The BEST episodes directed by Scott Glynn

#1 - Trouble at School
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 6
Brother, despite recovering from a case of the flu, neglects doing his school worksheets. For doing that, he gets a zero on his math test. Teacher Bob asks Brother to have his parents sign his test and Brother decides not to show them. That's when Brother realizes that what he did was wrong and learns not to procrastinate on his schoolwork.
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#2 - Count Their Blessings
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 24
Brother and Sister often complain that their friends have more things than they do. Mama and Papa tell them they should be thankful for all the things they do have. When a big thunderstorm rages outside and the power goes out, the cubs are reminded of how fortunate they are to have loving parents and a cozy home to live in. It's a good time to count their blessings.
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#3 - Trouble with Pets
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 17
Brother and Sister adopt one of Farmer Ben's new puppies and soon discover that having a pet is a big responsibility. When the two pet owners leave to play with friends, the puppy stays behind and destroys the living room. As a result, the puppy is banished to the back yard. Brother and Sister apologise for neglecting their duties and Mama and Papa decide to give the cubs and the puppy a second chance.
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#4 - Too Much Junk Food
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 12
Papa and the cubs train together for the Annual Bear Country Run. But during their training, they run out of energy so soon. Dr. Grizzly shows them how healthy food helps them stay active.
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#5 - Visit the Dentist
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 11
Sister Bear has a loose tooth. Brother scares Sister by telling her that the dentist will pull out her tooth with a pair of "yankers". Not only that, Brother has a toothache from eating too much candy. They both hide their dental problems until Mama finds out and takes them to the dentist. Brother gets a cavity filled and Sister's tooth falls out at the dentist's office.
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#6 - Go to School
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 15
Sister is scared about starting a new grade after Too Tall tells her it's too hard. Sister gets discouraged and does not want to go back to school. Brother reassures her by telling Sister that in school you learn things little by little.
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#7 - The Week at Grandma's
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 16
Mama and Papa spend the week at a resort to have thier second honeymoon alone. They sent the cubs to spend the week thier grandparents. The cubs are sad at first because they think they will be bored. Mama and Papa realize that the resort they came to sure has changed a lot including the food and music.
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#8 - The Sitter
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 18
Brother and Sister do some damage in Mrs. Grizzle's flower garden while retrieving their baseball. Instead of stepping forward to apologize, the cubs get nervous and run home. As fate would have it, Mama arranges for Mrs. Grizzle to babysit the cubs that very night. Brother and Sister anticipate a very stern talking to, but are surprised by Mrs. Grizzle's kindhearted manner.
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#9 - Too Much TV
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 2
When Mama puts a ban on watching television for one whole week, the cubs initially go into hysterics. As the week unfolds, Brother, Sister and Papa too, find that their interests extend well beyond the television set. They grow to realize just how entertaining the great outdoors and other "simple" pleasures can be.
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#10 - Trick or Treat
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 19
On Halloween night, the cubs try to avoid Widder Jones's house, because Brother has heard rumors about her being a witch. As the cubs go trick-or-treating, they're afraid to get near her house for fear she'll turn them into statues. When the cubs realize Witter Jones is a nice lady, she and the cubs decide to play a trick on Too Tall and his gang (who give the cubs more rumors) by playing a trick on them.
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#11 - Out for the Team
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 23
Brother and Sister are good baseball players and they both sign up to try out for the Bear Country Cardinals. The problem is, there's only one available position on the team. Worried about the humiliating possibility of losing to Sister, who is very talented at sports, Brother backs out of the competition. Sister has some encouraging words for Brother which inspire him to stick with it. The two cubs practice for the big tryout together and they both make it on the team, teaching Brother a valuable lesson.
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#12 - Slumber Party
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 25
Sister is going to a sleepover at Lizzie's house and is very exited about it. Mama and Papa tell her to be on her best behavior , but since Lizzie's parents are going out that night the girls end up making a very big mess of the house. When Lizzie's parents find out , they are all going to be in big trouble.
