The BEST episodes directed by Koyalee Chanda

#1 - Steve Goes To College
Blue's Clues - Season 4 - Episode 24
Steve reveals to everyone in the house that he's going to be going to college and that Joe is going to stay and play with them while he's away. He skidoos to show everyone what college is like and meanwhile, Joe and the entire gang set up a surprise goodbye party for Steve.
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#2 - Joe Gets a Clue
Blue's Clues - Season 4 - Episode 23
The episode starts out with Steve looking for Joe. Blue has something she wants to give to Joe, but first Steve and Blue have to find him. Steve and Joe end up in a back and forth hide-and-seek game, with both of them looking for each other inside and outside, until finally they meet up outside. This episode is all about Joe playing his first game of Blue's Clues, in which he tries to find out what it is that Blue wants to give him. He also gets to do his very first skidoo, into a picture of colored shapes, where, he Joe and Blue play another hide-and-seek game, but this time using distance comparisons to find the shape where someone is hiding.
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#3 - Blue's Big Mystery
Blue's Clues - Season 3 - Episode 17
There's somebody building a fort in the backyard of the Blue's Clues house, but we have no idea who it is. In this episode, we put on our detective caps and logical-thinking skills. There's a mystery to be solved. Come along as we investigate, with a little help from Mr. Salt and all of our friends.
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#4 - 100th Episode Celebration!
Blue's Clues - Season 5 - Episode 5
It's the 100th Blue's Clues Day and everyone in the house has put together a celebration. It's hosted by Mr. Salt and there's a special guest too: Steve, all the way from college. In addition to some singing and finding out some of the favorite Blue's Clues moments from various real kids, we also take a look back at memorable moments from past episodes through a number of montages: Places We've Been Laughs We've Had Things We've Learned Clues We've Found Songs We've Sung We also get a sneak peek at what's coming up in future episodes of the program.
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#5 - Playdates
Blue's Clues - Season 6 - Episode 6
This episode features ""playdates,"" special time playing with some of the characters in the Blue's Clues house. We blow on the ""Wheel of Playdates,"" having fun Joe, Blue, Mailbox and Periwinkle (but not necessarily in that order!) In a special skidoo segment, Joe performs a musical number about our friendship with him. Later, viewers play pretend with Blue and her playroom friends in ""Blue's Room.""
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#6 - Let's Boogie
Blue's Clues - Season 4 - Episode 19
In this episode, we explore all sorts of dances. We learn that all sorts of movements can qualify as a dance. In the Blue Skidoo segment, we find out that a person who works to create dances is called a choreographer. We help Steve and Blue to aid the choreographer in performing a new dance of his.
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#7 - Shy
Blue's Clues - Season 3 - Episode 29
Magenta's owner, Miranda, comes over to the Blue's Clues house to return a book that she borrowed from Steve. She also has a video of Magenta that she wants to watch together with Steve and Blue later. Unfortunately, meeting new people can sometimes cause one to be shy. In this episode, we help some of our friends to feel less shy. We help Shovel to play with Pail's new friend, Sifter. Later, in the Blue Skiddoo segment, we help some of Blue's classmates at her school with some things that they're shy about.
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#8 - What's So Funny?
Blue's Clues - Season 3 - Episode 20
Silliness have overtaken the Blue's Clues house and Steve is more than happy to participate, by doing funny stuff such as putting a shoe on his ear and his head and trying to make Blue laugh. Side Table Drawer joins in by first giving Steve a potato when he goes to get his notebook. We come across Shovel and Pail, who find that Gopher's popping up all over the backyard, although they're not sure exactly where he's going to show up next. We figure out that he pops up in predictable patterns. Later, we skiddoo into Silly Town. Silly Town's a strange, mixed-up place. Looking around, we find everything from a banana being used as a hammer to a backwards park.
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#9 - Occupations
Blue's Clues - Season 3 - Episode 16
All of our friends are pretending to be different occupations, and we play Blue's Clues to figure out what Blue wants to be. We help Steve, who is pretending to be a reporter, figure out what occupation our various friends are pretending to be. Then we skidoo into a picture and help Door build his house by calling on the right workers to complete their appropriate tasks.
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#10 - Blue's Book Nook
Blue's Clues - Season 4 - Episode 18
Blue has her own book nook where she's organized her books into sections. We read some of the books and also help out some of the characters to find books that they need to help them out with things. Later, we visit the library, where Marlee the librarian helps Steve to find a book about elephants. We learn about reading, categories, classification, the alphabet and more.
