The BEST episodes directed by Lewis Arnold

Episode 3
492 votes

#1 - Episode 3

Time (2021) - Season 1 - Episode 3

Mark suffers a tragic personal loss and is given the chance to leave prison for a day. Eric is forced to take greater risks to protect his family, but where will he draw the line?

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Episode 6
2616 votes

#2 - Episode 6

Humans - Season 1 - Episode 6

The fractured Hawkins family reaches its lowest ebb, with dad Joe in exile, and Mattie, Toby and Sophie tired of their parents' lies. As the situation reaches breaking point, Laura decides it is time to tell the truth, and her confessions has incredible consequences for household synth Anita. Meanwhile, Karen finally discovers `killer synth' Niska's whereabouts, and a joyful reunion for the runaways is cut tragically short when a brutal betrayal forces one of their number to make the ultimate sacrifice.

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Episode 3
545 votes

#3 - Episode 3

Des - Season 1 - Episode 3

Reeling from Des' change in plea, Jay and the police throw themselves into proving premeditation. If they can show the court that Des was undoubtedly of sound mind when he committed his crimes, he will go down and never be released.

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Episode Six
954 votes

#4 - Episode Six

Misfits - Season 5 - Episode 6

As part of their community service, the gang have to look after a group of terminally ill patients. However, one of the patients seems intent on cheating death. A mysterious gypsy casts a spell on Alex after he refuses to help a damsel in distress, and Rudy's alter ego takes another step closer to finding the missing superhero depicted on the woolly jumper.

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Episode Seven
973 votes

#5 - Episode Seven

Misfits - Season 5 - Episode 7

With the first anniversary of the storm coming closer, Rudy's alter ego and Abby organise a celebratory party at the community centre. Alex meets Sarah, who has a mysterious power that is making her life a misery.

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Episode 2
468 votes

#6 - Episode 2

Time (2021) - Season 1 - Episode 2

Mark is being bullied by fellow inmate Johnno. Does he tell the prison officers and be labelled a grass or risk the attacks becoming more and more violent? Eric’s son is attacked.

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Episode 2
562 votes

#7 - Episode 2

Des - Season 1 - Episode 2

With limited resources, Jay and the police continue to dig into Nilsen's memories in an effort to convict him for the murder of every one of his victims. But when Des withdraws his cooperation and stops talking, Jay fears justice will be lost.

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Episode 5
2546 votes

#8 - Episode 5

Humans - Season 1 - Episode 5

News of the Killer Synth finds its way into the media, causing widespread panic, and placing Karen under even more pressure to track down the alluring fugitive Niska. However, it seems there may be an ulterior motive to her hunt for the murderous synth. Meanwhile, the Hawkins debate whether to keep Anita in light of their recent discovery that she is not quite as new as she seemed, and while Joe worries his domestic synth might inadvertently reveal his secret, Mattie's decision to place her trust in Leo could put an end to the family's arguments.

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Episode 1
543 votes

#9 - Episode 1

Time (2021) - Season 1 - Episode 1

Mark Cobden is sent to prison and has to learn quickly how to survive. When an inmate identifies prison officer Eric McNally’s weakness, he faces an impossible choice.

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Episode 1
612 votes

#10 - Episode 1

Des - Season 1 - Episode 1

On 9 February 1983, Detective Chief Inspector Peter Jay discovers a drain clogged with rotting flesh and bones. The culprit, Dennis Nilsen, freely admits to the police that it's not just one or two bodies, but "15 or 16, I think".

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Episode 1
3117 votes

#11 - Episode 1

Humans - Season 2 - Episode 1

Niska is living as a fugitive in Berlin where an unexpected romantic encounter leads her to a huge decision with far reaching consequences. In the UK, Leo, Max and Mia are laying low in a coastal hideout while Mia works in a local cafe as 'Anita' to pay for their supplies and stay connected to the human world. Leo and Max come to the aid of Hester, a very special Synth, but when a mysterious organisation begins to pursue them, there's a tragic outcome. The Hawkins family are struggling to put past events behind them as they settle into a new home. In San Francisco, Athena Morrow, a fiercely-driven scientist researching AI is recruited by charismatic Milo Khoury, the entrepreneurial force behind tech company Qualia, for a top-secret project to create conscious Synths for the mass market.

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Episode 2
2742 votes

#12 - Episode 2

Humans - Season 2 - Episode 2

Laura must decide whether to accept Niska's request, while Karen and Pete learn about a special Synth being sold for unprecedented amounts on the black market. Hester uses questionable means to gain information from her prisoner, and Leo faces a new mission. Mia takes a risk to help Ed but is her secret now in jeopardy?

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Episode 3
232 votes

#13 - Episode 3

Sherwood (2022) - Season 1 - Episode 3

As Ian and Kevin are called to the scene of a second murder, news breaks of a former spy in the community at Gary’s memorial service. Meanwhile, Scott remains at large.

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Episode 2
241 votes

#14 - Episode 2

Sherwood (2022) - Season 1 - Episode 2

As the hunt for the killer continues, Kevin Salisbury from the MET arrives to assist in the investigation. And tensions mount as the killer torments the community further.

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Episode 1
292 votes

#15 - Episode 1

Sherwood (2022) - Season 1 - Episode 1

DCS Ian St Clair is called to investigate a tragic and unexpected murder in an ex-mining town as news of the crime threatens to inflame historic tensions.

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