The BEST episodes directed by Keizou Kusakawa

#1 - The Sun's Smile
Day Break Illusion - Season 1 - Episode 13
Etia and Ariel are given a key by Leguzario that will let them free Akari from the Clessidra, but only with the right timing. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Ginka was able to defeat her counterpart and break free from the dimension she was trapped in thanks to Akari. Back in the Clessidra, Akari is finally able to hear Fuyana's true thoughts, that she truly loved her but was overcome by her jealousy. Stating that she loves her too and accepting her destiny, Akari manages to overcome the darkness. As Cerebrum attempts to kill Akari, Etia and Ariel use the key to unlock their previously sealed powers, allowing them to break Akari free. After failing to lure Akari and the others into darkness again, Cerebrum transforms into his ultimate form, but all the tarot users unite against him, allowing Akari to break through and destroy him. Afterwards, as the girls head to an overseas Sefiro Fiore branch, Akari finds a note left behind by Fuyuna, encouraging her in her path to one day save everyone from the Daemonia.
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#2 - The Stigma of the Cursed Sinner
Asura Cryin' - Season 1 - Episode 13
Kagakagari has taken a plane full of people hostage and offers to exchange their lives for the Igniter. However, the exchange soon turns violent putting the lives of the hostages at risk. Tomo must then attempt a very dangerous plan using Kurogane in order to save everyone that he cares about, but will it be enough?
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#3 - Dispersing Dream of the Cruel Sky
Asura Cryin' - Season 1 - Episode 7
Now that Kurogane has absorbed the stabiliser, people can see Misao, but Tomo is worried that she won't be able to hide her incorporeal nature from those around her. Meanwhile, Haruna and Susugihara explore a strange set of ruins in search of the Caster Machina. These recent events prompt the group to look back on the tragic plane crash which started them in motion, not only for Misao and Tomo, but for Shuri and Susugihara as well.
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#4 - Until This World Dies
Asura Cryin' - Season 1 - Episode 12
While, Shuri and Reishirou are enjoying their Second Year trip to Hawaii, Tomo accidentally stumbles across a Plug-In for the Asura Machina. However, Kagakagari also wants the device and he attacks Tomo and the others in order to retrieve it. As such Tomo is forced to break his promise to Takatsuki and use Kurogane to fend him off.
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#5 - Sacrifice Rising From Beyond Darkness
Asura Cryin' - Season 1 - Episode 6
Shuri arranges to trade the real stabilizer with Susugihara for something very important to her. However, with Tomo still too ill to use Kurogane there is no-one to fight her when the trade goes badly wrong and as such they are forced to flee.
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#6 - The Forbidden Being That Should Not Exist
Asura Cryin' - Season 1 - Episode 9
When an Asura Crying appears during Reishirou's attempt to stop the culprit behind the demon hunts he explains how Tomo is also in danger of becoming one and orders him to leave the matter alone. However, with Ania desperate to find out what has happened to her sister and Tomo sworn to protect her it isn't long before he is face to face with the Asura Crying.
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#7 - Connected By The Chains of Time
Asura Cryin' - Season 1 - Episode 10
With Ania kidnapped by Takaya Kagakagari Tomo, Shuri, Misao and Takatsuki race to save her. Meanwhile Ania learns that Kagakagari plans to sacrifice all the demons in the city in order to lift the curse of the Asura Machina. By the time Tomo and the others arrive the ceremony has already begun and they must work quickly in order to save both Ania and Takatsuki.
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#8 - Uniting Hearts and Bodies
Asura Cryin' - Season 1 - Episode 5
When Shuri is injured during a fight with an Ausura machina she her personality completely changes and she thinks her name is Kurosaki Yukari. This prompts Tomo to investigate her life but soon both Tomo and Shuri are attacked by a murderer-doll only to be saved by Takatsuki.
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#9 - The Shadow Cast By The Light of Science
Asura Cryin' - Season 1 - Episode 3
Having been captured by Saeki, Takatsuki is put on trial and sentenced to death for her involvement with Tomo. Meanwhile, Tomo rushes to retrieve the Asura Machina and save her from the First Student Council. However, when he finds the trunk empty he must rely on Shuri's help to save the day.
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#10 - The Feeling of Losing Your Destination
Asura Cryin' - Season 1 - Episode 4
The science club head to Lake Tobi to investigate reports of a mysterious creature terrorising the area. Unbeknownst to them two fellow students, Kurasawa Rikka (the Second Student Council President) and Mahiwa are also ine the area searching for the creature. It soon emerges that the monster is in fact a familiar that was abandoned by Mahiwa and has gone berserk. Armed with this knowledge the science club set out to reunite the two and stop the creature's rampage.
