The BEST episodes directed by Ei Aoki

Two Chevalier
29 votes

#1 - Two Chevalier

Blood+ - Season 2 - Episode 10

Saya and Hagi return to "The Zoo" again and have a run in with Solomon. Hagi makes an attempt to defeat him, but Solomon easily wins. He then reveals to the two that he is a Chevalier and more Chevaliers are trying to kill Saya. But unlike them he is against it. As they are talking David, Kai, and Riku arrive at "The Zoo". What is Solomon after and will Saya and Hagi be able to prepare to fighting the other Chevaliers?

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The End of Honor
26 votes

#2 - The End of Honor

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 16

Kayneth visits Risei and asks for his reward for Lancer helping defeat Caster. Risei agrees to reward Kayneth a Command Seal before Kayneth kills him to ensure the other Masters don't get one as well. However, Sola was kidnapped by Maiya during the battle at Mion River which she also cut off Sola's arm containing her Command Seals. As Kayneth scolds Lancer and mocks his chivalry, Saber and Iri, tipped off by Kiritsugu, arrives at Kayneth's hideout, where Saber wishes to finish her duel with Lancer which he agrees. As Saber and Lancer duel, Kiritsugu confronts Kayneth and having taken Sola hostage, gives Kayneth a magical unbinding contract that he will no longer harm or kill him and Sola if he does one thing for him; use up all of his Command Seals to force Lancer to commit suicide. Desperate to save Sola, Kayneth does so which Lancer curses everyone around him before dying. But because the contract only applies to him, Maiya snipes Kayneth and Sola, killing her instantly. As Saber ends Kayneth's suffering, she finally calls out on Kiritsugu for the terrible and dishonorable things he'll do to win which he retorts there's isn't anything honorable about chivalry and he will do everything to win to ensure his and Iri's wishes to save the world. As Kiritsugu leaves with Maiya, Iri collapses from exhaustion.

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Distant Memories
26 votes

#3 - Distant Memories

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 18

Years ago, a young Kiritsugu lived on an island in the Pacific with his father Noritaka and befriended a local girl named Shirley who called him Kerry. Noritaka was researching on immortality using plants with Shirley as his assistant. Despite being told by the townsfolk to stay away from Noritaka, Shirley is convinced his research will help the world and tells Kiritsugu she hopes he grows up to be great man. But one day, Kiritsugu is told by his father not to leave their home after asking him if he went into his lab. Kiritsugu ignores his father's warnings to search for Shirley only to be find her eating live chickens wildly. Shirley reveals she went into Noritaka's lab and use his immortality formula on herself which turned her into a Dead Apostle vampire who madly craves for blood. Shirley begs Kiritsugu to kill her while she can still have a hold on herself but he is unable to do it which leads her to attacking the townsfolk and turning them into Ghouls. As chaos spread throughout the island, Church Executors and Mages from the Mages Association arrive to stop and exterminate the outbreak and cover up the incident. Kiritsugu is saved from Ghouls when a gun-wielding mercenary named Natalia Kaminski saves him. Natalia explains she is there to eliminate the magus responsible for the outbreak which Kiritsugu realizes is his father. Kiritsugu confronts his father over his work and it's consequences which the latter only shrugs it off as an accident and states his plans to continue his experiments elsewhere. Angered with his father's response, Kiritsugu kills him. Emotionally broken and having nowhere to go, Kiritsugu agrees to escape together with Natalia.

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The Final Command Spell
26 votes

#4 - The Final Command Spell

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 24

Two heroes, two masters, one grail; a winner will be decided.

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Where Justice Dwells
26 votes

#5 - Where Justice Dwells

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 19

Natalia has raised Kiritsugu since rescuing him from the island. He has followed her in every step in becoming an assassin. Over the years their relationship has grown to the point of mother and child, so what Kiritsugu does next is…

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I Want to Tell You I Love You
34 votes

#6 - I Want to Tell You I Love You

Please Twins! - Season 1 - Episode 11

After Karen finds out who is the relative, she goes out on a date with Maiku before telling him ( all the while breaking the Love Alliance) that she is his sister. After Karen tells this to Miina, however, she runs away.

