible parts of human nature. It is the task of this group to punish each person in a manner fitting their crimes - a gruesome undertaking to say the least... Thus, the bells of the requiem are heard throughout the land...

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210 votes

#4 - Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (LA)

The Dark Kingdom, a great evil consisting of Queen Beryl, her generals, the Four Kings of Heaven, and an amorphous evil power named Queen Metaria attempt to steal energy so that Beryl can take over the world. Standing in their way are the Sailor Guardians, five middle-school-aged girls: perky Usagi Tsukino, genius Ami Mizuno, paranormally gifted shrine maiden Rei Hino, tomboyish Makoto Kino, and J-pop idol Minako Aino, who are sworn to protect the Princess of the Moon and defeat the Dark Kingdom. Two beings, that appear to be sentient stuffed toy cats, Luna and Artemis, serve as the girls' mentors. The Guardians also encounter Tuxedo Mask, a jewel thief in search of an immensely powerful, mystical Silver Crystal belonging to the Princess of the Moon. While searching for the Princess of the Moon and the Silver Crystal, the initially disparate girls develop a strong bond of friendship, while Usagi also struggles with her feelings for the irksome and mysterious Mamoru Chiba.

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40 votes

#5 - Let's Make a Mug Too

Together with her father, who had quit his salaryman job, Toyokawa Himeno moves to Gifu prefecture's Tajimi city. That's the city where her mother is from, whom she had lost when she was still young. Himeno is now attending her mother's alma mater, where her classmate Kukuri Mika invites her to tag along to a special place. That place turns out to be the pottery club! There, she learns for the first time that her mother was a legendary potter, and is consequently pulled into the world of pottery.

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