The BEST episodes directed by Ferdinand Fairfax

The Full House
213 votes

#1 - The Full House

Jeeves and Wooster - Season 3 - Episode 2

Poet Mr Rockmeteller Todd (Rocky) wants a quiet life in his cabin in the Long Island woods but his Aunt Isobel, who keeps him supplied with money, wants him out clubbing every night and to send her a report of what is going on. Jeeves - who somehow attracts the women of New York like a magnet - goes clubbing in his place and Rocky writes reports from his details. However, he makes it sound so good that the aunt decides to see for herself. Meanwhile, Bicky Bickersteth's father believes Bicky is in Colorado learning farming (if he wants to keep his allowance), but he is staying in New York and his father finds out. Bertie lends Rocky his place to impress his aunt but Bicky's father arrives and also believes Bertie's apartment belongs to his son, and seeing that he is apparently doing well, cuts his allowance off. It is down to Jeeves to save the day.

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The Ties That Bind
205 votes

#2 - The Ties That Bind

Jeeves and Wooster - Season 4 - Episode 6

Bertie is at Totleigh Towers for the marriage of Roderick Spode and Madeline Bassett. Friend Ginger Winship is engaged to Lady Florence Craye so Bertie thinks that he's finally safe as far as marriage is concerned. However, Parliamentary candidate Ginger falls for his secretary and throws the Parliamentary election, causing Florence to dump him, and Spode decides to stand in his place, throwing in his title and causing Madeline to dump him. Both women now have their eyes firmly set on Bertie. Meanwhile the Butlers' and Valets' book from the Ganymede Club has been stolen, having all the secrets of the people they worked for. Also there is a problem with the drains at Totleigh Towers so Bertie calls in Tuppy Glossop, who has bought a new invention which clears drains, or so he believes, but when he tries it out it makes things far worse. The show ends with Bertie getting the blame for a spoiled wedding and with the guests chasing him and Jeeves widdershins around a church while the end titles come up.

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Hot Off the Press
237 votes

#3 - Hot Off the Press

Jeeves and Wooster - Season 3 - Episode 5

Sir Watkyn Bassett is writing his memoirs of his misspent youth, which also include a lot of other misspent youths of people who are now famous. Bertie, who has just become engaged, is sent to destroy the manuscript. Guests at the house include would-be dictator Roderick Spode, Gussie Fink-Nottle and, nearby, another old enemy of Bertie's, Constable Oates. The local vicar is Stinker Pinker. Added to this is a number of tough young ladies, a local play and a dog that gets arrested, all of which means a lively time for Bertie and Jeeves.

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Bridegroom Wanted!
233 votes

#4 - Bridegroom Wanted!

Jeeves and Wooster - Season 4 - Episode 3

Bingo Little wants to marry a waitress so needs his uncle's blessing. Bertie is pushed into helping him by pretending to be author Rosie M. Banks again. His uncle, Lord Bittlesham, is under Sir Roderick Glossop who has moved to America (a watered down Sir R who actually likes Bertie). Trying to sort things out, Bertie manages to make Blair Eggleston break off his engagement with Honoria who now wants to marry Bertie and get a theatrical Agent with a very muscular friend after him. Meanwhile Bingo marries the waitress, who turns out to be the real Rosie M. Banks, so she and Lord Bittlesham are also after Bertie who decides the best thing is to take the next ship to London. But so do all the others and, confronted by all of them on board, he and Jeeves jump ship. Eight and a half months later, they turn up back in England, with long beards and looking like they have spent much of that time in an open boat and in savage lands.

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Right Ho! Jeeves
185 votes

#5 - Right Ho! Jeeves

Jeeves and Wooster - Season 3 - Episode 4

Gussie Fink-Nottle is to visit Deverill Hall but gets drunk and ends up sentenced to 14 days in jail. Bertie is also due there, where Aunt Agatha is trying to match him up with Gertrude Winkworth. So that Gussie doesn't get in trouble, Bertie turns up pretending to be him, but then Gussie turns up too (having just been fined) with Jeeves posing as his butler. Gussie pretends to be Bertie and woos Gertrude successfully. Meanwhile, Catsmeat Potter-Pirbright, who is in love with Gertrude, appears (he has been rejected by the fierce Dame Daphne Winkworth and her four sisters), pretending to be Bertie's butler. When it seems that things can't get any worse, Aunt Agatha and Gussie's girlfriend Madeline Bassett turn up.

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The Delayed Arrival
207 votes

#6 - The Delayed Arrival

Jeeves and Wooster - Season 4 - Episode 4

Aunt Dahlia's magazine is in deep money trouble again so she wants to sell it to a Mr Trotter. To make it more saleable, she plans on paying a thousand pounds to a famous novelist for a story, which means she has to pawn her pearl necklace. Meanwhile, Lady Florence Craye has an on-off engagement with the homicidal Darcy "Stilton" Cheesewright, with Bertie being the cause of the break-ups. An expert is brought in to value the pearls, which have been replaced with fakes, and there is a race on to sell the magazine and get the real ones back in time. Both Jeeves and Bertie appear in drag in this episode.

