The BEST episodes directed by Mark Tinker
#1 - Bye, George
St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 15
Dr. Wyler puts Dr. Auschlander onto a new way of life; Halloran interviews Morrison's co-workers in an effort to build a case for him; Ehrlich takes the Craigs out for a disastrous dinner; and Mrs. Hufnagle loses a chance at a new life.
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St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 8
Dr. Westphall suffers sleepless nights; a young man from the Philippines is apparently frightened to death by his dreams; Luther dreams of sweet revenge with the help of some `ZZ Top' impersonators; Ehrlich dreams of being washed up on an island of Amazon women; and Morrison suffers from nightmares of Peter White when he and some other residents take part in a dream research project.
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St. Elsewhere - Season 1 - Episode 22
Morrison's wife goes into labor; White loses a girlfriend and gains a wife, while falling under suspicion when drugs are stolen; Dr. Craig's son Steven arrives for a period of observation and cause problems for Ehrlich; Martin casts her spell over Fiscus again; and Dr. Auschlander and an old friend get into a fist fight as they reminisce about the past.
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St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 3
The men attend a rather staid bachelor party for Kochar; White learns about the dangers of nuclear medicine; Fran Singleton refuses to see her husband, but later walks out of the hospital by his side; everyone opposes Joan's idea of including St. Eligius in a government nuclear disaster contingency plan; Martin gives Kochar a unique wedding present; and the transplant team goes into action.
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St. Elsewhere - Season 1 - Episode 17
A fisherman lobbies Dr. Westphall to let his brother die in peace and dignity; Fiscus substitutes for Ehrlich on a date with Shirley Daniels; and Helen's stress mounts as the hospital suffers computer glitches and she faces a radical mastectomy. Peter celebrates his birthday and runs into Myra and a gentleman friend.
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St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 7
Martin decides she's in love with Dr. Craig; White regrets helping out an exhausted mother pleading for sedatives in the E.R.; Eve's sense of cabin fever and anger is calmed by a visit from her students; Morrison learns more about Eddie Carson and the `Troubles'.
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St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 13
An old friend of Dr. Auschlander returns from Africa to locate a kidney donor for a young African; Helen celebrates her birthday; removing a bullet in E.R. proves risky to both the patient and the doctor; and Mrs. Hufnagle returns to the hospital.
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St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 17
Dr. Craig tries to stop the TV documentary; Cathy has a rough first day back; Mr. Entertainment finds his true calling; Armstrong continues to feel traumatized; and Rosenthal finally has her breast surgery.
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St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 1
A pushy, abrasive man literally drives into the E.R. to get help for his wife; Ehrlich finds an unusual girlfriend at the laundromat; Fiscus loses both Cathy and Shirley; Dr. Craig clashes with the newly appointed city comptroller, Joan Halloran, over his proposed heart transplant for schoolteacher Eve Leighton.
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St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 13
Joan's father enters the hospital unexpectedly; Chandler takes a practice run for the Boston Marathon that proves dangerous; and the Craigs host Ehrlich's wedding with guests such as Mrs. Craig's mother and Ehrlich's alcoholic aunt Charice.
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St. Elsewhere - Season 1 - Episode 14
A lady flasher enlivens the halls and rooms of St. Eligius; Fiscus moves in with Ehrlich; Cavanero faces a difficult choice about a fellowship; Dr. Auschlander's cancer remission appears to be ending; Morrison and Chandler try to help a young man injured in a street beating whose brother is determined to get revenge.
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#12 - Safe Home
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 22
As a result of her injuries, Sylvia has died. The squad worries about Andy's state, will he start drinking again. Andy is staying in his apartment, only making sure that Theo makes it to and from school. He is only accepting a minimal amount of help from his ex-wife Katie. Medavoy and Martinez interview a man who claims that he was hired to murder Kenny Priest at the Cullinan trial. He points to his sister, Lurleen as the one who set him up with the job; she also had something to do with Cullinan's murder of Mike Roberts. Sorenson goes to seek Sipowicz's help, when they get Cullinan to drop his high priced attorney. John Irvin is hard on himself and feels that he can never face Andy again. Danny gets Andy to help with the interview of Cullinan and the very subdued interview gets Cullinan to crack. John Irvin and Andy silently pass each other on the stairwell. A few moments later, Andy reappears and assures John he doesn't hold him responsible for Sylvia's death. Andy debates about how
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St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 4
Luther and Warren do some plumbing for Dr. Craig during their temporary layoff; Papandrao leaves the picket line to help Ehrlich in an emergency operation; Dr. Caldwell tries to find new ways for the firefighters to deal with their continuing pain; and Martin finds herself confronting the rapist again.
