The BEST episodes directed by John Masius
#1 - Thank You Providence (1)
Providence - Season 2 - Episode 8
Syd tries to make it home for Thanksgiving.
Watch Now:Amazon#3 - My Aim is True
St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 6
Dr. Caldwell performs plastic surgery on Manny while Jerry fights off cabin fever; Dr. Auschlander hires Joan Halloran as his new assistant; Axelrod becomes a hypochondriac; White reunites with his family; and a disturbed Daniels decides to do something about White.
Watch Now:Amazon#4 - Breathless
St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 5
Dr. Caldwell performs plastic surgery on Manny while Jerry fights off cabin fever; Dr. Auschlander hires Joan Halloran as his new assistant; Axelrod becomes a hypochondriac; White reunites with his family; and a disturbed Daniels decides to do something about White.
Watch Now:Amazon#5 - Bang the Eardrum Slowly
St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 23
Luther loses his hearing in an explosion; Morrison finds an explanation for his poorer than usual performance; and Axelrod learns that he is Mrs. Hufnagle's beneficiary and meets her son.
Watch Now:Amazon#6 - Saving Face
St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 16
Westphall places a new doctor in charge of the E.R., and she immediately clashes with Fiscus; Axelrod's visit to Mrs. Hufnagel's apartment sends her back to the hospital; Rosenthal and Richard reconcile; Dr. Craig celebrates his 30th wedding anniversary with a visit from his estranged brother; Dr. Caldwell begins treatment of a disfigured girl suffering from a massive facial fibromatosis; and a junkie admits his very pregnant, 14-year-old girl friend.
Watch Now:Amazon#7 - Two Balls and a Strike
St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 3
The rapist returns to St. Eligius; Daniels stays on the job as Rosenthal leads most of the other nurses out on strike; Ellen persuades Dr. Craig to go to a therapist about their marital problems; Luther learns one of the firefighters is fighting his pain in his own way; and Lizzie Westphall leaves for college.
Watch Now:Amazon#8 - Give the Boy a Hand
St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 17
Dr. Woodley tries to help Maddy decide what to do after her baby is born while Dean sets up a disastrous drug deal; Ehrlich offends a disabled cafeteria worker with his `Health Spot' segment; and Lizzie runs away from pressures at college and tries to reunite her family.
Watch Now:Amazon#9 - Entrapment
St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 7
Martin decides she's in love with Dr. Craig; White regrets helping out an exhausted mother pleading for sedatives in the E.R.; Eve's sense of cabin fever and anger is calmed by a visit from her students; Morrison learns more about Eddie Carson and the `Troubles'.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#10 - Dr. Wyler, I Presume
St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 13
An old friend of Dr. Auschlander returns from Africa to locate a kidney donor for a young African; Helen celebrates her birthday; removing a bullet in E.R. proves risky to both the patient and the doctor; and Mrs. Hufnagle returns to the hospital.
Watch Now:Amazon#11 - Any Portrait in a Storm
St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 18
A violent storm brings down a news helicopter; Dean takes off for Florida, leaving Maddy alone to face the future; Myra gives birth to a son, Peter; Hufnagel haggles over her latest bill; Rosenthal struggles with life in the ER; the phone repairman is electrocuted; Dr. Auschlander, angry about his portrait, cancels the dedication ceremony; and Martin returns to medical practice.
Watch Now:Amazon#12 - After Dark
St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 16
Morrison learns a lesson from another doctor who makes the diagnosis of Mr. Keuhnelian; Dr. Craig prepares to accept his anticipated `Doctor of the Year' award; Dr. Caldwell and Ehrlich both make decisions about their romantic futures; Cathy's disappearance raises questions; Shirley fends off an imagined attacker; and the rapist strikes again.
Watch Now:Amazon#13 - Vanity
St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 17
Dr. Craig tries to stop the TV documentary; Cathy has a rough first day back; Mr. Entertainment finds his true calling; Armstrong continues to feel traumatized; and Rosenthal finally has her breast surgery.
Watch Now:Amazon#14 - AIDS and Comfort
St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 9
White diagnoses a case of AIDS in a Boston city councilman; Dr. Ridley tries to help a tennis prodigy deal with pressure from her ambitious father; and Daniels and Ehrlich try to run a blood drive amidst a blizzard and rumors about the AIDS patient.