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Trouble at Totleigh Towers
204 votes

#7 - Trouble at Totleigh Towers

Jeeves and Wooster - Season 4 - Episode 5

Bertie goes to Totleigh Towers at Stephanie "Stiffy" Byng's request. She wants him to steal an African statue which she thinks is evil. Gussie Fink-Nottle at Madeline Bassett's request has become a vegetarian, but this is too much for him and he falls for the cook (Emerald) who has been feeding him steak and kidney pie at midnight. Madeline, with Gussie out of the way, falls for Bertie, who steals the statue but has to return it when the owner (Major Plank) will not buy it back. Bertie then blacks up to pretend to be an African wanting to get the statue back for his tribe, just as the real Africans turn up. Jeeves can sort things out though, for a price.

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Return to New York
184 votes

#8 - Return to New York

Jeeves and Wooster - Season 4 - Episode 1

Aunt Agatha wants to pack her wayward nephews Claude and Eustace Wooster off to Africa but both have fallen in love with a singer at a nightclub Bertie took them to the night before, and sneak back from the docks to Bertie's place to pursue her. Bertie wants to marry a painter (Gwladys Pendlebury) and has fallen foul of a soup manufacturer. Bertie's efforts to help Tuppy end in a disaster and Aunt Agatha ends up as a laughing stock, and looking for the cause, blames Bertie.

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Comrade Bingo
209 votes

#9 - Comrade Bingo

Jeeves and Wooster - Season 3 - Episode 6

Bingo Little has joined The Red Dawn, an outspoken Communist group, to be near Charlotte Rowbotham, with whom he is in love. Bertie is pushed by Aunt Dahlia into going to Marsham Manor (near Goodwood) with her so she can get Cornelia Fothergill to sign her latest novel to her, so she can use it in her magazine. However, she doesn't tell Bertie that she wants him to steal a painting to accomplish this (we see why Bertie would never have made it as a burglar). Roderick Spode is also there, now the seventh earl of Sidcup (the sixth Earl having died) and is giving a farewell tour to his Black Shorts.

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The Once and Future Ex
209 votes

#10 - The Once and Future Ex

Jeeves and Wooster - Season 4 - Episode 2

Bertie bumps into his former fiancée Lady Florence in a bookshop while buying a birthday present for Jeeves. But after a row with her present suitor, the insanely jealous Darcy "Stilton" Cheesewright she renews her engagement to Bertie. Friend George Caffyn needs $50,000 for his play but can only get it from Chichester Clam when he sells his boats to Lord Worplesden, but the press pack haunting them is stopping the deal from going through. Jeeves sees a fancy dress party as a way of sorting everything out.

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The Search for Tutankhamun
84 votes

#11 - The Search for Tutankhamun

Egypt - Season 1 - Episode 1

Carter's fledgling career in Egyptology suffers a blow when a tomb he opens to huge fanfare is found to be empty. Undeterred from his ambitions, Carter parts company from his partner, Thedore Davis, and resumes his work as an archaeological artist and desperately hopes he will find a new patron. A meeting with the maverick Lord Carnarvon is to change Carter's life forever. Carnarvon - who has come to Egypt to recover from a horrific car accident - has become obsessed with finding an undamaged tomb and teams up with Carter in the search for the elusive burial site of the Boy King Tutankhamun. They begin digging but are unable to excavate The Valley of the Kings as Carter's old rival, Davis, owns the only concession to excavate. By 1912, Davis believes he has discovered all the major finds in The Valley, including the tomb of Tutankhamun. Carter, certain that Tutankhamum remains undiscovered, persuades Carnarvon to secure the permit to continue to excavate in The Valley of the Kings. However, just as the team begin work, war breaks out with Germany and the dig is suspended. Carter and Carnarvon resume their work with renewed vigour when the war ends and The Valley of the Kings is explored piece by piece. Excavations continue until 1922, when, frustrated with the lack of progress and nearing financial ruin, Carnarvon decides to pull out. Carter is devastated and pleads with him to reconsider, even offering to pay for the dig himself. Eventually Carnarvon relents and, while excavating the very last plot, the water boy discovers a step that appears to be part of a tomb. Carnarvon and his daughter, Evelyn, watch nervously as Carter makes a hole in the first plaster-sealed entrance. Placing a candle through the opening, he is stunned by what he sees: an antechamber filled with all sorts of Royal possessions, including amazing golden chariots and other 'wonderful things' to take the Pharaoh to his afterlife. Instead of immediately summoning the

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The Curse of Tutankhamun
76 votes