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#14 - Moving Day
NYPD Blue - Season 12 - Episode 20
Jones and Clark respond to the death of woman named Pamela Wyatt, who appears to have been a high priced call girl. Ortiz and Murphy arrive on the scene along with Sgt. Sipowicz who enlightens Jones and Clark about his officially taking over command of the 15 Squad. They return to the Squad and meet two new detectives that have joined the squad, Ray Quinn and Joe Slovak. They ran a dump of the Pamela Wyatt's phone records and have come up with some names to check out. Sipowicz's former Sergeant, Al Angelotti from the 25 Squad, now a retired Chief who is working security for a wealthy client comes into the squad with his client, Robert Heilbrenner and Heilbrenner's attorney. While Clark and Jones (with Sipowicz in attendance) listen to Heilbrenner describe his relationship with the Pamela Wyatt, Angelotti is out talking to the rookie detectives about what they currently know about the case. Murphy and Ortiz interview the victim's parents, both of whom were ignorant of what their da
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St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 2
Medical student Elliot Axelrod and plastic surgeon Dr. Bobby Caldwell join the staff; Eve Leighton's sister expresses reservations about the planned transplant; a resident dropped from the hospital program badgers Cavanero to reevaluate him; and Dr. Craig enlists Dr. Caldwell's help in opposing Joan Halloran's plan to shut down an outpatient surgery clinic.
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#16 - Divorce Detective Style
NYPD Blue - Season 12 - Episode 4
Clark leaves his latest encounter's apartment, hoping to make it to work on time. The other detectives are already on the scene of the blunt force trauma homicide of artist Tracy Gilchrist and Clark (of course) arrives late. Annoyed with this, Sipowicz shuts Clark out of his interview of one of the victim's neighbor. She tells him that the victim worked as a phone sex operator. After the interview Clark tries to address the situation, but Sipowicz isn't listening. Back at the squad room, Sipowicz takes delivery of a package (of kiddie porn). When he signs his name, the FBI agent reveals himself and takes him to the coffee room, where his partner and Lt. Bale are waiting. With the recent pattern of harassment to back him up, Sipowicz and Bale get the FBI to drop their investigation. Clark leaves for court, he is testifying in the case against Steve McClintock. Scott Garvin and his attorney come to the squad to report the probable kidnapping of his son. Garvin has received a ran
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#17 - 22 Skidoo
NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 22
It's the morning after for John and Jennifer and they'll both be late for work if John doesn't put the honey bottle away. The detectives respond to the scene of a homicide in grocery, where no money was taken. Ortiz spots Clark getting out of Dr. Devlin's car and is short with him when he says hello. Back at the squad, canvas hasn't turned up anything, but crime scene did get a fingerprint from a similar crime that occurred the night before. That fingerprint belongs to Terry Parkhurst. Medavoy tells the others that he is anticipating receipt of the list that might announce his promotion to detective 2nd grade. McDowell makes plans for a small wedding ceremony that might be able to take place later that evening. Rodriguez calls Sipowicz into his office and tells him that the commissioner will not allow two detectives in the same squad to be married. Sipowicz asks Rodriguez if it will be a problem with him if they go ahead and get married anyway. He tells them it won't, as long a
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#18 - A Death in the Family
NYPD Blue - Season 3 - Episode 20
A robbery-homicide sends Bobby and Andy to the hospital; however the victim is Andy Jr. Andy wants Bobby to lead the case and he also wants the opportunity for restitution. Diane doesn't like the way Bobby is handling the case. They turn up the weapon, but the suspects don't pan out. In the midst of all this turmoil, Donna makes the decision and quits her job. Andy goes for a walk and makes a stop.
