The BEST episodes directed by Kunitoshi Okajima

Three Vessels: My Teacher
37 votes

#1 - Three Vessels: My Teacher

Hell Girl - Season 3 - Episode 6

A group of students infatuated with Hone Onna compete with one another for her affections. The competition turns ugly, and one of the students accesses the Hell Hotline.

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The Twelve Trials
204 votes

#2 - The Twelve Trials

Fate/Stay Night - Season 1 - Episode 15

Archer has been defeated by the unbeatable Beserker and now Shirou, Saber and Rin are trying their best to escape the same fate. They are able to find shelter to bide some time, because Shirou has to find a way to replenish Saber's mana while Ilya looks for them. With Archer's sacrifice, Rin is that much more determined to get out of this alive and comes up with an elaborate plan. The beginning of a fight between Saber and Berserker commences.

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Distant Trace of a Dream
200 votes

#3 - Distant Trace of a Dream

Fate/Stay Night - Season 1 - Episode 20

Shirou takes Saber out on a date to try and convince her not to use the Grail and go back to her own time, but to stay in this time instead.

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Even a Chance Acquaintance is Decreed by Destiny
22 votes

#4 - Even a Chance Acquaintance is Decreed by Destiny

Junjou Romantica - Season 1 - Episode 12

Akihito just won an award for his latest BL book. And Misaki is unhappy that he learned this bit of information from his classmate instead of Akihito. That leads to Misaki blowing up on Akihito about how he deserves to know more about him since they are lovers.

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The Calm Interlude
237 votes

#5 - The Calm Interlude

Fate/Stay Night - Season 1 - Episode 10

Saber and Shirou practice for a bit, Saber completely dominating over Shirou and not training how some would think but just a straight out attack between the two of them where Shirou keeps getting hit and slammed to the floor multiple times. Saber comments on how Shirou is doing fairly good and she is amazed by his zeal and things. Thy take a break and Shirou asks Saber what wish she wants granted if she got the Holy Grail.Shirou heads out to buy things for lunch and he runs into Ilya. They talk for a bit about their past and Ilya says where she came from. Shirou tells her that he inherited something precious from him. He says how he didn't receive his fathers Magic Mark but says he is still a master, just a half-assed magician.Shirou gets home, he talks with Rin who says at school Shinji asked her to team up with him. Rin says she rejected him though, saying she was already partnered with Shirou and she trusts him a lot more.Archer says how much of a failure Shirou is and that he would never be able to defeat a Servant. He does however seem to give him some advice saying that, If you cannot defeat someone, imagine something in your head you can defeat them with, for that is all you will be able to do.

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Meeting is the Beginning of Parting
18 votes

#6 - Meeting is the Beginning of Parting

Junjou Romantica - Season 1 - Episode 5

6 years later…Nowaki and Hiroki are still in love with each other. But, how far will their love go when Nowaki leaves for America without even telling Hiroki?

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Waltz Of The Bewildered Heart
4 votes

#7 - Waltz Of The Bewildered Heart

La Corda d'Oro ~Primo Passo~ - Season 1 - Episode 4

Hino seeks a piano accompanist, which proves difficult because she is a general education student. She is wary of an offer by Azuma Yunoki to find her an accompanist. Eventually another girl offers to accompany her and she accepts. She visits the shop after practice, where the manager offers to show her a video recording of a young prodigy, who turns out to be Tsuchiura. She is amazed at his piano playing, and is overwhelmed with emotion, which makes her cry. She laments that as a violinist, she cannot play Chopin’s pieces. The manager manages to find the score, Chopin's Allegro, for the violin. She makes up her mind to play this in the concours. Later, Hino encounters Tsuchiura, and on her request, he plays for her. When she tells him about the video she saw, the feelings about his playing, and her regret that he no longer plays the piano in public, Tsuchiura becomes upset and leaves but then regrets it.