Watch Now:Amazon#15 - The Women
St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 19
Three women in a room become close despite their differences; an old woman facing the loss of her independence; a mother trying to deal with violent surges of erratic behavior; and a bland young woman searching for 'character' through a nose job.
Watch Now:Amazon#16 - Under Pressure
St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 6
Rosenthal gets arrested just before her scheduled breast reconstruction; Mr. Entertainment sets up in a hospital elevator and meets Dr. Ridley, the new psychiatrist; and Morrison worries over an Irish teenager whose near-fatal beating brings the Catholic-Protestant conflict of northern Ireland to St. Eligius.
Watch Now:Amazon#17 - Drama Center
St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 14
A rape occurs in the hospital parking lot; White has trouble adjusting to his restricted status as does Tommy Westphall to the loss of his housekeeper; Cavanero must decide between the man in her life and her career; and a TV crew follows Dr. Craig around to film a documentary.
Watch Now:Amazon#18 - Strikeout
St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 4
Luther and Warren do some plumbing for Dr. Craig during their temporary layoff; Papandrao leaves the picket line to help Ehrlich in an emergency operation; Dr. Caldwell tries to find new ways for the firefighters to deal with their continuing pain; and Martin finds herself confronting the rapist again.
Watch Now:Amazon#19 - Fade to White
St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 7
Dr. Westphall finds himself a suspect in the Peter White shooting; Morrison finds a psychological cause for a boy's asthma attacks; many of the residents interview for a TV job; and the city honors the surviving firefighters.
Watch Now:Amazon#20 - Equinox
St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 18
White returns to work to face a hostile staff; Axelrod accidentally destroys Fiscus' beloved Boston Red Sox baseball cap; Cavanero has to tell a college student he has testicular cancer; Chandler questions himself about why Amanda remains distant from him; and Martin decides to come forward against her rapist.
Watch Now:Amazon#21 - Lust Et Veritas
St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 2
Medical student Elliot Axelrod and plastic surgeon Dr. Bobby Caldwell join the staff; Eve Leighton's sister expresses reservations about the planned transplant; a resident dropped from the hospital program badgers Cavanero to reevaluate him; and Dr. Craig enlists Dr. Caldwell's help in opposing Joan Halloran's plan to shut down an outpatient surgery clinic.
Watch Now:Amazon#22 - Attack
St. Elsewhere - Season 2 - Episode 15
The women of St. Eligius take rape prevention classes, but can't prevent the occurence of another rape, this time inside the hospital; an old love of Dr. Auschlander checks in; Cavanero dumps her boyfriend when he can't take no for an answer; Roberta broadcasts her marital problems to the whole staff; and Morrison tries to treat a high-rise construction worker for dizziness who's reluctant to give a complete medical history.
Watch Now:Amazon#23 - Whistle, Wyler Works
St. Elsewhere - Season 3 - Episode 14
A donor is found for Tshalla but Ehrlich misses out on the operation; Chandler tries to juggle the multiple wives of a bigamist patient; and Morrison faces a personal problem when Luther is recruited by a Caribbean medical school with doubtful credentials.
Watch Now:Amazon
#24 - Samuels and the Kid
St. Elsewhere - Season 1 - Episode 5
Dr. Samuels becomes attached to a boy in for leg surgery; Fiscus surprises Martin with a romantic gesture; Chandler challenges a veteran nurse's competency; Dr. Craig receives his coveted `Surgeon of the Year' award; and Cavanero's weekend away is interrupted by a patient delivering her baby at home with just a teenage boy to help.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#25 - Hearts
St. Elsewhere - Season 1 - Episode 10
Ralph masquerades as a doctor; an obese woman gives birth unexpectedly; an old friend of Dr. Samuels joins the staff; and Ehrlich faints during surgery.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#26 - Cheek to Cheek
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 21
Novino treats a famous cartoonist whose hands are being crippled by arthritis; Ehrlich ends his OB-GYN stint by examining Mrs. Craig; and Morrison's outreach work at a state prison ends tragically with a riot.
Watch Now:Amazon#27 - Slice O'Life
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 5
Dr. Westphall drives himself too hard and is hospitalized; Yvonne's parents arrive to see their daughter and to claim their grandchild; Terri has in-vitro fertilization; Fiscus makes a donation; and Dr. Caldwell picks up the wrong woman. Helen goes back to work on the floor. Dr. Westphall's insightful moving man checks into the hospital.