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L.A. Law - Season 8 - Episode 14
A few days before his wedding, Stulwicz is shocked to discover that his bride-to-be is already married, and enlists Becker's help in getting annulment papers signed by her reluctant husband; when Halliday's father arrives for a visit, Becker wastes no time trying to win him over, but father and daughter clash over his interference in her representation of a biology teacher fired for teaching creationism; at the Hendrickson-Stulwicz nuptials, a little romance is in the air for Kelsey and Markowitz, Ianello and Levinson, and Halliday and Becker, despite their truly terrifying bridesmaid outfits.
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#20 - Great Balls of Ire
NYPD Blue - Season 12 - Episode 3
The detectives are on the scene of ex-con Lester Byrd's homicide when Sipowicz receives a call from his wife telling him that Theo didn't arrive at school this morning. Sipowicz leaves the scene and arrives at the school to find that Theo has shown up. He finds out from Theo that he was met by a man who said he was a friend of his dad, the man had a detective shield and exhibited knowledge of recent events in their lives. The man took Theo for a half hour ride. Back at the squad, Bale introduces his new movement log policy and he puts John Irvin in charge. The detectives run the case by Bale. Sipowicz arrives and Bale magnanimously lets him not charge his morning's activity to lost time. Sipowicz asks to be off the case for the day, citing that Jones can work the case with Clark. Sipowicz wants to catch up on his paperwork and Bale allows him to do this, but says that he is not setting a precedent. Theo's guardian Anna comes into the squad and he questions her about what happen
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#21 - Traylor Trash
NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 20
Jones and Medavoy arrive on the scene of a shooting; meanwhile back at the squad Sipowicz and Clark are getting ready to leave and interview Cindy Clifton's mother, despite the fact that Cindy's father "lawyered up" the entire family. Clark's departure is delayed by the arrival of Jennifer Devlin, someone he hasn't seen in quite some time and now is sporting a wild streak of color in her hair. She wants to Clark to accompany her to on a trip to Miami. He declines her invitation, offering dinner instead, but more importantly he asks her if she's taken her medication and she responds that she doesn't want to be treated like a child. Clark is confused by her behavior. At the library Sipowicz and Clark try talking with Sharon Clifton. They get her to give them a list of everyone who stayed at her home the Thanksgiving weekend that Cindy Clifton was killed. She relents and gives a list to work with. Medavoy and Jones run down what they know about their shooting victim, Kevin Traylor,
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#22 - Old Yeller
NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 15
Sipowicz is in early and sees that his little ploy has worked; Gibson's parrot now only has a one word vocabulary: "douche bag." Sipowicz meets Hatcher and Clark at the scene of an apparent suicide where he finds that Hatcher has already let one of the witnesses go. The victim's suicide note makes reference to man who had kidnapped her last year. The note indicates a partial license plate number and a description of the kidnapper's vehicle. However, other than the victim missing her rent last year for two months, no one can find any other indication that the victim ever told anyone about her kidnapping. An elderly woman comes into the squad to report that something dear to her has been stolen and she thinks she knows who stole it. She thinks her nephew may have stolen her diamond ring; the nephew at one time had some trouble with drugs. Medavoy suggests an approach they can take to begin questioning her nephew. Sipowicz and Clark talk with Paul Grady, the man who owns the van wi
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#23 - Speak For Yourself, Bruce Clayton
NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 17
Simone and Sipowicz look into the shooting of two women (one was killed) who were raped by a group of men in an apartment owned by a former crack dealer named Jamal who was crippled in a previous shooting incident. Caught by his doctor at the hospital, Andy tells Bobby about his prostate trouble. Meanwhile, Kirkendall, Russell and Medavoy investigate a shooting at a clinic. When they get their female suspect into custody, a security guard from the clinic who was her secret admirer comes to the precinct demanding she get a second chance. Medavoy takes him down.
