The BEST episodes directed by Makoto Nagao

New Year's Dream Special
119 votes

#1 - New Year's Dream Special

Azumanga Daioh - Season 1 - Episode 8

36 - Osaka's New Years Dream Osaka dreams about Chiyo and her supposedly magical pigtails. 37 - In Tomo-chan's case... Tomo dreams of herself as a superhero high school girl; fighting crime, saving lives, and winning all the competitions. 38 - In Sakaki's Case... Sakaki dreams of meeting a yellow cat that calls itself "Chiyo's Father." 39 - Welcome Sakaki's dream takes a turn for the truly bizarre. 40 - In Kaorin's Case... Kaorin dreams about Sakaki coming to her rescue.

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Yukari and Nyamo
128 votes

#2 - Yukari and Nyamo

Azumanga Daioh - Season 1 - Episode 3

11, "Nyamo" We get to see more of P.E. teacher Minamo Kurosawa, a.k.a. "Nyamo," esp. her relationship with Yukari. 12, "Factional Rivalry" Envious over Nyamo's unmatched popularity with the students, Yukari shanghais the girls into basketball game. Only, Yukari doesn't play fair... 13, "Yukari's Here" When Yukari visits Nyamo at home, we get to see just how dysfunctional their relationship can be. 14, "Not My Fault" Yukari and Nyamo go out for a drink and end up running into *gasp* a foreigner! Meanwhile, Tomo, Yomi, and Osaka end up sharing in a little philosophy. 15, "Forever And Ever" Yukari shows her wild(er) side while knocking back glasses of sake, much to Nyamo's shagrin.

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