The BEST episodes directed by Jan Matthys

#1 - De Retorische Vraag
Quiz me Quick - Season 1 - Episode 10
The day of the Superprestige has arrived, the day Tafel 7 has been longing for for so long. However, past events have left them slightly abashed. Cynthia can't cope with Nick's cheating and asks him to leave the house. Lennon got fired at work. Roger and Luc also have trouble concentrating during the Quiz of Quizzes. Meanwhile, Mario is feeling responsible for Nick and Cynthia's break up and decides to bait Monica. The Superprestige explodes when Coromar and Tafel 7 wage a fierce battle.
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#2 - De Wraak van Coromar
Quiz me Quick - Season 1 - Episode 9
Gwendy notices that Mario is hiding something and tries to find out what he saw the night before. Will the tough paracommando break? It's the moment of truth for Tafel 7. If they do not win the next quiz, they'll never be able to get selected for the Superprestige. Benny takes revenge on Lennon and pushes him to the edge. Lennon takes a drastic decision, one with big consequences. At the quiz, Coromar shows up with a new secret weapon.
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#4 - Ovidius
Quiz me Quick - Season 1 - Episode 7
The group suffers from Armand's mistake. Roger plans a secret meeting with the other players and proposes to exclude Armand from the team. Nick however has other worries. He discovers why he's been getting black outs and Monica comes looking for him more and more often. Cynthia is worried by Monica's interest and Gwendy decides to take matters into her own hands. Mario tries to please Cynthia with an explosive present.
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#5 - Van de Kat en de Melk
Quiz me Quick - Season 1 - Episode 8
While Luc visits his father in the retirement home, he suddenly spots Armand. Luc decides to follow Armand and finds out a long hidden secret from Armand's past. Nick tries to fix things with Cynthia, but Monica doesn't make that easy for him. Mario believes there's more than meets the eye between Nick and Monica and decides to dig into it with Budo. Rivals Coromar give Roger a proposal to join their team. Lennon gets into trouble with his foreman Benny.
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#6 - Episode 5
Shetland - Season 3 - Episode 5
Perez struggles to deal with what has happened to Tosh as he continues to investigate the murders of Robbie Morton and Michael Thompson, but a shocking discovery finally leads him to the identity of who Thompson was going to testify against.
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#7 - Episode 7
The Last Kingdom - Season 3 - Episode 7
A message from Uhtred and the machinations of Skade exploit divisions among the Danes. His health failing, Alfred wrestles with Aethelwold's fate.
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#9 - Episode 8
The Last Kingdom - Season 3 - Episode 8
Uhtred risks returning to Wessex to fulfill his vow to Brida. As the royal wedding approaches, Aethelwold spreads discord from the shadows.
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#11 - December 1917 - June 1918
In Flanders Fields - Season 1 - Episode 9
Januari 1918. Marie helpt Guillaume, die leert lopen met een beenprothese. Hij mist Sarah. Philippe gaat weer aan de slag als huisdokter, bescheiden en zonder pretentie helpt hij anderen. Vincent - die een officiersopleiding volgt - bezoekt zijn pennenvriendin in Frankrijk. Het komt tot een conflict tussen kapitein Hoffman en Hans-Peter. En Virginie staat in het oog van de storm.
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#12 - July - September 1918
In Flanders Fields - Season 1 - Episode 10
Augustus 1918. Vincent moet voor de krijgsraad verschijnen, hij wordt beschuldigd van verkrachting. Aan het front komt Hans-Peter terecht bij een groep jonge en onervaren soldaten. Terwijl Virginie rouwt om Philippe, stelt kapitein Hoffman haar een ultimatum. Guillaume vindt rust bij Sarah. Marie wil haar haar broer Vincent redden, koste wat het kost.
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#13 - September - October 1914
In Flanders Fields - Season 1 - Episode 2
September 1914. Gent wordt overspoeld door vluchtelingen. Berichten over vernielde steden, neergeschoten burgers en gesneuvelde soldaten worden op verbijstering onthaald. Philippe houdt vol dat de oorlog een kwestie van een paar weken is. Vincent strijdt aan het front. Guillaume krijgt zijn oproepingsbevel. De Duitsers naderen Gent. Marie en Virginie vluchten naar Nederland.
