The BEST episodes directed by Hitoshi Nanba

#1 - Girl With Cold Dreams of Her Stubborn Friend
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 10
Kujo encounters the same girl he met at the department store, and with the help of hers and a bright homeless boy, he manages to put the police back on the case. Kujo and Grevil then ask Victorique's opinion about the store, just to find that she already had made some research about it, and she comes with a plan to expose the culprits.
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#2 - Call Checkmate on an Ash-Colored Chessboard
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 23
By the Spring of 1925, all the pieces of Albert's plan have fallen into place. Kujo has been deported and Victorique has long since been imprisoned in the Sauville royal palace. Using her wisdom, Albert exposes Jupiter Roget's identity as a Gray Wolf to the other nobility and runs him out, then persuades King Rupert to make an alliance with the rising power of Germany. In the Winter of 1925, while Kujo has been enlisted into the Japanese military, Albert is named the new Prime Minister of Sauville and has Grevil bring Victorique out during the ceremony to show off his power. However, sometime before the ceremony Cordelia switched places with Victorique, and confronts Albert, revealing his crimes to the entire country. When one of the Brian Roscoe twins stages a terrorist attack on the ceremony, Cordelia engages Albert in a swordfight using a pair of knives as weapons and successfully kills him, but is slain herself by one of Albert's minions. Meanwhile, the other Brian, who has taken Victorique away in a stagecoach, attempts to kill her to erase Cordelia's "pain."
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#3 - Looking at Infinity over the Grim Reaper's Shoulder
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 24
After trying to kill Victorique, the Brian Roscoe who was with her fell from a cliff and was seriously injured, while his brother died holding Cordelia's hand. He was saved by her and taken to the port where they are found by Grevil who had orders to capture them, but let they escape instead. In a boat leaving the country, Brian states to Victorique that Cordelia was the kind of mother he and his brother always wanted, and was envious of Cordelia's love for her. Begging her to keep living for her mother's sake, he passes on. Victorique's hair turns silver due to everything that has happened this however proves to be in her benefit when two officers stationed on the boat she is travelling on remove the habit she is wearing, because the order to arrest her stated she had long blond hair they let her go thinking they had made a mistake. She is then approached by Jupiter Roget bringing Kujo's letters to her. After the war ends, the academy is reopened, Grevil,who had now payed his debt to Victorique sports his old hairstyle again. Jupiter Roget then appears before Sauville's king and tells him of how the queen's maid had saved her by taking her place and dying for her. After this, the king begs Jupiter to work with him again. Avril is seen on a beach presumably near her home, she sends a letter in a bottle on the waters, hoping for a miracle that it reaches Kujo and Victorique. To her annoyance, the bottle is washed back ashore. Ambrose is also seen reading a book about the Monstre Charmant. after reaching the end all the mythical characters in the book wave good bye before being sucked into a strange door. Which then fads into the background of the picture in the book, the picture looks much like Saubrème after the fire caused by Brian and Cordelia symbolising that the old ways of the kingdom of Sauville went away in the fire and a new dawn has come. In Spring of 1929, Kujo, who has grown his original hairstyle back, returns safely to a war-torn Japan to reunite with
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#4 - Guided by the Phantom's Ghost
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 20
Finding out that Victorique has been summoned yet again by her father, Kujo races to catch up with her, only for her to disappear again. The Inspector reveals to Kujo that Victorique might not be able to leave, unless she solves the case of Coco Rose, which revolves around a queen who was found beheaded within her quarters. Kujo decides to gather the Fragments of Chaos that Victorique can not assemble, only to discover that Cordelia was once a showgirl, who mysteriously went missing as did a woman who was a look-alike of Coco Rose. During his investigation, Kujo comes across Brian Roscoe - who lures him into an alleyway to an open window - guides him back into the theatre where Victorique is being held by her father and the guards, and is reunited with her once more. And as Victorique's father grants her the permission to leave and assemble the Fragments of Chaos, she declares that she will start the investigation - prompted by Kujo's findings - by going to the grave of the woman who resembled Coco Rose: Nicole Le Roux.
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#5 - The Bells of Cristmas Eve Toll at the Heels of Time
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 21
Upon investigating the grave of a woman with a striking resemblance to Queen Coco Rose, Victorique manages to put together the truth behind her mysterious demise. The truth of the Coco Rose case and the disappearance of Nicole Lulu is made clear, and Albert frees Victorique when she is unable to conclusively identify the murderer. On the way home to the Academy, Victorique and Kujo encounter a seemingly ordinary couple who are actually the still-living Coco Rose and her son fathered by Leviathan. Cordelia watches over them as they arrive home, and is soon joined by Brian and then a man who seems to be Brian's twin.