Watch Now:Amazon#28 - Out on a Limb
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 19
A former nurse returns to St. Eligius as a medical student; a jock desperate to prolong his mediocre career learns the steroids he's using are killing him; Morrison has difficulty telling a young boy he will lose an arm to cancer; Fiscus and Axelrod see southern California through different eyes during a medical conference; and Ellen Craig feels the pressure of caring for Barbara and her continuing grief over Steven's death.
Watch Now:Amazon#29 - Close Encounters
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 7
Dr. Craig arranges to take Yvonne home to her parents; Ehrlich advises a plastic surgery patient behind Dr.Caldwell's back; Capt. Neal arrives to evaluate the astronaut's condition and to supervise his transfer to Walter Reed, despite Westphall and Morrison's objections; Chandler and Dr. Turner plan a vacation together; and John Doe #6 decides he's Mary Richards and plans a party to celebrate.
Watch Now:Amazon#30 - You Again?
St. Elsewhere - Season 5 - Episode 18
Morrison testifies at Nick Moat's parole hearing; Dr. Kiem buries herself in work when she learns her son has taken off from home and is missing; Fiscus diagnoses multiple sclerosis in an old college friend; and the rumors fly that St. Eligius is about to become a billing center for Boston General.
Watch Now:Amazon#31 - Lost and Found in Space
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 6
An astronaut lecturing in Boston collapses and is brought to St. Eligius; Papandrao and Rosenthal continue to clash; Axelrod loses both Marcy and his battle with the bulge; Dr. Craig impatiently assumes the responsibility of explaining the facts of life to a mentally retarded young woman; and Dr. Westphall hears some hard to take truths from his sister-in-law,
Watch Now:Amazon#32 - Family Feud
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 15
The Endicotts learn that their family's medical problems are hereditary; Dr. Caldwell prepares for surgery to eliminate his facial scar, but learns that he carries a more permanent reminder of his carelessness; and Fiscus and Morrison play romantic games with Clancy and Mona.
Watch Now:Amazon#33 - Not My Type
St. Elsewhere - Season 5 - Episode 6
Dr. Turner faces a dilemma as she performs surgery on a Jehovah's Witness, who has forbidden any blood transfusions; Griffin takes positive steps to blame Birch for the patient's death; Ehrlich announces his night with Papandrao; and Dr. Craig's new typist encourages him to use his imagination.
Watch Now:Amazon#34 - The Naked and the Dead
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 4
Dr. Westphall tries to deal with his critical sister-in-law and a reluctant hospital board; Luther becomes Axelrod's personal trainer; Roxanne asks Chandler to her recital; Rosenthal worries over the threats of an assaulted teenager; Dr. Caldwell's questionable behavior continues at the hospital; and Dr. Craig proves to be of little help to his grieving wife.
Watch Now:Amazon#35 - Watch the Skies
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 8
Mr. Galecki brings Barbara back to the Craigs; Dr. Turner leaves unexpectedly for her sleepy hometown down South; Rosenthal slaps Lucy; Jack takes his remedial exam and Colonel Cochrane reconciles himself with God.
Watch Now:Amazon#36 - Family Ties
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 14
Dr. Auschlander resents the wealth and influence of the matriarch of an old Massachusetts family admitted for tests; Morrison feels his impending knee surgery; Axelrod tries to get to know an animal researcher; the Valeres make a decision about surrogacy; Fiscus meets the woman who will unknowingly bear his child, and regrets his impulsive proposal to Mona as he realizes their diverging ideas of married life.
Watch Now:Amazon#37 - Family Affair
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 16
The Endicotts try to adjust to losing a family member but gain good news about another; Dr. Caldwell's diagnosis of AIDS causes concern for his friends and a cooling in Fiscus and Clancy's relationship; and Ehrlich's outreach assignment involves the normal sized son of dwarf parents.
Watch Now:Amazon#38 - Women Unchained
St. Elsewhere - Season 5 - Episode 20
Shirley Daniels returns to the hospital as a patient; Mrs. Craig offers Griffin a place to stay; Chandler and Novino compete to see who can correctly diagnose a difficult patient; and Ehrlich and Papandrao face wedding rumors when they return from Mexico.