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#13 - The Talent Show
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 26
Convinced that he doesn't have any talent to offer for the upcoming school talent show, Brother is recruited to be the talent scout. Guided by Teacher Bob's advice that everyone has talent, Brother helps the other cubs discover their own special talents. In so doing, Brother discovers he also has a talent just as Teacher Bob suspected--a talent for finding talent.
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#14 - The Haunted Lighthouse
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 2 - Episode 1
The Bears are visiting an old lighthouse that's rumored to be haunted by the ghost of it's keeper, Captain Salt. Brother and Sister team up to find out if the ghost is real or not.
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#15 - The Birthday Boy
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 9
With Mama and Papa too busy setting up Brother's birthday party, Sister reluctantly decides to do her "Tell Us About A Family Member" school assignment on Brother. However, videotaping him for her project not only allows her to see a side of him she never saw before, it helps her realize just how much her big brother really means to her. Not only does Sister's Birthday Boy video turn out to be an A+ project, it also doubles as Brother's best birthday gift ever from Sister.
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#16 - The Baby Chipmunk
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 2 - Episode 2
When she adopts a baby chipmunk, Sister learns the hard way about trying to keep a non-domesticated animal as a house pet. As a baby, all the chipmunk does is eat and sleep. However, the bigger it grows the more active it gets, and the more mess it makes the more trouble it causes. Of course, none of it's intentional. That's just the creature's nature. But when it accidentally bites Papa, Sister finally realizes that if she really loves little Brown Eyes, she'll do what's best for the chipmunk and return him to the outdoors where he belongs.
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#17 - The Wishing Star
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 2 - Episode 5
When Mama casually mentions the "Star light, star bright" principle, Sister takes it to heart and wishes for a certain birthday gift and a better grade on her next math test. She gets both her wishes. However, when she wishes for a pony and it doesn't materialize, Papa helps Sister understand that she really got her first two wishes all by herself. She got her special birthday gift because she'd been so helpful around the house, and she got her better math mark because she studied really hard for the quiz. Bolstered by this, Sister makes her pony wish come true by making a deal with Farmer Ben to help him pick his peas in exchange for being allowed to spend time with his retired farm horse, Princess.
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#18 - Lost in a Cave
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 8
Papa bear is taking Brother, Sister, and Cousin Freddy to explore a cave in order to earn a badge. Cousin Freddy is afraid of going into caves so while in the cave they help him feel better.
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#19 - Go to Camp
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 10
The cubs have had a fantastic summer at day camp. When camp leader, Grizzly Ted, announces an end of summer sleep-out at Skull Rock, everyone is excited...everyone except Sister. She's excited about the sleep-out, but also nervous about sleeping outside. With the help of her friend Lizzie Bruin, Sister has a trial camp-out in her own back yard and is able to overcome her anxiety of sleeping under the stars.
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The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 2 - Episode 11
Sister wants to join the girl's soccer team, but Coach Brown thinks she's still too young to take part because the cubs are bigger than her. Sister grudgingly accepts the position of team manager instead. It's a tough job, and Sister's perseverance doesn't go unnoticed by the coach, who ultimately invites her to play in a big soccer match when a team member goes home sick.
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#21 - The Homework Hassle
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 2 - Episode 6
Brother gets behind in his homework and Papa gets mad at him. Brother isn't allowed to watch TV, listen to music or anything until he gets caught up with his homework. Then Papa finds out that he needs to refile his taxes. With a lot of hard work, Brother and Papa both realize not to put things off. Instead of "procrastinating", they get right to finishing what's important.
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#22 - The Jump Rope Contest
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 7
Sister enters a jump rope contest and brags to everyone that she's going to win. Thinking Lizzie has entered the contest too, Sister tells her she's jealous because she's not as good a jumper as Sister. When Lizzie tells Sister who her other competitors are, that's when Sister realizes she must practice some more on her jumping.
