The BEST episodes directed by Koichi Mashimo

#1 - A Woman Who Waits
El Cazador de la Bruja - Season 1 - Episode 2
With their vehicle broken down, Ellis and Nadie arrive at a small restaurant owned by a somewhat disgruntled woman named Frida. Though she takes an instant liking to Ellis, Frida's attitude towards Nadie isn't as positive when she learns that Nadie is a bounty hunter. Frida's negative feelings for bounty hunters is shown to be because it estranged her from her daughter ten years prior. Her daughter, Maria, greatly disapproved of her mother's previous life as a bounty hunter and put herself up for adoption. Soon after, Ellis is kidnapped by a bounty hunter from the previous episode and is rescued by Frida, though when Nadie encounters Maria and brings her to Frida's restaurant after the scuffle is over, Nadie takes the credit and Maria's hatred in order to preserve the relationship between mother and daughter.
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#2 - A Woman With an Angle
El Cazador de la Bruja - Season 1 - Episode 4
While being pursued by two bounty hunters, Ellis and Nadie take refuge in a convent. The sisters there are eager to offer them protection, with zealous disregard for their own safety.
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#3 - A Man Who Shoots
El Cazador de la Bruja - Season 1 - Episode 12
The heroines encounter Ortega, a man who collect guns and has himself holed up inside an armored van due to his anti-government sentiment. Before long, they are attacked and forced to escape in Ortega's van. The assailants are assassins sent to eliminate Ellis by rogue elements within the organization Blue-Eyes works for. Blue-Eyes, unable to do anything else to stop the attack, gives the heroines one instruction, saying that the attack would stop at sunrise.
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#4 - Wings Toward Tomorrow
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 26
Chaos has trapped Sakura in a crystal then reveals his true form (A bird with millions of feathers that look like Sakura's). However, Sakura while imprisoned learns that Chaos can't control his body and to free him, Syaoran must beat his true form. Sakura learns who Chaos really is and why he wanted to travel with her. Who really is Chaos and will Syaoran be able to defeat his Chaos's true form?
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#5 - Kero and Mokona
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 18
The next world appears to be uninhabited, but evidence suggests otherwise. While camping out, Mokona has trouble deciding who to sleep with. Mokona is lonely and converses with Yūko.Syaoran, Sakura, Fay and Kurogane wake up the next morning to discover they have become shorter than Mokona. Cerberus finds Mokona and explains that all humans have shrunk in the Country of Kero.
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#6 - Goal of Glory
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 3
Sakura continues racing in her dragonfly while avoiding obstacles. Meanwhile, using the sensor, Syaoran and Ryuuoh find out where the interference for the race is coming from. They head over to the Piffle Corporation Building and find that Tomoyo’s secretary is the one behind the sabatoge. When they arrive they find that he is about to shoot down Sakura’s dragonfly. Can Syaoran and Ryuuoh stop him?
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#7 - The Fifth Oath
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 17
After Fye put a barrier around them, Mokona teleported the group outside of danger but still in the same world. They try to hide in the library. Where to find out more about Syaoran's past Kurogane sets a trap for Syaoran to open the "Book of Memories" first but things go horribly wrong and Kurogane opens the book frist and Syaoran second. Syaoran is now trapped until he is finished seeing Kurogane's past. To makes things worse, the country security has found out where the group is hiding. Will they escape from the country security?
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#8 - Sorrowful Miracle
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 4
Our heroes land in the next world and spot a new feather right away embedded in a protruding stone. But what's this the feather's not within a stone, but within the horn of dragon. The townsfolk proceed to attack the dragon with the objective of obtaining the feather, but they fail. Syaoran and crew go to help them out, but it seems these townspeople have been waiting for their return. Our heroes have a returned to the world where they obtained a feather in a floating temple from a god. According to the town chief their god had announced to them that on the night of the next new moon all the people who were revived from Sakura's wish will vanished. The townsfolk hope to use the power of the feather together with Sakrua's prayers to keep them living. With the help of Kurogane and Syaoran the townsfolk attack the dragon once more. Syaoran sliced off the dragon's horn with his hien.
