The BEST episodes directed by Odahiro Watanabe

#1 - The Survivers and the Fallen
Asura Cryin' - Season 2 - Episode 10
Tomo finally gets to meet with the real Naotaka and learns that there is a way to save the First World even without Hagane. However, the plan is extremely dangerous and there is no guarantee that both Tomo and Misao won't be killed in the process. In the end the plan is a success but unfortunately Takatsuki ends up getting hurt and there is nothing Tomo can do.
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#2 - Sorry to Have Kept You Waiting
Beelzebub - Season 1 - Episode 47
The show opens seeing the 2 pillars who got beaten in jail, and 2 other pillars talking to them. One is Lamia's mom. They then cut to the main gang who are tired from playing video games. Shiro acts as Lamia while talking to En. He speaks like a ditzy schoolgirl, but En buys it.
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#3 - We're the Strongest!
Beelzebub - Season 1 - Episode 59
While Aoi fights Agiel, Oga and Hilda meet Behemoth and Jabberwock up close and personal. Then, at Akumano Academy, Lord En and quetzalcoatl has the delinquents playing a "game," and at the same time, Oga fights Jabberwock to free Hilda from the enormous jaws of Sodom. Will Oga and Beel have the power to free Hilda from Jabberwock and his dragon, Sodom?
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#4 - Komainu-sama is Watching You
Beelzebub - Season 1 - Episode 51
Oga is trying to think of a way to perfect Super Milk Time before they're attacked again whilst Nene and the rest of the Red Tails are trying to get Aoi back into the group by holding a fake meeting at Aoi's place and so persuading her. Aoi's demon magic is revealed to be thanks to Koma, a perverted demon whom she acquired at Mapputatsu Temple. Oga has found a new milk bottle which will hopefully help Super Milk Time and is asking Furuichi to try it, who is obviously reluctant as he is "busy". Meanwhile, St Marian's High School for Girls have declared a battle against the Red Tails in order to overtake the Southern Kanto region as well as the North, however they are unknowingly defeated by Koma who runs around touching each of them and so making them feel weak and uncomfortable therefore being unable to fight.
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#5 - What Are the 6 Holy Knights?
Beelzebub - Season 1 - Episode 29
After being shocked early in the morning by Baby Beel, Oga's enthusiasm to find someone new to pass Beel onto is temporarily reborn, and upon hearing rumors of six students who excel both academically and athletically, he goes off searching for these six in the hopes that they will impress Baby Beel. Oga, accompanied by Aoi, goes searching for Kazuya to get more information about the 6 Holy Knights. Meanwhile, Furuichi runs into an old friend, Miki. He warns Furuichi to stop Oga getting involved with the six, and tells him that the six wear badges to identify them as Holy Knights, before promptly revealing himself to be one of them. Oga finds Azusa while looking for Kazuya, and is quickly interrupted when two of the Knights show up, revealing themselves to be Alex and Sakaki. Sakaki tests Aoi's strength first by attacking her with a wooden sword, while she only has a ruler she borrowed from Azusa to defend herself with. Aoi cuts the tip of Sakaki's sword off during his attack, proving herself to be the more skilled swordsman. Oga refuses to fight his opponent, Alex, and instead quizzes him while attempting to dodge his attacks. Alex gives up when he realizes Oga is not taking the fight seriously, and the two knights leave the scene.
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#6 - I Have Lost My Pompadour / The Great Demon Lord Has Come
Beelzebub - Season 1 - Episode 55
Himekawa introduces himself and tells everyone how he makes his "super cool" pompadour: by hardening it with a hair gel called Pomade. Furuichi ignores him and mentions a man showing up. Himekawa thinks he's referring to the Legendary Warrior, Super Pompadour. Oga asks who that is. After Himekawa introduces the two-part episode, Oga becomes surprised that the Great Demon Lord is showing up, while Himekawa ignores him and worries about his lost pompadour.
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#7 - There Are Wounds in the Past
Beelzebub - Season 1 - Episode 33
Oga becomes tired of practicing and walks out of the gym, itching for a fight. He finds Miki training in a nearby Dojo, and challenges him to a fight. Oga takes all of Miki's attacks head on, and is clearly damaged from the strength of the attacks. Miki claims his technique is only at 70% power, but will be ready by the time the school festival arrives. Miki has a flashback to a time when Oga betrayed him in the past, where Miki followed Oga to fight alongside him, but Oga turned on him, knocking him down and kicking him on the floor. Oga finds Tojo and challenges him to a fight, looking for some insight into what his own special technique should be. Oga appears to be quite beaten up after fighting Tojo, but not deterred from it at all. He claims that it is all a matter of fighting spirit, and that he is ready to win at volleyball and any fights he gets into.