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#11 - Colors Everywhere!
Blue's Clues - Season 5 - Episode 2
In this episode, Blue and her friends are creating a Portrait of Pals. It's going to contain pictures of lots of our Blue's Clues friends, but it seems that some of the colors we need are missing. In this episode, we help out with mixing needing colors to help with the portrait. We also skidoo into a book of colors where we find some friends that are literally very colorful and help them to find their color friends - learning about special colors created by mixing in the process.
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#12 - The Legend of the Blue Puppy
Blue's Clues - Season 6 - Episode 1
On a night with a blue moon filling the sky, a moon fairy named Moona appears outside the Blue's Clues house and tells Blue a story about her birth under a blue moon, with a key that will unlock her greatest gift. We follow Moona to find this key and once we have it, a great hunt all over the Blue's Clues house begins to find the lock that it fits. Once that's found, the key unlocks ""Blue's Room,"" a special playroom where she is transformed into a puppet. Here, Blue can meet lots of new friends, but the most important thing about it is that she can talk. We take part in games such as ""Boogie Woogie"" (a freeze-dance style game) and ""Dress-Up"" and then a clock chimes and Blue returns to Joe, who is excited to hear about her greatest gift.
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Blue's Clues - Season 5 - Episode 24
Today, there's a big neighborhood festival being held in the Blue's Clues neighborhood. Everyone's excited about everything that's happening, although different things excite different characters. Magic is always a mainstay with Periwinkle and he has Joe and Blue play a ""Guess Who"" game and then provides Joe with a festival passport in which he can put stickers to represent the various events he's attended. By playing Shovel's beanbag toss game, we get another sticker, as well as a modeled look of the neighborhood. Matlee the librarian also has a game to play - a storybook game in which we match characters with the stories that they belong in. At the end of it all, the evening is capped off with a beautiful fireworks display.
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#14 - ¡Un Día Con Plum!
Blue's Clues - Season 4 - Episode 11
Periwinkle missed his friend from the city, Plum, for a long time, but now he's finally come over to visit. Plum is a small purple bird who knows how to speak both Spanish and English. Throughout the episode, we learn how to speak Spanish words and also help out our friends. We learn Spanish as we help Periwinkle and Plum to create a marioneta. We also skiddoo into a puppet book, where we find Pedro, who needs our help in finding things to wear, so we use both Spanish and logic to figure out the right things that he needs.
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#15 - The Wrong Shirt (Opposites)
Blue's Clues - Season 3 - Episode 25
When we come in, we find that there's something very different about Steve's clothing - he's wearing a button-down shirt that looks like his normal pants and striped pants that look like his normal shirt. Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper explain what opposites are and Steve seems to like the idea. We learn more about opposites when a guy named Bob skidoos out a picture frame into the Blue's Clues house to deliver something to Steve. His presence often causes things to turn opposite. He has a magic ability that can fix it, but it's up to us to first find the things that are opposite so that we can tell him to fix them. Later, we skiddoo into a book where we help out two sisters that like opposite things to make their favorite places.
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#16 - The Anything Box
Blue's Clues - Season 4 - Episode 3
When a mysterious box shows up in the backyard of the Blue's Clues house, Steve is disappointed to find that it's empty, but Blue shows him that by using imagination, the box can be anything one pretends it to be. We use this idea to have a lot of fun, pretending that the box is anything from a car to a rocketship. Shovel and Pail manage to get three different uses out of it. We even use it to make it to the top of a high tower in the Blue Skidoo segment.
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#17 - Joe's Clues
Blue's Clues - Season 6 - Episode 4
In this episode, Joe has something very special for us. He's created his version of Blue's Clues known as ""Joe's Clues,"" in which he leaves orange handprints on the clues and he wants us and Blue to play along. We have fun searching for Joe's Clues, solving riddles and turning many of the program's customs upside-down along the way. Later, in ""Blue's Room,"" we play Polka Dot's Puzzles with Polka Dots.
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#18 - Patience
Blue's Clues - Season 5 - Episode 7
Periwinkle and Blue have discovered an egg in a nest in the backyard, but it hasn't hatched. They and Joe can't wait for it to hatch and the baby bird to come out, but it seems like it might take a while. It seems that we have to be patient and, until then, come up with some fun ways to pass the time. So we help Joe, Periwinkle and Blue to think of things to do and help out when things don't go right.