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#24 - Chatty Chatty Bang Bang
NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 12
Sipowicz and Clark are at the scene of a hit and run, where the driver of an SUV has struck down a guy on a bike and killed the young daughter of a known mobster. They move over to the scene, where the suspect's SUV has been found, but the young black men at the scene, who impeded a group of Italian boys who were looking to hold the driver and the vehicle for the police claim to not know the whereabouts or the identity of the driver. Back at the squad they find out the SUV was reported stolen and the others find out about Jones plans to become qualified as a foster parent for Michael Woodruff. Ortiz and Medavoy go to the hospital to interview a woman who was raped in her own apartment. Jones reports back from the canvas that a plate number was obtained from a vehicle leaving the scene, which gives them a lead to start with. Meanwhile an anonymous caller on the hit and run gives the detectives the name Calvin George. They get George's address and go to the home, only to find a car
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#25 - Nude Awakening
NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 16
Theo walks into bathroom on Connie, who's naked and getting ready to take a shower. Sipowicz and Clark Jr. arrive at crime scene, with Clark Jr. commenting to Sipowicz that he hasn't been able to get in contact with his father. At the crime scene, the detectives encounter Julian Pisano, the snitch who led them to finding Sorenson's body. Julian was shot in the arm, but heard his shooter also cry out in pain. Sipowicz asks him to go alphabetically through the list of people who would want to see him killed. He tells them about "The Dentist" a man he may have recently screwed over in a deal. They tell him to go to the hospital and stay there. Back at the squad, McDowell tells Ortiz about her encounter with Theo, which John Irvin overhears. McDowell asks Sipowicz how Theo was when he dropped him off at school. Sipowicz tells her that Theo insisted that he be dropped off at Hooters. Jones and Medavoy interview "The Dentist" who tells them about the bad deal he had with Julian, bu
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#26 - In the Wind
NYPD Blue - Season 8 - Episode 20
Sorenson hasn't shown up for work yet and when Sipowicz and McDowell go to his apartment they find a dead body. The body is Kristen the stripper. In light of all that information Medavoy and Jones try to work another homicide while Sipowicz and McDowell try to find Sorenson. Sipowicz finds out from Rodriguez about Sorenson beginning to work undercover and he and McDowell go to the strip club where Sipowicz uses some excessive force to Joey Schulman to give them information they can use to find Sorenson. It turns out that the Feds have been watching the strip club and besides Sorenson's disappearance, their man on the scene, Pete the bartender has also gone missing. Sipowicz and McDowell visit Sorenson's aunt to find out that Danny has started dealing with some personal issues. When Sorenson's credit card is used in Jersey City, Sipowicz and McDowell go and find a janitor from the strip club has used the card, claiming to have found it at the club. Meanwhile, the stress of the So
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#27 - Franco, My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn
NYPD Blue - Season 8 - Episode 3
Andy is bonding with Theo (who mentions he wants to be a cop) at the park, when he hears on his radio that all the emergency vehicles rushing by are going to the scene of a cop shooting. The cop's partner is worried that he is going to be jammed up as his wounded partner's husband is a captain in the NYPD and he was pursuing another suspect at the time (and not backing his partner up). When the 15th Squad is ready to break into the apartment of a possible suspect, Danny gives Diane something else to do, thus keeping her out of harm's way. She later calls him on it, when he tries to do the same thing when they are set to take another suspect. When they return to the house, Danny stops off to break off his relationship with Mary. The Captain stops by to see how the investigation is proceeding into his (now dead) wife's shooting. Knowing they have a suspect in custody, he watches some of the interview and then breaks into to assault the suspect, jeopardizing the investigation. The s
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#28 - As Flies to Careless Boys...
NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 1
Four months have passed since the death of Jimmy Salvo. Bobby's working odd jobs while he's been suspended pending IAB's investigation. Bobby stops by the station to talk to Andy, while there he notices that Gina's showing signs of pregnancy. She hasn't formally announced it and is reluctant to let James do the right thing. Bobby tells Andy about the FBI seeing him the other night, he wants to set up a plan to make things right. Meanwhile the detectives investigate a couple of routine homicides. Bobby tells Lt. Shannon about Andy's presence. Jill works her source, Leo Cohen, to try and get information out about the pending indictments against Andy and Bobby. The FBI tells Bobby he is on his own. They had other plans for Lt. Shannon, after Andy had given his testimony. When the squad is called to a scene, where the suspect in Andy's case is holed-up, a shot is fired in Andy's direction. Shannon is identified as the shooter. The whole mess gets unraveled; it is revealed that the 15th squ
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#29 - Ho Down
NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 1
It's a hot morning in NYC as the detectives go to a tenement building to retrieve Lyle Dennison, a suspect in a shooting case they are working. On their suspect's floor Sipowicz gets into a verbal encounter with a woman that winds up with her spitting on him and him helping her to the floor. They find their suspect is one the hallway's onlookers of the incident. They take him out of there and back to the precinct where they start their questioning, but all their suspect can do is wonder what is going to happen to Sipowicz. He tells them that Sipowicz knocked to the floor, the main woman of a big player in the neighborhood named "Money T." Moments later Det. Winslow stops by and tells Clark Jr. that his name was in a dead prostitute's call book. While he doesn't recognize her immediately, Clark Jr. identifies her as one of his CIs (Confidential Informant), although she is unregistered with the department. The detective promises to try and keep him out of the report. Jones and Me
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#30 - Gypsy Woe's Me
NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 17
Andy and Theo discuss their upcoming trip to Disney World, but Theo tells him that if Connie's not coming, then he's not going. At the scene of the day's case, the detectives follow up on a report that a cab was seen leaving the scene. When the cab's plates are run, it is revealed to be Ryan Lipe, the cab driver that helped them out on the baby shooting case a few weeks earlier. Also at the scene, Officer Laughlin asks Clark Jr. about Ortiz's dating status, to which he is reminded that Ortiz just buried her husband a week earlier and that he might want to remove his wedding ring before he starts hitting on her. Ryan Lipe is brought in and Sipowicz and Clark Jr. question him; Lipe claims that the shooting was in self defense. After the interview, Sipowicz asks John Irvin about whether he had made any attempt to talk with his father, to which John tells him about his attempt to talk with his father. An old friend of Rodriguez's stops by to ask him for a favor, looking into a situati
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#31 - Cops and Robber
NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 5
Vehicles in the precinct's parking lot are broken into, including Clark Jr.'s, and since he was just thrown out of his father's home, it contained all his possessions, including his detective shield. McDowell and Gibson work a homicide case, meanwhile the other detectives scramble to help cover Clark Jr.'s ass. If the problem doesn't get resolved by the end of the day, Rodriguez wants to know the whole story, until then he'll ask no more questions. A robbery victim reports that a cop ripped him off and Sipowicz and Clark Jr. follow a few leads. McDowell's interview of their homicide victim's pregnant girlfriend goes bad when the girl flips out after Gibson tells her that her boyfriend didn't make it. Sipowicz and Clark Jr. go to a pawn shop where someone flashing a shield was pawning items taken from the lot. They find out that Anti-crime is on the case, when they all hear that a shield bearing perp was captured by some uniforms. McDowell and Gibson interview their victim's boss
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#32 - Everyone Into the Poole
NYPD Blue - Season 8 - Episode 16
A Chinese man is murdered after making a delivery, which Jones, McDowell, Medavoy and Russell investigate. Sipowicz and Sorenson interview Victor Poole, a man who was brought in claiming that he had been kidnapped for the past three days. Given Poole's job with the IRS, the FBI has also been called in on the case. Diane receives a large bouquet of flowers from Dr. Carreras; later Andy asks Danny if he is okay with that situation and Danny tells him that he is. Medavoy and Jones investigate a lead involving the cell phone used to place the last order to the Chinese restaurant. A young girl is brought in, who eventually lets it out that a friend of hers used her phone. Sipowicz and Sorenson interview a transvestite prostitute that is caught using Poole's cell phone and they discover the location where Poole claims to have been held. The place is raided and the operators are brought in, one creating his own story about Poole and the other coming clean on the story, when Sipowicz and Sore
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#33 - Where's 'Swaldo?
