The BEST episodes directed by Kouji Sawai

#1 - Clash of the Delivery Girls! The Martial Arts Takeout Race
Ranma ½ - Season 2 - Episode 1
Who would sell his only son for a bowl of rice, a fish and some pickles? Genma Saotome, that's who! And now, the wealthy resturant owner has come to collect, demanding Ranma marry his daughter unless Akane can beat her in the ancient art of Martial Arts Takeout Delivery...
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#4 - Behold! The Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire Technique
Ranma ½ - Season 2 - Episode 4
Having been made hyper-sensitive to heat by Cologne, Ranma is trapped in his girl form until he promisees to marry Shampoo. Refusing to give up, Ranma takes a job at her diner, hoping for a chance to grab the 'Phoenix Pill' that's supposed to cure him.
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#5 - Enter Mousse! The Fist of the White Swan
Ranma ½ - Season 2 - Episode 5
Dr. Tofu is able to cure Ranma, but as Cologne is quick to ask - How long will it last? In any case, his mind soon gets other things to think about, as Mousse, a Chinese master of hidden weapons, arrives, challenging him for the right to Shampoo's hand.
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#7 - Danger at the Tendo Dojo!
Ranma ½ - Season 2 - Episode 12
The Tendo Dojo receives a challenge from the Dojo Destroyer, and Soun charges Akane and Ranma with task of defending its honor. Ranma however, gets other things on his mind, when Shampoo promises to give him a cure for the curse if he'll only go on a date with her...
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#9 - The Breaking Point!? Ryoga's Great Revenge
Ranma ½ - Season 2 - Episode 11
Cologne is teaching Ryoga the fearsome Breaking Point technique, making him capable of shattering giant boulders with a single touch. With it, he's sure he can beat Ranma... If the training doesn't kill him first.
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#12 - Assault on the Girls' Locker Room
Ranma ½ - Season 2 - Episode 16
Ranma is determined to infiltrate the Furinkan High girl's locker room when he gets a map from Ryoga that shows there's a old spring beneath it that can cure his curse. It proves harder than Ranma thought though, since the girls are on high alert due to the recent raids by Happosai.
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#13 - Kuno's House Of Gadgets! Guests Check In, But They Don't Check Out
Ranma ½ - Season 2 - Episode 17
Ranma's found the first of the three magic urns needed to summon the spring. And where's the next one's hidden? Deep in the bowels of the Kuno estate, full of traps, tricks and hot and cold water...
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#14 - It's a Fine Line Between Pleasure and Pain
Ranma ½ - Season 2 - Episode 19
It's cookie baking time in the home ed. class, and Akane and Kodachi both want Ranma to taste. Not taking no for an answer, the Black Rose falls back on blackmail, causing Akane to become even more determined to get Ranma to eat hers.
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#16 - Kissing is Such Sweet Sorrow! The Taking of Akane's Lips
Ranma ½ - Season 2 - Episode 21
Furinkan High is entering a theater contest with a performance of 'Romeo and Juliet'. Akane is chosen as Juliet, but Kuno and Happosai both want to be Romeo, and so does Ranma when he hears the first price winners will get to see China.
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#19 - The Killer From Jusenkyo
Ranma ½ - Season 3 - Episode 8
The Jusenkyo Preservation Society decides they have stood by long enough, letting Ranma and co abuse their Jusenkyo curses for immoral and selfish purposes, and dispatch a team charged with capturing them and teaching them the error of their ways.
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#20 - Ghost Story! Ranma and the Magic Sword
Ranma ½ - Season 3 - Episode 12
A ghost is terrorizing Furinkan High at night, and Ukyo heads up an effort in getting to the bottom of this. It proves a dangerous task though, when one by one the 'ghostbusting' teams turn up uncouncious.
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#24 - The Witch Who Loved Me: A Japanese Ghost Story
Ranma ½ - Season 3 - Episode 6
Distressed at the frequent panty thefts, the town council turns to their local hero, Soun Tendo, for protection of the town relic - an ancient bra said to contain the ghost of a merciless empress.
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#26 - Enter Happosai, the Lustful Lecher!
Ranma ½ - Season 2 - Episode 15
Soun and Genma are terrified when their old teacher, master Happosai, shows up. The founder of the Anything Goes school of martial arts, his fighting skills are only surpassed by his lust for women's underwear...
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#27 - Rub-a-Dub-Dub! There's a Pervert in the Tub
Ranma ½ - Season 3 - Episode 4
Furious at being prevented from accompanying Akane to the hot-springs, Happosai decides to recover the scroll containing his most deadly attack - The Happofire Burst - to teach them all a lesson. Ranma is however determined to find it first, and it's a battle of wits as they both try to infiltrate the scroll's resting place - an all girls hot-spring...
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#28 - Final Facedown! Happosai vs. The Invisible Man
Ranma ½ - Season 3 - Episode 10
After being gone for a while, having fled to avoid Happosai's wrath, Soun and Genma return, claiming to have studied ancient ninja techniques that will enable them to beat the master once and for all.
