The BEST episodes directed by Kei Oikawa

I Love Daddy Most in the World
36 votes

#1 - I Love Daddy Most in the World

Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father! - Season 1 - Episode 12

The end of the month is coming and Yuuta has thought he made his final decision, but after Hina’s outburst about her mama and papa, the decision has become even harder.

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What Happened to the Girl
32 votes

#2 - What Happened to the Girl

Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father! - Season 1 - Episode 5

After an eye opening morning, Yuuta left the house without his phone. That allows Shuntarou, the one person Yuuta didn’t want the girls to meet, a chance to talk with Miu. And while Sora leaves to deliver Yuuta’s phone, a neighbor comes to visit.

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It's Getting Fun
36 votes

#3 - It's Getting Fun

Minami-ke - Season 3 - Episode 5

Chiaki is down in the dumps at the upcoming stewardship of the pool and decides to enliven things by challenging everybody to a game of tag with the »it« person having the garden hose. Makoto stealing the hose and Chiaki's retaliation sparks a three-way water fight with Uchida and Yoshino that obfuscates the issue of Chiaki not being able to swim and that the compensatory computation thereof backfiring on Chiaki. The next arc is a snapshot of Kana's computations of the intermediate school social ambiance in terms of a outing to a public pool followed by the computation crash wrought upon Fujioka regarding appropriate male contact with females and the aftermath thereof. Touma demonstrates her perspective on the issue only to find that male-to-male contact is much more straightforward and has greater latitude.

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The Young Girl With Glasses / A Good, Good Fort / Eyes of the Rabbit
33 votes

#4 - The Young Girl With Glasses / A Good, Good Fort / Eyes of the Rabbit

Joshiraku - Season 1 - Episode 4

As Gankyō exhibits some violent behavior, the girls discuss the stereotypes that come when a girl wears glasses. Later, as Kukuru gets trainsick, the girls try to come up with various ailments for her. Afterwards, on the night of a full moon, the girls sit and discuss moon-related topics before being attacked by a large rabbit.

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Start of the Year
36 votes

#5 - Start of the Year

Minami-ke - Season 3 - Episode 1

A euphoric moment of Haruka securing Chiaki's kimono gives way to frustration that Kana is oversleeping along with the consequent compensatory frenzy thereof that does not seem to bother Uchida who (at the cost of her micro-economy) has been enjoying herself at the festival. The fortune that Uchida purchases with Kana's money only amplifies this fact; unfortunately, Uchida takes the fortune too seriously and overlooks that realizing a fortune takes effort on her part. The next arc features Chiaki contrasting fried noodles and their instant-cup brethern with Touma who has no idea what Chiaki is telling her until Haruka returns home with Kana and prepares some tea that Takeru enjoys using old leaves rather than the ones from the first harvest. The arc that follows thereafter details the home visit the school nurse regarding Chiaki who is none too thrilled with the prospect and that Haruka refuses to intercede as Chiaki's guardian. Between Takeru's obliviousness and the school nurse's flirting along with Kana watching the whole thing, poor Chiaki is absolutely mortified. The final arc details Takeru availing a superstition that points to Kana pulling her usual pranks and a fact that has been demonstrated all throughout.

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Maid in Japan
143 votes

#6 - Maid in Japan

Outbreak Company - Season 1 - Episode 7

Shin'ichi returns briefly to Tokyo to make some shopping just to later find that Myucel had sneaked her way to accompany him and he spends the rest of the day showing her the city.

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Me, Too
35 votes

#7 - Me, Too

Minami-ke - Season 3 - Episode 2

Touma pays the Minami sisters a visit with an unknown payload whose revelation Chiaki objects in Haruka's absence. Though she inhibits herself for the time being, Kana begins to succumb to avarice when Fujioka comes for a visit. What follows is an exercise in game theory in which Kana leads Chiaki through an enigmatic scenario to obfuscate her volition for having the entire payload to herself since Haruka's estimated arrival time is an unknown variable. Kana's only mistake is that she forgets to consider all the players. The next arc features Haruka and Chiaki being rather vague and indirect about the supermarket and the route thereof as well as a neighborhood dog giving way to Chiaki encountering a shopping list that she suspects that Kana tampered with. The arc thereafter details Hayami comparing notes with Maki regarding Hosaka before she gets the idea to wield Hosaka's computations as her plaything. Hosaka tries befriending Maki and Atsuko but is puzzled when they swiftly flee. The final arc features Haruka taking notes from a cooking show about the preparation of curry while detecting the necessity of visiting the supermarket. Chiaki taking on this stewardship with the very notes that Haruka was taking earlier ends up inspiring Hosaka and herself an extra spicy curry.