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#11 - Wind, Rain, Wolf
Campione! - Season 1 - Episode 7
The hunt continues in the storm summoned by Voban who has neutralized The Stallion forcing Godou to grab Mariya and run using The Raptor. Yuri finds out more about Godou and Campiones when they stop to rest for as long as they can before Voban finds them again. Mariya is unaware of her developing feelings for Godou as she is deeply touched both by how far he is willing to help and suffer not only to protect her but also to avoid doing something 'improper.' Even though as a Campione he could order her compliance. Mariya makes the decision that heavily impacts the final showdown with Voban. Meanwhile, Erica has been fighting both Liliana and Voban's Dead Servants. However, she manages to appeal to Liliana's honor and sense of righteousness (and seal the deal with some blackmail) to get her to switch sides for the final showdown.
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#12 - The Sword of Ama no Murakumo
Campione! - Season 1 - Episode 12
In the Netherworld, Godou meets the god behind the current situation and finds out several interesting things. Meanwhile, Erica is struggling to endure the Netherworld's environment while fighting for her life. Ena of the Seishuuin family loses control of her Possession ability causing her sword, Ama no Murakumo, to fully possess and control her. Godou interrupts, but the Netherworld is still killing Erica. Her only chance may lie in the last Authority Godou has yet to master, that of the Youth. Back home, Shizuka is planning dire things for Godou after listening to (and misunderstanding) things Athena said about her relationship with Godou. Liliana and Yuri are interrupted in their rescue plans by the same scythe-wielding snake goddess that consumed Perseus.
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#13 - Tale of the God Slayer
Campione! - Season 1 - Episode 13
The connection between Athena and the mysterious figure is revealed along with the figure's identity. Godou rushes off with Athena while the others stay behind to try to buy enough time for the Authorities Godou used up battling Ama no Murakumo to recharge. Fortunately, thanks to Godou, Erica has an ace that'll let her fight almost at the level of a Campione. If Godou can't defeat his new opponent, then Princess Alice's prediction of the world enveloped by the Starless Night (which was mistakenly attributed to Athena) will come to pass. He'll need the help of all five girls to achieve victory.
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#14 - The Turbulent Demon King, The Sun Hero
Campione! - Season 1 - Episode 10
The duel with Perseus resumes but Godou still doesn't have what he needs to achieve victory. Liliana makes a decision that not only impacts the flow of the battle but brings her into it as well. Athena makes a final appearance, to Liliana's chagrin, and a familiar silhouette does some ominous things.
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#15 - The Missing King
Campione! - Season 1 - Episode 9
While Liliana berates herself for her inaction, Perseus is about to finish off Godou when Athena intervenes. Perseus decides to step back after Athena reveals that Godou is more interesting to fight after he's been beaten. Liliana starts to show interest in Godou in various ways while they try to figure out how to counter Perseus' trump card. Athena offers the information, but Godou will have to owe her a favor since it'd be too boring if she just told them. Erica and the others find out what happened to Gotou but run into unexpected trouble in getting to him. Liliana struggles with her feelings along with what she'd have to do to give Godou her knowledge of Perseus. Perseus soon after sends them a message calling for a duel at a place he considers "suitable" for displaying his greatness to an audience.
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#16 - The Landscape with a King
Campione! - Season 1 - Episode 2
Erica moves to Japan and also transfers to his school, causing him trouble on her first day. Godou meets Mariya Yuri, a shrine princess, and learns of The Committee for the Compilation of True History, a magic organization based in Japan. Erica brings Godou to Italy to meet the representatives of the country's Society of Magicians, and show them his new powers by facing him in a duel. The representatives decide to entrust Godou with an important artifact upon seeing his abilities. He also finds out whether or not The Committee's beliefs for why Erica is staying by his side are true or not.
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#17 - Rogue Athena
Campione! - Season 1 - Episode 4
Mariya Yuri and Amakasu continue to try and seal the Gorgoneion at a shrine. However, Athena has already found them. Easily taking the Gorgoneion from them Athena uses it to transform herself into Rogue Athena. Unfortunately, Yuri absorbs some of the Death Wind released from Athena returning to her true form. Now dying Yuri attempts a long shot to turn the tide. Godou confronts Athena while the key to victory lies with Erica. However, even if he wins Godou will still have to face Yuri's wrath for his latest (and extremely misinterpreted) indiscretions.