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#6 - The Rose-Colored Life is Covered in New Snow
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 19
Kujo leaves to the capital to find a present to Victorique's birthday which coincidentaly is on christmas day. Meanwhile, Victorique receives a message from her mother and starts looking for Kujo without success until she is summoned by her father and taken by Grevil to the capital to solve the greatest mystery of the country, which involves its previous queen, Coco Rose, whose life is being reenacted in a play at the Phantom Theater.
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#7 - The Box Lies in the Spiral Labyrinth
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 17
Victorique reveals to Kujo that her father brought her to the convent in order to bait out Cordelia and Brian. As the two escape, they become separated by an illusion. Victorique encounters Brian, who reveals that he is planning to stop her father and the Academy. Meanwhile, Kujo runs into Cordelia, who entrusts him with a ring and some words of encouragement for her daughter, then Marquis Albert de Blois himself. Albert attempts to force Kujo to surrender Victorique to him, but Kujo refuses and leaves. The floodgates shielding the convent are opened by a time-release trap set by Albert, flooding the entire area, and Kujo barely escapes with Victorique.
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#8 - A Christmas Carol Decorates the Windowsill's Happiness
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 22
Kujo is enjoying Christmas together with Victorique when he is taken by force from the Academy as King Rupert declared that all foreign citizens should be sent back to their home countries in spite if the imminent conflict in Saubure. However, Kujo manages to escape and returns to the Academy eager to meet Victorique again, unaware that he became a hostage in Albert's hands as a mean to ensure her cooperation with his plan.
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#9 - The Jet-Black Train Carries Several Lies
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 18
Having escaped from the flood, Victorique, Kujo and the rest of the passengers of the Masquerade Express find themselves involved into a bloody contest for an elusive item that can shake the balance of power between the Academy and the Ministry of Occult.
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#10 - The Drill Speaks Eloquently of Love
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 11
Jaqueline, an old friend of Grevil's, pays a visit to the Academy to make a donation and has a sudden encounter with Victorique at the Library Tower. There, she tells the story of a mysterious incident from the past where she was falsely accused of murder, unaware about its connection with both Victorique and the reason why Grevil has started bearing his unusual hairstyle.
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#11 - A Blue Rose Blooms in a Cannibal Department Store
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 9
Victorica gets a fever as Kujo sets out alone for some errands in Sauville. While searching for a souvenir for his sister, he meets a girl among a pile of mannequins. The girl asks for help, but when he gets back to the department store with the Inspector, she is nowhere to be found. Kujo calls Victorica by phone to ask her help, but the call is cut short as he is taken away.
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#12 - Two Monsters See Eye to Eye
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 15
Kujo inquires Brian Roscoe regarding his connection to Victorique and her mother, but he only warns him to beware of her father instead. Meanwhile, Victorique succeeds to unlock the secrets behind Leviathan, the clock tower and the truth about her own origin.
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#13 - Howling Echoes from the Kingdom of the Past
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 8
Victorica manages to find the culprit behind the recent deaths at the village and to clear her mother's name by exposing the woman who framed her. However, when the woman attempts to escape, she starts torching the entire village, and Kujo must confront her while protecting Victorica with his life.
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#14 - A Divine Revelation is Given at the Summer Solstice Festival
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 7
Victorica and Kujo explore the "Village of the Gray Wolves" where her mother lived in search for clues to prove her innocence, but Victorica gets disappointed when she uncovers the truth and figures that she lacks the means to clear her name. To complicate matters, two of the tourists who were visiting the village with them are killed among strange circumstances.
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#15 - A Malicious Frill Denounces a Farting Newt
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 14
Victorique is dragged by her teacher to her classroom and is introduced to the rest of her classmates. Avril tries to bring her attention but she gets angry on her instead. Kujo demands Victorique to apologize to her, and when she refuses, he sets with Avril to keep investigating the Leviathan case without her help. Meanwhile Victorique has an encounter with Brian Roscoe, a friend of the victim's, on the top of the clock tower.
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#16 - A Fool Designates His Own Mouthpiece
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 13
Kujo and Avril explore one of the school's towers and Avril figures that it is related to the legend of Leviathan, an alchemist who lived there decades before. Victorique stumbles on a pop-up book containing a cryptic message aledgely from Leviathan himself and when a death occurs at the top of the tower, she decides to investigate by herself.
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#17 - Listening to the Cicadas on a Summer Afternoon
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 12
Everybody in school are preparing for there summer vacation. Kujo has turned down his vacation trip with Avril to stay with Victorique. Kujo has flash back of his past of why he left japan, while relaxing on a tree. When Kujo went into the academy, Victorique wanted to climb the tree Kujo was on and gets stuck in the tree forcing Kujo to save her. Kujo then chills at Victorique's house while it rains, but she spills tea all over her kimono and forcing Kujo to clean it up. The scene ends with Kujo remembering to to buy sweet for Victorique.