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Heart-Spinning Canon
4 votes

#8 - Heart-Spinning Canon

La Corda d'Oro ~Primo Passo~ - Season 1 - Episode 8

The second selection is coming close and Hino still hasn't decide what song she will play. Being stressed like she is, practicing violin every time she has the chance causes her to be in a fight with her friends. At home, Hino accidentally broke her music box, which was a birthday present from Mio and Nao which played Pachelbel’s Canon. After fixing her music box and reconciling with her friends, Hino decides to play the Canon for the second selection.

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Swift Current ~against the stream~
0 votes

#9 - Swift Current ~against the stream~

Saiyuki - Season 3 - Episode 3

Goku and Gojyo are complaining about the heat, Goku saying how he'd love to cool off in a river somewhere. Hakkai checks the map: as it happens, they're just about to come to one. And so they do, but there's no bridge, nor boats available. A local kid tells them they won't be able to cross the river, but dashes off without saying why. Sanzo, fed up with saru/kappa squabbling, grazes them with a couple of shots and stalks off with Hakkai to seek a way across, snarling that those two should be tied to stones and tossed in to drown. At Houtou Castle: the old youkai 01, playing chess with Dr. Ni, is saying that rivers can't be underestimated; they may look calm on the surface but have powerful currents below, reminding humans how weak they are. And speaking of rivers, wasn't there a child named Kouryuu...? Dr. Hwang storms up, saying this is no time for Ni to be playing games: Lady GK is breathing down their necks about Kougaiji's progress and the need to acquire the sutras. Ni, moving his knight, casually says that something will surely happen soon. You're so sure of yourself, but you'll trip and fall flat on your face one day, she mutters. He thinks not. Nothing can trip me--I'm a ghost, he says. [--heh. Japanese ghosts have no feet, remember?] A local [judging by the piles of nets in his house, a fisherman] explains to the SI that a year ago youkai took over the river, and have destroyed any boat that tries to cross. But we're traveling west and have to get across, says Gojyo. Well, if they drive into the mountains, they'll probably find a suspension bridge...but it'll take them about two months to reach it. Well, that will never do. ==Ah, says Hakkai, so that's why that boy we met said it was impossible to get across. You met Kon?--says the man in surprise, and tells them that the kid is from the village on the other side. He came here on an errand for his parents, and has been trapped here by this village's refusal to send out a boat. His mother and little si

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Standoff ~muzzle~
0 votes

#10 - Standoff ~muzzle~

Saiyuki - Season 3 - Episode 9

The guys are waiting on the top of a mountain for Sanzo, but there's no sign of him. We see that as it was too steep for Hakuryu, Sanzo decreed they'd climb it on foot, and Goku promptly suggested a bet on who'd reach the top first: loser to buy barbecue for the ikkou. He'd thought that would be Gojyo, but the hanyou comes in third; so where is Sanzo?... Below, the footsore monk has stopped for a break, and has just lit a smoke when Lirin careens out of nowhere. Sanzo gets off two shots [and realizes that's all he had; he wasted too much ammo shutting up a quarrel] before the demon princess lands such a blow to the rock he's on that the whole cliff-edge avalanches into the valley below. (Hakkai hears the noise, but Gojyo says he's just imagining things. Though it did seem that they all heard the gunfire...)==UH-oh; there's the Maten Sutra caught on a tree branch, lost in Sanzo's fall! Sanzo reaches the bottom a second before Lirin and instantly aims at her; she grins wryly and says she's failed. So shoot, baldy, she dares him. Brat, he retorts, aren't your guardians around? She begins to say she's tough enough alone, but her stomach growls so loudly that she halts in embarrassment. I'm all out of meat buns, he says with his dry evil grin; just go on home. But she snaps back that she can't give up and go home this time; and we see again the Kou-tachi rescuing her from Dr. Ni's experiment in ep. 6. Afterward, her brother had warned her to stay away from "all of them" from now on, even her mother, and promised to protect her no matter what. She said she would, and Dokugaku and Yaone looked on, smiling, as prince and princess sealed the promise with a pinky-swear. [Awwww. =)] --Now Lirin grits her teeth; big brother did his best for me, she thinks, so I have to do my best for his sake!--Baldy Sanzo, she yells, give me the scripture! Kyoumon?--he glances at his shoulder, registers that the priceless sutra is gone, and reacts with admirable composure. Stop calling