Watch Now:Amazon#39 - Nothing Up My Sleeve
St. Elsewhere - Season 5 - Episode 8
Mandatory drug testing causes a deep division of opinion; Morrison is haunted by his day at the prison; Axelrod is assigned to guide a 14-year-old medical student around; Griffin gets a warning from Dr. Westphall about hurting Lizzie; and Dr. Craig tries to perform magic tricks for some young patients and his housekeeper.
#40 - Cold War
St. Elsewhere - Season 5 - Episode 12
Dr. Turner finds her confidence shaken when she learns her new patient, about to undergo a risky transfusion procedure, has a malpractice suit pending at another hospital; Dr. Peltrovich arrives but has trouble getting licensed to practice medicine; and Morrison explodes during a mock war with paint guns.
#41 - Fathers and Sons
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 2
The Craigs meet their pregnant daughter-in-law, Yvonne; the Valeres continue to explore ways of having a child; Westphall's new policies irritate the residents and Auschlander; and Luther rides with a paramedic team preoccupied with their personal grievances.
#42 - Sanctuary
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 9
Dr. Westphall learns that his new housekeeper is an illegal immigrant who was tortured by the death squads in El Salvador; a nervous Ehrlich tries to get out of his OB-GYN rotation, and later delivers a baby; crackdowns on the homeless unearth a sarcophagus and an old acquaintance of Wayne's; Dr. Caldwell is chastised for letting his joking comments to Papandrao go too far in front of a patient.
#43 - When You Wish Upon a Scar
St. Elsewhere - Season 5 - Episode 2
Wade tries to get a grip on her marital problems; Fiscus throws an engagement party for Morrison; Rosenthal figures out the self-serving Griffin; and John Doe #6 returns.
#44 - A Room With a View
St. Elsewhere - Season 5 - Episode 3
Dr. Craig behaves boorishly to his replacement, Dr. Paulette Kiem; Birch finds a radioactive patient; Papandrao claims Ehrlich as an escort to a family birthday party; a friend of Fiscus' is admitted with a major stroke; and a hospital neighbor becomes very upset when she observes Dr. Craig's imminent departure.
#45 - Haunted
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 3
The Craigs face a tremendous loss as their first grandchild is born; a newly inspired Dr. Westphall returns to work full of ideas; and Fiscus invites himself up to Dr. Caldwell's Cape Cod retreat, where he sees a different side to the surgeon. Elliot and Marcy discover a common interest in food.
#46 - To Tell the Truth
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 13
Fiscus reluctantly does his outreach work with a couple of feisty old people; Chandler is near yet another explosion; John Doe #6 is claimed by a couple who seem as wacky as he is; Rosenthal and Papandrao settle out of court; and the Valeres consider adoption and divorce as they come to the medical end of the line for their fertility problem.
#47 - The Boom Boom Womb
St. Elsewhere - Season 4 - Episode 12
An anti-abortionist targets the hospital for bomb threats and Chandler is involved in trouble at the Boston Women's Clinic; Rosenthal decides what she must do with her youngest son; Luther loses his favorite racing pigeon, whom he left in Axelrod's care; and Morrison tries to explain abortion to Pru. Dr. Westphall's housekeeper has her INS hearing. Mona and Wayne quarrel.
#48 - Up and Down
St. Elsewhere - Season 5 - Episode 7
Lizzie gets involved with Griffin; a man falls while trying to scale the hospital; Luther befriends a bag lady with Tourette's Syndrome; and John Doe #6 disappears with Dr. Craig's book.
#49 - Brand New Bag
St. Elsewhere - Season 5 - Episode 4
The Craigs try out yet another new maid; fellow employees stab Luther in the back; Axelrod is embarrassed and rude about a patient's colostomy; and Fiscus helps Mr. Ewell's daughter take him home to die.
#50 - Visiting Daze
St. Elsewhere - Season 5 - Episode 14
Axelrod allows Novino and Griffin to override his judgement; Dr. Kiem worries about her long distance marriage as she tries to help an inseparable couple make a final farewell; Luther tries to help Polly make it through a day without her medication; and Ehrlich goes to great lengths to confirm the Oseranskys' story.