The BEST episodes directed by Tony Westman

True Crime
14 votes

#1 - True Crime

The Sentinel - Season 2 - Episode 6

Ellison gets fame when the police department invites TV producer Wendy Hawthorne and her cameraman to do a piece on him for her show ""True Crime.""

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Be Still My Heart
688 votes

#2 - Be Still My Heart

Dead Like Me - Season 2 - Episode 9

George goes looking for Trip at his father's funeral, with major consequences; Daisy is traumatized by her reap, a murder; Mason is the sensible one (seriously), while Rube places Roxy in temporary charge as he goes searching for something. Clancy has Reggie stay over. Many, many loose ends are left...

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No Exit
682 votes

#3 - No Exit

The 4400 - Season 4 - Episode 8

P.J. took the Promicin shot 2 months ago. Now he has an ability...

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Like It's 1999
13 votes

#4 - Like It's 1999

The Crow: Stairway to Heaven - Season 1 - Episode 4

Detective Albrecht investigates a series of violent home invasions that look more like parties than robberies. He asks Draven to keep his ears peeled at the Blackout for any talk that could lead to a clue. Sarah turns out to hold the real key, however, through her friend, Kyle Barber. Kyle is deeply involved with a nihilistic cult of disenfranchised kids who are being manipulated by a charismatic, sociopathic leader, Shane Gant (J.R. Bourne). He uses the coming Millennium as a powerful control mechanism, urging his followers to believe in nothing but himself. Draven, a man who also has good reason to believe in nothing, is forced to put aside his own alienation. By exposing the leader, he manages to set free the followers, giving them hope in their otherwise hopeless lives.

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Our Strongest Link
5 votes

#5 - Our Strongest Link

Higher Ground - Season 1 - Episode 4

To teach the kids to work as a team, they are entered in the Junior Eco-Challenge competition.

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Blind Man's Bluff
11 votes

#6 - Blind Man's Bluff

The Sentinel - Season 2 - Episode 12

Ellison and Sandburg trace the distribution of Cascade's new drug to a dive where the narcotic wreaks havoc with Ellison's enhanced senses.

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Smart Alec
8 votes

#7 - Smart Alec

The Sentinel - Season 2 - Episode 18

Ellison and Sandburg are sent to a college campus to investigate the murder of a maintenance worker.

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Sentinel Too (2)
8 votes

#8 - Sentinel Too (2)

The Sentinel - Season 4 - Episode 1

Blair, Banks, and Megan may be Jim's only hope of overcoming the superhuman stalemate and returning Cascade to a one sentinel town.

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6 votes

#9 - Poachers

The Sentinel - Season 3 - Episode 4

While Captain Banks, Blair, and Jim are fishing together they stumble across a poaching ring that's hooked up with a powerful Chinese gangster Ho Ng.

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