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#8 - That Man Was a Teacher!
Beelzebub - Season 1 - Episode 37
Baby Be'el is having a great time at a railroad crossing and wishes Oga to sing with him. Oga, however, is thinking about the Izuma's words about demon powers. Aoi, who is happens to be behind them, runs into Nene and Yuka, and they once again assume Aoi is going to confess to Oga. At school, Oga has become a celebrity for the "magic trick" after the volleyball match. Furichi drags Oga into creating another illusion a.k.a. making Furichi disappear by sending him flying using his mindless violence. Aoi, not convinced, confronts Izuma; however, she doesn't make any progress. Later, Tōjō talks to Shizuka stating his fight with Izuma isn't over. The two meet on the roof, and Oga joins in. However, before they can begin, Saotome beats them up and brings the unconscious Oga and Toujou to clsss. This causes confusion (as well as having a new teacher). Nene and Ryōko try to fight the new teacher for harassing Aoi. Aoi questions Saotome about Oga, resulting in more embarrassment on her part. She gets frustrated and decides to invistigate. Oga regains consciousness and leans that Tōjō ran off after coming to. Soatome appears on the roof to close the interdimensional hole created by the fight. Aoi returns to the gym and finds there proof that Oga's demon powers were no magic trick. She runs out when the hole is holes (it sent a big blast into the sky). Hilda appears on the roof to fight with Saotome because she believes him to be and agent of Behemoth. She warns him not to harm Beel. Aoi, meanwhile, manages to catch a glimpse of Hilda's demon powers is action.
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#9 - Everyone Assemble
Beelzebub - Season 1 - Episode 20
Oga reflects on Lamia telling him to take a shower before going to Tojo and sees a silhouette outside his bathroom window and thinks it's Lamia, but it's really Shiroyama, who takes Oga to Kanzaki and Himekawa who tell him they want to team up to beat Tojo and Oga agrees. On the way to Ishiyama High, they are surrounded by a large group of delinquents, which Oga takes care of swiftly. Upon arriving at Ishiyama High, the rest of the school is there to confront Oga, only to have Kunieda and the Red Tails take care of them for him. Tojo sets off fireworks in order to try and cheer up Beelzebub and all the delinquents are captivated by them. Oga confronts Tojo and Tojo is willing to give Beelzebub back only to have Oga tell him that whoever Beelzebub wants to stay with is up to him. Beelzebub's fever breaks and he immediately goes to Oga and climbs on his head, and a flashback shows Oga reconnecting the bond between him and Beelzebub. Just as the episode ends, Oga and Tojo are about to begin their fight.
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#10 - A Disciple Was Gained
Beelzebub - Season 1 - Episode 10
A stray cat becomes attached to Oga, causing Beelzebub to become extremely jealous and shock anyone he shows affection towards. Beelzebub challenges the cat to a fight and subsequently loses, but when a gang of fierce cats gang up on the cat for fighting in their territory, Beelzebub stands up for him, prompting Oga to help out. Afterward, Beelzebub and the cat become friends. Later, Oga takes Beelzebub and the cat to a play center where he once again meets Aoi in her park getup. While Beelzebub and Kota getting into heated competition with some other toddlers, Oga and Aoi have a conversation full of misunderstandings, both ending with explosive results. Afterward, the cat decides to leave in order to protect his fellow strays.
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#11 - This Swelling Chest
Chu-Bra!! - Season 1 - Episode 2
When wondering about which club to join, Yako gets a bit agitated when her mother is brought up. Whilst changing, Nayu spots Yako with a bra her mother brought, who gets riled up when Nayu tells her it is too soon for her to wear one. She tries it on anyway and it ends up shifting during PE. Embarrassed, Yako vows never to wear a bra again. Nayu, with the help of her step-brother Keigo, makes a no-cup for Yako, but she declines it. She reveals she is embarrassed to wear a bra over her flat chest since it might cause others to laugh at her. When Nayu explains to her about her breasts swelling, she finally convinces Yako to wear the bra, which she finds more comfortable. Whilst discussing what she went through to make it, the idea of an underwear club springs to Nayu's mind.
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