#12 - The Curse of Tutankhamun

Egypt - Season 1 - Episode 2

The story of the tomb of Tutankhamun captivates the world's media and propels Carnarvon and Carter to instant celebrity status around the globe. The ultimate prize that Howard Carter has sought all his adult life yields more than he could ever imagine: thousands of priceless artefacts, eventually crowned by the solid gold coffin and death mask of Tutankhamun. However, Carter is uneasy with his new-found celebrity status, and the absence of any real historical information frustrates him. As the dig progresses in the heat of the Egyptian desert, tensions between Carter and his team begin to boil over... Carter is working in the full gaze of publicity - everything he does is under the watchful eyes of packs of international journalists. He realises that in order to preserve the tomb's contents for posterity, his work has only just begun. Meanwhile, Carnarvon is desperately trying to keep the press at bay. In order to minimise the disturbance for those working at the site, he strikes an exclusive deal with The Times. This angers other journalists, especially Weigall from The Daily Mail, who starts writing stories claiming the tomb is cursed. With all the material from the antechamber removed, Carter's team begin to break through to the chamber beyond. Finally, it is the day Carter has been waiting for all his life and he is delighted when he can officially open the burial chamber of Tutankhamun. Unfortunately, under the terms of Carnarvon's agreement with the Egyptian Director-General of Antiquities, if the site contains an intact Pharaoh's tomb its contents must revert back to the Egyptian Government. Carnarvon and Carter play for time and persuade the authorities to let them excavate the rest of the chamber. From the opening of the burial chamber, things begin to go badly wrong. Carter becomes increasingly irritated and sacks key colleagues. Carnarvon and Carter argue over his pedantic management of the tomb, and Carter's 'friendship'

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The Secrets of the Hieroglyphs
10 votes

#13 - The Secrets of the Hieroglyphs

Egypt - Season 1 - Episode 6

In the final episode of Egypt, Jean-François Champollion has unlocked the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs but, in doing so, faces opposition from the Church and a challenge to his own beliefs. The programme begins in 1815, when everyone in Europe has been infected with a fascination for Ancient Egypt. The King of France buys - at huge cost - a relief, removed from the ceiling of the temple of Dendera in Egypt. A number of experts believe this to be an ancient temple. There is much excitement about just how old it really is. If it was much older than 2,000 BC, it threatens the established chronology of the Bible. Jean-François Champollion is invited to give an opinion by one of the King's aides, the Duc de Blacas. This is the first test of his ability to understand hieroglyphs. Known as a free thinker, his presence makes the Church nervous. However, to everyone's surprise, Champollion declares, quite definitely, that the relief was made after the birth of Christ, due to the crude quality of its art and the existence of some hieroglyphs that spell the name of a Roman leader. It is the first dramatic and very public demonstration of Champollion's understanding of the hieroglyphs. In 1824 he is invited to Italy to see some of the world's greatest collections of Egyptian artefacts. While there, he discovers, to his delight, that he can read quite easily all the hieroglyphs he sees. He is also able to decipher ancient lists of Egyptian Pharaohs and parts of the book of the dead, describing the journey of the Pharaoh through the afterlife. He is the only person in the world who understands how to read hieroglyphs, but not everyone believes him. Jealous academics in Paris and elsewhere are waiting to disprove him. Now Champollion is desperate to test his skill in the temples and tombs of Ancient Egypt but, as a poor country boy, cannot fund his own voyage. The Church hears of Champollion's desire to travel to Egypt and they offer to support him

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The Pharoah and the Showman
14 votes

#14 - The Pharoah and the Showman

Egypt - Season 1 - Episode 3

Belzoni fails to please Pasha Ali of Egypt and his new career in 'water mechanics' fails. He is penniless and stranded in Cairo without work. Just 16 years after the invasion by Napoleon, the enthusiasm of Europeans for all things Egyptian is growing and there is intense rivalry between explorers and collectors - the rivalry is particularly intense between the French and the British. In Cairo, Belzoni meets two men who will change his life for ever. The first is John Lewis Burkhardt, who, disguised as an Arab, has travelled to unknown Egyptian temples that have remained lost from the world for centuries. The other is Henry Salt, the British Counsel General, keen to make his name as a collector. Inspired by the tales of Burkhardt, Salt offers Belzoni a job: to travel down the Nile to Thebes to collect a giant seven-ton granite bust named the 'Younger Memnon' from an Egyptian temple. The French have tried and failed to lift it, so Anglophile Belzoni rises to the challenge in order to bring it back for the British Museum. At the time, nobody can yet read hieroglyphics but the 'Youger Memon' is, in fact, the likeness of Ramesses II, the greatest of all Pharaohs. Belzoni discovers he has the perfect skills for the job: vast strength, engineering knowledge, maverick intelligence and wit combined with bravery and cunning, and the head of Ramesses II is soon on its way to Henry Salt back in Cairo. Flushed with success, Belzoni and his crew decide to travel further down the Nile to search for more collectable artefacts for Salt. Near the border with modern-day Sudan, they arrive at an amazing temple carved directly out of the mountain – unbeknown to them, they have found Ramesses the Great's Temple at Abu Simbel. However, to Belzoni's frustration, he cannot find the entrance as most of the temple is covered in tons of sand. Intrigued and fascinated, Belzoni vows to return… In parallel with Belzoni's story, the programme tells that of

