The BEST episodes directed by Lo Ho Kim

#1 - Yesterday
Little Witch Academia - Season 1 - Episode 23
Following the painful news about Chariot and her magical ability, Akko disappears. Diana confronts Ursula about being Chariot and her history. After learning the truth that Akko did, Diana and others begin searching for her. After finding a desolate Akko, Diana admits that she and Akko are kindred spirits and Akko has the talent to actually live up to Chariot's ideals; and with that revelation and the support of her friends, Akko's spirits are rekindled. In the meantime, Chariot decides to confront and stop Croix, who is about to initiate the final stage of her sinister plan.
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#2 - Pohjola's Ordeal
Little Witch Academia - Season 1 - Episode 16
After learning from Ursula and the Shiny Rod that she needs to find something she is lacking in order to unlock the fourth word, Akko joins Lotte and Sucy as they visit Lotte's home in a remote Finnish village. The next morning, however, they discover that Lotte's parents and their neighbor have become infected with the rare Greenman Disease, which will gradually turn them into moss until they wither away...
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#3 - Undead Travelogue
Little Witch Academia - Season 1 - Episode 9
While trying to fix some tombstones that she knocked over while at a graveyard, Akko accidentally mixes a reversal spell she was using with one of Sucy's mushrooms, which ends up bringing a deceased pirate back from the dead. The girls find themselves chasing the pirate across town as he tries to find something pertaining to his lost memories. After visiting the magical café, they discover that the pirate is looking for a girl named Miranda Holbrooke, who he eventually remembers is his own daughter. Realising that the Miranda in question is actually Luna Nova's principal, the girls rush back to Luna Nova to reunite Miranda with her father before he has to return to the afterlife.
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