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The Order That Must Exist
35 votes

#8 - The Order That Must Exist

Minami-ke - Season 3 - Episode 4

In spite of being the reason for Touma's earlier »Hands off!!!« repulsion, Kana decides that Touma is getting out of hand while making the same mistake with Chiaki at dinner. Haruka swiftly answers the dominance question between Kana and Chiaki right before Touma arrives again with a slideshow of her family government. Kana gives Touma a photograph to show Natsuki that causes a computation crash. The next arc depicts the Minami brothers discussing what to give Touma for her birthday and revealing that Natsuki is the second-generation Banchou that has gotten into a misunderstanding with one of his classmates Hitomi who is fishing for insight regarding maturity and thinks that she can determine Natsuki's thoughts via eye contact.

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Even If It's a Fight
36 votes

#9 - Even If It's a Fight

Minami-ke - Season 3 - Episode 3

Touma's ecstasy during the homebound commute is quickly extinguished by Natsuki helping himself to the snack consecrated for that purpose. Thereafter, Touma's sudden arrival on Chiaki's doorstep gives way to the revelation that Touma has an ongoing passive-aggressive dynamic with her brothers and paints a dysphoric snapshot of Touma's family. The next arc details how the Minami sisters deal with an abundance of apples. The arc concludes with the Minami brothers prosecuting protracted and complex computations regarding the utilization of the apple Touma brought back with her. The arc that follows thereafter details Haruka conferring culinary counsel upon Natsuki while Kana and Chiaki discuss Haruka and Natsuki first as individuals and then as a romantic couple. Chiaki dismisses the prospect before directing Kana to finish the curry Haruka is making. Unfortunately, the culinary protocols for both Haruka's curry and Natsuki's cookies get interchanged with dysphoric consequences. The final arc is related to the first and details the conflagration of Touma confronting Natsuki who repels his brothers' attempts to come to their sister's aid. In an attempt to guide her through guarding against this kind of misunderstanding, Kana demonstrates to Touma a form of Japanese script that looks a lot like arithmetic.

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Magical Girl Petralka
141 votes

#10 - Magical Girl Petralka

Outbreak Company - Season 1 - Episode 10

When footage from the soccer game leak to the internet in Japan, the government's secret operation in Eldant is at risk of being exposed to the world and Shin'ichi comes with a plan to decieve the public opinion by announcing it as part of a fantasy film production in collaboration with the JSDF, inviting Petralka to play the main role.

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The Swimsuit Apocalypse
142 votes

#11 - The Swimsuit Apocalypse

Outbreak Company - Season 1 - Episode 9

When Minori is awarded with some days of vacation, Shin'ichi decides to take the girls to swim at a nearby lake and they have some fun together until they realize that they are being observed by some uninvited guests.

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I Found Myself in Another Universe
163 votes

#12 - I Found Myself in Another Universe

Outbreak Company - Season 1 - Episode 1

After acing an otaku job questionnaire and interview for Amutec, Shinichi Kanou wake up in a strange world with a beautiful maid, Myucel, at his side. He is now in the Holy Eldant Empire and he must, as the general manager, export Japan’s best of anime, manga and video games to this country.

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Shoot the Invader!
113 votes

#13 - Shoot the Invader!

Outbreak Company - Season 1 - Episode 12

In response to Shin'ichi's act of defiance, the Japanese Government orders the JSDF to kill him. After two failed attempts, Shin'ichi comes with a plan to convince the politicians in Tokyo to spare him and keep supporting his efforts to spread the Otaku culture in Eldant instead.

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Soccer... Soccer?
141 votes

#14 - Soccer... Soccer?

Outbreak Company - Season 1 - Episode 6

To deal with the divide between the elf and dwarf students, Shin'ichi organizes a friendly soccer match between both sides and it does not take long for it to become a vicious battle between them.

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Conspire Closely and Quietly
109 votes

#15 - Conspire Closely and Quietly

Outbreak Company - Season 1 - Episode 11

Shin'ichi's efforts to spread the Otaku culture bear fruit. However, when there is a shortage of products from Japan, leading to various conflicts amongst the people in Eldant, Shin'ichi learns the true intentions of the Japanese government and falls into despair upon it, until Myusel inspires him to come with a solution.

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The Furry Spy
147 votes

#16 - The Furry Spy

Outbreak Company - Season 1 - Episode 4

While Myucel is recovering from the terrorist attack, Shinichi is still haunted by the last words of Alessio. “Am I an invader?” he’s wondering while teaching the new students. One day, an alarm is triggered in the mansion perimeter and a furry spy is discovered. Is Erubia Hanaiman really a spy?

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This Really Is Another Universe
145 votes

#17 - This Really Is Another Universe

Outbreak Company - Season 1 - Episode 5

Erbia moves to Shin'ichi's manor, but she starts displaying some strange behavior and he starts believing that she is coming after his life, unaware of her real intentions.