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#9 - A Frozen Spirit
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 25
Chaos had challeged Syaoran for Sakura. The winning gets to travel with her, but Syaoran's sword breaks during his previous battle. Kurogane trains Syaoran to master his sword. Will he be able to master Kurogane's sword and defeat Chaos and save Sakura once in for all?
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#10 - Faraway Homesickness
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 16
Sakura and Syaoran along with the other find themselves in what seems to be the Clow Country. However, they later find out that there are no people here. Fye believes this to be part of Sakura's memories and the only things present here are the things that she remembers the most, which is why there is not a single picture of Syaoran in his house. Fye says that the feather must be in the place that she is the most unknown to which in this case turns out to be the ruins. Will Syaoran get Sakura's feather back from the same place they had last been before she lost all her memories and went on this world hopping journey?
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#11 - A Warped Wish
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 23
Chaos tell Syaoran about how there are more of Sakura's feather where they found the ones he had. Syaoran decides to go find them and Fay and Kurogane join him leaving Sakura and Mokona alone at Chaos's Palace. The place Chaos told Syaoran turned out to be trap. What is Chaos planning to do with Sakura?
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#12 - Dangerous Road
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 12
The gang end up in a world that looks like a desert. But when Mokona takes out the feather from the previous world, it got swiped by a truck! Syaoran and others board a bus to catch up with the truck and they see a familiar face!
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#13 - The Secret of Hijutsu
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 20
Kishimu has taken Syaoran and Kurogane to her world. Where they find out that Ryanban's son is behind the attacks. He has found one of Sakura's feathers and is using them to control the minds of demons from Kishimu's world. Will Syaoran and Kurogane with the help of Chun Hyang stop Ryanban's son?
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#14 - The Second Hardship
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 19
Mokona takes Sakura and the others to country where they met Chun Hyang. When they reach the city, they soon find out that they have been attacked by demons from Kishimu's world and they have been stealing souls of the villagers. The villagers all avoid Chun Hyang since she belives that Kishimu wouldnt do this. Can Sakura and the others help Chun Hyang find out who is behind this and get all the stolen souls back?
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#15 - Dangerous Race
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 1
After a strange dream, Syaoran wakes up in a futuristic world called Piffle and joins the others. After a chat with Yuuko, the group sets out to take part in the Dragonfly Race; the grand prize is one of Sakura's feathers! Nearly crashing into her, Sakura and the others meet Tomoyo Daidouji, the president of the Piffle Princess Company and hostess of the Dragonfly Race. Tomoyo decides on Sakura as her heroine for the race; unfortunately, Sakura is not the best driver and she crashes more than once.
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#16 - Love That Transcends Time
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 10
With a final embrace from King Ashura a gian light emerse living Sakura's feather in King Yasha's place. King Ashura explains that King Yasha was never there to begin, that King Yasha has been dead for a long time and was only able to appear to be alive by the power of the feather's illusion. With King Ashura left in the castle she has but one wish: to revive King Yasha, but with the ability to revive life being impossible the castle commences to crumble unable to fufill her wish. What will happen to Ashura and will Sakura and the other safely escape the castle?
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#17 - Secret of the Library
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 15
The book of memories - it registers the memories of the first person to open it, and delivers the memories to the next person who touches it.
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#18 - Black Steel
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 14
Syaoran comes across "the book of memories," well a copy of it. Kurogane opens it and finds that nothign is written inside of it. He hands the book to Syaoran who opens the book and finds himself looking at a younger version of Kurogane. Can this be Kurogane's past?
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#19 - Mokona the Artist
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 11
Our heroes land in the next world, but what's this? Oh no our lovable gang has been chibified! Yes everyone is in chibi form in this next world, but Mokona is no where to be found. Everyone comences to look for him. It seems Mokona was resting in a room with an artist. This artist has the power to manipulate anything she draws especially with a new found pen which happens to be Sakura's feather. Mokona asks for the feather back when he notices our friends drawn in chibiform in a new world on a piece paper laying next to the feather. It seems the feather drew them onto the paper thus putting them in a story that can only escape by being drawn out. With Mokona's strong desire to save them he draws a story to help get them out. Will Mokona be able to save Sakura and the others?