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#18 - A Hero Arrives
Campione! - Season 1 - Episode 8
After falling into Erica's trap, Godou is vacationing (and being teased) on a beach with Erica, Yuri, and his Grandfather's old friend, Zola (who was the original owner of the Perseus stone.) Trying to escape the antics Godou runs into Athena, who says she's not interested in a rematch, yet, but wants him to come with her to something that has attracted her attention. Meanwhile, Liliana realizes the error of seeking Dion's help in dealing with the Heraion, which ends up transforming the land's energy into a dragon. As a result, Perseus shows up to 'valiantly' slay the dragon without any concern for the consequences. Athena intervenes while Godou explains a few things to Liliana who shows the cute young maiden side of her out of shock. Perseus returns to demonstrate why Godou can't beat him.
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#19 - Tricky Devil (Asura Machina)
Asura Cryin' - Season 1 - Episode 1
Tomoharu Natsume survived a horrible plane crash but Misao, his close friend, did not and became a ghost that continued to be attached to him. Three years later, he moved out to a place rented by his brother to live on his own and attend Raku High since his mother remarried. On his first day in his new house, a mysterious girl called Shuri turns up and gives him a silver briefcase to look after on behalf of his brother who lives abroad. Soon after, Tomoharu and his best friend, a ghost named Misao Minakami, are attacked by various factions who all seek the 'Asura Machina' and 'Extractor'.
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#20 - Princess Shrine Maiden of the Long Sword
Campione! - Season 1 - Episode 11
An old friend of Yuri and Hakari returns from training. Her intentions will force Yuri to confront her feelings about Godou and raise trouble for Erica and Liliana. Meanwhile, Erica finally traps Godou into going on a date with her. However, Godou gets himself in some hot water due to being nervous, his inability to understand the feelings of women in general, and his lack of planning ahead. The date is interrupted by a girl who is falling for Godou which results in Godou being "stolen" and Erica displaying how deep her feelings for him go. Meanwhile, Athena "drops in" on Shizuka at the Kusanagi home looking for Godou.
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#21 - Unpleasant Days
Campione! - Season 1 - Episode 5
Mariya wakes up from a vision she had about a sinister man and Liliana but keeps it to herself hoping it was a dream and not a vision. In school, she is challenged by Erica to a baseball match resulting in indescribable suffering for Godou. Soon after Erica gives her an even bigger challenge, to buy a cellphone with Godou. For the innocent Yuri, this means not only going out with a Devil King but going out shopping with a boy for the first time in her life. That night, Godou is called by Salvatore Doni who wants Godou to fight Sasha Dejanstahl Voban, a Campione who came to Japan to become stronger. However, Godou hangs up in the middle of the call. Mariya on the other hand has her bath rudely interrupted.
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#22 - A Future About to Be Ruined
Asura Cryin' - Season 1 - Episode 2
After the events of the previous evening Tomo and Misao learn about the Royal Dark Society from Shuri. Later he runs into Takatsuki whilst visiting his new landlord and learns that she was the one who broke into his house in search of the briefcase. However, soon her father arrives and things get awkward for Tomo when he realises that he was one of the people responsible for the destruction of his house. Tomo is then confronted by the First Student Council President, Saeki Reishirou, who was also one of the people who raided his home.
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#23 - From Afar, An Enemy Comes
Campione! - Season 1 - Episode 3
Mariya Yuri is tasked by Amakasu to verify that a divine instrument called Gorgoneion has been brought to Japan by Godou. After she heavily scolds Godou, she explains to him the prophecy of Princess Alice about the Gorgoneion bringing about the world's end if obtained by the goddess Athena. Upon hearing this, Godou and Erica set out to find Athena, and either stop her or at least buy enough time for Mariya to seal the Gorgoneion. Unfortunately, Athena uses a surprising and unexpected move to take out Godou. Mariya on the other hand has been approached by a girl by the name of Liliana Kranjčar who at first wants the Gorgoneion, but then is willing to offer some aid in sealing the Gorgoneion.
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#24 - Drive! Aho Girl
AHO-GIRL - Season 1 - Episode 10
Yoshiko goes out for a walk with her dog. But their walk is no simple walk. Yoshiko rides on her dog's back, and eventually they reach the mountains. A race breaks out between Yoshiko and her dog traveling at unprecedented speed and the legendary rider of the peak. Who will be the victor?
