The BEST episodes directed by Jim Maltby

#1 - On the Wire
The Zeta Project - Season 2 - Episode 10
Ro and Zee take refuge at a "Pictocon" - basically a 21st century comicbook con where they take on the role of Owl Man and Squirrel Girl. Bucky contacts them there and puts Ro in contact with her long-lost brother Casey MacCurdy, a reporter. Casey's boss Jenson finds out he is the brother of a renegade and first insists he do a story on it, then alerts Bennett and the NSA. Ro and Zee duck the NSA in San Francisco but Casey sets up another rendezvous on the Golden Gate Bridge. He's persuaded to make it a trap. The NSA close in but Casey sides with his sister and helps them to escape. Casey plants an ad with a secret message for Ro reassuring her, but is under NSA scrutiny so their family reunion is delayed...but Casey starts to get the true story out on Zeta.
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#2 - His Maker's Name
The Zeta Project - Season 1 - Episode 2
Zeta goes after one of his creators but Bennett finds out about it and tries to capture him but his creator helps him escape and tells him the guy to clear his name - Selig, the head of the Zeta project.
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#3 - Wired: Part Two
The Zeta Project - Season 2 - Episode 3
Agent Bennett still believes that the captured Zeta has been programmed to believe he is acting of his own volition, a suspicion that seems to be borne out when the research team discovers a previously unknown chip in Zeta's head. Roe plans a rescue but it goes amiss when Zeta protects his memories from removal by transferring them from sector to sector. This results in the activation of his old killer-type programming. He goes on a rampage but Roe manages to get through to him and they manage to escape the NSA compound.
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#4 - Quality Time
The Zeta Project - Season 2 - Episode 9
Bennett tracks Selig via highly secure files to a research base where Selig was studying aquatic regeneration. Ro and Zeta are also there on the trail of Zelig. Bennett takes his son James Jr. along and while Ro, a local boy and James go underwater in a sub, Agent Bennett spots and pursues Zeta. But the kids get in an accident. Zeta reveals himself and volunteers to go down and Agent Bennett goes with him. Zeta has to act as the rudder for the injured sub to get everyone to the surface in time. At the end Bennett has to choose his son over capturing Zeta.
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#5 - The Next Gen
The Zeta Project - Season 1 - Episode 5
Zee and Roe head down south to intercept a drug lord, unaware that the government has sent a new, improved model of the Zeta robot project on their trail. Bucky gets hold of the info as well, and goes to meet them. Zeta's efforts to stop the drug lord are complicated by the killer robot on his trail, which possesses all of his abilities and superior strength as well. At the end Zeta manages to seemingly destroy it, but as they head back to the States, the tracking robot begins to repair itself.
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#6 - Shadows
The Zeta Project - Season 1 - Episode 8
Infiltration Unit Seven returns, and a brutal battle errupts in a mall. Ro is hurt and taken to hospital, and Batman picks up on it from Bruce Wayne. Vid records make it look like Zee is solely responsible and Batman vows to take him down before he can hurt anybody. Meanwhile, Zee contemplates abandoning Ro so she will not be put at risk anymore. IU7, Zee, and Batman duke it out in an explosive hospital battle.
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#7 - Eye of the Storm
The Zeta Project - Season 2 - Episode 8
Forced to take refuge from a tornado, Ro and Zeta meet two brothers, Dex and Carl, who are using an experimental process to disrupt tornados. They partially succeed, and the two fugitives join up with to get moving when their car is destroyed. With Zeta's input Carl the smart one manages to come up with a complete process, but pilot Dex gets the glory. Carl goes off on his own to take on another tornado and gets in over his head. With Zeta and Ro's help Dex rescues his brother and the two settle their differences.
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#8 - Ro's Reunion
The Zeta Project - Season 1 - Episode 11
Ro takes a chance and appears on a Jenny Jones/Oprah like show because they claim to be able to reunite her with her brother.
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