The BEST episodes directed by Tetsuji Nakamura

#1 - Roar of Pride. Bari vs. Ted. Which Will Dissapear?
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 23
Kiyo invites Megumi and Tia to talk about the mysterious structure and a group that is recruiting Mamodos for unknown reasons. Elsewhere, Jido tells Ted to clean himself up while he gets them lodging.
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#2 - Premonition of Separation. Suzume's Confession. Hiking of Love and Youth.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 24
Kiyo's classmate invite him to go on a hiking trip to which he obliges. The next day, Zatch and Ponygon follow Kiyo on the hiking trip. Suzy reveals she stayed up late making a present and Suzy's friend, Mariko, grabs it presuming it is her birthday present.
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#3 - Keys, Buzarai. Symphony of Death. Goodbye, Kanchome.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 28
They battle and Zatch is overpowered by Keys and Buzarai. Zatch manages to land a "Zagurzem" on Keys but Folgore is injured in the process. Kanchome takes Folgore and flees while Kiyo and Zatch continue the battle.
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#4 - Karudio's Fierce Attack! Fighters Who Burn Up the Snow Field. Umagon's New Flame.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 10
Ponygon's is overwhelmed by Karudio's attacks. Karudio then freezes Sunbeam's legs to prevent him from moving. As they attempt to reach Sunbeam for the book, Ponygon grabs onto Karudio.
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#5 - Faudo's Revival Draws Near. Return Device Activated. Rivals Stand in the Way.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 36
The Mamodos in the room are revealed to be Karudio, his partner Sauza, and Earth. Karudio aims an ice wave at the sleeping book keepers but is intercepted by Momon and Elle.
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#6 - Legend of Kaguya. Gash's Summer Festival. Girl Who Returned to the Moon.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 22
Zatch and Ponygon are taken to a festival by Kiyo's mother. Once there, Zatch separates from them and meets up with a rich girl named Natsuko. Natsuko snuck away from her bodyguards in order to enjoy the festival.
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#7 - Put Into a Pinch. Q's Counterattack! The Suppression of Every Spell!?
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 6
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#8 - Test Within the Stomach. Break Through Difficult Questions. Tintin Chance.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 32
They enter the structure until they come upon Faudo. They enter through his mouth and proceed to the stomach where the guardian Unko Tintin awaits.
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#9 - The Light of Hope, Saifogeo!
Zatch Bell! - Season 2 - Episode 6
Tia and Megumi reveal that Dr. Riddles called them to help Kiyo and Zatch. They then reveal their new spell "Giga La Seoshi" which traps an opponent in the barrier and causes any attack inside to be reflected. Tia and Megumi manage to burn one of the thousand-year Mamodo's books. They reveal their second new spell, "Saifogeo" which heals Kiyo, allowing him to use spells. Using "Bao Zakeruga" Kiyo manages to burn a thousand-year Mamodo's book. Penny and the surviving thousand-year Mamodo decide to retreat. The defeated book owners regain their consciousness, but they have no memory of the time when they were controlled. A man gives Kiyo a small tile that will lead to Milordo-Z. Kiyo realizes that if they can find out where the tile came from, they can find Milordo-Z's location. Elsewhere, Byonko and four thousand-year Mamodos prepare to battle Brago and Sherry Belmont.
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#10 - Aim for the brain! Roaring Faudo. Desperate re-entry.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 39
The team enter Faudo through his mouth with the help of Ponygon and Karudio. They follow a blood vessel to the spinal cord where they take an elevator and arrive in a room where multiple paths present themselves.
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#11 - Charge into the Ruins! Kanchomé's Strategy!
Zatch Bell! - Season 2 - Episode 9
Kiyo, Zatch, Megumi, Tia, and Ponygon take a private plane, supplied by Apollo, to the Taeboro ruins in South America. After arriving at their destination, they meet up with Folgore and Kanchome who reveal that Dr. Riddles asked them to assist Kiyo at the ruins. Inside, they spot two Mamodos. Kiyo tells Kanchome to lure them to an isolated room to prevent them from calling to their allies. Kanchome succeeds by using "Poruk" and lures the two Mamodo to the room, where Kiyo and the others are waiting. As Kanchome dawdles in his success, a third Mamodo appears behind Folgore and Kanchome.
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#12 - Weakling Kyle. Papipurio's Mustache. Rodeux's Trap.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 14
Before deciding to burn Rein's book or not, they decide to train Kyle to be more courageous so he may oppress Jill, the woman who took over his home and inheritance.
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#13 - It was Seen? Oyoyo~ Prospering Momon. Tio's Gigantic Explosion!