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Knight on a Two-Wheeled Steed
26 votes

#7 - Knight on a Two-Wheeled Steed

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 21

Saber is hot on the trail of Rider, much to his delight. Meanwhile, Kiritsugu sets off on a different lead. The new player, Matou Kariya, watches in the background as his play unfolds perfectly.

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The Eighth Contract
26 votes

#8 - The Eighth Contract

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 17

Kirei discovers Risei's body and informs Tokiomi. Kirei is saddened over his father's death, although Archer suggests that his sadness is due to not having the chance to kill his own father himself. Maiya informs Iri and Saber that Tokiomi wishes to discuss an alliance, and Iri agrees to go to the church to discuss the offer. Before his meeting, Tokiomi visits his wife and Rin, giving his daughter a spell book and some wisdom before leaving. During the meeting between Iri and Tokiomi, Tokiomi suggests a temporary alliance to defeat the other contestants first. Iri agrees, but on the condition that Kirei leaves the city and can no longer be involved in the Grail War. Tokiomi complies. As Saber, Iri and Maiya leave the church, a sickly Iri reveals to Maiya that she is actually the embodiment of the Holy Grail in human form and will die to form the Grail once the war ends. Maiya promises to protect her until that time comes. Meanwhile, Kirei is preparing to leave, but reveals to Archer that his father's dying act was to leave Kirei the remaining Command Seals, restoring Kirei's ability to be a master in the War. He also reveals the secret reason behind the war; the Holy Grail can be activated only by the sacrifice of seven Heroic Spirits. Thus, even a victorious Servant must die - which is why Tokiomi is reluctant to use his command spells, as he needs at least one to command Archer's suicide should they be triumphant. Furthermore, Kirei still wants to explore his dark desires, and Archer yearns for a more stimulating master. Later, Kirei meets with Tokiomi, who gives him guardianship of Rin should anything happen to him, and an Azoth dagger as a symbol of his completed apprenticeship. Kirei then stabs Tokiomi in the back with the dagger, telling him that, just like his own father, both men never really understood him. With Tokiomi dead, Archer and Kirei form a new contract as Master and Servant.

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52 votes

#9 - Fate/Zero

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 25

Saber destroys the Grail along with the theater before disappearing. However, much to Kiritsugu's horror, the Grail spreads its lethal black ooze from the sky, causing death and destruction throughout half the city. With the city in flames, Kirei wakes up, surprise to be alive and to see Gilgamesh(Archer) as well. Gilgamesh reveals the ooze created a body for him and resurrected Kirei as well. Realizing the city's destruction was his wish, Kirei laughs on how abominable he is and wants to repeat it again which Gilgamesh joins him. Mortified of the destruction he seen, Kiritsugu finds joy and hope after rescuing a young boy who survived. A delusional Kariya believes he has save Sakura and reunited her with Rin and Aoi, unaware he has died falling into a pit of Crest worms under Matō estate which Sakura witness coldly. As morning arrives, Waver tells the Mackenzies he would like to stay with them while he travels around the world to find his own path. After presiding over Tokiomi's funeral, Kirei meets Rin and her mother Aoi, who survived but brain damaged, oblivious to what happen to her husband and Sakura, and gives Rin the Azoth dagger. Due to the curse and interference by the Einzberns for his failure, Kiritsugu is unable to reunite with his daughter Ilya so he decides to live in Fuyuki City and adopts the boy he rescued, Shirō. Saber finds herself where she fought her last battle during her life and cries to her knights for failing while she remembers Lancelot final words on how he regretted betraying her by having an affair with her wife Guinevere, which drove him into madness while still proclaiming his loyalty to his King. As she regrets for not understanding her people nor winning the Grail, the sun suddenly shines on her, giving her hope. Five years later, Kiritsugu tells Shirō how he dreamed to be a hero which Shirō promises his father that he will live out his dream for him. As Kiritsugu closes his eyes peacefully, he remembers the question Shirley ask