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#20 - Sakura Works
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 21
The group lands in the next world and finds the feather almost right away for sale in a jewllery shop. how will the gang pay it! Sakura gets a job!
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#21 - Determined Friends
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 24
Chaos shows his true nature, he wants to travel with Sakura and find all her feathers instead of Syaoran, Fay, Kurogane and even Mokona. He shows Sakura how much power he really has and beat Syaoran to the ground. However keeps standing up. Will Syaoran be able to defeat Chaos and stop his plan?
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#22 - Cats and Dogs
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 1 - Episode 18
It seems Syaoran and Kurogane had stolen the prey of two demon slayer partners Yuzuriha Nekoi and Kusanagi Shiyuu as they introduce themselves Kurogane discovers from them that Fay and had given him and Syaoran the aliases Big puppy and Little puppy. Back at the cafe they treat the partners to some cake and tea while Kurogane huffs at Fay for the names (he and Sakura are Big Kitty and Little Kitty). The partners get called out for a bounty so leave promising to come back and swap stories. Syaoran and Sakura have a momentary heart to heart when Sakura almost discovers that Syaoran was probably an important person to her, but because of Yuuko's work she instantly forgets her discovery.
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#23 - Resolution to Live
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 1 - Episode 19
This episode starts directly from where the previous episode ended. Kurogane and Fai battle the oni, which they manage to stay alive, though Fai's ankle is injured. New oni slayers show up in the store. The person that Kuro and Fai were directed to meet had just left the place. A stronger oni arrives on the scene, doing weird things once more. Syaoran is unable to do much, but the teamwork of the oni slayers takes down the oni. Fai and Kuro come back to give the bad news. At the end, Syaoran realizes that he cannot rely just on his kicking skills and ask Kurogane to teach him how to fight with a sword. The mystery man shows up once again, is he related to the weird incidents that has been happening lately? What about Sakura's feather?
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#24 - Two Memories
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 9
Sakura has a dream that seems to have told the past story between Ashura and Yasha. It seems the two are tragic lovers. Anyway Syaoran returns, but with many wounds and his eye begins to hurt. Sakura unconciously kisses it for him. Could this be something she did as memory from her body or something else? Syaoran goes into town with the king's most loyal soldier, Kumara, to look for the real Fay and Kurogane, but with no luck. Syaoran has an episode in town with his still hurting eye and visions of his double harbored in a glass case with our overlookers. Our mysterious overlookers are unhappy about the sudden world change mostly because they had nothing to do with it. It seems Yuuko purposely made the world change as a favor to Ashura and also to stop the meddling of the overlookers. King Ashura decides to go back to the floating castle with just Kumara and Syaoran in her party to battle King Yasha and his underlings. It seems King Yasha decided to travel lite as well with just this world's Fay and Kurogane. Just one attack seals King Yasha's fate as Ashura defeats him. A glowing light emerses and as King Yasha's body disappears Sakura's feather appears.
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#25 - The Origins of Ashura
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 7
The group arrives in a new world, but it seems that Kurogane and Fay landed somewhere else. Syaoran, Sakura and Mokona end up with a group of female circus travelers who worship Ashura, a goddess of war. Kurogane and Fay end up in the shrine of the opposing god Yasha. But all isn’t what is it seems when Sakura and Syaoran discover that the leader of the circus, Suzuran, and the priest in the shine, Souseki, are actually secret lovers.
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#26 - Endless War
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 8
The statues of Ashura and Yasha continue to glow as the sky appears to crack, so Mokona transports Sakura and Syaoran to a different world, where they meet Ashura who appears to be in a war with Yasha. Sakura and Syaoran discover Fay and Kurogane (with black eyes), but are they the companions they have had all along?
