The BEST BYU Television shows of all time

Every BYU Television show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every BYU Television show to compile this list of best shows!

90 votes

#1 - Holly Hobbie

Holly Hobbie has lived her whole life in the small town of Collinsville. Holly's a 13-year-old singer-songwriter who's got her best friends and close-knit family by her side, but she's dreaming of ways to save the world - even if it's starting in her own backyard.

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35 votes

#2 - Dwight in Shining Armor

After Dwight, a 21st century teen, falls into an ancient, underground chamber – he awakens a warrior princess, her court magician, and many medieval villains that have been sleeping for a thousand years. Consequently, he is now spellbound to protect the princess from her hordes of enemies. High school just got a lot weirder.

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287 votes

#3 - Extinct (2017)

Extinct takes place 400 years after the extinction of the human race and follows a small group of humans who are revived by an alien civilization. Over the course of the season, the series carries the colony of revived humans through struggles with the aliens who extinguished humankind centuries before, while trying to understand and get along with the mysterious aliens who revived them.

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