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Golden Brilliance
26 votes

#10 - Golden Brilliance

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 15

As Archer and Berserker continue to battle in the sky, Saber and Rider are forced to retreat from Caster's Demon to rethink their strategy. Rider will transport the demon into Ionian Hetairoi where his armies will try to hold it off as long as they can while Saber and Lancer will have to find a way to finally destroy it. Kiritsugu calls and explains to Waver on how they will defeat the demon and tells him to inform Lancer about Saber's Noble Phantasm. Lancer realizes what Kiritsugu means and destroys his Gae Buidhe to allow Saber's wound to heal and fully use her Noble Phantasm. Tokiomi defeats Kariya by shooting a fireball, burning him and falling off from the building where he is later found by Kirei who heals him. As Berserker destroys Archer's Vimana, he now sets his sights on Saber but his jet is destroyed and driven away by Lancer and Archer respectively. With the coast clear, Kiritsugu fires a flare gun to signal to Waver where Rider should transport the demon. With the demon in position, Saber uses her Noble Phantasm, Excalibur to finally destroy Caster and the demon which the former has a vision of Jeanne before his death. With the threat over, Rider and Archer have a discussion on whether Saber's life to become King was either incredible or tragic before both of them leave with Rider hoping to duel Archer in the future and Archer now smitten with Saber.

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The Assassin Returns
26 votes

#11 - The Assassin Returns

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 20

Irisviel time is running out and Kiritsugu is doing what he can to make her comfortable. But the game continues and he leaves to eliminate his next target. A surprise attack against his hideout leaves him a man down and heart broken.

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Bloody Battle on the Mion River
26 votes

#12 - Bloody Battle on the Mion River

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 14

The battle against Caster continues as the Heroes have no way of stopping him. Toki is trying to appeal to Archer to use his Noble Phantasm to obliterate the monster. Kiri meanwhile, is planning to destroy the source of the monsters powers.

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The Ocean at the End of the World
26 votes

#13 - The Ocean at the End of the World

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 23

Saber vs. Berserker, Archer vs. Rider, another hero will fall and a secret will be revealed.

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All the Evil in the World
26 votes

#14 - All the Evil in the World

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 22

The end of the battle is drawing near and relationships between Masters and Servants are changing. Many players have dropped off the field, and a very special one is next to go.

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School Festival is Bravo!
38 votes

#15 - School Festival is Bravo!

Girls Bravo - Season 2 - Episode 9

The school festival starts, oddly, at the same time that the portal to Seiren opens once again, sending a bewildered Maharu to Earth.

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Bravo at Mah-Jong!
38 votes

#16 - Bravo at Mah-Jong!

Girls Bravo - Season 2 - Episode 7

To bring an end to Tomoka's boredom, Fukuyama starts a "unique" game of Mah-Jong involving dares and questionable clothing.

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Rabbit Ears Bravo!
38 votes

#17 - Rabbit Ears Bravo!

Girls Bravo - Season 2 - Episode 8

Everyone plays a part in a movie about three thief rabbit girls and two detectives. Fukuyama and Yukinari play as the detectives, and Miharu, Kirie, and Koyomi play as the rabbit girls. Lisa plays as a daughter and Mamoru as her father.

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As Long As We're Together It's Bravo!
39 votes

#18 - As Long As We're Together It's Bravo!

Girls Bravo - Season 2 - Episode 5

Tomoka goes out to continue with her mission on getting a man for Maharu, but ends up keeping an eye for Kirie after she finds her dealing with some problems.

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Sunny Afternoon Bravo!
35 votes

#19 - Sunny Afternoon Bravo!

Girls Bravo - Season 2 - Episode 10

After a discussion involving Miharu's Seiko, Koyomi believes that she has spotted her father in the background of a news report, and begins to desperately search for him.

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Fight Bravo!
39 votes

#20 - Fight Bravo!

Girls Bravo - Season 2 - Episode 2

An invitation to a baseball game turns out to be a trap set by Fukuyama. Blackmailed by him, Kirie is forced to fight in his all-girl kickboxing tournament.

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Bravo at the Part-time Job!
39 votes

#21 - Bravo at the Part-time Job!

