The BEST episodes directed by Hiromi Taniguchi

#1 - The Battle of the Fjord
Saga of Tanya the Evil - Season 1 - Episode 7
The Empire is launching a seemingly foolish attack on the Entente Alliance in the middle of winter. They lack the supplies to successfully invade. Tanya realizes that this attack is a feint intended to distract from a fjord landing mission. Sure enough, she is sent to lead the invasion of the fjords, and silence 20 cannon emplacements in time for the fleet to land and the Imperial forces to disembark.
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#2 - My First Battalion
Saga of Tanya the Evil - Season 1 - Episode 5
Tanya's new battalion is off the ground and running, and it's time for them to do their first mission: fight back a massive invasion by the Dakian Dukedom to the southeast. The enemy army numbers in the hundreds of thousands, but they've brought no air units at all, which makes them easy pickings for Tanya's highly trained force. After wiping out the enemy army, she heads straight for the enemy capital and launches an attack there.
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#3 - How to Use a Victory
Saga of Tanya the Evil - Season 1 - Episode 12
Tanya just barely manages to restrain herself from disobeying her superior officers and attacking the Republic remanents. But the Republic forces have escaped overseas, and vowed to fight to the bitter end. The Empire has been victorious, but in its victory it has terrified the rest of the world and spurred them to action. Is true victory possible at all?
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#4 - Beginning of Madness
Saga of Tanya the Evil - Season 1 - Episode 6
After her easy victory over Dakia, it's time for a more difficult mission: aiding the destruction of the Entente Alliance to the north. The Alliance is being backed by the strong powers, and has equipment and training that in some cases rival the Empire. When Tanya arrives, the Alliance is striking a critical supply base with a bombing raid, and the local Empire force are too overwhlemed to defend against it. Can she get there to hold them off in time?
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#5 - Deus Vult
Saga of Tanya the Evil - Season 1 - Episode 3
After her stunning success with her first mission, Tanya is assigned to test a new piece of technology: a highly unstable prototype calculation jewel. This jewel offers her unparalleled power, but just using it risks her life. Tanya is determined to get out of this project and on to someplace easier and safer (like the front lines of the war), but Being X has other ideas...
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#6 - The Impact
Punch Line - Season 1 - Episode 10
On the morning of December 28, Yūta finds he is too late to stop Meika hacking into the sattelite just as Guriko planned, giving Qmay the ability to launch missiles at the meteor to steer it towards Earth. Deeming the mission to save mankind to be a failura, Chiranosuke has Yūta make preparations for his next self. The next day on December 29, the day where Ito was originally scheduled to die, Yūta and Mikatan receive a text calling them to the shrine, where they come face to face with Guriko, who had taken Ito hostage to lure them out. Returning Ito to them, Guriko states that the only way Yūta and Mikatan can survive the meteor crash is if they become Ws using Muhi's regeneration ability before taking her leave. Just as Yūta is at the brink of giving up altogether, he thinks of his friends and becomes determined to protect them, asking Meika for her help in saving humanity.
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