NYPD Blue - Season 4 - Episode 4
Community activist Kwasi is murdered. Simone and Sipowicz investigate with Fancy keeping an eye on them, especially Sipowicz, who's real popular with community involved in the investigation. The pressures and outcome of the investigation get Andy to reveal a part of his past. James and Greg catch a case with a homicide at a bodega that is tough to crack. They have one "witness" who refuses to make an ID.
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#34 - Daveless in New York
NYPD Blue - Season 8 - Episode 1
It's 5 days until Theo's final blood test and Andy feels the need for this health situation to just be over. So he tries to get Theo's final test pulled up. Diane asks Danny about his relationship with Mary; but he expresses that he still has an interest in her. Leo Cohen has become a defense attorney and is he preparing to represent members of the 15th Squad in IAB's investigation of the Kirkendall situation. Don Kirkendall is trying to make a deal for himself that may jam up the members of the 15th squad. The investigation of a multiple homicide at a fast-food restaurant takes a twist when an accomplice in the crime is worried about his daughter, who he used as collateral to his drug dealer. The squad goes after the dealer. Meanwhile, when Medavoy gives his statement to IAB, Martens informs him that "the good cops" need to find someone who will back up their story. They realize to do this they will need to find Denby who might be their only connection to the woman who was "holding" F
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#35 - Who's Your Daddy?
NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 22
John meets Jennifer for breakfast, she appears to be on the road to recovery and he continues to offer her his support. At a crime scene Sipowicz arrives a little out of sorts, earlier that morning Connie gave birth to their son, Matthew Nicholas, 7 lbs. 3 oz. Jones and Medavoy also arrive at the scene, where a woman has been robbed and beaten to death in her apartment. Irma Pacheco, one of Ronson's old contacts from narcotics comes to the squad and tells Ronson and Ortiz some information about a guy she's seeing, Pete Murphy, who is going to be receiving a shipment of arms. Irma wants to know from Ronson what kind of reward she might receive and whether or not it would be enough money for her and Ronson to run off together, a comment which leaves Ortiz speechless. Sipowicz and Clark talk with the dead woman's husband, Andrew Moss. He mentions his wife's ex-husband, Ed Pisarchik, as someone they need to look at. Jones leaves to go to the court; the jury has come back in Craig Woo
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#36 - Numb & Number
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 3
Bobby isn't doing much better the following morning; the doctor recommends they do the test he recommended, earlier than planned. When Andy hears about these tests it puts him on edge and makes him more difficult to work with than usual. While Jill waits with Diane, the other detectives investigate the death of a man who was murdered in the park. The tests reveal that Bobby's heart is damaged; the only long-term option is a heart transplant. Meanwhile, back on the case, the detectives interview a suspect who initially gives them misleading information because she is trying to protect herself from the actual perpetrator, a man with ties to the mob.
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#37 - Hammer Time
NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 20
Sipowicz returns to active duty, but perhaps a bit too soon as his system hasn't quite adjusted and he has an accident when later interrogating a suspect. He begins to work a case with Russell and Simone, investigating the murder of a woman's boyfriend by her ex-husband. Before the investigation gets going, Simone is called upon by Det. Savino to help investigate a missing persons report that is being filed by the nephew of one his building's tenants. The missing woman had run-ins in the past with Simone's partner and building manager, Henry Coffield, so he is suspected and the other tenants support that theory. Interrogation of the ex-husband reveals that he was searching for his daughter who's missing. Despite an agreement keeping her immune from prosecution, the detectives' work to find another means to prove the crack addict mother and her dead boyfriend were responsible for the girl's disappearance. Meanwhile, former PAA Naomi Reynolds stops by hoping to see Bobby and tell him tha
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#38 - The Man with Two Right Shoes
NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 3
Danny and Mary spend the night together. Andy seeks advice from Katie about some trouble he is having with Theo. She tries to give him some advice, but he misses her point. Sipowicz, Sorenson and Medavoy look into the murder of a man who assailant fled the scene wearing two right shoes. There is also a question of theft at the crime scene, when it is discovered that the jewelry the victim was wearing disappears just after the fire department has left the crime scene. Meanwhile, Russell, Kirkendall and Martinez investigate a mother's concerns that her son has become a thief. In reality he is receiving gifts from a teacher who claims she is looking out for his interests, or rather is it just her interest in him?