Girls Bravo - Season 2 - Episode 6

Miharu, Kirie, and Koyomi acquire a part time job at a video game convention in order to fix the bathtub (after being broken by one of Miharu's sneezing fits). When the forth part-timer fails to arrive, Yukinari is drafted into dressing up like a girl and playing eye-candy for a day.

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Present is Bravo!
38 votes

#22 - Present is Bravo!

Girls Bravo - Season 2 - Episode 11

Miharu goes gift shopping for everyone while chaos breaks loose at Yukinari's house.

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Turmoil of Fates
45 votes

#23 - Turmoil of Fates

Ga-Rei-Zero - Season 1 - Episode 11

After her father is mortally wounded by Yomi in an attempt to rescue her even with the use of Byakuei, Kagura stays by his side as he slowly dies, having a heart-to-heart conversation with him for the first time. Meanwhile, the remaining members of the SDCD decide to confront Yomi directly themselves in an industrial area led by Ayame and Kiri with disaster on the SDCD operators despite having superior numbers when they fought Yomi. After her father passes, Kagura inherits the Sesshouseki from him and receives a new sword from Michael: Michael 13 before she sets out to take down Yomi herself and eliminate the threat of the Sesshōseki in her body.

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Final Bravo!
36 votes

#24 - Final Bravo!

Girls Bravo - Season 2 - Episode 13

Yukinari, Kirie, Tomoka, Lisa, and Maharu fight their way through to save Miharu from Yukina. At the end of the series, Yukinari, Miharu, Maharu, Kirie, Tomoka, Lisa, Fukuyama, Koyomi and Yukina all return to Earth and live happily ever after together.

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First Date is Bravo!
41 votes

#25 - First Date is Bravo!

Girls Bravo - Season 2 - Episode 3

Yukinari and Miharu finally go out on a date, with Fukuyama (and Kirie) in hot pursuit.

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Bravo to Seiren!
37 votes

#26 - Bravo to Seiren!

Girls Bravo - Season 2 - Episode 12

Miharu is taken back to Seiren by Ms. Kanata; Yukina's orders. Yukinari and the others prepare to go for her rescue.

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Bravo in the Great Magic War!
44 votes

#27 - Bravo in the Great Magic War!

Girls Bravo - Season 1 - Episode 9

Tomoka and Lisa fight over the human-form Ebi. Lisa is then reminded about her magically animate doll friend.

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Clean Up Bravo!
39 votes

#28 - Clean Up Bravo!

Girls Bravo - Season 2 - Episode 4

A fellow classmate of Yukinari and the others, Mamoru, appears as a cleaning superhero wanting to keep the school clean, confronting everyone that tries to litter. Miharu introduces him to Lilica, Fukuyama's maid, so that he learns how to do a better job.

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Bravo at the Hot Springs!
46 votes

#29 - Bravo at the Hot Springs!

Girls Bravo - Season 1 - Episode 10

Yukinari and friends travel to a hot springs resort. There, they find a female spirit unable to leave Earth and work together to help her move on to the afterlife.

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The Times of the Chance Encounter
108 votes

#30 - The Times of the Chance Encounter

Ga-Rei-Zero - Season 1 - Episode 3

A flashback episode. Kagura was placed under the care of the Isayama family when her father had been using the Ga-rei Byakuei to battle paranormal forces. Here, Kagura bonds with Yomi Isayama and the rest of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Division led by agent Kouji Iwahata.

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Above Aoi
152 votes

#31 - Above Aoi

Ga-Rei-Zero - Season 1 - Episode 1

The Japanese Ministry of Defense's Supernatural Disaster Prevention Agency is summoned to eliminate Kashas in the Greater Tokyo Area by deploying its 1st and 4th Special Divisions into combat under MOD instructions after they were reported by local police of a supernatural presence, with the situation under 4th Special Division jurisdiction. Despite being able to kill the Kasha beasts after the 4th Special Division lured them into well-arranged traps, most of the SDPA operatives were either massacred by the transparent spirits or by a katana-wielding woman.

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Bravo in the Mansion!
77 votes

#32 - Bravo in the Mansion!