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The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 2 - Episode 12
Papa bear is growing a giant pumpkin for the pumpkin contest on Thanksgiving day. He becomes obsessed with it being bigger than farmer Ben's and winning the contest. Farmer Ben himself has won the contest 10 years in a row. At the contest, Papa wins third place. Ben tells him 3rd place is good for a first time entry.
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The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 2 - Episode 13
Sister has a problem, she keeps biting her nails. The family thinks of many ways to make her stop. The real reason is fractions are making her nervous.
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#25 - Ferdy Factual
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 2 - Episode 14
Professor Actual Factual's nephew, Ferdy, is a new student at the cubs' school. Ferdy doesn't have any friends because he thinks everybody is against his smarts. With Brother's advice, Ferdy learns he should be a friend in order to make a friend.
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#26 - Lend a Helping Hand
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 20
The cubs take some time off their busy schedule to help Widder Jones with some chores. But when Brother and Sister find out that Witter Jones needs help cleaning out her attic for a yard sale, they have already made plans with their friends. The cubs soon learn from Witter Jones that helping others is a good thing to do.
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#27 - House of Mirrors
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 2 - Episode 17
Lizzie has a lot of Bearbies and wants to give her extra Golden Furred Bearbie to Sister. Lizzie's mom says "Some bears have big ears," and Lizzie replies "You mean Sister has big ears?" Sister thinks she really has big ears and becomes very self conscious about them. She and Mama go to the fair and go into the House of Mirrors. Sister realizes that bears come in all different shapes and sizes. When they get back home, Lizzie tells her that she didn't mean to say Sister has big ears. It's just that she didn't want to spoil the surprise.
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#28 - Too Much Pressure
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 2 - Episode 18
Things get busy around the tree house. Sister, Brother, Mama, and Papa all have things to do! After an incident in which everyone brings the wrong stuff to the wrong places, Papa and the family put up a calendar on a wall to show who has certain appointments to get to. The first time they use the calendar, it gets filled up completely! After a restless night where everyone has dreams about the calendar, it's another pressure-filled day! When Mama can't get the car to start, everyone breaks down in complete tears! The Family re-does the calendar and everything becomes A-OKAY!
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The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 2 - Episode 21
When Brother and Sister are bored on the first day of Summer Vacation, Farmer Ben invites them to work on the farm with him. The cubs are excited by the news, but are later disappointed to discover how much work it entails. However, they also learn that hard work pays off!
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#30 - The Big Red Kite
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 2 - Episode 22
With the Kite-Flying competition swiftly approaching, Brother and Sister hope to get a kite before the local store runs out. But they realize that making a kite, despite all the work, can be worth it.
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#31 - By the Sea
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 3 - Episode 1
The Bear family travels to a beach house for a vacation. The cubs are anxious to go swimming, but Mama and Papa want to get things unpacked and cleaned up before they can have any fun. Will Brother and Sister help their parents get things prepared for vacation time?
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The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 3 - Episode 2
Brother's tardiness causes inconvenience for many. Mama gives Brother a watch so he can be on time for important appointments, When Brother's watch goes off to go with Sister to the bookstore to see her favorite author, he puts off being on time. That's when Brother realizes that it's he who needs to decide whether he wants to be on time.
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#33 - Trouble with Grown-Ups
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 1
Tentions rise in the Bear family household when Mama and Papa blame Brother and Sister for little things. Discouraged, Brother and Sister seek help from Cousin Fred and Lizzie Bruin and put on a play to show their parents how hard it is being cubs. But when Brother and Sister find their parents dressed up and acting like them, they learn just how hard it is to be a parent. They all learn the hard way that patience is the key to deal with the stresses of everyday life.
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#34 - The Giddy Grandma
The Berenstain Bears (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 5
Sister has a hard time writing her report on who she admires the most. When she goes to Grizzly Gran's to get a book on heroes, Sister finds someone she already admires most: her grandma!
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