The BEST episodes directed by Sean Song
#1 - Heart
Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles - Season 1 - Episode 20
Still in the tank, Rico grows increasingly angry and frustarted that no one is taking his claims that the bugs are coming seriously. Meanwhile, the squad is out to charting bug tunnels near the base.
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#2 - Armor of the Gods
Jackie Chan Adventures - Season 2 - Episode 17
Jackie is excavating some ancient armor when Uncle reveals it is the Armor of the Gods. This ancient suit of armor was worn by the Eight Immortals in their battles against the Demon Sorcerers. It proves quite convenient when the Dark Hand travels to Spain to find the portal of Dai Gui, the Earth Demon. However, sealing Dai Gui is complicated, as Jade has used a sleeping potion on Uncle due to his constant complaining.
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#3 - Omens (1)
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 1
Lion-O struggles with his destiny to become the next King of Thundera, as chosen by the Sword of Omens. Meanwhile, festivities are held to celebrate General Grune's return to the Cat Kingdom.
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#4 - Cash of the Titans
Godzilla: The Series - Season 2 - Episode 2
In the middle of an attack on H.E.A.T. headquarters by a giant water beetle, the team is shocked to find Godzilla is not responding to their distress call. After fending off the beetle, the team discovers that the billionaire Maximillian Speil is hosting a monster fighting ring: with Godzilla as his new main attraction. Now with Audrey and Animal in tow, the team must save Godzilla from a brutal fight to the death against other mutations.
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#5 - Legacy
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 7
Lion-O's soul is transported into the Book of Omens and he sees what life was like in the eyes of his ancestors as they start a rebellion against Mumm-Ra and discovers the origins of the Sword of Omens and the Warstone, which takes on the familiar shape of the Eye of Thundera during the course of events Lion-O is made to experience in his ancestor's body. Lion-O also learns from Jaga that in order to defeat Mumm-Ra, he must first find the remaining three Warstones that are scathered on Third Earth and unify the rest of the animals to create an army.
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#6 - Omens (2)
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 2
An unforeseen betrayal by a former comrade brings destruction upon the Cat Kingdom. While King Claudus leads the fight against General Slithe and his lizard army, the evil sorcerer Mumm-Ra attempts to seize the Sword of Omens.
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#7 - Journey to the Tower of Omens
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 6
The ThunderCats continue their quest for the Book of Omens, which leads them to the fabled Tower of Omens. However, they will first have to get past a series of deadly traps in order to reach it. Meanwhile, Mumm-Ra grows tired of waiting and forces Jaga to reveal the Book's location, and plans to go there himself to take it at all costs.
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#8 - The Duelist and the Drifter
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 8
As Tygra and Panthro work on the ThunderTank, Lion-O is searching for supplies and encounters a mysterious Drifter who helps teach a few important lessons. After showing off The Sword of Omens in town, Lion-O is challenged by a man known as The Duelist and must overcome himself in order to win.
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#9 - Song of the Petalars
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 4
While traveling through the woods, the ThunderCats come across a group of Petalars - small plant-like creatures whose lifespans are only one day. Lion-O befriends the young Emrick as he and the others try to figure out a way out of the woods and return the Petalars to their home. Meanwhile, Slithe and his lizard army are hot on the ThunderCats' trail to eliminate them.
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#10 - The Passion of Reverend Ruckus
The Boondocks - Season 1 - Episode 15
While Ruckus spreads the word of White Jesus to get into White Heaven, Huey desperately tries to save his friend from death row.
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#11 - The Forest of Magi Oar
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 11
When in the Forest of Magi Oar, the ThunderCats send WilyKit, WilyKat and Snarf to search for firewood. After they return, they start a fire and lay down to rest. Lion-O then throws a special piece of firewood that releases several seemingly evil spirits around them. After Lion-O and the rest of the ThunderCats cannot defeat them, the ThunderCats meet the Wood Forgers who have a talent for using paper magic in combat.
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#12 - Ramlak Rising
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 3
After escaping their destroyed city with the Sword of Omens, the team encounters the Fishmen, who sail the quicksand sea in search of a massive sea creature. The ThunderCats’ quest is to find the Book of Omens … but Lion-O is more interested in revenge on Mumm-Ra.
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#13 - Demon World (2)
Jackie Chan Adventures - Season 2 - Episode 28
The team discovers that Jackie is protected by the dog talisman and Jade uses the Rooster talisman to make a carpet fly so they can escape from Shendu. Using the rabbit talisman to escape, so they can avoid the dragons that were chasing them and to free the rest of the Jade Team, and they had to battle the demons along the way to free the rest of the Jade Team - Tohru (in the realm of the Wind Demon), El Toro (in the realm of the Mountain Demon), and Viper (in the realm of the Sky Demon). They defeated each one using the immortal items. In Australia, the water, fire, moon, and earth demon try to stop Jackie and the others. They had a temporary win when Jade discovers that she could use the Book of Ages to make the Jade Team better by making Jackie 20 times bigger, having Viper in a Robot costume, and changing Tohru into Super Tohru. Discourage Paco wanted El Toro to be better than Jackie and made him even bigger. After Poco and Jade's conflict, Uncle was morphed into a super human and
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#14 - Into the Astral Plane
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 12
Tygra's jealousy boils over, leading to a clash with Lion-O.
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#15 - Old Friends
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 5
The ThunderCats accompany Panthro to Cloud Peak Mine to search for Thundrilium for the Thundertank. Along the way, Panthro and Grune's past is explored, from their first encounter to the reason behind Grune's betrayal.
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#16 - Sight Beyond Sight
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 10
The Cats track the location of the first stone to the mystical Elephant Village, but Lion-O can't find the specific location and the forgetful Elephants no longer remember where it is.
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Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles - Season 1 - Episode 29
The Roughnecks are dug in on Klendathu and are facing an inevitable Bug attack. High Command order them to hold the position at all costs. Higgins finds an unfinished letter home an anonymous trooper had begun but not finished. This gives him the idea of taping a series of ""Goodbyes"" from the rest of the squad to the folks back home - just in case. Through out the night the troopers individually record messages to their families on Earth. At day break the Bugs attack but the Troopers manage to hold them off just long enough for a major air strike to hit the Bugs. As they prepare for retrieval Higgins asks Lt Razak if he wants to tape a message to his family - Razak points him at the squad and tells him that these are his family.
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#18 - Berbils
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 9
The ThunderCats meet the mysterious beings who had helped them during the night and they turn out to be the Berbils, or Ro-Bears. The Berbils treat the ThunderCats with great hospitality until the village is attacked and some of the Berbils are captured. The ThunderCats help their new friends and a battle for freedom ensues.
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