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 20
Zatch, Ponygon, and Tia are living in harmony. While playing at the park, they are approached by a woman named Elle Chivas searching for a child that looks like a rabbit and monkey.
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#14 - Her Rival is an Idol. A Spark of Love. Suzume's Victory??
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 4
That day Mr. Sunbeam moves close to Kiyo’s house. Kiyo, Zatch, Megumi, Tia and Ponygon go to a store and pick a housewarming gift for Mr. Sunbeam, and they help him clean up the house. While watching news during the break time, the news reveals a mysterious building.
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#15 - Journey From Which You Cannot Return. Wavering Determination. Faudo's True Form!
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 26
Momon refuses to show the team where Faudo is located. The plane Folgore and Kanchome are on starts to experience technical difficulty and is unable to release its front wheels to land.
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#16 - Battle at the Park! Gash vs. KIYO!?
Zatch Bell! - Season 2 - Episode 4
Kiyo and Zatch are at the park playing. They decide to play a game of Kick the can, where the person who is "it" must protect their can and catch the other players who are hiding. Zatch is "it" and he must search for Kiyo, Suzy, and Ponygon. Zatch instead finds Kiyo's other friends and drags them into the game. Kiyo decides to be "it" and manages to find everyone but Zatch. Soon Zatch races against Kiyo to reach the can, but he is run over by Naomi and her toy car. As Kiyo's friends leave, Penny appears from the sky with her three mamodo minions, in order to burn Zatch's book. She reveals her minions are Mamodos from a thousand years ago.
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#17 - Buzarai's Fierce Attack. Dioga VS Baou. Reversal chain.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 30
With both sides running out of energy to cast spells, they realize the victor will be the one who uses their final spells effectively. Buzarai uses his strongest spell and Kiyo realizes "Bao Zakeruga" can not defeat it unless powered by at least one "Zagurzem".
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#18 - Homesick!? Hana and Mother. Wanderlust Gash.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 8
After have fun around town, Zatch finds a manga titled "Ka-chan Tazunete Sanzenri", a parody of 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother. Zatch inspired by the story, decides to go to town and search his mother.
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#19 - Fighting For Whom? Wonrei and Alishie. Decision of Suffering.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 34
Zaruchimu sends Wonrei to battle them and the team is hesitant to fight their former ally.
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#20 - Faudo: Deadly Zone. The Demon That Beats the Heart. Momon's Tears.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 35
They continue through the blood vessel maze and end up in a room where many different paths present themselves. Momon refuses to show them the correct passage until Elle slaps him and tells him he must be brave.
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#21 - Demonic soldier Faudo. Light in the middle of despair. Kiyomaro's secret plan.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 38
Riou takes control of Faudo and announces that those who serve under him will be spared from Faudo's wrath.
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#22 - Spin! Spin! Fall! Fall! Explosive Ice Skating!!
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 12
Kiyo and Zatch see their friends off at the airport. Suzy after seeing a couple ice-skate on television asks Kiyo if he would like to go ice skating. Kiyo's classmate overhears this and decide to come also in order to defeat Kiyo in ice skating.
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#23 - A Letter From a Friend. Burn the Book!! Rein's True Identity.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 13
Zatch receives a letter from Rein, who says that they are friend. In the letter Rein ask Zatch to burn his book.
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#24 - The Labyrinth's Angry Torrent
Zatch Bell! - Season 2 - Episode 10
Kanchome, Folgore, and Ponygon lead the third Mamodo away and promise to defeat it themselves. Kiyo, Megumi, Zatch and Tia continue their battle against the two Mamodos. During the battle, the Mamodo reveals that he is not mind-controlled and that he is merely fighting to vent out his anger for being trapped for a thousand years. The other Mamodo floods the room with water, causing everyone to be soaked, thus preventing Zatch from using his electrical spells. Elsewhere, Brago and Sherry defeat a thousand-year Mamodo, and they are approached by Dr. Riddles. Using "Zakeruga", Zatch blasts a hole into the wall, and everyone jumps into the water and are carried into another room. Once there, Zatch using "Rauzaruk" continues his battle with the Mamodo.
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#25 - Rodeux's Fierce Attack. Dying Rein. Awaken, Kyle.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 15
Zatch and Kiyo are overwhelmed by Rodeux, his partner Chita, Purio and Lupa. Rein seeing Zatch courageously battle reminds him of the first time he met Zatch. In the past, Rein falls down a cliff and is badly injured.
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#26 - Ultimate Spell Explosion! Garubadosu Aborodio. Rein's Dream.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 16
Kyle casts a spell which creates giant claws that pushes Rodeux back. Rodeux attempts to attack Kyle but is intercepted by Zatch's "Zakeruga". Kyle then casts Reins strongest spell and defeats Rodeux.
