The BEST episodes directed by Miles Luna

End of the Beginning
81 votes

#1 - End of the Beginning

RWBY - Season 3 - Episode 12

The attack continues. As Ruby rushes to help at the school, Cinder battles Ozpin before being confronted by Pyrrha.

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Heroes and Monsters
78 votes

#2 - Heroes and Monsters

RWBY - Season 3 - Episode 11

Ruby fights Neo and Torchwick as the rest of the students fight the hacked Paladins at the school.

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No Safe Haven
61 votes

#3 - No Safe Haven

RWBY - Season 4 - Episode 12

With Qrow incapacitated, Team RNJR is left to fight the Nuckelavee alone.

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It's Brawl in the Family
104 votes

#4 - It's Brawl in the Family

RWBY - Season 3 - Episode 3

Winter Schnee, Weiss' stern older sister, arrives at Beacon and battles Qrow Branwen. Meanwhile, Cinder continues to build upon her ultimate scheme.

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Players and Pieces
134 votes

#5 - Players and Pieces

RWBY - Season 1 - Episode 8

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Pyrrha, and fellow students Nora and Ren fight for their lives against the monstrous inhabitants of the Emerald Forest in their first true test as Huntsmen and Huntresses.

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Battle of Beacon
75 votes

#6 - Battle of Beacon

RWBY - Season 3 - Episode 10

As the Grimm attack Beacon, Ruby rallies the other tournament teams to fight. Torchwick takes control of Ironwood's flagship.

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64 votes

#7 - Remembrance

RWBY - Season 4 - Episode 2

Team RNJR discovers the remains of a massacred town and Weiss is cornered by her father.

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Tipping Point
58 votes

#8 - Tipping Point

RWBY - Season 4 - Episode 6

Weiss performs at the charity concert while Team RNJR comes across an abandoned town called Oniyuri.

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58 votes

#9 - Punished

RWBY - Season 4 - Episode 7

Oscar learns about his connection to Ozpin, Weiss faces the consequences of her actions, and Ruby joins Qrow in the fight against Tyrian.

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Of Runaways and Stowaways
62 votes

#10 - Of Runaways and Stowaways

RWBY - Season 4 - Episode 3

Blake sails to Menagerie, but is interrupted by a Grimm attack.

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The Next Step
68 votes

#11 - The Next Step

RWBY - Season 4 - Episode 1

Six months after the Fall of Beacon, Ruby has set out for Mistral with Jaune, Nora, and Ren. Salem assigns her council and plots their next move.

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Painting the Town...
79 votes

#12 - Painting the Town...

RWBY - Season 2 - Episode 4

Blake and Sun find Torchwick supplying advanced armaments to a group of radicals, but are discovered before they can escape. All of team RWBY must unite to defeat their enemy's newest weapon.

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61 votes

#13 - Downfall

RWBY - Season 5 - Episode 13

Ruby distracts Emerald and Mercury long enough for Yang to pursue Raven and Cinder, while a recovered Weiss summons the Lancer Queen to defeat Hazel. Adam prepares to destroy the school, but Blake arrives with the rest of the Faunus to take him into custody. Raven defeats Cinder in a grueling battle and unlocks the relic, but is confronted by Yang before she can claim it.

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75 votes

#14 - PvP

RWBY - Season 3 - Episode 9

Pyrrha faces Penny in the singles round before things quickly start to fall apart.

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Taking Control
66 votes

#15 - Taking Control

RWBY - Season 4 - Episode 11

Cinder trains and Tyrian reels from his defeat. Yang, Weiss, and Blake each decide to take matters into their own hands.

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Lighting the Fire
67 votes

#16 - Lighting the Fire

RWBY - Season 5 - Episode 4

Yang tells Raven that she needs her Semblance, which allows her to create portals and teleport to people she's bonded with, to get to Ruby. Raven initially refuses, claiming that Ozpin is not to be trusted, but Weiss escapes her confinement with the help of her Armored Knight and reunites with Yang. Not wanting to attract Grimm, Raven agrees to Yang's demands and summons her and Weiss to her tent to tell them what they need to know.

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80 votes

#17 - Extracurricular

RWBY - Season 2 - Episode 5

Pyrrha Nikos is one of the most promising new Huntresses at Beacon, called "the Invincible Girl" for good reason. But when it comes to matters of the heart Pyrrha's much more vulnerable than she lets on.

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63 votes

#18 - Family

RWBY - Season 4 - Episode 4

Yang struggles with confronting her fears and resuming training.

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68 votes

#19 - Kuroyuri

RWBY - Season 4 - Episode 10

Ren and Nora's past is revealed through a flashback.

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73 votes

#20 - Fall

RWBY - Season 3 - Episode 6

Pyrrha is faced with a difficult decision. Meanwhile, the Vytal Festival Tournament proceeds to its singles match, with Yang and Mercury fighting in the first round.

