The BEST episodes directed by Terence Dudley

#1 - Big Steps and Little 'Uns
All Creatures Great and Small - Season 3 - Episode 14
England is at war and the time has come for James and Siegfried to join their military units. Their last day at the practice is a busy one and James is repeatedly called out when he had hopes to spend a last, quiet evening at home with Helen. Siegfried surprises James with a small gift. Mrs. Hall also has a surprise announcement for everyone and Tristan receives shocking news from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
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#2 - Sleeping Partners
All Creatures Great and Small - Season 1 - Episode 10
James and Helen's wedding day has finally arrived, though their honeymoon destination couldn't have been further from the Mediterranean. Finally, Siegfried bestows the best wedding present of all.
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#3 - Golden Lads and Girls
All Creatures Great and Small - Season 1 - Episode 7
James' temper is fraying fast -- what with two car accidents in the space of a week, an inauspicious meeting with Helen's family and his rival still lurking around Helen like a "big glossy spider".
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#4 - Ace in the Hole
Colditz - Season 2 - Episode 6
The arrival of one of Britain's top fighter pilots - Squadron Leader Tony Shaw causes disagreements in the German staff as to how to handle such a specialist prisoner – but Shaw turns out to be more interested in studying English literature with fellow inmate James Porteous – however will Shaw settle down to a life of study while Simon Carter is badgering him to become the focal head of escapes?
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#5 - Arrival of a Hero
Colditz - Season 2 - Episode 1
A new second-in-command is appointed to Colditz, but Major Mohn – a distinguished and much decorated soldier is determined to continue fight the war inside Colditz and Simon Carter whose broken ankle is not mending is prepared to meet him head on, but a psychological battle between them has consequences for the Kommandant and Colonel Preston, who is forced to appoint a new escape officer.
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#6 - Calf Love
All Creatures Great and Small - Season 1 - Episode 4
Siegfried has a major victory, and his brother Tristan has to deal with pigs in more ways than one. James discovers he has a rival for Helen's affections.
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#7 - Trapped
Secret Army - Season 2 - Episode 4
Whilst dining at the Candide, Kessler becomes intrigued by Madeleine Duclos, an elegant but remote socialite. Meanwhile, Monique takes some airmen down the line and is shot and wounded when she becomes unintentionally involved in a smuggler’s attempt to evade a railway checkpoint. Recovering in a convent hospital, she is cleared of smuggling, but finds herself in more danger when the French police discover the train tickets she was carrying for the airmen and that her papers are false. Kessler sets out from Brussels to interrogate her, prompting Natalie, Alain and Max to stage a daring rescue mission.
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#8 - The Hostage
Secret Army - Season 2 - Episode 1
Some months have passed, and Albert and Monique are preparing for the grand opening of the Restaurant Candide on Brussels’ Grand Place, financed by London to allow Lifeline to continue its activities. Lifeline also recruits a new forger, Max Brocard. Alain brings a British agent to the Candide with an urgent request from London: a Brigadier General with information on a major Allied offensive in North Africa (named in the programme as Operation Torch) has been shot down on his way to a top secret meeting and must be rescued at all odds. Natalie has already discovered the Brigadier and prepares to take him down the line. However, disaster strikes when a German soldier is murdered, and in retaliation, Kessler orders that twenty people are to be held hostage and shot if the killer doesn’t give himself up. The Brigadier is one of the hostages.
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#9 - Home and Away
All Creatures Great and Small - Season 3 - Episode 10
Mrs. Hall is away visiting a cousin and James agrees to fill in for Stewie Brannon while he's on holidays. Siegfried and Tristan make the best of it but Tristan's culinary skills have not improved over the years. He does make an excellent bangers and mash, for every meal, everyday. James treats a severely injured dog and has a bit of difficulty with the local dialect.
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#11 - Horse Sense
All Creatures Great and Small - Season 1 - Episode 1
Life for a newly qualified vet like James Herriot is not at all easy. He travels all the way to Darrowby, Yorkshire to secure a job, but by the time his prospective employer, Siegfried Farnon, turns up for the interview, James has fallen asleep!
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#12 - Breath of Life
All Creatures Great and Small - Season 1 - Episode 13
Siegfried discovers that a gift given in good faith has brought the deadly foot-and-mouth disease to the dales, and James accidentally hits upon a "sleep cure" for Mrs. Flaxton's poodle.
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#13 - Little Old Lady
Secret Army - Season 2 - Episode 9
A British Wing Commander is badly burned after he has been shot down over Belgium. London wants him back urgently, but his facial injuries make it difficult for him to go down the line. He manages to get to Paris with Natalie as his guide, but Monique decides that if he is to avoid detection he must disguise himself as a woman for the rest of the journey. Meanwhile, Madeleine is ostracised for her relationship with Kessler, but finds a new friend in Monique. The Candide and its staff are targeted by terrorists for being collaborators, and Natalie and Max fear the worst when the Gestapo arrest Albert.
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#14 - Guests at God's Table
Secret Army - Season 2 - Episode 10
Christmas is approaching, and Lifeline finds itself having to play Saint Nicholas when a wounded Group Captain is discovered by a group of abandoned children fending for themselves, who are prepared to sell the officer in turn for food and presents. However, Albert fears that it could all be an elaborate trap set up by the Germans. Meanwhile, Brandt finds his loyalties to Germany divided after recent events and confides his worries to Kessler.
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#15 - Meglos (1)
Doctor Who - Season 18 - Episode 5
The desert planet Zolpha-Thura, the 1980s. Giant intelligent megalomaniac cactus Meglos is planning to conquer the galaxy but first it needs the dodecahedron, a powerful energy source currently on the planet Tigella. To get it back Meglos recruits a band of galactic mercenaries and hatches a cunning scheme requiring it to impersonate the Doctor...

#16 - Meglos (2)
Doctor Who - Season 18 - Episode 6
With the TARDIS occupants trapped in a chronic histeratic loop (forever reliving the same moment in time), the devious Meglos - disguised as the Doctor - gains the trust of the Tigellans along with full and private access to their power chamber.

#17 - Meglos (4)
Doctor Who - Season 18 - Episode 8
With the Doctor about to be ritualistically sacrificed to appease the god Ti for stealing the dodecahedron, Meglos and the pirates return to Zolfa-Thura with the dodecahedron to fire up an ancient weapon and blast Tigella out of existence.

#18 - Meglos (3)
Doctor Who - Season 18 - Episode 7
Can Romana escape the Gaztaks ? What has become of the Dodecahedron ? What pressing appointment awaits the Doctor ?

#19 - Odd Man In
Colditz - Season 2 - Episode 3
A pair of caught French escapers bring back information that would greatly aid any escape attempt and Simon starts to devise a way of communicating with London – but it depends on his wife Cathy being able to understand a complicated code. At the same time a new prisoner – Page – seems to be a bit vague on facts and there is suspicion that he may not be all he appears to be.
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#20 - You Killed Toby Wren
Doomwatch - Season 2 - Episode 1
... Ninety seconds to go, says Quist from the end of the pier as Toby Wren on the other side is cutting wires leading inside a ticking nuclear bomb, wedged amongst the struts of the pier support. As two suited men arrive to take over, Toby, full of relief, thinks he has succeeded in disarming the explosive. But to his horror, he discovers one more wire, and he has dropped the clippers into the sea. As he tries to manually undo the wire from its terminal, the trip motor activates....
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