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#27 - Strength and Kindness
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 1 - Episode 16
The story starts off with a girl being hit with a mysterious beam on her head. Inside the shrine, Keefer goes in a saves her from the Guardian of the shrine. The group enters the world, Storm Country, in the middle of a tournament in order to see who is the strongest. Syaoran eventually wins the match. But Keefer needs that sacred object that Syaoran won from the tournament. They both fight to see who gets it, ending with Syaoran giving the sacred object to save the girl.
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#28 - The Last Wish
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 1 - Episode 26
As Syaoran, Fye, Kurogane, Sakura, and Mokona arrive to the next world Syaoran collapses of fatigue due to the previous battle. An elderly woman offers her home for them to rest and also tells them the story of the castle. She tells them that if they make it up there alive a wish will be granted to them, but many have tried and died. They decide to investigate and see if it is the work of one of Sakura's feathers. What will be their wish?
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#29 - Parting of Beginnings
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 13
The episodes starts off with Syaoran and Kurogane deciding to take on the whole biker gang and hopely steal one of their bikes to ctahc up to the feather. They beat some guys but after the gang figures out that they cant take on Kurogane and Syaoran, they run away. Syaoran returns to the bus. The next day, the other people ther in the bus decide to help them and luckly they are able to ctach up to the truck with the feather but to make things worse, the biker gang came back to take revenge on Syaoran. Will they be able to get Sakura's feather back?
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#30 - A Young Man's Resolve
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 5
The group arrives in the next world landing in the middle of the ocean. They are picked up by a ship and when introduced to the captain recognize him as a villain they encountered on a previous world. They decide to trust him since he isn’t actually the same person and decide to help out on the ship. When Syaoran is taken to the engine room he finds Fujitaka, a young version of his dead father. After getting thrown overboard during a storm Syaoran and Fujitaka are given time to connect with one another.
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#31 - Feather-King Chaos
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 22
Sakura and the others arrive in the next world, and find out that the king of the city (Chaos) has her feather. Chaos agrees to give Sakura the feathers (he have several) if they told him the stories of their journey. Everyone tells him a part of their journey and at the end, Chaos keeps his word and gives Sakura all his feathers. Chaos gave up those feathers to easily, is he up to something?
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#32 - Season of Hell
Noir - Season 1 - Episode 13
When Kirika begins spending all her time down at the river in the company of a young painter, Mireille warns her not to get too close- after all, relationships aren't something you can pursue easily when you're in their line of work. Mireille has problems of her own, however- an old job comes back to haunt her when one of the survivors decides to put together his own mission of revenge.
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#33 - Mirror of Separation
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 1 - Episode 10
The villagers of Koryo storm the castle as Chu'nyan follows Sakura; meanwhile, Syaoran continues to battle the Ryanban's son and Fay and Kurogane continue to fight Kiishimu. Kurogane unintentionally frees Kiishimu from her imprisonment set by the Ryanban, by kissing her. Chu'nyan learns that her mother's spirit temporarily inhabits Sakura's body and Chu'nyan comes to understand the true meaning of hijutsu. Her mother gives her own hijutsu mirror to Chu'nyan and departs from Sakura's body.
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#34 - Blade of a Desperate Fight
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 1 - Episode 24
Syaoran wakes up inside an egg shaped pod. He hears a tapping on the glass and sees Fay there, smiling, and pointing to another pod which contains Sakura. Sakura then awakens too, and she and Syaoran get out of their pods and greet each other. Syaoran wonders where they are; the place they are in looks very different from the town. The group meet up with a woman whom Fay tells them can explain everything, and she does so. The world of Ōto is a virtual reality program in Fairy Park which is a popular game for the residents of the Edonis Country. Syaoran sees that Kurogane and Mokona are still asleep in their pods. The woman tells Syaoran that someone is interfering with the program. This person is trying to turn the virtual reality into actual reality. Kurogane, Mokona, Ryū-ō and the others appear. Seishirō then also appears and Kurogane fights with him. Before long, the true identity of the strongest Oni is revealed.