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St. Elsewhere - Season 6 - Episode 22
The Craigs' reconciliation faces its first test; Drs. Auschlander and Gideon struggle together to save St. Eligius when Weigert decides to get out; Novino pushes Morrison to decide between her and Joanne; Griffin places his future in God's hands; Ehrlich returns from his odyssey; and Fiscus' last E.R. patient is a lady from the opera... But is it really over? The jaw-dropping climax culminates in a blue-collared dad placing his young autistic son Tommy Westphall's miniature St. Eligius snow globe on the living room TV set, having summoned him to dinner. ""St. Elsewhere's"" entire six-year saga had all been a figment of little Tommy's imagination!
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#40 - Mister Roberts
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 18
Mike Roberts is dead. His body was found on top of a car after being thrown out of the window of his office building. John Irvin approaches Sipowicz and tells him what Roberts warned him about. So the detectives begin to see if they can build a case around Cullinan, the rich man that John punched out. Medavoy looks into a book that Roberts was writing for clues. Kirkendall volunteers to become the bait for the trap they lay for and catch Cullinan in. Cohen isn't delighted with her performing this task, which she feels is just a part of her job. She tells Russell that she isn't going take the crap from him, so they are through. As the squad waits for the lawyers to work out the details of the Cullinan bust, Medavoy reads more of the notes of Mike Roberts, featuring Donna Abandando.

#41 - Top Gum
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 1
Bobby dreams and later he visits his dentist. Besides the checkup, the dentist asks him to check on his daughter, whose boyfriend deals and uses drugs. However, Simone also seems to be showing signs of a health problem that he thinks is a chest cold, as he joins the other detectives at a crime scene, where they are beginning to investigate a stabbing death. The victim's father, who shows up at the scene with Mike Roberts as a bodyguard, asks the detectives to "make it right." Russell and Kirkendall get redirected to check into a possible rape case, but it turns out to be a false alarm. Sipowicz's opinion of Roberts hasn't changed and reluctantly takes the lead that he offers for the case. John Irvin returns upstairs in a temp job, the computer graphics business just didn't work for him. Russell and Kirkendall's false alarm turns up at the squad. She eventually points to her mother's boyfriend as being the rapist. The suspect in their case cuts Simone while they are grabbing him up. It'

#42 - Oh Golly Goth
NYPD Blue - Season 8 - Episode 9
Sorenson is given modified duty which lets him sit as his desk and catch up on paperwork, he has a chance to be reinstated if the DA's office decides they have enough information to press charges against Sid Thompson. Det. Connie McDowell reports to the precinct for temporary duty and is partnered with Diane. They begin to investigate the stabbing of man in hotel room who claims he was attacked in his room. It is revealed that he was in the company of a trio of Goths. The one Goth left in the hotel room is brought in, but cites one of the others as the probable stabber as he was passed out at the time. The other two are eventually found, one a runaway teenager from Minnesota, the other her mentor and eventually proven to be the stabber. Meanwhile, the father of one of the victim's of Sid Thompson's attack, the case that Sorenson blew, comes in asking about the investigation and the whereabouts of the son's crucifix. So Sipowicz takes a "vacation day" and follows up on the necklace, hop

#43 - Loogie Nights
NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 1
The 15th precinct "reopens for business" a little later than anticipated this season, but Sipowicz took advantage of the extra time to grieve Sylvia, raise Theo and lose some weight. Yes, Andy has shed a few pounds. Sipowicz and Sorenson begin an investigation into the death of man who was beaten to death by a pair of cops. One of the cops, Sorenson had helped out in last season's case involving the shooting of a black police officer. Medavoy gets a dirty uniform working a parade detail. Jill seeks Diane's opinion about restarting a relationship (for the sixth time) with her ex-husband Don, who's been real helpful lately, as their son Kyle gets ready for his first communion. Sipowicz, Sorenson and Franco with some reluctant help from Laughlin uncover the truth about the beating. Which officer performed the beating death, will be left for the jury to decide. Sipowicz goes home to Theo and later that night at the bar, Sorenson wants to discuss the outcome of their investigation with Laug