Girls Bravo - Season 1 - Episode 4

Kirie's planned outing with Yukinari becomes a search for Miharu within the vast Fukuyama estate.

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The Story Continues, As Long as There Is Someone out There, Who Believes in My Existence.
101 votes

#33 - The Story Continues, As Long as There Is Someone out There, Who Believes in My Existence.

Re:CREATORS - Season 1 - Episode 19

Selesia and the others encounter the final Creation, who turns out to be Charon, the hero from Elemental Symphony of Vogelchevalier, the same story Selesia comes from! While Selesia is overjoyed at the reunion, Charon is sick of the endless fighting in his world, and joins Altair, who is trying to destroy the world. Selesia refuses to fight against Charon, and makes up her mind in a big decision.

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Beautiful Enemy
108 votes

#34 - Beautiful Enemy

Ga-Rei-Zero - Season 1 - Episode 6

Reports of Category D monsters and a Yamabiko had appeared in the Greater Tokyo Area had forced the SDCD to mobilize all available personnel, including Yomi and Kagura. Kazuhiro Mitogawa appears before Mei and kills her after revealing his Sesshouseki on his left eye socket. Kagura is forced to kill her middle school infirmary doctor after being possessed by a mind controlling demon.

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The Cause of the Duty
110 votes

#35 - The Cause of the Duty

Ga-Rei-Zero - Season 1 - Episode 4

Yomi and the other SDCD operatives are dispatched to eliminate a Tsuchigumo roaming on the countryside; Kagura makes her debut after saving a woman from being crushed by the Tsuchigumo's corpse. A civilian, however, witnessed their entire operation. Yomi and Kagura are dispatched to an old subway system when they encounter the same woman, now a vengeful zombie with a cadre of people killed by her. Kagura's father arrives to save her by using the Ga-rei spirit Byakuei.

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Expression of Hatred
109 votes

#36 - Expression of Hatred

Ga-Rei-Zero - Season 1 - Episode 2

The Ministry of Environment's Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Division, under the command of Ayame Jinguuji, intervenes after numerous SDPA casualties were reported; among the SDCD operators deployed included high school student and katana user Kagura Tsuchimiya. Corpses of 1st Special Division commandos were mysteriously alive after being killed, forcing SDCD operatives into action in order to kill them. The katana-wielding woman was revealed to be Yomi Isayama, an ex-SDCD operative who had somehow been corrupted by evil spirits.

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To the Land of the Unknown
237 votes

#37 - To the Land of the Unknown

GATE - Season 1 - Episode 4

The 3rd Recon Unit returns to Alnus Hill, now converted into an advanced JSDF base and Itami obtains authorization to provide shelter to the refugees, including Tuka Luna Marceau, the elf girl he saved. Meanwhile, Princess Piña Co Lada from the Empire learns more about the JSDF's exploits and decides to investigate herself. Back at Alnus, Tuka and the other refugees get used to their new lives among the Japanese soldiers, but for some reason, Tuka keeps requesting supplies not only for herself, but for another, unknown male not listed among the guests, and knowing that they can't depend on the JSDF's charity forever, she is worried about how they can provide for themselves, until Lelei points out that they can collect scales from the corpse of dragons killed by JSDF, which can fetch a good price in the local markets.

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Yearning Prayer
74 votes

#38 - Yearning Prayer

Ga-Rei-Zero - Season 1 - Episode 12

Once the SDCD discovers Yomi's current position, Kagura and the other surviving SDCD operatives decide to pursue and stop her once and for all as the remaining PDCH and SDPH operators move in to assault Yomi and take her down. Though Yomi eventually gains an upper hand in her fight with Kagura, she is temporarily stopped by Noriyuki who helps Kagura retreat after being wounded. After retreating, Noriyuki bandages Kagura up and convinces her that Yomi is no longer the person she knew; Yomi, in the meantime, struggles to gain control over will. As Yomi and Kagura meet again and fight for one last time, Yomi is finally able to give in and allow Kagura to kill her. Two years later, life continues on for those involved in the ranks of the SDCD, and Kagura prepares to face a monster with Kensuke Nimura.

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Bravo From the Bathroom!
115 votes

#39 - Bravo From the Bathroom!