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#18 - The Toppled Maria has a Fly's Head
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 16
Victorique's father has her taken from the academy to a convent known as "Beelzebub's Skull" in Lithuania. Kujo learns about her whereabouts from Grevil and takes a train going there to look for her. Guided by a woman who resembles a lot like her, Kujo manages to find where Victorique is held and learns from her that the woman is most likely her mother, Cordelia.
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#19 - The Hares Break Promises Beneath the Morning Sun
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 3
The trap closes and the architect behind it is revealed or is he? Victorique picks up on a larger scheme that set much larger things in motion. The question is are the still in motion to this day?
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#20 - Call Out
Golden Kamuy - Season 2 - Episode 12
At last, No-Face has been found. But will he survive long enough to tell them where the gold is? And what about the traitor who's lurking in the background, waiting for the right moment to strike?
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#21 - Sin and Impurity
Golden Kamuy - Season 3 - Episode 11
Asirpa, Shiraishi, and Sugimoto are finally reunited in the frozen North.
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#22 - The Souls of the Dead Raise a Shipwreck
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 2
Posing as the murdered Soothsayer, Roxane and her servant, Victorique and Kujo have boarded the Queen Merry. Once on board they discover they have fallen into another mystery, this one with deadly intent towards everyone.
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#23 - My First Part-Time Job / The Abandoned Cinderella
Tomo-chan Is a Girl! - Season 1 - Episode 11
Tomo wants to earn money for a birthday present for Jun, so she works part-time at the ramen restaurant owned by Tanabe's family. Later, their class prepares for its presentation of "Cinderella" at the cultural festival.
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#24 - The Angel's True Face
Tomo-chan Is a Girl! - Season 1 - Episode 9
Misuzu sees that Misaki and Carol need help expressing their feelings for each other, so she comes up with a plan to get them together... but the results are far beyond what she expected.
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#25 - How the Contest Ends / To Stay Best Friends...
Tomo-chan Is a Girl! - Season 1 - Episode 10
Tomo and Junichiro are fired up for the school marathon. They start out neck-and-neck at the head of the pack, but when they reach the girls' turn-around point...
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#26 - The Girls of the Olston Family / A Feeling I Won't Give Up / Heart-Pounding! A Gaming Overnighter
Tomo-chan Is a Girl! - Season 1 - Episode 5
Tomo visits each of her best friends' houses. She meets Carol's mom, gets some help studying for midterms at Misuzu's, and... stays overnight at Junichiro's house?!
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#27 - Overwhelmed
Golden Kamuy - Season 2 - Episode 11
Chaos has broken loose at Abashiri. The 7th Division is shelling the prison. The prisoners are loose. Sugimoto is trapped inside. Can they find No-Face in the chaos?
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#28 - Tears of Joy
Fighting Spirit - Season 1 - Episode 3
Ippo loses his first sparring session, but shows enough potential to be accepted into the gym.
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#29 - Junichiro's Promise / When Tomo Puts On a Swimsuit...
Tomo-chan Is a Girl! - Season 1 - Episode 7
Junichiro recalls how he and Tomo first met, and the four friends spend a day at the beach.
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#30 - Birthday Present / Burn Up! The Ball Sports Tournament
Tomo-chan Is a Girl! - Season 1 - Episode 6
Misuzu and Carol give Tomo an extra-girly makeover and send her to the convenience store, where she unexpectedly runs into Junichiro. Later, Tomo gets fired up for the school's ball sports tournament.
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#31 - The Golden Thread Cuts Through a Passing Moment
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 4
Kazuya witnesses the bizarre beheading of a man riding a motorcycle. While a suspect matching the description Victorique surmised is arrested a new girl joins Kazuya’s school who also matches the description.
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#32 - Back to Life
I★Chu: Halfway Through the Idol - Season 1 - Episode 10
The day of the selection stage for the Sound Carnival has finally arrived. On the morning of the decisive battle, the IChu are in perfect condition, each holding their own emotions and motivations in their hearts. They face the stage, knowing they must give everything they have in this performance. And the final results are...
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#33 - The Reason for Her Smile / I Want To Be Playful Like a Girl / Heroes Fall a Lot
Tomo-chan Is a Girl! - Season 1 - Episode 4
Tomo wants to experience some girly interaction, like hugging and hand-holding, so she tries it with all of her girl friends.
