The BEST episodes directed by Tristan Devere Cole

#1 - Long Live the King
Survivors - Season 3 - Episode 11
Charles, Jenny and their ever growing party are heading North to Scotland, when they receive a message to meet Greg at a place called Felbridge. Jenny thinks it will be another wild goose chase. They later discover that Agnes has devised their reunion and that she plans to set up a new government for the nation at Felbridge under Greg's name. However, Greg is curiously absent from the proceedings...
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#2 - Sound of Thunder
Secret Army - Season 3 - Episode 9
The Allied advance continues as they at last enter Belgium, and the Germans begin to plan a strategic withdrawal from Brussels. Albert is petitioning for his release from prison, while Bradley endeavours to forge links with other resistance groups. The people of Brussels are now left to their own devices, and recriminations are brewing for collaborators and black marketeers. Kessler comes to help Madeleine, while Alain offers Monique and Natalie a place to hide. Meanwhile, Reinhardt at last obtains proof that the Candide is Lifeline’s base of operations, and prepares to strike.
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#3 - Prisoner
Secret Army - Season 3 - Episode 6
Major Nick Bradley returns to Brussels to co-ordinate resistance activities whilst waiting for the Allies’ final push, and clashes with Monique over leadership of Lifeline. A tense time is in store for Lifeline when Alain is arrested, and Bradley decides to make a deal with a German officer to try to get him out of Gestapo headquarters. However, the officer demands one million francs in exchange for Alain’s freedom.
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#6 - The Evil That Men Do
Bergerac - Season 9 - Episode 4
Bergerac Private Investigation-- discretion guaranteed. An ad in the local Jersey paper gets Jim a client he would rather not handle and a murder he does not expect. Meanwhile, Charlie gets involved in a charity appeal for a war hero.
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#8 - The Wheel in Space (5)
Doctor Who - Season 5 - Episode 39
The Cybermen begin to realise that someone on the Wheel is familiar with their ways.

#9 - The Wheel in Space (4)
Doctor Who - Season 5 - Episode 38
The Doctor tries to deal with the Cybermen, but the people on the Wheel still don't trust him.

#10 - Mad Dog
Survivors - Season 3 - Episode 4
Charles searches alone for Tom Walter and has a dangerous encounter with a dog pack. He is rescued by a man called Fenton, who Charles then travels with back to his halfway house. The next morning Charles discovers that Fenton has contracted rabies. Securing Fenton he goes to a nearby village for help. Charles returns with two men, Sanders and Jim. They are attacked by Fenton and Charles is forced to kill him. However, the men believe that Charles may have the infection too so try to execute him. Charles flees into the countryside and a hunt begins...
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#11 - The Wheel in Space (2)
Doctor Who - Season 5 - Episode 36
With the Doctor out of action, Jamie isn't sure who he can trust.

#12 - Reunion
Survivors - Season 3 - Episode 6
Jenny, Charles and Hubert meet vet Janet Millon when a shepherd friend of Hubert is injured. Whilst enjoying her hospitality they discover to their amazement that she is the mother of their John, who is back at Challoner with Pet and Jack. Jenny has grown tired of her search for Greg and elects to return with Janet, as she wants to see her son too. When Pet tells John the news his reaction is puzzling...
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#13 - The Wheel in Space (3)
Doctor Who - Season 5 - Episode 37
Cybermats are sent to the Wheel to eat the station's supply of bernalium, forcing the Wheel to search for bernalium on the Silver Carrier where the Cybermen are waiting for them.

#14 - The Wheel in Space (6)
Doctor Who - Season 5 - Episode 40
The Doctor and the crew of the Wheel battle valiantly against the invading Cybermen, but to defeat the approaching fleet of Cyber ships, the Doctor needs a vital component from the TARDIS.

#15 - The Wheel in Space (1)
Doctor Who - Season 5 - Episode 35
The Doctor and Jamie find themselves trapped outside the TARDIS, on a seemingly-deserted spaceship.

#16 - A Safe Place
Secret Army - Season 3 - Episode 4
Albert is imprisoned on trumped-up charges as part of a Communist revenge plot, and Monique is left to take charge of both Lifeline and the Candide. Alain discovers the existence of a false escape line set up by Reinhardt to flush them out and that one of their evaders, “Mad” Mike Miller, had previously been shot down and helped by Lifeline. Monique must make a difficult decision if she is to maintain Lifeline’s safety.
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#17 - Sparks
Survivors - Season 3 - Episode 8
Charles, Frank, Jenny and Hubert are now searching for former electrical engineer Alec Campbell (William Dysart) with a view to using his skills to restore electrical power to the nation. However, they discover Alec to be withdrawn and unco-operative and still mourning his long dead wife. When he continues to refuse to help, Frank resolves to take stronger measures which involve some pethadine and Jenny...
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