The BEST episodes directed by John Over

#1 - Clifford's Cookie Craving
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 33
Mr. Bleakman bakes a giant cookie for the Birdwell Fair, then leaves it unattended. Clifford gets one whiff of it and, try as he might, simply can't resist the temptation to taste it. Mr. Bleakman forgives the big dog when he realizes that everyone makes mistakes – including the mistake of leaving too big of a temptation in front of a child.
Watch Now:Amazon#2 - Food for Thought
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 43
Clifford and his friends are influenced by advertisements for a new dog food.
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Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 41
Clifford and Cleo misunderstand a conversation they overhear, and think T-bone is moving away. They vow to make T-bone's last day on Birdwell Island extra special. They eventually learn to listen to a whole story before jumping to conclusions – but the good friends enjoy a truly special day nonetheless!
Watch Now:Amazon#4 - Clifford's Doggy Reunion
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 8
Clifford and Emily are excited – Cousin Laura and her dog Rex are coming to visit! They haven't seen each other since Clifford was a little puppy! When they arrive, however, Clifford and Emily learn that people change and adjustments have to be made in a relationship.
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#5 - Follow the Leader
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 40
Cleo has a hard time giving up her role as "leader" in a game of Follow The Leader, but soon learns that playing with friends is more fun when everyone cooperates and takes turns with one another.
Watch Now:Amazon#6 - Hooray for Cleo
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 4
Cleo withholds information which makes everyone think she's a beach ball playing hero, then learns that there are many kinds of heroes – and the best ones tell the truth.
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#7 - Teacher's Pet
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 29
The dogs go to school for the first time and T-Bone worries that he won't be able to keep up with the rest of the class. He works hard and pays close attention to the teacher's directions, and in the end his efforts are rewarded – as are the efforts of every member of the class as each is praised for his/her unique qualities.
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#8 - Little Clifford
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 23
In this flashback story, we learn how Emily and Clifford got together and how Emily's unconditional love changed the "runt" of the litter into the biggest dog around!
Watch Now:Amazon#9 - Little Big Pup
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 49
A very small new dog named Frankie moves to Birdwell Island and is envious of Clifford's size until he realizes that sometimes being small can be just right.
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#10 - A Bunny in a Haystack
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 48
When Emily brings home the class bunny, Clifford, Cleo and T-bone learn what a big responsibility it is to take care of a pet!
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#11 - Everyone Loves Clifford
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 10
When Emily Elizabeth scratches Clifford's "sweet spot" his back leg starts thumping and the whole island shakes! But the kindness and love everyone feels toward Clifford causes them to keep trying to find a way for him to get the good scratching he deserves.
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#12 - Magic in the Air
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 9
When the Peter Poundstone, Magician craze sweeps the island, Charely gets carried away with the magic and neglects an important assignment. Charley learns that you can have fun but you have to be responsible to.
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#13 - False Friends
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 12
Cleo gets a new doggie playground and suddenly Mac is her new best friend – and she starts ignoring Clifford and T-bone! Cleo learns that good friends stick by you through thick and thin.
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#14 - Welcome to Birdwell Island
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 24
This flashback episode tells the story of the day the Howards moved to Birdwell Island. The town is full of preconceived ideas about how "a big dog can mean big problems", but they soon learn that Clifford has much to offer and they shouldn't make assumptions before they know the facts.
Watch Now:Amazon#15 - Getting to Know You
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 50
When Clifford moves to the Island he makes friends with T-Bone, but the two dogs soon learn that some adjustments must be made to accommodate their size difference.
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#16 - Limelight Fright
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 18
Emily and Charley recruit the dogs to help them with a show and scene-stealing Cleo is surprised to discover she has stage fright! But Cleo learns that the support of good friends can help you work through a problem.
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#17 - The Ears Have It
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 32
Clifford and Cleo are all excited about the town's upcoming celebration complete with a parade and fireworks! But they notice that T-bone isn't quite is enthusiastic and soon learn that he is scared of the loud noises of all the festivities. T-bone learns that the support of good friends can help you manage feelings of fear.
Watch Now:Amazon#18 - Get Well
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 54
Emily Elizabeth comes down with a bad cold and Clifford and friends want to help her feel better. Using their imaginations, creativity, and the resources around them, they create a card, collect flowers and fashion a small gift. When they present their offerings to Emily Elizabeth, it is obvious they have succeeded in making her feel cared for and loved. The dogs learn that it's the thought behind a gift that matters most.
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#19 - Guess Who's Coming to Birdwell
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 48
When a famous dog champion Oscar Owen Bright Like The Sun comes to Birdwell, the dogs go out of their way to impress him. But they soon learn that the best way to impress someone is to just be yourself.
