The BEST קשת shows of all time

Every קשת show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every קשת show to compile this list of best shows!

233 votes

#1 - Traffic Light

The show revolves around three friends in their mid-thirties living in Giv'atayim. Each of them with a distinct personal status, symbolized by the three colors of a traffic light. Itzko is the "red light"; married with a 7 year old daughter. Amir is the "yellow light"; He lives with his girlfriend, Tali. Hefer is the "green light"; He has no permanent partner.

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358 votes

#2 - Prisoners of War

After 17 years in captivity, Israeli soldiers Nimrode Klein, Uri Zach, and Amiel Ben Horin return home to the country that made them national icons. They work to overcome the trauma of torture and captivity while settling back into their interrupted family lives. Meanwhile, the military psychiatrist assigned to them finds discrepancies in the soldiers' testimonies, and launches an investigation to discover what they are hiding. The show was sold to 20th Century Fox Television and adapted into the acclaimed series Homeland for cable channel Showtime in the United States.

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