The BEST episodes directed by Owen Renfroe

Meeting a Rockstar
12 votes

#1 - Meeting a Rockstar

Hollywood Heights - Season 1 - Episode 1

Rockstar Eddie Duran and girlfriend Chloe return to hometown LA for the last concert of his tour. Super-fan Loren and her BFF Melissa are able to talk their way into the show just as he hits the stage.

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03.28.02 - Thursday
0 votes

#2 - 03.28.02 - Thursday

General Hospital - Season 39 - Episode 62

Recap:Luke freaks in reaction to the knowledge that Helena has returned to the streets, and Luke informs Laura that her son rivals Stavros' dangerous nature. Laura reels when she realizes that Nikolas chose to protect Gia over the rest of them and to let Helena escape, and Laura agrees to ask Nikolas for the truth. Nikolas confronts Gia for not coming to him the minute she found Helena hiding in the stables, and Gia claims that she acted out of love for him. Later, Nikolas has a nightmare in which he blames everyone else as Stavros proudly watches. Meanwhile, Skye prevents Jax from taking her to the hospital despite hypothermia for fear that Sonny's men will find her. So instead, Jax takes Skye to the Lake House, and he gently removes her wet clothes and puts her in a hot bath to prevent her from freezing. When the hot water fails to restore Skye's temperature, he lies closely to her. Skye finally recovers, and Jax leans in for a kiss. Carly finds Sonny with Michael sleeping on his lap

04.30.02 - Tuesday
0 votes

#3 - 04.30.02 - Tuesday

General Hospital - Season 39 - Episode 85

Preview:Skye offers Edward a deal. Recap:Gia marches into Laura's office and demands that she either fire Lucky or find herself a new face of Deception. Skye offers to hand ELQ back to Edward on a platter if he helps her convince A.J. to give up his sordid scheme concerning Courtney. Alexis fills Kristina in on the latest shocking development in Sonny's life. Meanwhile, at the crash site, Jax and Sonny watch the police slowly winch Carly's car out of the lake. As Scott and Bobbie arrive, Zander admits to his employer that he was the one who persuaded Carly to get over her fear of driving. Courtney confronts A.J. about the deal he offered her brother on their wedding night. Though Bobbie heaves a sigh of relief to hear that her daughter was not inside the submerged vehicle, the detective cautions her that Carly's survival is still very much in doubt. A.J. works to convince Courtney that Sonny was the one who wanted to trade her for Michael. Later, uncertain whom she can really trust, Co

06.10.02 - Monday
0 votes

#4 - 06.10.02 - Monday

General Hospital - Season 39 - Episode 114

Preview:Jason spies on Zander. Recap:Appalled to find her daughter waiting tables at Kelly's, Janine urges Courtney to cut her losses and dump A.J. Ned admits to Jax how frustrated he feels with Kristina and her equally aggravating sister. Meanwhile, Alexis tries to break big news to the father of her unborn child but clams up when Carly gleefully makes it clear that she and Sonny have just been to bed together. A.J. hits Jax up for a loan but balks at accepting the strings attached to the agreement,which include leaving Port Charles and his sister and wife behind for good. Zander asks Elizabeth out for a night of dinner and dancing to celebrate his newfound freedom from Sonny. Carly annoys Alexis with her unsolicited advice. Jason warns Sonny that Zander sold him out to Roscoe and says Roscoe has been taken care of. Wary of Zander's sudden wealth, Elizabeth turns down his invitation. A.J. is touched when Courtney turns a dumpy studio apartment into a cozy nest for the newlyweds. Alexi

06.18.02 - Tuesday
0 votes

#5 - 06.18.02 - Tuesday

General Hospital - Season 39 - Episode 120

Preview:Felicia offers her thanks to Roy for his help.

08.16.02 - Friday
0 votes

#6 - 08.16.02 - Friday

General Hospital - Season 39 - Episode 163

Preview:Gia reveals to the police that she witnessed Rick's accident. Recap:

12.31.02 - Tuesday
0 votes

#7 - 12.31.02 - Tuesday

General Hospital - Season 39 - Episode 257

Preview: Carly and Ric uncover one of the town's deepest secrets. Recap: Ric and Carly break down the brick wall in Kelly's cellar and are astounded to discover a speakeasy frozen in time at one minute past midnight on New Year's Eve, 1926. An elderly woman suddenly appears and tells Carly the story of her club's opening night. Though Violet (Courtney) urges her fiance to elope with her that very evening, Joe (Jason) reminds her how Marco (Sonny) wouldn't approve of them running out on Katherine's (Carly) grand opening. Later, Murphy (A.J.) and his men crash the party long enough to taunt Marco and enrage Joe. Back in the present day, the elderly Katherine continues her saga and describes for Carly and Ric how her dreams all came true on that New Year's Eve. With the bash in full swing, Joe and Violet decide to tie the knot after the stroke of midnight. Marco slips the Mayor (Scott) a fat bankroll to prevent him from closing down the joint. At midnight, Murphy's men return and spray th