The BEST episodes directed by Mark Banker

#1 - Just the Two of Us
Duck Dodgers - Season 3 - Episode 3
The Cadet and the Centurions go on separate vacations away from their bosses. Meanwhile, Duck Dodgers and Commander X-2 accidentally crash their ships on the deserted island planet Nolandis, stranding them together.
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#2 - Clean Bill of Health
Duck Dodgers - Season 3 - Episode 7
I.Q. Hi builds a detoxification machine and uses it on Dodgers as a test subject. The machine rids Dodgers of anything impure and turns him into the perfect duck. But Dodgers' friends and enemies quickly learn they like the old Dodgers better.
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#3 - Villainstruck
Duck Dodgers - Season 3 - Episode 2
Dodgers and the Cadet go up against a hypnotist named the Magnificent Rogue, who is intent on flooding the Earth. Problems arise, however, when Rogue manages to hypnotize everyone into thinking he's the greatest, including Dodgers and Cadet.
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#4 - The Kids Are All Wrong
Duck Dodgers - Season 3 - Episode 4
Duck Dodgers and The Eager, Young Space Cadet go undercover in one of earth's high schools in order to stop a martian spy from sending earth's teenagers into lunatics.
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#5 - Win, Lose or Duck
Duck Dodgers - Season 3 - Episode 5
Duck Dodgers, The Eager, Young Space Cadet, Dr. I.Q. Hi, The Martian Queen, Martian Commander X-2 and a random centurion fall for an Internet scam. A random stranger forces them to fight for their lives.
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#6 - Boar to Be Riled
Duck Dodgers - Season 3 - Episode 6
In order to get a free rocket scooter from the Protectorate, Dodgers and the Cadet must go undercover at a rocket cycle rally on Planet Dakota. However, they immediately find out that it's actually an innocent appreciation club for rocket cycles. Now, Dodgers takes it upon himself to turn these law-abiding citizens into lawless marauders.
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