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#35 - The Ultimate Game
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 1 - Episode 25
The fight between the group and the Oni continues, while Seishirō is told the real truth behind everlasting life in the game. Syaoran climbs to the top of the rollercoaster and tells Seishirō that he doesn't think he will be able to beat him in his current state. However, he has decided to get the feather back; so he draws his sword even though he knows he's not quite ready yet. When he draws the sword, it bursts into flames and the fight begins. Seishirō takes off soon after the fight begins, but as he leaves, the Oni are left behind for them to take care of. After finishing them off, Mokona reacts to the power of the item Seishirō used and takes the group to the next world.
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#36 - God's Beloved Daughter
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 1 - Episode 8
Fay and Kurogane decide to storm the castle even when Chu'nyan tells them that powerful secret arts protect it. Chu'nyan, Syaoran, and Sakura visit the resistance in town against the Ryanban. Sakura is drawn towards the castle and mysteriously disappears inside. Syaoran goes in after her and there they meet all the townspeople that have been imprisoned and have changed into monsters. Sakura and Syaoran are then back in front of the gates of the castle because of a mysterious presence. They tell the villagers what happened to the others sucked in from the gate. Kurogane and Fay decide not to storm the castle but to think of another method. The villagers decide to fight once more.
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#37 - Advocate of Illusions
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 1 - Episode 13
The group end up in a new world, Jade Country, where there is an old legend story about a golden haired princess who possessed a feather with magical powers and they are convinced that it belongs to Sakura so they go to a forbidden castle with a deep river surrounding it to try find some children that were abducted. While they are in town, they are taking refuge in the house of a kind doctor, Kyle. But while everyone is asleep, Sakura sees the golden haired princess and follows her but then she is suddenly put to sleep. Now Sakura is getting the blame for taking the children and Syaoran is worried that she will never come back alive.
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#38 - The Three Badges
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 2 - Episode 2
While Syaoran, Fay and Kurogane ponder which of the contestants interferred with the qualifying race, Sakura is chosen for the pole position in the final race. Afterwards, at a party thrown by Tomoyo, Syaoran rekindles his friendship with the Ryuuoh in Piffle.Later, Syaoran is attacked, but the fight is called off only for the group to discover Tomoyo is intently investigating the incident during the qualifying race and she asks Sakura and the others for their assistance. Then, Tomoyo decides to make a costume for Sakura (and Mokona) for the Dragonfly Race; Syaoran seeks advice from Ryuuoh and the race begins!
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#39 - The Fading Life
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 1 - Episode 23
Seishirō attacks Fay after he asks if Kurogane and Syaoran live there. It is revealed that Seishirō gave his right eye to Yūko to obtain the power to travel between dimensions but unlike Mokona he can only use this power a limited number of times. Fay gets cornered and is defeated. Seishirō uses Sakura's feather and the people in the world start disintegrating like a computer program. When Syaoran and Kurogane get back to The Cat's Eye they find out that Fay was defeated by an Oni and that Sakura may have been taken captive. When Syaoran finds Seishirō and asks him what happened to Fay, he tells him that he killed Fay. Seishirō stabs Syaoran in the chest with a weapon made from Oni. Syaoran starts disappearing but then Sakura comes running out and hugs him and they both disappear.
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#40 - Truth In History
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 1 - Episode 14
Sakura wakes up after fainting and thinks she sees the Princess. Syaoran and the gang go check with Mr. Grosum if he has one of Sakura's feathers. They search his home to find clues of Sakura’s whereabouts until they're interrupted by Mr. Grosum. Sakura tries to find a way to escape from the room she's in. Meanwhile Syaoran discusses a plan with Doctor Kyle about stalking Mr. Grosum's house. As Sakura escapes, the ghost of the Princess appears to Sakura and tells her a story of a mystical feather came into her possession and how it wards off evil. Syaoran then uncovers the truth and finds out that Dr. Kyle knows where Sakura and the children are.
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#41 - Indelible Memory
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 1 - Episode 22
Syaoran starts remembering about Seishirō and that he was the one who taught Syaoran how to fight. Syaoran and Kurogane go to a tower full of Oni to get information on Seishirō. At the top of the tower they find out that Seishirō is not an Oni and that town hall is planning to eliminate him for interfering. They also find out that the highest level Oni is in the form of a human and can command all other Oni. Seishirō shows up at The Cat's Eye when only Fay and Sakura are there and asks Fay if Kurogane and Syaoran live there.