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#27 - Tio's Spirit. The One And Only Partner. When Wounds Heal.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 19
Megumi leaves Tia in the care of Kiyo while she travels around the world for her concert. After playing with Zatch and Ponygon, they head to sleep. While sleeping, Zatch asks Tia why is she so spirited.
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#28 - Impact of the V! Very Melon!
Zatch Bell! - Season 2 - Episode 12
The team while resting manage to find clean water and melons to eat. They are interrupted by the appearance of the Mamodo Victoream. Folgore, noticing how unintelligent Victoream is, tries to praise him in order to avoid a fight while everyone is exhausted from the previous battle. The plan works until Kiyo makes a mistake and angers Victoream. Folgore attempts to praise him again and offers him a melon. While Victoream is dancing to his "Very Melon" song, Zatch, Tia, Kanchome, and Ponygon attack him and manage to tie him up. Victoream escapes from his bondage and separates his head from his body. He starts to attack the team by firing his lasers at them. Victoream accidentally hits his body and ceases attacking. Kiyo realizes that they are at a disadvantage, as Megumi and Folgore will only able to use one more spell.
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#29 - Awaken, Jealousy. The Angered Goddess. Chaajiru Saifodon.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 21
Tia tries to hit Momon with "Saisu" but he dodges it. Elle reads Momon's spells, with no knowledge of its effects, to which Momon uses to flip Tia's skirt and stare at her panties.
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#30 - My Beloved Gash
Zatch Bell! - Season 2 - Episode 2
Kiyo's school is getting a usual physical checkup, and Kiyo finds out that he is doing much better than last checkup. His friends decide to place a bet, so whoever wins in the course of the physical checkup, gets the loser's portion of lunch. Elsewhere, a Mamdo named "Penny" is telling her partner Uri about her love, Zatch. At that moment, she finds Zatch who reveals he does not know who she is. Penny angered by Zatch forgetting about their "love" chases him down. Zatch still chased by a rampaging Penny, finds Kiyo. Kiyo realizing she is a Mamodo leads her to an empty area at the school to battle. Kiyo tries to tell Penny that Zatch lost his memories but fails to do so. Penny and Uri begin their battle with Zatch and Kiyo.
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#31 - Heartless Riou. The Cursed Demons. Now, to Faudo.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 25
Kiyo contacts his allies to come with him to investigate the weird structure.
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#32 - Q Attack! Q Ultimate Transformation? My name is Coral Q.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 5
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#33 - Arrival at Faudo! Desperate Assault. Assassins That Awaited.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 27
The team is discouraged after realizing Faudo is a giant Mamodo. Elsewhere, Dufort and Zeno while on their way to Faudo, reveal that Faudo can be controlled and that is why people are after its power.
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#34 - Battle on the Sands: Brago vs. The Silent Rulers!
Zatch Bell! - Season 2 - Episode 7
Brago and Sherry meet Byonko and four thousand-year Mamodos. Three of the thousand-year Mamodos decide to fight Brago without the assistance of the others. Kiyo meanwhile is searching through books to find where the design of that tile is found. Brago and Sherry continue their battle. The three Mamodos use an attack creating an area where no sound is heard and where the air pressure is increased five-fold. The Mamodos gain the advantage, but with Sherry's help, Brago manages to defeat the Mamodos and burn their books. They realize that "Milordo-Z" is actually Zofis and continue their search for him.
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#35 - Miraculous New Spell. Dima Buruku. I Am Not a Weakling!
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 29
The Kanchome that disappeared was revealed to be Kanchome's clone created by the spell "Dima Buruk". Kanchome orders his clones to fight the enemy but instead they run away and hide.
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#36 - Electric Chain! Ultimate Evolution!? Renewed Baou!!
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 7
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#37 - Determination of the King. Friends? The World? Gash's Decision.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 31
The team regroups and have their wounds healed by Tia. Megumi and Tia tells Kiyo they saw Wonrei and Kiyo realizes Wonrei has failed in finding a way to lift Li-en's curse and resorted to obeying Riou.
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#38 - Penny's Revenge! Assassins on the Loose!
Zatch Bell! - Season 2 - Episode 5
Penny reveals that her three minions are a thousand-year Mamodos from the previous battle, to attack Kiyo and Zatch. Overpowered, Kiyo and Zatch lead them to a narrow alleyway and use "Bao Zakeruga", but it is nullified by the Mamodo's attacks. Penny begins to explain the origins of the thousand-year Mamodos. She explains that a Mamodo named "Stone Goren" turned the Mamodos and their books into stone. When Milord-Z freed them, he found a way to get humans to read their books. By controlling their minds and hearts to match the book's wavelength, the humans then are able to read the spells from the book. Penny orders the Mamodo to deliver a final attack, but they are saved by Tia and Megumi Oumi's "Seoshi".