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Black and White
122 votes

#21 - Black and White

RWBY - Season 1 - Episode 16

After Blake ran away, the rest team RWBY searches for her. Meanwhile Blake and a new friend attempt to find out who's behind a series of thefts.

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69 votes

#22 - Breach

RWBY - Season 2 - Episode 12

Hundreds of Grimm pour into the city and team RWBY alone cannot stop them. As Cinder's carefully laid schemes are in danger of coming apart, she searches for a way to salvage the situation.

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Best Day Ever
120 votes

#23 - Best Day Ever

RWBY - Season 2 - Episode 1

A new semester at Beacon begins in a messy way as teams RWBY and JNPR go at it in a knockdown, drag-out food fight. Meanwhile, sinister forces gather, ready to strike at an unsuspecting kingdom.

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New Challengers...
97 votes

#24 - New Challengers...

RWBY - Season 3 - Episode 2

Team JNPR fights against Shade's Team BRNZ. Later, Team SSSN of Haven, Sun and Neptune's team, fight against Shade's all-female Team NDGO.

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A Much Needed Talk
65 votes

#25 - A Much Needed Talk

RWBY - Season 4 - Episode 8

As night falls, Qrow explains to Team RNJR what they are truly fighting against. Blake repairs her relationship with her parents.

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Dance Dance Infiltration
81 votes

#26 - Dance Dance Infiltration

RWBY - Season 2 - Episode 7

Jaune starts to realize how Pyrrha feels about him, and makes a bold move. Ruby notices something amiss outside the dance, and decides to investigate.

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Never Miss a Beat
72 votes

#27 - Never Miss a Beat

RWBY - Season 3 - Episode 5

Penny and Ciel Soleil fight against Team CRDL in the doubles round before Weiss and Yang battle against Flynt Coal and Neon Katt from Atlas' Team FNKI.

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True Colors
60 votes

#28 - True Colors

RWBY - Season 5 - Episode 10

Qrow receives a call from Lionheart while talking to Ozpin, but they are suspicious. As Blake and Ilia fight, Ilia becomes lost between following Blake and the White Fang. When the Albain brothers intervene, Fennec is killed and the Belladonnas and Sun are victorious in their battle. Blake convinces the Faunus of Menagerie that they need to stop Adam, and the majority join her, including Ilia.

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Round One
83 votes

#29 - Round One

RWBY - Season 3 - Episode 1

In the Vytal Festival Tournament, Team RWBY fights their first round against Haven's Team ABRN.

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The More the Merrier
56 votes

#30 - The More the Merrier

RWBY - Season 5 - Episode 11

Qrow, Oscar/Ozpin, Ruby, and the rest of their group arrive at Haven to meet with Lionheart, but the meeting turns out to be a trap. Raven, Vernal, Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, and Hazel arrive to confront them, with the latter saying that the White Fang has also arrived as they prepare to destroy the school. Jaune attacks Cinder, seeking revenge Pyrrha. In the ensuing battle, Weiss is impaled by Cinder.

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Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back
62 votes

#31 - Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back

RWBY - Season 4 - Episode 9

Yang and Weiss each complete their training and individually prepare to leave for Mistral. Meanwhile, Blake runs into an old acquaintance.

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61 votes

#32 - Menagerie

RWBY - Season 4 - Episode 5

Blake and Sun arrive in Kuo Kuana, the main city of Menagerie, and go to see Blake's parents.

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Haven's Fate
55 votes

#33 - Haven's Fate

RWBY - Season 5 - Episode 14

Yang denounces Raven and her actions, shaming her into fleeing. Emerald breaks down upon learning of Cinder's defeat while Adam and Lionheart flee, forcing Mercury and Hazel to retreat. Salem kills Lionheart for his cowardice, while Ghira reclaims leadership of the White Fang. Despite brief tension in Yang, Blake is welcomed back by RWBY as Ozpin directs them to make for Atlas. In a post-credits scene, Raven visits Taiyang in secret.

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Beginning of the End
68 votes

#34 - Beginning of the End

RWBY - Season 3 - Episode 7

In a flashback, Cinder recruits Emerald and Mercury before confronting a powerful opponent.

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Mountain Glenn
72 votes

#35 - Mountain Glenn

RWBY - Season 2 - Episode 10

Weiss, Blake and Yang contemplate why they want to become Huntresses, while Ruby makes a startling discover deep underground.

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Vault of the Spring Maiden
57 votes

#36 - Vault of the Spring Maiden

RWBY - Season 5 - Episode 12

Hazel becomes enraged at Ozpin and fights him to settle an old grudge. Jaune unlocks his Semblance and heals Weiss while Ruby and Yang hold off Emerald and Mercury. Upon entering the vault, Cinder fatally strikes Vernal to steal her powers. However, Raven reveals that she is the real Spring Maiden and prepares to fight Cinder for the Relic.