Girls Bravo - Season 1 - Episode 1

After a routine beating at the hands of Kirie, Yukinari falls into his bathtub and disappears. Afterwards, he meets Miharu and discovers Seiren–a world near Earth with a 90% female population and a craving for men.

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Look for a Groom Bravo!
76 votes

#40 - Look for a Groom Bravo!

Girls Bravo - Season 1 - Episode 7

Koyomi is given the task of finding a husband for Maharu and struggles with her androphobia. Tomoka competitively takes on that same task.

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A Wicked Beast's Roar
207 votes

#41 - A Wicked Beast's Roar

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 5

Rider suddenly appears just the battle with Lancer reaches its climax, much to Saber's consternation. Undeterred, Rider calls out to the many people observing the fight from within the shadows...but it seems he's not the only heroic spirit drawn in by the battle.

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Discussing the Grail
185 votes

#42 - Discussing the Grail

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 11

Rider, Saber, and Archer sit down for a drink and discuss what makes a King. The talk turns to violence when Assassin interrupts…

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Lots of Bravo!
72 votes

#43 - Lots of Bravo!

Girls Bravo - Season 1 - Episode 8

Miharu consumes an unknown liquid in chemistry class, and inadvertently creates a swarm of Miharu clones. Local shop keepers are then left to defend themselves from the clones insatiable appetite.

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The Mage-Slayer
191 votes

#44 - The Mage-Slayer

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 8

Battle rages throughout Einzbern Castle: Kayneth's magical mercury sphere versus Kiritsugu's formidable gun arsenal, Saber and Lancer join forces against Caster in the forest, and Irisviel detects a new enemy as she and Maiya make their escape.

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Spiral of Sin
76 votes

#45 - Spiral of Sin

Ga-Rei-Zero - Season 1 - Episode 9

Yomi becomes very disabled after an attack by a mysterious stranger, and is later interrogated by many people of her involvement in Mei's murder case. Yomi loses everything and the mysterious stranger reappears to offer a deal for her restored life. Afterwards, she turns up missing.

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Bravo on a Rainy Day! (part 2)
72 votes

#46 - Bravo on a Rainy Day! (part 2)

Girls Bravo - Season 1 - Episode 6

Koyomi observes Miharu's time on Earth. Despite her decision to return to Seiren alone, Miharu joins her. After a brief Seiren stay, Maharu allows Miharu to return to Earth, along with Tomoka and Koyomi.

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Bravo on a Rainy Day (part 1)
75 votes

#47 - Bravo on a Rainy Day (part 1)

Girls Bravo - Season 1 - Episode 5

An amnesiac Koyomi arrives from Seiren; and after some recollection, she remembers her mission of finding Miharu and return her home.

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Bravo at School!
80 votes

#48 - Bravo at School!

Girls Bravo - Season 1 - Episode 2

Enticed by the thought of spicy curry bread, Miharu ventures outside to find Yukinari's school and buy some, instead of waiting for him to come back. Along the way, she discovers the shopping district–and bananas.

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As Long as We're Alive, We Have to Enjoy Our Lives to the Fullest.
100 votes

#49 - As Long as We're Alive, We Have to Enjoy Our Lives to the Fullest.

Re:CREATORS - Season 1 - Episode 18

Magane pays Sota a visit while he watches Selesia's battle and tells him that he is just like her because they both use others to satisfy their own desires, laying the groundwork for her plans to make things "more interesting". Meanwhile, Alicetaria, Blitz, and Sho turn against Altair in the Bird Cage, and join Selesia's side instead. However, Altair still has one final trick up her sleeve!

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The Forbidden Feast of Madness
171 votes

#50 - The Forbidden Feast of Madness

Fate/Zero - Season 1 - Episode 13

Rider and Waver make a trip into town, and stop in a bookstore along the way. There, Waver reads a biography on Rider's life and learns why he aimed to conquer the far east. Meanwhile, Caster and Ryuunosuke return to their destroyed base. A conversation with his Master leads Caster to an epiphany, and with insanity in his heart, the mad magician begins casting a certain spell...

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