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#16 - De Weetjesdief
Quiz me Quick - Season 1 - Episode 3
Simonneke's haircutter's saloon is completely burned down, but that doesn't stop Cynthia from taking over the business. She looks for help from Gwendy, Luc's wife. Cynthia receives the help, but not in the way she expected it. Meanwhile Armand's school organizes a quiz that Tafel 7 wants to participate in. To impress his team, Armand makes a disastrous mistake with which he puts his teammates in a bad situation. Roger meets a mysterious woman from his past.
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#17 - De Prins en de Professor
Quiz me Quick - Season 1 - Episode 4
Under Nick's guidance the team decides to try and get selected for the Superprestige, the Quiz of Quizzes. Roger tries to make them give up the idea, but doesn't succeed in doing so. Because the opening quiz can be played with six people, Tafel 7 anxiously looks for an extra player. Lennon thinks he has found someone... The haircutter's team from saloon Delvaux'ke also gets reinforcements, but not from a side they're expecting. During the quiz, the entire room finds out what Roger had been trying to hide for years, to big consternation of Tafel 7. Armand also has a dark secret...
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#22 - Hello, Goodbye
Outlander - Season 7 - Episode 13
Brianna works to thwart a treacherous plan that endangers her family. A surprise encounter brings new understanding to Roger's journey in the past. Ian and Rachel take a big step in their relationship - as the Revolutionary war rears its head once again.
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#23 - Het Paard van Parijs
Quiz me Quick - Season 1 - Episode 5
Nick wants to find out everything about the dumbest answer in the history of quizzing, given by Roger in 1985. He digs into the past and discovers more than he wanted to. To not have to go to the official opening of the new haircutter's saloon, Luc makes up an excuse for Gwendy, a silly excuse which turns into a nightmare. On the opening, Cynthia discovers she has an admirer and Nick meets the mysterious Monica.
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#24 - Al Qaida
Quiz me Quick - Season 1 - Episode 6
Tafel 7 meets up with the mysterious Monica who puts them in contact with the only person capable of guiding them to the Superprestige. Some players have their doubts. Meanwhile Cynthia's saloon is empty. Tamara finds the reason, which is enough for an ardent Gwendy to come up with a big plan. When Nick manages to convince everyone to train for the Superprestige, some secrets surface. What does Lennon have to hide? What mistake does Armand make? What's Monica up to?
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#26 - Blauw bloed
Aspe - Season 1 - Episode 6
High court justice Heydens's corpse is found in his Bruges estate, a staged suicide. His son Valentijn starts the investigation by telling his suspicions to ex Hannelore, but jealous Van In can't handle any contact between them, so she moves out a while, leaving him with the twins. Commissoner De Kee only cares for the royal visit and orders Van In to supervise security measures and wants the embarrassing case swept under the carpet, as suggested by haughty, influential notary Broos. Heydens's remarried ex is found hanging too, another apparent suicide.
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#27 - October 1916 - April 1917
In Flanders Fields - Season 1 - Episode 7
November 1916. Op weg naar Nederland wordt Marie aangehouden aan de grens. Guillaume kan met een vriend mee op verlof naar Engeland. Aan het front leert Vincent soldaten lezen en schrijven. Zijn engagement is een doorn in het oog van de Franstalige legerleiding. Philippe wordt prof aan de universiteit. Virginie - vereenzaamd - vindt steun bij een onverwachte vriend.
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#28 - April 1917 - November 1917
In Flanders Fields - Season 1 - Episode 8
Juli 1917. In Londen beëindigt Marie haar verpleegopleiding en komt terug naar België. Ze komt terecht in een veldhospitaal in de Westhoek, dicht bij de eenheid van haar broer Vincent. Voor het eerst wordt Marie echt geconfronteerd met de realiteit van de oorlog. Guillaume denkt na over een ander leven met de Engelse Sarah. Een vernederde Philippe glijdt weg in een diepe depressie.
