The BEST episodes directed by Hiroshi Takeuchi

#1 - Punishment
Blade & Soul - Season 1 - Episode 11
Alka suffers thinking back on everyone's words, which she had originally thought were meaningless. She returns to the Village of the Sword. Karen searches for Alka with Hazuki and Loana, but Jin Varrel seems to be approaching as well.
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#2 - Getting Kids Who Hate Pumpkins to Eat Them by Sneaking Them Into a Stew
Good Luck Girl! - Season 1 - Episode 10
On a rainy day, Ichiko discovers an abandoned kitten outside her building and decides to take it in, naming it Tama. As Ichiko becomes curious as to why Momiji hasn't been around lately, a toilet god named Ibuki appears before her, but Ichiko refuses to hear him out. The next day, Ichiko learns Momiji has kidnapped Tama and goes to the school gym to confront her. Momiji reveals she was the one who brought Tama to Ichiko's place in order to teach her what it's like to lose someone important. Momiji then goads Ichiko into using the Soumin Shourai and absorbs almost all of her Fortune Energy. As Momiji takes her leave, the gym catches fire, trapping Ichiko and Tama inside without her Fortune to save them. Ibuki then appears, explaining his mission was to save Tama from having what little Fortune she had drained by Ichiko. Offering to save Tama, Ibuki uses a device that can inject Fortune Energy into its target. However, he overshoots it and fills Tama with so much Fortune Energy that she transforms into a Beckoning Cat God. In her new form, Tama leads Ichiko to a safe exit, where she coincidentally runs into Momiji, who had returned to try and save her, and getting her Fortune back. After putting out the fire, Ichiko agrees to wear a charm given to her by Ibuki which keeps her from absorbing other people's Fortune.
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#3 - Soul
Blade & Soul - Season 1 - Episode 12
Jin Varrel stands before Alka once again. Karen, Hazuki, Loana fight against Jin, as Alka is no longer to fight, but they stand no match against her. Alka decides to end this once and for all. The fight continues, with no end in sight, but then Jin attacks Alka with a full blast of her Impurity...
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#4 - Time
Blade & Soul - Season 1 - Episode 7
Alka runs into Moriii again, and finds her and others collected in a place where everyone carries some sort of past pain. Morii seems like she changed, and now speaks strangely. A woman, which Morii calls mother, wants to hold a ritual to help Alka, but...
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#5 - Flower
Blade & Soul - Season 1 - Episode 5
Shou, a man who hates the Heaven's Spirits, hires Alka as a bodyguard and then uses her to try to persuade a village to stop producing them. However, this village depends on the Heaven's Spirits, and Shou's pleas fall on deft ears. Shou creates a plan to help things go his way...
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#6 - God
Blade & Soul - Season 1 - Episode 13
Hazuki wins a drinking contest, and gets a treasure map showing the location of eternal beauty. Karen also gets a map from a person staying at her inn, and she heads towards a lone island in the southern sea. Pia claims that it's totally a fake, but Karen says it might be fun to search for some...
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#7 - Desire
Blade & Soul - Season 1 - Episode 2
Alka travels to a corrupt oasis city in search of information, where she is targeted by multiple mercenaries due a bounty placed on her head by the Param Empire.
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#8 - Show Me What You've Got ~Band Together~
Mob Psycho 100 - Season 2 - Episode 9
With his house up in flames, Mob and Dimple find something that resembles his family burnt within the fire. They immediately go to find who's behind this and run into members of the mysterious group, the Claw. Unable to control his rage, Mob disposes of them immediately, but then Koyama and Sakurai from the 7th Division appear before him. They end up meeting up with Teru and Reigen, who were also attacked by members of the Claw, at a secret lair. What could the Claw be plotting?
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#9 - Sky
Blade & Soul - Season 1 - Episode 8
Yuu, appears in front of Alka, poisoned by the Impurity. He asks where Master Hon is and then collapses due to hunger. Alka takes him to the Pleasure Gang base, and Alka takes care of him. While talking with Yuu, Alka starts to understand Master Hon's teachings.
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#10 - Sin
Blade & Soul - Season 1 - Episode 10
Alka carries deep wounds because of Karen, and then runs into Hayate and his wife Hana. Hana realizes Alka is under distress, but both Hana and Hayate realize that Alka is related to something that happened to their daughter who died...
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#11 - Moon
Blade & Soul - Season 1 - Episode 9
Alka doesn't know what to do anymore, and so Karen invites her to work at her shop. She learns what to do, and becomes close friends with Miharu. Alka starts to become more human, and realizes there's a world out there she didn't know. But she finds her lives shatter by someone.
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#12 - Dream
Blade & Soul - Season 1 - Episode 6
Yuu joins an anti-gorilla force and doesn't like military action, however all the other members want to take the fight to the Empire. Jin commands the Flower Monks to set up camp to take them out. Yuu wants to stop the fight from happening, so he goes to talk to Jin...
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#13 - Road
Blade & Soul - Season 1 - Episode 1
Alka is hired by a group of villagers as a mercenary against the forces of the Param Empire. However, upon discovery of her true identity based on a butterfly marking under her arm, the Param Empire initiates a massacre of the village.
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#14 - Sword
Blade & Soul - Season 1 - Episode 4
Seto and Pia work by collecting garbage around the red light district. They invite Alka into their house, as it seems she has lost her sight. She remembers Master Hon's teaching. One day Seto is attacked and he ends up killing his attacker and selling his goods.
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#15 - Revenge
Blade & Soul - Season 1 - Episode 3
Alka and Hazuki continue to fight and run into the Pleasure Gang. Dan Loana, the leader of the gang, tells Alka that she's trying to take revenge against Jin. She tries to explain that revenge is about an emotion, not a rule, and uses Alka as bait to lure Jin in.
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