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Blue's Clues - Season 5 - Episode 27
Blue and her friend Magenta have created a scavenger hunt for us and Joe. We look all over the Blue's Clues house to find things on the list. A visit to the kitchen results in a tasty treat and we find several things on the list. Then, for some special shape-searching, we skidoo along with Blue and Magenta into a shape world.
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Blue's Clues - Season 5 - Episode 31
In this episode, we go on a car trip with a lady named Carmen. We learn all about important safety rules for riding in the car. We also learn how to pass time in the car, since sometimes long trips can get boring. We also groove to the music of a famous singer.
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#21 - Superfriends
Blue's Clues - Season 4 - Episode 4
Steve and the Blue's Clues characters are all pretending to be superheroes. Steve is Stripe Man, Blue is Super Blue and there's also Clock Girl and Super Soap. Together, with us the viewer (The Incredibly Helpful Friend) we're The Thinking Squad. Together, we use our superpowers to solve a number of problems. We help Paprika find her missing Teddy Bear and help Mr. Salt at telling time. In the Blue Skidoo segment, we help a friend named Frank to find out just what his superpower is and help out two other friends in the process.
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#22 - Words
Blue's Clues - Season 3 - Episode 26
This episode is all about words - even Blue's Clues are all words. Blue has a big bag of words from which we pull out such fun words as ""wiggle"" and ""enormous."" We help Mr. Salt and Pepper to prepare a sald for their friends Mr. Oil, Mrs. Vinegar and Vinaigrette by using associations to figure out the meanings of new words. Later, we skiddoo, oddly enough, into a blank piece of paper. We soon learn that by using the power of words, a blank piece of paper can become an imaginative and exciting journey down a road leading to an exciting party.
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#23 - What's That Sound?
Blue's Clues - Season 3 - Episode 4
In this episode, we listen carefully to hear all sorts of different sounds. We start out hearing a noise and identify it as wind chimes coming from outside. Later, we use noises to help Shovel & Pail follow a gopher to a neat-sounding stream. Later, we skiddoo into a soundless black-and-white movie to fix it up by adding sound effects to it.
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#24 - Blue's Play
Blue's Clues - Season 3 - Episode 23
There's a play being held at the Blue's Clues house and we're asked to play the cow. As we learn about the play, we find that it still doesn't have an ending. We explore more about how the characters are feeling in the play to get a better understanding of it. We also skiddoo into a collage and talk to the characters themselves to try and get a bead on why things happen the way they do in the play.
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#25 - Prehistoric Blue
Blue's Clues - Season 3 - Episode 24
Shovel and Pail find dinosaur footprints in the backyard, leading Shovel to worry that dinosaurs might be lurking in the backyard, despite Pail's assurances that they became extinct millions of years ago. We help to calm Shovel's fears by identifying the real animals that are in the backyard. We have fun with Steve pretending to be dinosaurs, learning, among other things, the difference between meat-eaters and plant-eaters. In the Blue Skidoo segment, we actually head back in time and find out about a number of dinosaurs, from what they looked like to how they behaved.
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#26 - Blue's Big Holiday
Blue's Clues - Season 3 - Episode 10
It's the holidays in the Blue's Clues neighborhood and we're getting together some great gifts, as well as creating patches for a memory quilt. In the Blue Skiddoo segment, we pick out the perfect gifts for some of Blue's friends. Later, we deliver them and learn all about various holiday traditions. In the process, we also receive several great patches for the quilt.
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#27 - Bluestock
Blue's Clues - Season 6 - Episode 9
It's a big musical event when Joe and Blue have the Bluestock concert in the Blue's Clues backyard. Famous artists are on hand, as are many old, familiar songs. We explore a variety of musical styles, from reggae to jazz. We also pay a visit to Blue's Room for a little Mozart, in the form of ""Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star."" There, we learn quite literally just what the little star is.
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#28 - What's New, Blue?
Blue's Clues - Season 4 - Episode 5
What's new? Blue and the Blue's Clues characters are trying out new things and so Blue and Steve decide to create ""Blue's News"" to document it. See Blue rollerskate, Pail try playing basketball, big news about Paprika, Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper and more. That's the news - now everyone knows.
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#29 - Blocks
Blue's Clues - Season 4 - Episode 13
Blue's friend Green Puppy is over visiting with Blue at the Blue's Clues house and we're all having fun with blocks - Steve and Blue constructing towers with our help and Green Puppy knocking over towers of her own. We learn about concepts such as balance, shapes and as we construct. A Blue Skidoo segment offers a look into architecture. We help an architect to select shapes to build various structures based on blueprints that he's created.
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