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Her Majesty's Melancholia
143 votes

#18 - Her Majesty's Melancholia

Outbreak Company - Season 1 - Episode 8

Fed up with all the responsibilities piled upon her, Petralka shuts herself in her room and refuses to leave. Shin'ichi, who used to live as a shut-in in Japan, decides then to show her the life he used to have, with all the ups and downs that come from it as well.

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The Moe-Struck Caretaker
160 votes

#19 - The Moe-Struck Caretaker

Outbreak Company - Season 1 - Episode 2

Shinichi Kanou meet with the empress Petralka Anne Eldante III and misunderstanding ensues. Petralka jealousy for Shinichi relationship with Myucel cause some rukus. Shinichi must explain to Petralka the equality principle.

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Don't Call Me Daddy
41 votes

#20 - Don't Call Me Daddy

Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father! - Season 1 - Episode 1

Yuuta Segawa starts his first year in college. He meets second year Raika Oda under unusual circumstances thanks to Sako and Nimura of the Street Observation Research Society. Meanwhile, Yuuta bumped into Raika again had a uneasy conservation with her and as she left he starts to have a crush on her. After joining the Street Observation Research Society for 3 months, he meets up with his sister and misinterpreted him with seeing Raika. His sister asked him to visit Sunday to see her kids. However, it turned out into a babysitting task for the kids while they are out for awhile which his sister neglected to say. His conversation with his nieces were quite awkward.

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Thy Name is Invader
158 votes

#21 - Thy Name is Invader

Outbreak Company - Season 1 - Episode 3

It's been a month since Shinichi came to the Holy Eldant Empire and study lesson with Petralka and Myucel are going well. Also the school construction is progressing steadily in Erudanto, and as the construction completion is near, disturbing events will affect the safety of everyone.

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Galloping After Our Dreams
8 votes

#22 - Galloping After Our Dreams

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 2 - Episode 13

The Arima Kinen is the final G1 race of the year, featuring a roster of horse girls selected by fan ballot. Tokai Teio is among the competitors, and this time, she is running with something to prove.

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7 votes

#23 - Stopwatch

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 2 - Episode 9

Team Spica is stunned by BNW's outstanding performance at the Japanese Derby. Meanwhile, Tokai Teio is supposed to be focused on making her comeback in the Takarazuka Kinen, but ends up fracturing a bone for the third time. The doctor tells her that even after it heals, there's a chance she'll never get her old speed back again.

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8 votes

#24 - Together

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 2 - Episode 12

As Tokai Teio continues to train in preparation for her return to racing, Mejiro McQueen notices something strange.

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The Derby With Rivals
13 votes

#25 - The Derby With Rivals

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 1 - Episode 5

Special Week starts training even harder to prepare for the Japanese Derby. Her rivals, El Condor Pasa and Seiun Sky, are training hard, as well. Suzuka also tries to help Special Week get even stronger.

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One Day, Without a Doubt
7 votes

#26 - One Day, Without a Doubt

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 2 - Episode 10

No longer able to run at full speed, Tokai Teio realizes that she'll never win again. Left with no reason to race, she plans to withdraw from Team Spica, but Trainer asks her to put on one last show for her fans.

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12 votes

#27 - Promise

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 1 - Episode 7

Team Spica is training to take down Rigil. Special Week realizes she really wants to race with Silence Suzuka, and decides to talk to the Trainer about it...

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The Debut Race Out of Nowhere
13 votes

#28 - The Debut Race Out of Nowhere

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 1 - Episode 2

Special Week is told she has only a week to prepare for her debut race. Symboli Rudolf, the student council president, and Silence Suzuka try to help her prepare, but she's rather nervous...

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Special Training!
14 votes

#29 - Special Training!

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 1 - Episode 4

Special Week begins training with Spica in order to raise her chances in the Japan Derby. The Trainer has an idea for Special Week that could help her out.

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Never Gonna Give It Up!
6 votes

#30 - Never Gonna Give It Up!

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 2 - Episode 2

The Japanese Derby is over, and Tokai Teio's injuries have landed her in rehabilitation. She's determined to recover by the Kikkashou, the last race she needs for the Triple Crown. Meanwhile Nice Nature throws herself into training with the rest of Team Canopus, determined to claim victory at the Kikkashou herself.

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Autumn Skies and Horse Girls
13 votes

#31 - Autumn Skies and Horse Girls

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 1 - Episode 6

Team Spica has more members, and now they're enjoying the Fall Twinkle Series Fan Appreciation Fair. Special Week has gotten quite close to Silence Suzuka, and plan to go around the fair together, but Silence Suzuka makes a surprising announcement...

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Gate of Dreams!
20 votes

#32 - Gate of Dreams!

