The BEST episodes directed by Rodolphe Tissot

#2 - Episode 04
The Churchmen - Season 1 - Episode 4
À l'occasion des fêtes de Noël, les cinq séminaristes sont envoyés en stage dans un petit village où un conflit entre le prêtre local et sa communauté complique leur travail. Pour sauver la tête de son supérieur, le père Bosco prend l'initiative de partir secrètement pour Rome... For the Christmas period, the five seminarians are sent on a course in a small village where a conflict between the local priest and his community complicates their work. To save the neck of his superior, Father Bosco takes the initiative by secretly leaving for Rome...
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#4 - Episode 02
The Churchmen - Season 1 - Episode 2
Une statue a été vandalisée et le séminaire est en émoi. Monseigneur Roman, chef de l'Église de France et rival de longue date du père Fromenger, envisage de faire appel à Rome pour se venger du supérieur des Capucins... A statue has been vandalised and the seminary is in turmoil. Monsignor Roman, the head of the Church in France and a longstanding rival of Father Fromenger, plans to appeal to Rome to take revenge on the leader of the Capuchins...
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#8 - The Return
The Last Wave - Season 1 - Episode 2
Things are back to normal in Brizan... in appearance only. The surviving surfers discover they have gained strange powers. Young Thomas now has perfect eyesight. High school student Mathieu can now cure his father's patients better than his father ever has. Surf champion Max finds out he can hold his breath underwater for an extraordinary amount of time. Lena too seems changed, and is now trying to reconnect with Ben and his daughter Yael. Ben discovers, stunned, that surfers seem strangely connected to the cloud...
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#9 - Episode 03
The Churchmen - Season 1 - Episode 3
L'enquête des représentants du Saint-Siège met le père Fromenger et le père Bosco face à de douloureux cas de conscience. Les cinq séminaristes s'apprêtent à vivre leur première confession en tant qu'apprentis prêtres et sont contraints d'affirmer leur foi face à des étudiants de la fac... The enquiry led by the representatives from Saint-Siège makes Father Fromenger and Father Bosco confront painful questions of conscience. The five seminarians prepare to experience their first confession as trainee priests and are forced to confirm their faith in front of some university students...
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#10 - Five Hours
The Last Wave - Season 1 - Episode 1
In this supernatural thriller, an ominous cloud meets a supersized wave during a surfing competition, engulfing the participants in one fell swoop. When the cloud dissipates and the water settles, the surfers are nowhere to be seen. Five hours later, they reappear safe and sound – but with no recollection of their disappearance.
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#11 - The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side (The Mirror Cracked)
The Little Murders of Agatha Christie - Season 2 - Episode 18
The Mirror Crack'd. The famous actress Blanche Dulac narrowly escapes a murder attempt on her film set. With a depressed Swan Laurence turning to drugs after the death of Dr Maillol, the love of his life, Alice and Marlène go undercover and join the film crew.
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#12 - Episode 01
The Churchmen - Season 1 - Episode 1
Yann, Raphaël, Emmanuel et Guillaume font leur entrée au séminaire des Capucins, dirigé par le charismatique mais controversé père Fromenger. Un cinquième postulant les rejoint : José, qui sort de prison et veut entamer sa rédemption. Yann, Raphaël, Emmanuel and Guillaume enter the Capuchin seminary led by the charismatic but controversial Father Fromenger. A fifth postulant joins them: José, who has just left prison and wants to redeem himself.
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