#44 - Everybody Plays the Mule
NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 8
Danny wakes up after having a dream about his sisters being in a fire with his mother who doesn't do anything to help save his sisters. He becomes angry with Mary. Kirkendall and Russell investigate the death of a woman who was thrown out of a van under the wheels of a bus. The contents of her body were removed before she was pushed under the bus, because one of the hazards of her occupation as a drug mule killed her. Her boyfriend's complaints of the stomach flu make it seem as though he might know more than what he is letting on. Eventually the contents of his digestive system and his story make themselves present. Meanwhile, Jones catches his first case. He and the other detectives investigate the disappearance of a Russian couple's two children. The husband is convinced that the boys are with his sister; however, his wife doesn't share that conviction. The husband also hears voices in his head, which eventually say enough that the detectives figure out that he knows where the boys

#45 - Goodbye Charlie
NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 16
Andy tells Katie that he doesn't know how to handle Danny, who told him that last night he was planning to get a load on. Katie tells Andy about how Danny reminds her of Andy Jr. and they both discuss the fact that they have seen visions of Andy Jr. Danny wakes up in Diane's apartment after his night of drinking. An old friend of Medavoy's, Charlie Sung stops by hoping that Medavoy can help him out with a problem; but Medavoy can't help him without more to go on. A young interracial couple comes in to report that they've found his parents murdered. Sipowicz looks toward their son as their most likely suspect. Jones interviews the suspect's girlfriend and makes a connection with her that they might be able to exploit against her boyfriend. Sipowicz is still distracted with his concerns about Sorenson's recent behavior and lets it get in the way, until they finally discuss it. That aside, Jones brings the girl over to their side and Sipowicz brings the suspect down. When Sung brings him

#46 - Cora and Arnie
St. Elsewhere - Season 1 - Episode 4
Morrison tries to help a bag woman and her retarded husband; Fiscus admits a relatively healthy woman who had fainted for some very expensive tests; V.J. feels homesick; and the bomber and his victim both leave the hospital.
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#47 - A.D.A. Sipowicz
NYPD Blue - Season 2 - Episode 22
Two years ago he called her a "pissy little bitch," tomorrow he will call her "Mrs. Sipowicz," pre-wedding jitters put Andy in rare form. Russell's problem makes her miss getting a gun off a suspect and Bobby isn't happy about it; later she admits to having a problem. Fancy's brother, still having trouble with his sergeant and he is being investigated by the IAB, Bobby and the squad work to help clear his name. James goes out with Adrianne. Greg brings his wife to the wedding. Andy Jr. makes it to the ceremony.
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#48 - The Last Round Up
NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 22
Sorenson stops by the hospital waiting room and tells Sipowicz that the Kirkendall situation is heating up. Fancy talks with Russell about Kirkendall's situation. He tells her that the job knows. Medavoy has an accident in the kitchen with the refrigerator door. Diane and Jill have a loud discussion and Diane tells her that she is out of time. Jill leaves, taking her last "lost time" ever. Theo undergoes his bone marrow test while Medavoy and Jones commiserate about the fact that they sometimes don't feel included in all the activity going on around the squad. Sorenson meets with Sipowicz at the hospital, to find out how Theo is doing and to ask advice about the mechanics of disposing of a body if the need arose, not that he is looking for that solution to the Don Kirkendall situation. Russell meets with Denby and she spots that IAB is following him. Theo results come in; he may have leukemia or his bone marrow may just have shut down temporarily as a result of a virus. Sorenson meets
#49 - Legionnaires (Part 1)
St. Elsewhere - Season 1 - Episode 6
While coping with a fussy new administrator, Dr. Westphall investigates suspicious deaths in Ward Five; Martin shocks Fiscus by breaking off their affair; Cavanero has to deal with a very hostile nurse; and White goes to desperate lengths to raise the money to replace his on-call beeper.
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