The BEST episodes directed by Isabelle Clarke

Inferno (1944-1945)
255 votes

#1 - Inferno (1944-1945)

Apocalypse: World War II - Season 1 - Episode 6

The dramatic story of the D-Day landings and of the liberation of Paris. In the east the Soviets liberate Auschwitz and fight their way to the heart of Berlin. Germany finally surrenders, but Japan fights on until the atom bombs are dropped.

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World Ablaze (1941-1942)
294 votes

#2 - World Ablaze (1941-1942)

Apocalypse: World War II - Season 1 - Episode 4

America joins the war as the conflict rages in South-East Asia, North Africa and Russia. Meanwhile the Nazis instigate The Final Solution.

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The Noose (1942-1943)
295 votes

#3 - The Noose (1942-1943)

Apocalypse: World War II - Season 1 - Episode 5

This episode looks at the turning of the war against Germany, with Allied victory at El Alamein and Russian triumph at Stalingrad. Inside Hitler's Germany the SS gain more power, and in southern Europe the Allies fight their way though Italy.

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Aggression (1933–1939)
499 votes

#4 - Aggression (1933–1939)

Apocalypse: World War II - Season 1 - Episode 1

Germany. 1939. When almost nothing seems to stand in his way, and with the USSR as his ally, Hitler invades Poland. Britain and France declare war while the U.S. maintains its neutrality. “The Phoney War” begins as millions of civilians wait to see if the conflict will resolve itself and Germany builds up its arsenal. The Aggression features fascinating, colourised footage of Hitler as he visits the Austrian village where he grew up (and the children still run barefoot), as well as footage shot by Eva Braun, his mistress, of the Führer relaxing at his Alpine chalet. Witness haunting images of the persecution of the Jews in the Lodz Ghetto in Poland, Stalin’s gulags for political prisoners, and the magnificent city of Strasbourg emptied of its residents. As Hitler continues his conquest of Europe, he invades Holland and Belgium and plans to make a surprise “sickle cut” through the dense Ardennes Forest, leaving the Allies with little chance of escape.

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Crushing Defeat (1939–1940)
319 votes

#5 - Crushing Defeat (1939–1940)

Apocalypse: World War II - Season 1 - Episode 2

France. 1940. The Allied defensive lines are broken by Hitler’s daring sickle cut through the supposedly impenetrable Ardennes forest. British troops hastily evacuate from the beaches at Dunkirk, France, but are forced to abandon kilometres of precious military vehicles and equipment. The French army, once considered the best in the world, is in a shambles as almost two million soldiers are taken prisoner. Within a matter of days, the Germans march into Paris at daybreak. The Crushing Defeat includes colourised footage taken by Nazi soldiers on the beaches at Dunkirk as they gather around an old record player to celebrate their victory, as well as sound recordings taken by German Secret Service at the signing of the Franco-German Armistice.

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Shock (1940–1941)
305 votes

#6 - Shock (1940–1941)

Apocalypse: World War II - Season 1 - Episode 3

Prague. Copenhagen. Paris. 1941. The Germans now occupy several capital cities in Europe. After the Germans defeat France, Nazi soldiers are sent to Paris for rest and recreation while Polish prisoners and Jews are forced into slave labour to complete Nazi building projects. Shock includes vivid colourised footage of the battle for the Soviet Union as the Germans struggle toward Moscow in the brutal Russian winter. Russian civilians are forced to burn their homes and fields so as to leave nothing behind for the Germans to salvage. No longer able to wash or to change their clothes and suffering from dysentery and typhus, German troops are just 30 kilometres from Moscow, when they are finally pushed back by the Red Army. Moscow is saved – but the USSR has been ravaged. Two days after Hitler’s first, major defeat, Japan launches a surprise attack on the United States at Pearl Harbour and the war officially becomes a “World War.”

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The Menace
112 votes

#7 - The Menace

Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler - Season 1 - Episode 1

What happened at the start of Hitler’s life to provoke his relentless rise to power? From his early life as a mediocre student and failed artist, follow the events that led to Hitler’s dictatorship.

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The Führer
56 votes

#8 - The Führer

Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler - Season 1 - Episode 2

An economic crisis and the fear of communism drive voters into Hitler’s arms and he is named Chancellor. As democracy begins to disappear from Germany, Hitler prepares for war.

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Master of the World
26 votes

#9 - Master of the World

Apocalypse: Stalin - Season 1 - Episode 3

In 1944, the Soviets find out about the horror of Hitler's extermination camps. Fifteen years earlier, Stalin transforms his country using any method he can.

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26 votes

#10 - Red

Apocalypse: Stalin - Season 1 - Episode 2

1942. After blocking the Germans right outside of Moscow, Stalin now faces Hitler's second assault. The world's fate will be decided in Stalingrad. Like in Leningrad, men, women and children, plunged into hell, are sacrificed.

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29 votes

#11 - Demon

Apocalypse: Stalin - Season 1 - Episode 1

June 1941. Hitler has thrown himself into a fight to the death against Stalin. Two decades earlier, in 1917, Joseph Jughashvili from Georgia is a member of Lenin's Bolshevik Party, who has just seized power in Russia. The country is torn by civil war.

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