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#42 - A Heart that Believes
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Season 1 - Episode 15
Sakura tries to escape from the forbidden castle with ghost Princess Emeraude's help. She also brings the children along with her. Meanwhile, Syaoran and all the townspeople want to hear Dr. Kyle's confession. He then confesses that the kidnapping was his doing and he used the children in order to break the feather free. The children escape from the castle but Sakura is still trapped. Dr. Kyle escapes from the townspeople and decides to grab Sakura instead, but suddenly Syaoran comes to rescue her. The castle begins to tremble as the reservoir from the river overflows. While they confront Dr. Kyle, the wall of the castle suddenly breaks and smashes into the doctor. They are freed as they see the castle collapse, and the townspeople thank the group for rescuing their children. At the end of their journey, they realize that they are being watched by someone who is also interested in Sakura's feather.
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#43 - The Depths of Hell's Fire
Noir - Season 1 - Episode 25
Only two maidens can serve as Noir, but now that Mireille has arrived at the manor, all three candidates are present- and one must lose out. Will Chloe and Kirika pull together to remove the ‘outsider' from contention, or will Mireille find a way to get through to her former partner? Only a heated conflict in the manr grounds themselves can decide the answer…
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#44 - Birth
Noir - Season 1 - Episode 26
Mireille and Kirika have overcome everything that the Soldats have thrown at them, and proven themselves truly worthy of the name Noir. But there is one last piece of business they must take care of at the manor- a final face off with Altena, the woman who has been manipulating their lives from the very beginning. But will this showdown set them free, or is it just the last move in Altena's game?
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#45 - The Sound of Waves
Noir - Season 1 - Episode 4
Mr Hammond is a man of many roles- on the one hand, he is president of the nefarious Atride Corporation, well known for inciting wars to make a profit, but on the other, he is a father adored by his teenage daughter Rosalie. And now, in sunny Ulgia, Hammond has another role- as Noir's next target. Yet there are still enemies in the shadows who want nothing more than for Noir to fail.
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#46 - Limit
.hack - Season 3 - Episode 18
Taihaku gets his reward a new and rare Steam Gunner weapon. Tabby waits with her friend for Haseo to exit the quest. Haseo made it to the end where he sees a man and he request Haseo to answer his question, Haseo says something negative about his daughter and exited the quest about 30 seconds before the game ended. Haseo appears to Tabby but this time Haseo is different than usual; the shock somehow boosted Haseo to his 3rd adept rouge class, Flick Reaper.
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#47 - Intoccabile (Acte II)
Noir - Season 1 - Episode 9
Noir and the Intoccabile still have unfinished business with each other after their last face off, and each side knows that matters can only be resolved with a final showdown. To that end, both sides travel to Sicily, where Mireille and the Intoccabile met as children. But with Kirika's arm injured and Mireille fearful and doubtful about her ability to defeat the Intoccabile, does Noir have any hope of victory? And will Mireille and the Intoccabile's past play a part in the coming encounter?
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#48 - The Black Thread of Fate
Noir - Season 1 - Episode 7
Noir has just fulfilled a contract to kill a revolutionary leader, but Kirika is shot herself whilst making the hit. With the remaining revolutionaries hot on Noir's trail and out for revenge, Mireille realises that her only chance of escaping may be to relieve herself of the burden of her injured partner…
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#49 - Moonlit Tea Party
Noir - Season 1 - Episode 11
Mireille and Kirika are contacted by a man within the Soldats who is willing to give them a book containing valuable information. As the two women follow up this intriguing lead, they once again come up against the ""true Noir"", the mysterious assassin Chloe.
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#50 - Journey's End
Noir - Season 1 - Episode 22
Kirika and Mireille's partnership has come to an end, and with no place to return to, Kirika finds herself wandering through the wilderness. Found and rescued, she is taken to what seems like a simple country village. Yet when Kirika realises that all the villagers not only recognise her, but have been expecting her arrival, it becomes clear that all is not as it seems.
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