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#25 - The First Story
Campione! - Season 1 - Episode 1
Kusanagi Godou is entrusted with a stone grimiore by his grandfather to deliver to its former owner, an old friend, in Italy where he encounters supernatural happenings. Meeting the beautiful knight, Erica Blandelli, he is drawn into the battle between rogue gods, and uses the power of the grimiore to defeat the Persian god of victory, Verethragna, gaining his powers, becoming a god slayer, also known as a Campione.
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#26 - Influenza and the Dawn of a Pharmacy
Parallel World Pharmacy - Season 1 - Episode 8
Demand for Parallel World Pharmacy's products continues to rise, exceeding the store's capacity to handle. Everyone would benefit if other shops sold Farma's new medicines, but the Saint Fleuve Pharmaceutist Guild strictly forbids its members from involvement with Farma's shop or his medicines. Farma searches for a way to expand access to medicine in this environment.
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#27 - Final Battle! Decisive Blow! Aho Girl
AHO-GIRL - Season 1 - Episode 11
Yoshiko finds her soldier, Ryuuichi, in tatters. Yoshiko asks what happened, and he responds that he was done in by guys who have wasted bananas. Yoshiko stands silently, anger boiling up from within. They are unforgiveable! I shall fight! Yes! For bananas everywhere! ...wait, bananas?
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#28 - The Empress and an Imperial Charter
Parallel World Pharmacy - Season 1 - Episode 4
Farma continues to treat Empress Élisabeth II, which leads to an unexpected reward.
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#29 - The Kings Converse
Campione! - Season 1 - Episode 6
Voban tells Mariya that he intends to re-enact the ceremony that Doni had crashed 4 years ago as he's bored and wants something interesting to hunt. Amakasu asks Godou and Erica to rescue Mariya as only a Campione can stand up to or stop another Campione. Meeting Voban, Erica manipulates the conversation to get Voban eager to fight Godou, who (naively) is stubbornly trying to find a way to settle things without violence. The end result is that Voban will release Mariya, but will hunt Godou down and take her back after giving them 30 minutes to run. However, if they can last till sunrise he'll admit defeat. Thus begins the duel of Campiones.
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#30 - Blown Up!
Fuuka - Season 1 - Episode 7
A photo of Yuu and Koyuki taken outside his home spreads like wildfire on Twitter, creating a huge scandal for the popular singer Koyuki. Even Yuu's account is found and targeted, and wild rumors are even going around at school. The band's practices in preparation for the school fair had been coming along smoothly, but the rumors spoil Fuuka's mood. Meanwhile, Koyuki addresses the controversy on national television...
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#31 - Live!
Fuuka - Season 1 - Episode 4
Misunderstandings between Yuu and Fuuka cause problems for them at work. Yuu's attempt to make up fails, and the mood remains awkward between them. Meanwhile their teacher, Tomomi, shows up at the beach house with the track team captain, Nachi, and Fuuka learns something shocking...
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#32 - Top!
Fuuka - Season 1 - Episode 8
The day of the school fair has arrived. Fans enraged by Yuu and Koyuki's scandal crowd around and shout abuse as their band takes the stage. Yuu is certain that the power of Fuuka's singing can silence them, but then someone throws a glass bottle at him, and performing becomes the least of his worries. Chaos breaks loose, and Koyuki, who had come to see Yuu's concert in secret, can't stand silently by any longer...
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#33 - Fair Wind
Fuuka - Season 1 - Episode 12
Yuu wrote an original song in an attempt to bring Fuuka back to the band, but she persistently refused to meet with him. Now, as their growing popularity online has earned the attention of the HEDGEHOGS members, they've been invited to play at a live club again. The members have no choice but to practice their new song with no vocalist, but Yuu still isn't willing to give up. Can he get his feelings through to Fuuka?
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#34 - The Chief Royal Pharmacian and the Reincarnated Pharmacologist
Parallel World Pharmacy - Season 1 - Episode 3
Farma accompanies his father Bruno on his house call to the Empress. He realizes he has the ability to cure her, but he can't do so without drawing attention that would put him in jeopardy.
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#35 - 7th Life: What the Sugar Girl is Made Out Of
Happy Sugar Life - Season 1 - Episode 7
Satou and Shoko head to the apartment where Satou says she lives. As soon as they step out of the elevator, they run into two police officers, who tell Satou to knock on the door. Someone opens the door from inside...
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#37 - The Miracle at L'Estacque
Parallel World Pharmacy - Season 1 - Episode 11
As Farma works to save the villagers of L'Estacque, the infected cargo and crew from the rogue ship get ever closer to the capital.
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#38 - One of Us!