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#39 - Cool-Headed Zaruchimu. The Truth of the Curse. Stand Up! Alishie.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 33
The team runs away from the drill while dodging tentacles that melt anything it touches. Kiyo realizes there are holes on the walls of the small intestine that will lead them to the liver but only open when near the drill.
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#40 - Duel in the Northern Country. Fated Rival. Umagon Frozen!!
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 9
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#41 - Those who won't become King. Do or die! Wonrei. Final fist.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 40
Wonrei completely overwhelms Rodeux in battle.
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#42 - Kung Fu of Passion. Wonlei's Tragedy. Last Chapter of a Love Song.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 17
Wonrei acts strangely one day so Li-en follows him. She follows him to a store with a tv and presumes he wants to buy a television. She continues to follow him and sees him with a woman and assumes he is cheating on her.
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#43 - The Curse's Time Limit. Crush the Seal! Reach, Gash's Feelings.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 37
Kiyo masters the demonic language in under an hour and searches for the hidden functions in the device. Sunbeam asks why Sauza is working with Ellie and Earth. He reveals that seeing Ellie reminded him of his sister.
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#44 - Dance! Burst Open! Swing! Huge Airport.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 11
After Big Boing shows Kiyo a dance, they head to the airport to pick up; Megumi and Tia, Folgore and Kanchome, Li-en and Wonrei. While there, Kiyo, Megumi, Tia and Dr. Riddles run away from paparazzis who are after Megumi.
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#45 - Burn Up Life. Warrior Alishie. The Conclusion! Zaruchimu
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 43
Alishie and Riya battle against Zaruchimu. Zaruchimu reminisces about the time he recruited Alishie. During that time, Alishie refuses to help Faudo and manages to grab onto Zaruchimu's neck and choke him.
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#46 - Sealed Room. Alishie's Fight. Destiny Once More
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 42
Kiyo's group continue on and run into Faudo's minions, the Mamodo Gyaron and his book owner Harry. Alishie and Riya volunteer to battle them while allowing the rest to rest and recover their energy.
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#47 - Burning Umagon. Freezing Karudio. Run to Victory!!
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 41
Ponygon and Karudio begin their battle against Jedon and Fango. Ponygon's and Karudio's attacks of fire and ice cancel each other out and they are quickly overwhelmed.
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#48 - The Masked Mamodo
Zatch Bell! - Season 2 - Episode 1
In a cave, a masked Mamodo stares at his collection of stone tablets. The Mamodo then shines light on the stone tablet and releases three Mamodos from there. Elsewhere, Brago and Sherry defeat the final weak Mamodo and continue their hunt for Zofis. Kiyo and Zatch receive an invitation, from a hypnotized Suzy Mizuno, to go to a party hosted by Milordo-Z. Realizing that this has to do with the Mamodo battles, they head to the location. Once there, Milordo-Z reveals that he wants to recruit Zatch to be his companion in the Mamodo battle and offers him three mind-controlled slaves and three Mamodos in return. Kiyo and Zatch are angered by the way Milordo-Z treats humans and prepare to battle him. Milordo-Z uses his mind-controlled minions to attack while he leaves with his book owner. After Zatch burns the books of the three mind-controlled Mamodos, they leave the mansion, now in ruins, and Zatch promises to stop Milordo-Z from becoming the Mamodo king.
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#49 - Spell of Sorrow
Zatch Bell! - Season 2 - Episode 11
Kiyo and Zatch cast "Rauzaruk" and continue their battle with the Mamodo. Kanchome with "Koporuk" manages to burn the book of the Mamodo chasing them. Zatch refuses to attack the Mamodo and his human partner and continues to attempt to steal their book. The Mamodo uses his strongest attack, but Zatch cancels it with "Bao Zakeruga". Megumi manages to steal the Mamodo's book while they were dealing with Zatch and burn their books. The Mamodo, before returning to the Mamodo world, reveals that in reality, he did not like to fight. He reveals that since Milordo-Z controls the book owner, they are unable to burn their own books to return to the Mamodo world. As he disappears, he wishes Zatch good luck. Folgore and Kanchome return, and they decide to rest before continuing their journey.
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#50 - Kidnapped Gash! Trap Over the Sea. Sinking Dartagnan.
Zatch Bell! - Season 3 - Episode 18
A professor named Dartangan visits Kiyo and tells him he has taken Kiyo's research experiment before jumping out the window. Megumi and Sunbeam arrive and ask Kiyo if he has seen Tia or Ponygon.
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