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To The Limits Of Mourning ~death wish~
0 votes

#11 - To The Limits Of Mourning ~death wish~

Saiyuki - Season 3 - Episode 15

A typical scene: guys driving along, Goku hungry, Hakkai says "next village soon", and sure enough it looks like a thriving town. Goku's happy at the prospect of restaurants but unnerved by the passing-by of a hoe-carrying villager; Hakkai observes that this is unlike him and Goku admits that having had to fight resurrected humans has rattled him. Enemies are enemies, whether demon or human, says Sanzo. Yeah, but...we're youkai, so being told to kill other youkai or really anyone... --Doesn't feel right, does it? agrees Gojyo. [This translation has got to be messed up somehow, since the SI has been dusting youkai for thousands of miles and Goku has had no such issues, but I'm not bilingual enough to repair so leave as is. Perhaps he means "this talk of killing all youkai"? ]--As they've been talking, a woman has come walking over the hill; she now snarls 'youkai, prepare to die!'and charges them with drawn blade. She's not an experienced swordfighter, and Goku easily disarms her and is ready to kick butt when he realizes the woman's eyes aren't yellow. You're not a corpse?--he startles... In a restaurant, we see the guys sitting at a table with their assailant and an older man. Please excuse my daughter-in-law's actions, he says, and she apologizes, saying she'd had no idea they were the famed Sanzo Party. Hakkai says it's fine and Goku happily chows down, but Sanzo = major misgivings; sure enough, the woman (her name's Fumika) then asks if Sanzo-sama will grant them the favor of killing a particular demon. In return, they can stay at the inn as long as they wish for free, she adds. Sanzo replies with a flat "Kotowaru" ('I refuse'), saying that they need to keep to their mission, which is not just to kill youkai. The guys think this harsh, and Hakkai asks the man to explain the request. Youkai killed my son, he says bitterly, and Fumika adds that it was on the very day she came here to be married. Flashback: youkai raiding the wedding ceremony, the groom (Taisho)

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Reanimated Man ~desperado~
0 votes

#12 - Reanimated Man ~desperado~

Saiyuki - Season 3 - Episode 21

After the flashback: we see the ikkou-minus-3 (I-3) driving along. Goku gripes that he'd never thought Sanzo would be such an asshole; Hakkai diplomatically says "well, he's very stubborn" and Gojyo snaps that Hakkai shouldn't let the "self-centered, bald SoB" off so easy. It'll be great not having him around, says Gojyo, and angry Goku agrees. The saru wonders how the KT is. Flashback to their dropping Lirin off: the princess thanked them, and angrily swore to kill Hazel next time she saw him, for tricking her and hurting her brother and friends. Hakkai advised her to return home at once, as her brother must be worried; Lirin promised to help the SI defeat Hazel ("and afterward we'll beat you guys too!" --yeah right, bring it on, snorts Gojyo) and took off on dragonback.==Goku is still pensive; Gojyo remarks that he has too few brain cells to waste them on worrying, and Goku suddenly stands up in the back seat and lets out a howl that nearly startles Hakuryu into a wheelie. Gojyo upbraids Goku; the saru gripes that "just thinking of that baldy Sanzo makes me so mad!" (yeah, right.) --Hakkai laughs, and Gojyo tells him to pick up speed, so they can reach the West before Sanzo does. We're counting on you, Hakuryu! Goku tells the jeep, which kyuus in enthused response. Hakkai adds that there's no chance he'll get there ahead of them, as he's traveling on foot, and G&G break out in fresh chortles; he's so slow! and those sandals are hard to walk in! [Um, Goku ought to have noticed that he gave up wearing his temple sandals 2 series ago...] And he smokes too much, puts in Hakkai. Yet more chortles from the back seat. On the trail: Sanzo trips on a rock, stumbles and goes splat; he cusses, dusts off and walks on. Hazel observes that at this pace they'll be campin' out for the night, and Gato has been patiently gathering up Sanzo's chain-smoked cigarettes as he drops them--he has most of a can full. Hazel catches up as the monk lights yet another and asks if he doesn't

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