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#20 - A New Friend
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 15
There is a new dog in town -- and he has only three legs. Clifford, Cleo and T-bone learn that differently-abled persons want to be friends and that they are able to do lots of things without anyone's help. K.C. becomes a good friend!
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#21 - Stormy Weather
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 16
Clifford's talent for digging seems to be disruptive to everyone in town. But when a big storm comes in, his deficit becomes an asset. Clifford learns that there's an appropriate time and place for talents to be expressed.
Watch Now:Amazon#22 - Mimi's Back in Town
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 78
T-Bone really likes Mimi, the little brown poodle that visits the Island on occasion. T-Bone is very excited to hear she's coming back again! But when Cleo starts teasing him about how much he likes Mimi, T-Bone feels embarrassed and uncomfortable. He finally confronts Cleo about it and Cleo learns that teasing can be anything that makes someone feel uncomfortable.
Watch Now:Amazon#23 - Jetta's Sneak Peek
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 26
Jetta can't resist reading Emily Elizabeth's journal, but soon learns that it's important to respect someone's privacy.
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#24 - The Trouble with Kittens
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 40
When kittens Betty and Billy insist on playing in Mr. Bleakman's yard, Clifford does his best to keep them out. But when they wreak havoc in the yard, Clifford gets the blame from Mr. Bleakman! Mr. Bleakman learns that it's not fair to judge a situation until you have all the facts.
Watch Now:Amazon#25 - Wedding Bell Blues
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 42
Ms. Carrington is getting married and the kids speculate about what kind of teacher "Mrs. Grumbly" will be. Based on her name, they assume she will not be very nice. But they soon learn that you can't judge someone until you've actually met them.
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#26 - Fluffed Up Cleo
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 37
When Cleo wins the esteemed honor of Fluffiest Dog of Birdwell Island, it's all she can talk about! Clifford and T-bone bear with the new star, but it takes a lot of patience. When Cleo gets a dose of her own medicine from Mac, she learns that bragging all of the time can be boring – it's okay to be proud of an accomplishment, but be careful to be respectful of others.
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#27 - Who Me, Jealous?
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 47
Mrs. Diller is taking care of Susie, her sister's adorable little puppy, for the weekend. To Cleo it appears that Mrs. Diller likes the cute little puppy better than she likes Cleo! So Cleo determines to "out-cute" the puppy and win back Mrs. Diller's affection. But she soon learns that Mrs. Diller thinks Cleo is perfect just the way she is.
Watch Now:Amazon#28 - The Big Fetch
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 70
Vaz is new at being a paperboy and is struggling with getting the papers onto people's doorsteps. Cleo steps in and discovers that she can earn treats by helping out! She recruits Clifford and T-bone and together they enjoy helping Vaz out – and getting treats. But before long Cleo has forgotten about the "helping out" part and is only concerned with getting treats. Clifford and T-bone help her rediscover that helping for its own sake is its own reward.
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#29 - Clothes Don't Make the Dog
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 49
T-bone gets a new sweater, but when Mac teases him about it he gets too embarrassed to wear it. He soon learns that it's not what you wear that makes others like you.
Watch Now:Amazon#30 - Best Paw Forward
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 57
Cement is being poured at the new Birdwell Island recreation center and the kids and dogs are invited to leave their handprints in the cement. But it is quickly discovered that Clifford's paw print is just too big to stay! Seeing Clifford's disappointment, his friends work together to find a way to include Clifford – and everyone's delighted when Clifford's paw print becomes the new wading pool for the very young children of Birdwell Island.
Watch Now:Amazon#31 - Jetta's Tall Tale
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 69
Jetta feels a twinge of jealousy when the other children make a fuss over mily Elizabeth's wonderful big pet Clifford, so she blurts out a story about her own wonderful big pet – a huge parrot named Lulu. But the little lie quickly grows into a big mess, forcing Jetta to dress Clifford up as a bird to keep the lie from being exposed. Her conscience finally makes her do the right thing and she apologizes for having created the lie in the first place.
Watch Now:Amazon#32 - Forgive & Forget
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 77
When Clifford forgets a play date, Cleo gets really upset. After all, she would never do that to a friend. Cleo won't even accept Clifford's apologies. But T-bone points out to Cleo that maybe she is the one who isn't being a good friend. After all, Clifford did apologize – and a good friend would never hold a grudge. Cleo learns that good friends forgive (and forget!).