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Welcome to Haven
69 votes

#37 - Welcome to Haven

RWBY - Season 5 - Episode 1

Qrow and Team RNJR visit Professor Leonardo Lionheart to protect Haven's relic, which can only be accessed by the Spring Maiden. After Lionheart refuses Qrow's plan, Qrow is approached by Oscar, who identifies himself as Ozpin. The Belladonnas confront the Albains about the information from Ilia's scroll, but they blame Ilia. Blake decides to tell the public the information instead. Somewhere in Mistral, a man offers to lead Yang to Raven.

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Dread in the Air
66 votes

#38 - Dread in the Air

RWBY - Season 5 - Episode 2

Cinder is tasked with finding the Spring Maiden from Raven's tribe and use her to take Haven's relic. Meanwhile, Weiss' airship is attacked by Lancers, wasp-type Grimm. Weiss defends the airship from the open loading ramp and, by summoning her Armored Knight, kills their Queen. However, the airship still crashes in Lake Matsu. Weiss is found and apprehended by Raven's tribe of bandits. Adam meets with White Fang High Leader Sienna Khan, and, after a disagreement, fatally stabs her. He declares himself the new High Leader and orders his men to frame the humans for Sienna's assassination.

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Unforeseen Complications
61 votes

#39 - Unforeseen Complications

RWBY - Season 5 - Episode 3

Blake and her parents hold a press conference with the Faunus in Menagerie, rallying them to reclaim the White Fang by going to Mistral and help out the humans. Ilia publicly denounces the Belladonnas as traitors, swaying their trust in them. In Mistral, Ozpin, communicating through Oscar, explains that he is forced to reincarnate with different souls to defeat Salem. He predicts that she will attack Haven Academy in one month, and rather than depending on Lionheart, he decides to train the four and Oscar. Weiss awakens to find herself in captivity by bandits. Realizing Winter has since left for Atlas, Weiss summons a small Armored Knight to help her escape by herself.

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Lessons Learned
74 votes

#40 - Lessons Learned

RWBY - Season 3 - Episode 4

Emerald and Mercury go toe to toe with Coco and Yatsuhashi of team CFVY. Meanwhile, Qrow spends time with Ruby and Yang and Winter has tea with Weiss.

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Ruby Rose
265 votes

#41 - Ruby Rose

RWBY - Season 1 - Episode 1

Ruby Rose finds herself in the middle of a robbery committed by famous criminal Roman Torchwick. Her efforts to stop him attract the attention of Professor Ozpin, head of Beacon Academy.

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The Emerald Forest (2)
122 votes

#42 - The Emerald Forest (2)

RWBY - Season 1 - Episode 7

Things are going smoothly for Blake and Yang, but everything goes south when the other pairs show up with giant monsters on their tails.

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Known by its Song
63 votes

#43 - Known by its Song

RWBY - Season 5 - Episode 6

Raven explains to Yang and Weiss that she joined Beacon to fight back against other Huntsmen that would pose a threat to her tribe, but lost trust in Ozpin after learning about Salem's existence. She shows off her shapeshifting ability as proof and offers Yang a choice to stay with her. Yang and Weiss choose to leave and reunite with Ruby.

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Welcome to Beacon
110 votes

#44 - Welcome to Beacon

RWBY - Season 2 - Episode 2

Blake, restless ever since her encounter with Torchwick, convinces the rest of team RWBY to help her hunt down the elusive criminal.

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Burning the Candle
77 votes

#45 - Burning the Candle

RWBY - Season 2 - Episode 6

Blake is running herself ragged trying to figure out Torchwick's next move, and Yang tries to get her to relax a bit and enjoy the upcoming dance. Pyrrha and Jaune both deal with unrequited love.

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The First Step (1)
139 votes

#46 - The First Step (1)

RWBY - Season 1 - Episode 4

After (literally) dropping into the vast Emerald Forest, Ruby and the other initiates scramble to find their new partners and survive against the vicious creatures of Grimm. Welcome to school, kids!

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The Emerald Forest (1)
135 votes

#47 - The Emerald Forest (1)

RWBY - Season 1 - Episode 6

Yang and Blake happily partner up, while tensions rise between Ruby and Weiss.

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A Minor Hiccup
107 votes

#48 - A Minor Hiccup

RWBY - Season 2 - Episode 3

RWBY is joined by Sun and Neptune in their hunt for Torchwick. While scouring the town for clues, Ruby bumps into her friend Penny, who's been behaving even more strangely than usual.

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The First Step (2)
133 votes

#49 - The First Step (2)

RWBY - Season 1 - Episode 5

To their mutual displeasure, Ruby and Weiss are paired up during the initiation. Meanwhile Pyrhha lends a hand to Jaune, who may be in over his head at Beacon.

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Alone Together
57 votes

#50 - Alone Together

RWBY - Season 5 - Episode 8

Yang becomes upset when Ruby mentions Blake in the morning, but Weiss comforts her, asking her to trust Blake until she comes back. In Menagerie, Blake receives a note from Ilia to meet with her. The meeting becomes an ambush, and Sun rescues Blake from her captors. Blake and Sun rush to help her parents, who are defending their home from White Fang insurgents.

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