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The Mystery of the Rosetta Stone
10 votes

#15 - The Mystery of the Rosetta Stone

Egypt - Season 1 - Episode 5

This is the story of Jean-François Champollion, the brilliant linguist, genius and one of the first true Egyptologists. The programme begins in Egypt in 1798, when the country had been virtually closed to Europeans for centuries and its ancient culture lost and forgotten for over a thousand years. Napoleon has with him scholars, including antiquarians and linguists, whose job it is to unravel the mysteries of ancient Egypt. But they were able to achieve little more than to paint its beautiful ruined monuments and wonder what it all meant, for Egypt's secrets were locked in the strange ancient writings, the hieroglyphs. Meanwhile, Napoleon's soldiers have unearthed an extraordinary object that offers a crucial clue. The Rosetta Stone has written on it a proclamation by Pharaoh Ptolemy V, in three different texts, Greek, and the common writing of the time, the sacred script of the hieroglyphs. However, before a translation can begin, the British defeat Napoleon and The Rosetta Stone is taken as a spoil of war to the British Museum. The French are left only with copies… Back in Europe, the Stone proves impossible to decipher, and the greatest minds in the continent give up. Authorities on either side of the Channel search for a genius. Anglo–French rivalry intensifies when the two geniuses recruited for the task begin work. Englishman Thomas Young, a great scientist with a razor-sharp analytical mind, and a brilliant linguist, the young Frenchman Jean-François Champollion, start the race to crack the hieroglyphics. Young takes a typically methodical approach, essentially using mathematics - comparing the scripts to analyse how often certain words or hieroglyphs appear. He makes a number of breakthroughs, including working out how to read the name of the Pharaoh Ptolemy. Young always believes that the ancient hieroglyphs are really just symbols (like road signs) and do not make sounds in the same way as words do – to him, The Ros

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The Temple of the Sands
10 votes

#16 - The Temple of the Sands

Egypt - Season 1 - Episode 4

The Great Belzoni, actor, strongman, and engineer, has now turned all his attentions to becoming a famous adventurer. In episode four of Egypt, Belzoni makes some of his greatest discoveries, and uncovers the entrance to The Temple Of Ramesses at Abu Simbel. Belzoni's new ambition is to be the greatest collector in history, but in the fashion of all good swashbuckling tales, he has a rival. Drovetti, the tenacious French collector, is waiting to thwart him at his every turn. Henry Salt asks Belzoni to go back to Thebes and Philae to find more artefacts for the British Museum. However, Belzoni doesn't realise that Salt is using him to furnish his own collection and sell artefacts to the highest bidder. Belzoni is only a few miles down the Nile when he runs into Drovetti's men, who are also on their way to Thebes. A race across the desert then follows as Belzoni tries to prevent Drovetti's men from stealing his precious collections at Thebes. But when he arrives, Belzoni finds he is too late and Drovetti is well advanced in the process of removing everything he can from the great temples. This setback only firms Belzoni's resolve and he finds another beautiful and colossal statue. Infuriated, Drovetti threatens Belzoni so, under the cover of darkness, he slips anchor and heads south. On reaching Abu Simbel, Belzoni has the problem of shifting the tons of sand surrounding the opening to the temple. It proves an impossible task; every time they try to dig a hole, more sand flows in to fill it. Soon, the labourers lose patience and leave. Then Belzoni has an idea. To make the sand easier to dig he wets it with water from the Nile, and then builds a palm tree fence around the opening of the temple to prevent sand from flowing in. Eventually, they break through the top of the temple's doorway and slip inside. The interior of the temple is spectacular, featuring colossal statues of Ramesses II which support the ceiling, and fabulous reliefs tel

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46 votes

#17 - Christine

The Last Detective - Season 2 - Episode 1

Davies is called in to investigate the suspicious death of wealthy artist Maurice Leyman, found dead after a fire in the studio in the garden of his luxury home. His wife is rather calm about the whole thing and has a dodgy alibi, but Dangerous is reluctant to point the finger at her.

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Servant of Two Masters
40 votes

#18 - Servant of Two Masters

The Professionals - Season 3 - Episode 8

Bodie and Doyle are shocked to discover that Cowley appears to be selling nerve gas to a group of East Germans in order to line his own pockets, and are assigned by his rival Plumb to track their boss's every move.

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