Watch Now:Amazon#33 - Blanket Blues
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 79
Cleo spies Clifford's favorite blanket – one he has had since he was a puppy – and proclaims it the perfect cape for Super T-Bone. Clifford reluctantly allows his friends to use the blanket, if they promise to be very careful. The game turns rambunctious, the blanket gets dirty – and Clifford gets upset. Cleo and T-Bone realize that to be a good friend you should listen to and respect the wishes and property of others.
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#34 - Team Spirit
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 38
After Jetta tells Vaz that his poor soccer skills are holding back their team, Vaz tries to sit out the rest of the game. In the end, both Jetta and Vaz learn that being part of a team is more important than winning games.
Watch Now:Amazon#35 - The Truth About Dogs and Cats
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 42
When two cats "move in" to the tree next door to T-bone, the dogs try to everything to get rid of them, but they soon discover that they have no real reason not to like the cats. The dogs learn that, just because individuals are different, it doesn't mean they can't be friends.
Watch Now:Amazon#36 - Short-Changed
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 50
When family friend Skyscraper Jackson comes to visit, Emily worries that Clifford prefers the attentions of a super-tall basketball player to the attentions of a short little girl. But Emily soon learns that love comes in all sizes.
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#37 - Cleo Comes to Town
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 11
In flashback we see how Cleo shook things up when she first moved to the island. T-bone learns to accept a new friend in the neighborhood and also how to share an old friend with a new one.
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#38 - Circus Stars
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 17
When Clifford's hero Gordo the elephant, star of the circus, comes down with a cold, Clifford volunteers to step in and help out. Star-struck Clifford learns that "stars" are just regular people and, like everyone else, they sometimes need a helping hand.
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#39 - Clifford's Big Surprise
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 31
Everyone is too busy to play with Clifford one day – because they are too busy planning a surprise party for him! While on his own, Clifford learns that playing by yourself can be fun – and so can having a huge party with all of your friends!
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#40 - T-Bone, Dog About Town
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 45
A cute little poodle named Mimi comes to Birdwell Island on vacation and T-bone gets a crush. He starts trying to be the kind of dog he thinks she will like, but learns that it's always best to just be yourself.
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#41 - New Dog in Town
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 53
In a heartwarming flashback story, we learn how Clifford's enormous size frightened T-bone when they met for the first time. T-bone learns that "you can't judge a book by it's cover" – and friends come in all shapes and sizes.
Watch Now:Amazon#42 - Two's Company
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 73
All of the dogs are so excited that their old friend K.C. is back on the island for a couple of days. Cleo, however, is particularly excited and focuses all of her attention on him – at the expense of ignoring T-bone and Clifford. She discovers that being a good friend means you should be kind and considerate to all your friends and not take any of them for granted.
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#43 - Topsy Turvy Day
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 75
Jetta and Emily trade dogs for the Island's annual Topsy Turvy Day, a day when everything gets turned around. Jetta learns that being kind and thoughtful gets you a lot farther than being bossy.
Watch Now:Amazon#44 - Princess Cleo
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 17
Cleo discovers her grandmother was a Queen – and that makes her a Princess! She begins to enjoy all the privileges she believes come with being a Princess – but soon learns that her friends are more important to her than any crown or title could ever be.
Watch Now:Amazon#45 - Dog House Rock
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 47
Mac wants to join the pop band T-Bone has put together, but has a hard time finding where his talents fit in. With the help of his good friends, Mac discovers he has a special talent for writing.
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#46 - Islander of the Year
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 30
The library sponsors an essay contest for Islander of the Year and the children all submit their ideas. But somehow, as they tell their tales, Clifford keeps turning up – and is ultimately chosen as the winner! The kids learn that sometimes a real hero is the one you least expect.
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#47 - Clifford's Big Heart
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 46
Clifford works hard to try to make Emily the perfect Valentine to show her how much he loves her. In the end, he learns it's his presence, not presents, that means the most to Emily Elizabeth.
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#48 - Fair Weather Friend
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 74
Mac is particularly disappointed when rainy weather threatens to ruin the upcoming Back-To-School Barbecue held every year at Jetta's house. The other dogs, seeing his disappointment, vow to find a way to stop the rain from falling. It doesn't take long for them to realize that you can't change the weather. But Mac's disappointment is replaced with delight that his friends would go to such lengths to try and help him.
Watch Now:Amazon#49 - Camping It Up
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 20
Because she thinks camping is going to be boring, Jetta tries to bring all the comforts of home into the woods. But she soon realizes that there's more than one way to have a good time – and sometimes the simple way is just perfect.
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#50 - Lights Out
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 38
Mr. Bleakman and Clifford save the day when a big power failure threatens to paralyze Birdwell Island.
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