The BEST episodes directed by Kawamura Yuya

Traits of a Traitor
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#1 - Traits of a Traitor

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V - Season 2 - Episode 16

Yuya keeps thinking about the words Jack said to him: "Your Duels are nothing but self-satisfaction only!" And then, appearing before Yuya, is a teenage boy with a card in his hand. Later on, in the Duel Palace where the Friendship Cup is held, the participants are introduced one by one. On the other hand Zuzu, whom is worried about Yuya after his defeat, is in danger as she is surrounded by Security!

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Crow's Crew
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#2 - Crow's Crew

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V - Season 2 - Episode 17

The Friendship Cup finally begins with much fanfare in the Duel Palace. The first match is between the "Blackwing" user, Crow, against Gong, using "Superheavy Samurais". Against Gong who is confused with his first Turbo Duel, Crow speeds with Blackbird. Gong takes the first turn and goes all-out with his full power, trying his best to clear Yuya's negative reputation as the Duelist who lost to Jack. On the other hand, Crow seems to be distracted by something among the audience, and could not focus on the Duel!