The BEST AHC shows of all time

Every AHC show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every AHC show to compile this list of best shows!

57 votes

#1 - Myth Hunters

Myth Hunters reveals true stories of quests seeking legendary objects – hordes of lost Spanish gold, the Temple of Solomon, the body of King Arthur, the relics of Joan of Arc; objects that offer their finder either unlimited power or wealth - or both. For most of us, these are the stuff of fantasy and movies as seen in Indiana Jones or The Mummy; but these are the real stories of real adventurers who thought these myths were true. These true life action adventures are exciting stories filmed in HD. The series features dramatic reconstruction, expert witness testimonies, specially shot location material and archive footage.

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47 votes

#2 - Mafia's Greatest Hits

In Mafia Greatest Hits, a brand-new and exclusive 13-part series, the depraved characters of the US mafia’s darkest villains are exposed. The American mafia dominated organised crime in the United States from the end of the 19th century and into the 20th century, with five families in New York City – Gambino, Lucchese, Genovese, Bonanno and Columbo – ruling the roost. From this base, the mafia was able to establish itself as a secret, yet terrifying, organisation, which spread across the country right under the noses of the authorities. Each episode of Mafia’s Greatest Hits features a chilling tale of underworld crime, told through the first-hand accounts of FBI and secret agents, and gets to know some the organisation’s most infamous and powerful criminals, who once ran crime rings in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Florida and Chicago.

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