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#34 - The Sound of an Ambush
Golden Kamuy - Season 2 - Episode 9
After visiting a hot springs, the group is ambushed by a gang of blind thieves. In the darkness, the thieves, who navigate by sound, have a tremendous advantage, and the group is in deadly peril.
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#35 - The Night of the Summer Festival / The Distance Between Them
Tomo-chan Is a Girl! - Season 1 - Episode 8
Tomo has noticed that Junichiro is starting to act differently around her. They both try to sort out their feelings while seeing the summer festival fireworks together.
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#36 - To Live
Golden Kamuy - Season 3 - Episode 12
At long last, Sugimoto, Shiraishi, and Asirpa are reunited, as this chapter in the war for the Ainu gold comes to a close...
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#37 - On the Night of the New Moon
Golden Kamuy - Season 2 - Episode 10
At last the group makes it to Abashiri. After everything that's happened so far, it's time for them to go inside and meet No-Face..
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#38 - Tomo's Skirt / The School Idol
Tomo-chan Is a Girl! - Season 1 - Episode 2
After Tomo is groped by an old man on the bus, Junichiro suggests that she stop wearing skirts. Then Tomo meets Carol, an English girl that all the boys in school admire.
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#39 - Best Bud's Secret / Let's Go on a Date!
Tomo-chan Is a Girl! - Season 1 - Episode 3
Tomo is shocked to learn that Junichiro and Misuzu briefly dated in middle school. Tomo then decides to invite Junichiro out on a date herself, with help from Misuzu and Carol.
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#40 - Everybody, Get Together! It's a Murder Hotel!
Golden Kamuy - Season 1 - Episode 11
The gang stays in a strange hotel, run by a former prisoner. This hotel has a dark secret, but even its wicked owner quickly finds herself overwhelmed when both Sugimoto's group and Ushiyama book rooms, and both Shiraishi and Ushiyama want to sleep with her!
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#41 - Inside the Belly
Golden Kamuy - Season 2 - Episode 5
Suzukawa heads into the 7th's garrison to rescue Shiraishi. When the mission goes wrong it's up to Sugimoto to get them out.
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#42 - Revolutionary
Golden Kamuy - Season 3 - Episode 9
Before Kiroranke came to Japan, he was a Russian revolutionary. One day, he and Wilk went to the house of a Japanese cameraman, where they began to study the Japanese language. But more was going on than meets the eye...
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#43 - The Dark Reaper Finds the Golden Fairy
Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 1
Kazuya Kujo is an exchange student from Japan. While exploring the library he encounters Victorique de Blois. While talking her extravagant brother Grevil arrives and questions Victorique through Kujo about a locked room murder. Victorique sets her mind to the task and comes up with an improbable but entirely logical answer.
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#44 - Nopperabo
Golden Kamuy - Season 1 - Episode 2
Saichi and Asirpa head to Otaru, the largest town in the area, in seach of the tattooed prisoners. They quickly find out that they're not the only ones after the treasure. The army is looking for it too! Saichi has to face off against a deadly sniper, and a horrible cold front is setting in too...
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#45 - To Karafuto
Golden Kamuy - Season 3 - Episode 1
Sugimoto was separated from Asirpa after the incident at the prison. Now, he's tracked her down to Karafuto, a place even further north and colder than Hokkaido.
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#46 - Just as You Are
I★Chu: Halfway Through the Idol - Season 1 - Episode 4
After seeing Kokoro's overwhelming performance with his own eyes, Akira, who has difficultly expressing himself, is reminded of an old trauma, leaving him unable to put everything he has into rehearsal. A lone owl watches Akira's struggles through a window...
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#47 - Grim Reaper
Golden Kamuy - Season 1 - Episode 4
Sugimoto visits an Ainu village where he learns about their ways and culture. The next day he leaves in secret, where he is captured by the 7th and tortured.
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#48 - I Want To Be Seen as a Girl / A Terrifying Challenge
Tomo-chan Is a Girl! - Season 1 - Episode 1
Tomo Aizawa, a tomboy girl, confesses her love to her childhood friend Kubota Junichirō. However, he mistakes her confession as a casual assurance of friendship between boys, disgruntling her. Later on, Tomo asks her best friend Misuzu Gundo for advice. However, Misuzu says she has rightly portrayed herself as a boy because of her lack of femininity.
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#49 - Ani Nekko
Golden Kamuy - Season 2 - Episode 6
Tanigaki remembers his past as a matagi, and the story of how he came to join the 7th Divison and work for Lt. Tsurumi.
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#50 - Igogusa
Golden Kamuy - Season 3 - Episode 3
As his group tracks Kiroranke and Asirpa in the frozen north, Tsukishima reflects how he began to be involved with the 7th Division.
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