The BEST episodes directed by Michihiro Kanayama

Fight, Victory Leo!!
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#1 - Fight, Victory Leo!!

Transformers: Victory - Season 1 - Episode 27

With the Shuttle Base berthed on a small Hawaiian island, Perceptor and Wheeljack begin the process to reconstruct God Ginrai according to the design specifications created by Star Saber. A tense atmosphere fills the base, with Jean hit the hardest. The Multiforce soon find something to take their minds off the situation, however, when they discover Hellbat's Breast Animal spying on the base. Machtackle and Dashtacker fall victim to the Breastforcer's hypnotic waves, but Wingwaver avoids them and engages the villain in an aerial battle above the ocean. Hellbat escapes by diving beneath the waves and quickly makes his way back to the submerged Thunder Arrow, where he reports to Deathsaurus on the apparent death of Ginrai. Additionally, Hellbat has discovered a large stockpile of energy in western America, which the Decepticons quickly mobilize to attack while the Autobots are low on manpower.

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Infiltration...The Uranium Mine
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#2 - Infiltration...The Uranium Mine

Transformers: Victory - Season 1 - Episode 6

In the wilderness of Africa, the Destrons ponder their next move -- finding the beta-uranium that is currently being mined and using it to increase their fighting strength. Leozak, Drillhorn, Killbison and Jargua lead the attack against the mining operation with the Dinoforce not far behind. They take the miners as hostages but not before one of them transmits an S.O.S. to the Cybertrons. Laster, Blacker and Wingwaver use a drilling gun to bore their way toward the suffocating hostages, but cannot seem to blast their way through a large slab of rock. The two remaining humans helps the Cybertrons blast through the rock. The Dinoforce then merge into Dinoking and attack Star Saber, who has arrived with reinforcements, but is then soundly defeated.

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Rescue Jean!!
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#3 - Rescue Jean!!

Transformers: Victory - Season 1 - Episode 14

The Decepticons attack a fleet of tankers on the open ocean, destroying their gunship escorts, but Leozack is furious that Hellbat has not turned up for the mission, as he is the only one who knows which tanker contains the energy they are after. News of the attack quickly reaches the Autobots, and Star Saber takes off to help, accompanied by Galaxy Shuttle, carrying the Brainmasters. The whole thing is missed by Jean and Holi, who arrive just as the heroes are leaving, with Jean planning to use the Shuttle Base's computers to do his summer vacation homework quickly, for which Holi chastises him. Their arrival, however, is observed by Hellbat...

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Transformer Warriors Assembled
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#4 - Transformer Warriors Assembled

Transformers: Victory - Season 1 - Episode 20

This is one of the many clip shows that are part of Victory, which, unlike the vast majority of those created for other series, actually aired on television. This particular recap opens by briefly introducing the main cast of the series, then transitions into a combiner team showcase, but despite the variety of characters covered, the episode features clips from a surprisingly small list of sources: "The Brave Hero of the Universe - Star Saber", "Unite!! Multiforce", "Move Out! Rescue Team", "Big City - Underground Terror", and "Unite! Liokaiser".

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Victory Saber
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#5 - Victory Saber

Transformers: Victory - Season 1 - Episode 34

This episode is the fifth of Victory's many clip shows. Like the previous one, it’s nothing more than a recap of the episodes that have aired since that last clip show, featuring footage from "Awaken! Victory Leo", "The Tide is Turned! The Ultimate Weapon, the Victory Unification", "Jean - Defend the Campus!!", "A Mystery?! The Deception of the Base Bombs" and "The Death-Bringing Space Insects!!", as well as a short clip from "Resurrection!? The Decepticon Fortress". As it contributes nothing to the series, it was not included on either the Metrodome or Madman Entertainment DVD collections of the series.

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