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#29 - Back to the Happosai!
Ranma ½ - Season 3 - Episode 15
A magic mirror sends Ranma and co a few centuries back in time to a small Chinese village, where a young girl named Cologne is torn between love and disgust for the 18 year old underwear stealing 'adventurer' running around calling himself Happy.
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#30 - Kodachi The Black Rose! The Beeline to True Love
Ranma ½ - Season 3 - Episode 16
Upon hearing that the Tendo's are broke and running out of food, Kodachi offers to move in to give her future husband and his family proper care. Despite Ranma's protests, Genma and Happosai welcome her with open arms.
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#31 - The Last Days of Happosai...?
Ranma ½ - Season 3 - Episode 17
A fortune telling classmate of Akane predicts that Happosai hasn't get long to live, and that Ranma and Akane will soon be married. When the old master starts showing signs of weakness, the unwilling fiancees better hope they find a cure - fast.
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#36 - Les Miserables of the Kuno Estate
Ranma ½ - Season 3 - Episode 11
After getting in the middle of an argument between Kuno and Kodachi, Sasuke is banished from the Kuno estate. When Akane finds the loyal ninja sulking in the park, she feels sorry for him and invites him over to the Tendo Dojo for dinner. Shocked that someone actually is being nice to him, Sasuke starts to reconsider his oath of loyalty to the Kunos.
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#37 - Two, Too Violent Girls: Ling-Ling & Lung-Lung
Ranma ½ - Season 3 - Episode 18
Two young warriors from Shampoo's tribe introduce themselves and are shocked to learn that she has not yet killed Ranma. Indignant, they decide to send Ranma themselves, using their fearsome technique of "Dance of the great fire dragon".
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#38 - All It Takes is One! The Kiss of Love is the Kiss of Death
Ranma ½ - Season 3 - Episode 13
It's a calm day on the beach, until Happosai discovers a bracelet containing three pills capable of making someone fall madly in love with the first person of the opposite sex they lay eyes on.
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#39 - Beyond Despair ~Assassin's Blade~
Psychic Detective Yakumo - Season 1 - Episode 11
Gotou and Ishii rushed to the shrine to protect Isshin; but he knocked Gotou out before confronting Yakumo's father on his own. He was subsequently stabbed, apparently by Yakumo's father. Meanwhile, Haruka and Yakumo proceeded to the hospital to investigate the ghost of the girl. They encountered her apologizing to the patient she has previously confronted. Haruka and Yakumo eventually learnt of Isshin's injuries. Due to the extensive lost of blood, he was declared brain dead by the doctor. Gotou took Nao back to his house to be looked after by his wife. Ishii has deduced and forensic evidence suggest that Yakumo's father may be a spirit but one who is able to interact with the physical world. He possessed Miyuki so that she could be sent to the hospital.
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#40 - Sentiments That Bind ~The Trap~
Psychic Detective Yakumo - Season 1 - Episode 7
Detective Gotou enlisted the help of Yakumo to investigate a supposedly ghost video taken at Nanase Mansion, where 4 members of the Nanase family was murdered 15 years ago. The video was obtained by Hijikata Makoto and filmed by a scriptwriter Hoshin Yukiko. Yakumo went off and investigate on his own after watching the video. While interviewing Hoshin, Gotou noticed that she resembles the woman seen with Yakumo's father but was unsure of his observation. Gotou and Yuutarou investigated the Nanase Mansion where Gotou was attacked by Miyuki Nanase (the same woman with Yakumo's father). Miyuki was apparently kidnapped on the day of the Nanase family massacre but has remained missing since. Yakumo tracked down the place where the ghost video was filmed and was also attacked by Miyuki, who claimed to be bringing the darkness to him and wants to destroy him.
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#41 - The Tunnel's Darkness
Psychic Detective Yakumo - Season 1 - Episode 3
Yakumo takes up a case regarding the death of a school boy and, Haruka tells him of an experience she had when a co-worker was driving her home through a tunnel. Yakumo begins to believe he can only see spirits but nothing more, and so he cannot help them all the time. Yakumo also considers the lives of people around him (especially Haruka's) that he is endangering.
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#42 - Goodbye Girl-Type
Ranma ½ - Season 2 - Episode 18
Happosai has claimed one of the urns to store his 'collection', but Ranma manages to steal it back. Of course, the master takes this as a personal insult, and starts causing considerable trouble for Ranma and the others as they travel up the mountains to find the place that will activate the urns.
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#44 - The Super Mother in Law War, Training Stage
No-Rin - Season 1 - Episode 3
Kosaku is devastated to find Minori has thrown away all his Yuka Kusakabe merchandise, even his favourite body pillow. Meanwhile it is Ringo's first day farming with the other students and Minori is determined not to be beaten by an ex idol from the big city.
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