The BEST episodes directed by Stuart Gilliard

#1 - The Calamitous Courting of Hetty King
Road to Avonlea - Season 3 - Episode 12
Wally Higgins, an ice skate salesman visiting Avonlea decides that Hetty is the perfect woman for him, she has the perfect sized feet. Wellington Campbell decides that part of the King property is his. Now Hetty works to keep both her freedom and her land. Felicity expects Gus to take her to the skating party and he has yet to ask her to go with him, but he is too proud to admit that he has no skates. When he confides this to Sara, she gives him a pair, but Gus doesn't know how to skate!
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#2 - Aunt Hetty's Ordeal
Road to Avonlea - Season 2 - Episode 3
Muriel Stacey, is returning home to Avonlea to see her old school house and her school chum Hetty King. Feeling threatened by her perceived former-rival, Hetty goes out looking for new students. Gus Pike is now working at the cannery, and wants to learn... reading, writing and how to be a gentleman... Hetty is delighted with his enthusiasm. After an accident at home, Hetty is temporarily replaced at school by Muriel, who not only does not want to replace Hetty, but organizes the children to do a "tribute"to her. Gus plays a fiddle solo to express his gratitude to Hetty.
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#3 - Schrodinger's Future
Charmed (2018) - Season 3 - Episode 15
Maggie has a disturbing vision, forcing her and Macy to pay a visit to the future. Mel and Harry struggle with challenging new circumstances.
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#4 - Nothing Endures But Change
Road to Avonlea - Season 1 - Episode 13
Blair Stanley, Sara's father, has been acquitted of fraud and he wants Sara to come home to Montreal. He returns to the island and comes up against Hetty King, who refuses to let Sara go. Aunt Hetty resents Blair Stanley 'taking' her younger sister Ruth away from the family and then 'letting' her die, because of their fast city life-style. Sara in heartbroken, afraid of losing the family she has grown to love and losing her fathers love, because she wants to stay in Avonlea. Trying to reason with Hetty and Blair leaves her further frustrated, and so Sara runs away and hides, hoping to unite the families. Instead it sparks more antagonism. When she is finally found, Sara defiantly argues with Blair, and not paying attention to where she is walking, loses her footing and falls from the top loft of the barn. Hetty & Blair, frightened of almost losing Sara, decide to talk over their differences and call a truce to their fighting. Sara is allowed to stay on the island.
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#5 - Conversions
Road to Avonlea - Season 1 - Episode 7
The children are enthralled went a missionary visits Avonlea. Sara is distressed that Peter, the hired boy, has "no religion" and sets about getting him to go to church. Peter comes down with influenza and the children come to realize how precious life is. Hetty and Olivia start to treat him less like hired help and more like family; Peter goes to school with the King children.
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#6 - How Kissing Was Discovered
Road to Avonlea - Season 2 - Episode 2
Janet King's Great-Aunt Eliza comes for a visit, and sets the King household on it's ear, as Janet tries to please her guest, while she herself is feeling quite unwell. Alec finds out that playing cricket, is not as easy as it used to be when he was a younger man. Felicity decides that she is now "grown up" at age 13 3/4 and develops a crush on a visiting rival cricket player. Mooning over David Hawes, Felicity longs to receive her "first kiss". Sara and Felix make a new friend, Gus Pike, a young sailor, recently arrived in Avonlea and looking for work. Alec offers his barn for Gus to stay in, and also some work until the cannery begins hiring. It is wise Great Aunt Eliza who realizes why Janet is feeling unwell, it is announced that the family will soon have a new baby. Felicity finally gets her kiss and the family is never the same after Gus Pike enters their lives.
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