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#30 - October 1914
In Flanders Fields - Season 1 - Episode 3
Oktober 1914. Gent is bezet. Het huis van de familie Boesman wordt opgeëist door kapitein Gerolf Hoffman en feldwebel Hans-Peter Lehman. Guillaume overleeft in een strafkamp in Frankrijk. De compagnie van de verzwakte Vincent moet de IJzerlinie verdedigen. Marie wordt heen en weer geslingerd tussen haar bewondering voor de weerstand en de attenties van Hans-Peter.
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#31 - December 1915 - October 1916
In Flanders Fields - Season 1 - Episode 6
Maart 1916. Een stilaan moedeloze Vincent moet de Dodengang versterken. Het werk is onmenselijk zwaar. Achter het front leidt Guillaume ondertussen een luxueus leventje. Philippe engageert zich voor de (Duits-)Vlaamse universiteit. Tot ongenoegen van Virginie. Haar engagement bij de hulpverlening wordt immers in vraag gesteld. En Marie staat voor een verscheurend dilemma.
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#32 - December 1914 - June 1915
In Flanders Fields - Season 1 - Episode 4
Kerstmis 1914. Aan het front verbroedert Vincent met de Duitsers. In Gent helpen Virginie en Marie met de voedsel- en kledingbedelingen. Guillaume wordt naar het front gestuurd. Marie legt contact met de weerstand. Ze wordt ingeschakeld om informatie de stad uit te smokkelen. Philippe wordt gevraagd om een Duitse loyaliteitsverklaring te ondertekenen.
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#33 - Het Dreyse incident
Aspe - Season 1 - Episode 5
Rich investment adviser Patrick Claes is strangely reserved and uncooperative after the robbery of his expensive antique guns collection. The workaholic cares little about his wife Judith Claes-Noordervliet's open promiscuity, all the more about exclusive clients, as their 'privacy' is compromised by the real loot inside the gun cabinet: a CD with his secret accounts if illegal dealings. Later author client Olaf Asselberghs is murdered, Russian mob super client Serov posts his henchman Diego Cardoen who poses as Claes's butler. Judith is missing, actually locked in...
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#34 - June - September 1915
In Flanders Fields - Season 1 - Episode 5
Augustus 1915. Vincent wordt bevorderd tot korporaal. Hij ergert zich aan de Franstalige legerleiding. In Gent organiseert Philippe - die droomt van een carrière als docent aan de universiteit - gratis hulp voor zwangere vrouwen. Het leven achter de linies biedt Guillaume onvermoede mogelijkheden. Marie smokkelt voor de weerstand. Maar er is ook haar band met Hans-Peter.
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#35 - In de Naam der Weet
Quiz me Quick - Season 1 - Episode 2
After a good first quiz, Nick wants more. He tries to get the team back together for the local policequiz. There they meet the winners of last year's Superprestige, who seem to know more about Roger's past.
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#37 - Vagevuur
Aspe - Season 1 - Episode 9
Hannelore's niece Merel visits Bruges with her Chilean-born US husband Silvio Pavez, who comes direct the Dutch version 'Vagevuur' of his hit play Purgatory, freely inspired by Shakespeare's Hamlet. Van In sends Versavel on holiday to make up with his gay partner, feeling he can cope without his right hand in the case of the amputated finger found in the Concertgebouw (theater) subterranean parking. It doesn't belong to Frank Lernout, the petty criminal wrongly assumed to have died in the his home's arson. To chief De Kee's fury, Van In focuses on Shakespearean drama...

#38 - July - August 1914
In Flanders Fields - Season 1 - Episode 1
Juli 1914. Gent. Culturele avond. Gastheer dokter Philippe Boesman is er heilig van overtuigd dat er geen oorlog komt. Marie, zijn naïeve puberdochter, hoopt stiekem van wel. Voor haar lijkt oorlog immers één groot avontuur. Zoon Vincent wordt gemobiliseerd. Hij maant zijn broer Guillaume aan om zich als vrijwilliger te melden. Maar Guillaume weigert.
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#40 - Tafel 7
Quiz me Quick - Season 1 - Episode 1
Five sympathetic underdogs meet by chance during a quiz in a local pub.
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