Fuuka - Season 1 - Episode 5
The new school term has begun, and Yuu's band has begun to practice in earnest. They have one of their idols, Hisashi of HEDGEHOGS, teaching them how to play their instruments, but bassist Yuu and vocalist/guitarist Fuuka are complete beginners. Nachi isn't much better as a drummer, so their practices are going nowhere. Then they meet a senpai from their school, Sara Iwami. She's cold to them at first, but then something changes her tune...
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#39 - Triangle!
Fuuka - Season 1 - Episode 3
"We're starting a band!" Yuu and Mikasa are dragged into the plan, and the three of them start a light music association. In order to earn money to afford their instruments they decide to stay at a beach house over the summer and work part-time. But the owner, Yahagi, is Yuu's least favorite type of person.
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#40 - A Reincarnated Pharmacologist and a Parallel World
Parallel World Pharmacy - Season 1 - Episode 1
World-class pharmacologist Kanji Yakutani awakens to find himself reincarnated in another world as Farma de Médicis. No longer able to pursue the cutting-edge drug research he did on Earth, he must adjust to life in this new world and in his new family.
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#41 - Those He Couldn't Cure
Parallel World Pharmacy - Season 1 - Episode 12
Farma reaches the capital only to find that plague is spreading swiftly through the city. Can he and the people of the capital get the situation under control and defeat this epidemic?
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#42 - The Boy with No Shadow and the Inquisitors
Parallel World Pharmacy - Season 1 - Episode 7
Farma confronts Grand Temple Inquisitor Salomon, and his sudden conflict with the Inquisition takes a surprising turn.
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#43 - The Gal! Aho Girl
AHO-GIRL - Season 1 - Episode 7
Emura Akane, Shiina Kuroko, and Hiiragi Himeko are hanging out in the classroom after school when Yoshiko sets her sights on them. The girls, completely unable to read Yoshiko's behavior, get roped into playing with her. They agree to play hide and seek in order to escape Yoshiko, but then...
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#44 - Master and Apprentice
Parallel World Pharmacy - Season 1 - Episode 2
Having discovered a variety of new abilities and learned of the poor availability of medicine in this new world, Farma begins testing what he can do with Substance Creation, Substance Elimination, and his Diagnostic Eye. If he can master the use of Divine Arts, as well as his special abilities, perhaps he can help the people of this world the way he longed to do in his previous life.
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#45 - 6th Life: We Revolve Around the Moon
Happy Sugar Life - Season 1 - Episode 6
Shoko starts to get suspicious about Satou, and runs into Asahi passing out flyers. Satou says that she has to go to Mitsuboshi's place to deliver a notebook with a message from work, but when Mitsuboshi opens the notebook, he finds a message asking whether he wants her to let him see Shio.
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#46 - Daily Life at Parallel World Pharmacy and Cosmetics
Parallel World Pharmacy - Season 1 - Episode 5
Farma's efforts to create a pharmacy for everyone, nobles and commoners alike, aren't achieving the desired results. But with some help and advice from family and friends, Farma might be able to turn things around.
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#47 - The Black Death
Parallel World Pharmacy - Season 1 - Episode 10
With the Saint Fleuve Fair about to begin, Farma fights to keep the Black Death from ravaging the Empire.
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#48 - The Story of a Certain Wicked Man
Parallel World Pharmacy - Season 1 - Episode 9
Things are looking up in the Saint Fleuve Empire, with Farma's initiatives improving the overall health of the populace. However, word arrives of a mysterious new illness that threatens to sweep the nation. Farma rushes to prepare for this frightening scenario.
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#49 - Take Flight!
Fuuka - Season 1 - Episode 2
Yuu spots Fuuka in the hall and is about to talk to her, but then he notices she's crying. He follows her eyes and sees that she seems to be looking at their good-looking classmate, Mikasa. After school, Yuu ends up on pool-cleaning duty with Fuuka and Mikasa, but he can't stop wondering about their relationship. Meanwhile, Koyuki Hinashi, a childhood friend that Yuu lost contact with after she became a popular singer, finally calls Yuu for the first time in years.
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#50 - The Water Sekirei
Sekirei - Season 1 - Episode 5
The mysterious girl turns out to be Matsu, a Sekirei who has been hiding at the Inn. Matsu becomes Minato's third Sekirei. Minato has dreams of another Sekirei, later identified as Tsukiumi, a Sekirei that despises Ashikabi. Minato and Kusano go looking for her and encounter Seo. Hikari and Hibiki soon arrive chased by Tsukiumi.
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