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 1 - Episode 1

Special Week wants to become Japan's best horse girl and has transferred into Tracen Academy. She sees her first race, and has her heart stolen by Silence Suzuka. She tries to join the same team, but...

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Dreams of Spica
11 votes

#33 - Dreams of Spica

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 1 - Episode 9

The Trainer plans a summer training camp for the members of Spica to help get them get in even better shape. He sees Special Week and Silence Suzuka worrying too much about each other, and makes a plan to help them move forward.

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Echo, Fanfare!
11 votes

#34 - Echo, Fanfare!

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 1 - Episode 13

Eighteen horse girls will compete in the Winter Dream Trophy, giving hopes and dreams to their fans. It's a dream come true, and the Trainer will see everything in all its wonder.

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Unbeaten Champion
5 votes

#35 - Unbeaten Champion

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 2 - Episode 5

After many trials and tribulations, it is finally time for Team Spica to race in the Spring Tennoushou. Trainer acknowledges that Mejiro McQueen has the advantage when it comes to long distance, but it's hard to imagine Tokai Teio losing after all the growth she's shown. Come what may, everything will be decided at the finish line.

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First Big Win
14 votes

#36 - First Big Win

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 1 - Episode 3

Special Week has completed her debut race, and has become the center of attention among her classmates. She starts to train with the other members of Spica, but the Trainer has a suggestion to help make her the best horse girl in Japan.

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Stage of Dreams
11 votes

#37 - Stage of Dreams

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 1 - Episode 12

It's the second day of a special weekend for Team Spica. Special Week has to carry the dreams of her trainer and herself. The expectations of her rivals, teammates and her mother. It's finally time for the greatest race in Japan to begin.

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What I Feel
5 votes

#38 - What I Feel

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 2 - Episode 11

Tokai Teio trains to race once more, having had a change of heart. She thanks almost everyone who helped her through her ordeal, but finds herself struggling to be honest with Mejiro McQueen.

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No Matter How Many Times I Lose
11 votes

#39 - No Matter How Many Times I Lose

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 1 - Episode 10

Special Week is working hard to keep her promise, but the Trainer wants her to rest instead, and has her go back home temporarily. The other members of Spica also work towards their goals.

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Welcome Back!
10 votes

#40 - Welcome Back!

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 1 - Episode 11

The Open Special is overflowing with spectators, and everyone has their eye on the turf, waiting for one horse girl to make her return after about a year.

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A Small Wish
5 votes

#41 - A Small Wish

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 2 - Episode 8

Both Mejiro McQueen and Rice Shower have been practicing hard for the Spring Tennoushou, but the gap between them only grows. Realizing that she has no hope for victory at this rate, Rice Shower disappears right before the race is set to begin.

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Tokai Teio
8 votes

#42 - Tokai Teio

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 2 - Episode 1

All eyes are on Tokai Teio as she takes on the Japanese Derby, ready to gallop in Symboli Rudolf's footsteps and become an undefeated Triple Crown Horse Girl. The stands are full. The track is set. It's time to see which horse girl fortune favors!

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Searching for a Reason
5 votes

#43 - Searching for a Reason

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 2 - Episode 6

After tasting her first defeat, Tokai Teio is listless for days. Finally, Trainer approaches her and tells her that, as Team Spica's leader, there is a place she must visit. Meanwhile, Mihono Bourbon has her attention focused on the upcoming Kikkkashou.

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5 votes

#44 - Meetings

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 2 - Episode 3

Team Spica goes for their first shrine visit of the year. After praying for victory, Tokai Teio resolves herself to face rival Mejiro McQueen in the upcoming Spring Tennoushou. But before then, Mejiro McQueen must first make it through the Hanshin Daishouten preliminary.

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TM Showdown!
5 votes

#45 - TM Showdown!

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 2 - Episode 4

In preparation for the Spring Tennoushou, Tokai Teio joins the spectators at another race, the Satsukishou. There, while watching Triple Crown hopeful Mihono Bourbon battle for first, she comes to a realization. Meanwhile, Mejiro McQueen cannot hide her frustration upon learning that the world has its money on Tokai Teio.

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For You
13 votes

#46 - For You

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 1 - Episode 8

Silence Suzuka and Special Week start working hard with Team Spica in order to keep their promises to one another. Rigil is still doing very well in their races, while Grass Wonder looks forward to her race with Special Week.

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A Blessed Name
4 votes

#47 - A Blessed Name

Umamusume: Pretty Derby - Season 2 - Episode 7

Seeking three consecutive victories at the Spring Tennoushou, Mejiro McQueen's focus is only interrupted by the sudden withdrawal of Rice Shower, another top racer. Intuiting Mejiro McQueen's feelings on the matter, Tokai Teio tries to persuade Rice Shower to change her mind.

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