The BEST episodes directed by Rick Berman

#1 - Endgame (2)
Star Trek: Voyager - Season 7 - Episode 26
After a decades-long journey to reach the Alpha Quadrant, Admiral Kathryn Janeway makes a bold decision to change the past in an attempt to undo the toll taken on the crew during their arduous journey home. This is the final episode of the series.
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#2 - Carbon Creek
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 2 - Episode 2
After Archer and Trip become curious about a visit she made to a Pennsylvania mining town called Carbon Creek, T'Pol explains to them that Vulcans actually had their first contact with humans in 1957. That year, a Vulcan ship crashed on Earth and three crew members survived, including T'Pol's great grandmother. They pose as humans in Carbon Creek and take on jobs while waiting for rescue and soon find themselves becoming more involved with the town's residents.
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#3 - Equinox (2)
Star Trek: Voyager - Season 6 - Episode 1
The crew of Voyager must find a way to save Captain Janeway and Seven of Nine.
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#4 - Azati Prime
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 3 - Episode 18
Archer sets out on a suicide mission to destroy the Xindi superweapon as Enterprise faces a brutal attack.
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#5 - Fallen Hero
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1 - Episode 23
The Enterprise is sent to the planet Mazar to pick up a Vulcan ambassador expelled for misconduct.
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#6 - Unification (2)
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 5 - Episode 8
Stardate: 45245.8 - Picard and Data find Spock and discover the reason behind the secret meetings. However, a darker scheme planned by the Romulans is also uncovered in the process.
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#7 - Caretaker (2)
Star Trek: Voyager - Season 1 - Episode 2
Stardate: 48351.6 While in pursuit of a Maquis ship in a region of space known as the 'Badlands', Captain Kathryn Janeway and her crew aboard Voyager and the Maquis ship are transported 70,000 light years from home into the uncharted region of the galaxy known as the Delta Quadrant.
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#8 - The Andorian Incident
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1 - Episode 7
The Enterprise crew pays a friendly visit to an ancient Vulcan spiritual sanctuary, despite T'Pol's concerns that her human colleagues will be an awkward and disruptive presence there. Upon landing, they discover that the monastery has been forcibly taken over by the Andorians, a paranoid and highly excitable race of aliens with a long history of conflict with the Vulcans. Archer soon discovers that the Enterprise crew has gotten in the middle of an interstellar Pandora's Box and now must find a way out.
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#9 - Harbinger
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 3 - Episode 15
As Archer tries to unravel the mystery of a rescued alien, long-simmering feelings explode among his senior officers.
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#10 - Unification (1)
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 5 - Episode 7
Ambassador Spock has disappeared and intelligence finds him on Romulus. Captain Picard is sent to Romulus to find Spock. Meanwhile, Riker and the rest of the crew investigate the fragments of a Vulcan ship discovered in the wreck of a Ferengi vessel.
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#11 - Think Tank
Star Trek: Voyager - Season 5 - Episode 20
Voyager is ambushed by a race known as the Hazari with no way of escape. Soon, an alien 'Think Tank' arrives with an answer to the ship's problem and all they ask in return is Seven of Nine.
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#12 - Shadows of P'Jem
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1 - Episode 15
Archer and the crew are disappointed to discover that T'Pol has been ordered by the Vulcan High Command to leave Enterprise -and equally frustrated at her seeming indifference to leaving their ranks. T'Pol's last mission as a Starfleet officer, however, proves eventful when she and Archer are kidnapped by a militant faction on an alien planet. However, aid comes to them in the form of the Andorians: their leader, Shran, still owes Archer a debt (from the events of "The Andorian Incident"). It turns out the Vulcans are covertly backing the ruling faction on the planet, while the Andorians are aiding the freedom fighters. With the help of the Andorians, Malcolm and Trip rescue Archer and T'Pol over the objections of the local Vulcan ship, and Shran considers his debt to Archer repaid.
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#13 - Detained
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1 - Episode 21
While exploring a planet, Archer and Mayweather enter a "military zone" and are detained in an internment prison by an alien race called Tandarans, who are at war with the Suliban. While the Enterprise crew's previous encounters with the Suliban have been disastrous, Archer and Mayweather find themselves sharing a cell with some Suliban detainees who they believe may be wrongly imprisoned.
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#14 - The Communicator
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 2 - Episode 8
Archer and Reed return to a pre-warp society, that is on the verge of war, to recover a lost communicator from an undercover survey mission.
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#15 - Fusion
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1 - Episode 17
The Enterprise encounters a group of Vulcan civilians who have split off from the normal way of Vulcan life in an effort to explore their emotions. T'Pol is disturbed by the new visitors and warns the Captain that all attempts in the past to integrate Vulcan emotions into their lives has proven disasterous. Meanwhile a message from Admiral Forrest leaves the Captain with the difficult task of trying to convince one of the visiting Vulcans to call home to speak with his dying father.
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#16 - Two Days and Two Nights
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1 - Episode 25
When the crew takes shore leave on the famous pleasure planet of Risa, Archer has a mysterious encounter with an alien woman; Hoshi has a surprising romantic rendezvous; Mayweather has a rock-climbing accident; and Trip and Reed go clubbing only to end the evening as unwitting victims of robbery. Meanwhile, Phlox stays on board the Enterprise with T'Pol to take his annual 48-hour hibernation and exhibits some uncharacteristic oddities when they have to wake him up after an injured crew member returns from shore leave.
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#17 - Marauders
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 2 - Episode 6
In need of fuel, the Enterprise arrives at a Quonset mining colony for deuterium supplies. They discover that Klingons are forcing the colonists to give up all their deuterium. Archer and the rest of the crew work to train the colonists so they can fight back against the Klingons.
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#18 - Acquisition
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1 - Episode 19
The Enterprise encounters Ferengi pirates who use gas to knock out the crew and look for treasures on the Enterprise. But they haven't counted on Tucker, who happens to be in the decon chamber and avoids the gas, and attempts to win back the ship from the pirates.
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#19 - The Crossing
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 2 - Episode 18
Noncorporeal aliens possess the bodies of the Enterprise crew.
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#20 - Oasis
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1 - Episode 20
While exploring a crashed vessel on a desolate planet, the Enterprise crew is haunted by some ghostly figures, and they encounter an alien race that has survived despite insurmountable odds. Trip helps repair their derelict vessel and is befriended by Liana, an attractive humanoid alien who develops feelings for him.
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#21 - Ensign Ro
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 5 - Episode 3
Stardate: 45076.3 - Picard exposes a planned genocidal attack on the Bajorans with the help of a new officer, Ensign Ro Laren.
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#22 - Precious Cargo
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 2 - Episode 11
Trip boards an alien cargo vessel to help repair a stasis pod, which holds a beautiful woman in suspended animation. When the woman accidentally wakes up, she reveals she's not a passenger, but a prisoner.
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#23 - Bounty
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 2 - Episode 25
Archer learns the Klingons have put a price on his head when he is captured by a Tellarite bounty hunter. As Enterprise pursues, a virus causes T'Pol to go into premature Pon Farr.
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#24 - Desert Crossing
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1 - Episode 24
When Archer and Trip are invited to a desert-like planet by an alien leader, after they help fix his ship, discover he is a terrorist who has lured them onto his planet under false pretenses. Meanwhile, T'Pol, while in command, faces a tough decision when she cannot locate Archer and Trip in the desert.
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#25 - Vox Sola
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1 - Episode 22
A strange, symbiotic alien creature boards the Enterprise capturing a few of the crew members, including Archer and Trip, and cocoons them in its web feeding off their bodies to survive. With the captured crewmembers' lives in jeopardy, Hoshi, under T'Pol's command, faces her biggest challenge by trying to find a way to communicate with the lifeform in order to return it to its home planet.
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#26 - Strange New World
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1 - Episode 4
When the Enterprise investigates an uninhabited planet that turns out to be far more dangerous than expected. The crew members that visit the planet are infected by an alien pollen that induces hallucinations and paranoia.
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#27 - Fury
Star Trek: Voyager - Season 6 - Episode 23
Kes returns to Voyager in a state of rage, blaming Captain Janeway for her past. Using her expanded Ocampan powers in a fit of revenge, she travels through time to deliver the crew to the Vidiians.
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#28 - Rogue Planet
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1 - Episode 18
While exploring an uncharted planet, Enterprise crew members encounter a group of aliens who are hunting down indigenous creatures for recreation. During their exploration, Archer is mesmerized by visions of a woman desperately attempting to communicate with him. The woman's ethereal distress signal informs Archer that she and others like her are actually the prey of the alien hunters. Heeding her call, Archer levels the playing field against the alien hunters.
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