The BEST episodes directed by Edward Berger

Mey/Steier - 05 - Wer das Schweigen bricht
27 votes

#1 - Mey/Steier - 05 - Wer das Schweigen bricht

Tatort - Season 2013 - Episode 14

At Last
545 votes

#2 - At Last

Patrick Melrose - Season 1 - Episode 5

As friends, relatives and foes trickle in to pay their final respects to his mother Eleanor, Patrick Melrose finds himself questioning whether a life without parents will be the liberation he has so long imagined. Yet as the memorial service ends and the family gathers one last time, amidst the social niceties and the social horrors, the calms and the rapids, Patrick begins to sense a new current: the chance of some form of safety – at last.

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Northern Wedding
594 votes

#3 - Northern Wedding

Deutschland - Season 1 - Episode 4

When the bug is found in Linda's desk, NATO is placed on high alert. Linda arrives to visit Martin, who scrambles to turn her loyalties around.

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Cold Fire
583 votes

#4 - Cold Fire

Deutschland - Season 1 - Episode 5

Martin is sent back to East Berlin, but is forced to deliver a seemingly harmless package to a mysterious man in West Berlin on the way.

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Atlantic Lion
564 votes

#5 - Atlantic Lion

Deutschland - Season 1 - Episode 3

While at a NATO conference in Brussels, Martin gets his first assignment: to seduce and bug the head security analyst’s secretary, Linda.

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Brave Guy
676 votes

#6 - Brave Guy

Deutschland - Season 1 - Episode 2

Martin is ordered to break into the hotel room of a high-ranking NATO official and steal a top-secret report.

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Part One
2025 votes

#7 - Part One

Your Honor - Season 1 - Episode 1

When his teenage son Adam is involved in a tragic accident, New Orleans Judge Michael Desiato is faced with an impossible decision that will impact his family forever, test the bonds with his oldest friend Charlie and put a strain on Adam’s secret relationship with girlfriend Frannie. Dangerous crime lord Jimmy Baxter and his wife Gina Baxter’s birthday gift puts their son Rocco on a collision course with tragedy.

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Quantum Jump
745 votes

#8 - Quantum Jump

Deutschland - Season 1 - Episode 1

23-year-old Martin Rauch is sent to West Germany to act as a spy, gathering intelligence for East Germany's Secret Service.

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Some Hope
598 votes

#9 - Some Hope

Patrick Melrose - Season 1 - Episode 3

Centered on a dinner party, attended by the illustrious and profane elite of British society. Patrick, who is now thirty and trying to recover from his addictions, considers becoming a lawyer, having spent most of his inheritance and in need of a job. Some Hope sees Patrick interacting with the contemptible but always fascinating British aristocracy again, and discovering that there might indeed be some hope for him after all.

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Part Two
1778 votes

#10 - Part Two

Your Honor - Season 1 - Episode 2

On the anniversary of his wife’s death, New Orleans Judge Michael Desiato and his son Adam create an alibi for the day of the accident. A favor for Michael pulls his close friends and colleagues Charlie and Lee into the web of deception. Kofi gets approached about a job.

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Part Three
1676 votes

#11 - Part Three

Your Honor - Season 1 - Episode 3

Michael continues to use his power to obscure details of the accident as crime lord Jimmy Baxter and his wife Gina plot their revenge. Things aren’t adding up for Lt. Nancy Costello in her investigation. Bad advice leads Kofi to make a bold move. Gina strikes a deal for her son Carlo.

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Mother's Milk
537 votes

#12 - Mother's Milk

Patrick Melrose - Season 1 - Episode 4

The once illustrious, once wealthy Melroses are in peril. Caught up in the wreckage of broken promises, child-rearing, adultery and assisted suicide, Patrick finds his wife Mary consumed by motherhood, his mother in thrall to a New Age foundation, and his young son Robert understanding far more than he should. But even as the family struggles against the pull of its ever-present past, a new generation brings a new tenderness, and the possibility of change.

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Never Mind
678 votes

#13 - Never Mind

Patrick Melrose - Season 1 - Episode 2

At the Melrose family's glorious house in the South of France, young Patrick has the run of the magical grounds. His father David rules with cruelty and his mother Eleanor has retreated into self medication and booze. Bravely imaginative and self-sufficient out of necessity, 9-year-old Patrick encounters the volatile lives of adults with fear. They are expecting guests for the weekend, but this afternoon is profoundly unlike other summer days, and the shocking events that precede the guests' arrival tear Patrick's world in two.

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2692 votes

#14 - Gore

The Terror - Season 1 - Episode 2

After a long winter trapped in the ice, scouting parties are sent out in search of open water; one of the teams makes a frightening discovery.

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Go for Broke
3135 votes

#15 - Go for Broke

The Terror - Season 1 - Episode 1

The Royal Navy on a mission to find the Northwest Passage in 1847 is stalked by a mysterious predator. Two ships with brave captains and their crews of royal marines, all battle the elements and unknown adventure while remembering home and mission beginnings. An accident at sea cripples a Royal Navy expedition 200 miles from finding the Northwest Passage, forcing its captains to make a dire choice.

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Punished, as a Boy
2216 votes

#16 - Punished, as a Boy

The Terror - Season 1 - Episode 4

A series of cunning attacks on the ships proves to the men they are not battling an ordinary bear.

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Bad News
961 votes

#17 - Bad News

Patrick Melrose - Season 1 - Episode 1

In the grip of his addictions, Patrick Melrose must fly to New York to collect his father's ashes. Over the course of a lost Manhattan weekend, Patrick's remorseless search for satisfaction, haunted by old acquaintances and insistent inner voices, sends him into a nightmarish spiral, including a disastrous date with the girl of his dreams. Alone in his hotel room later that night, he pushes body and mind to the very edge – desperate to stay one step ahead of his rapidly encroaching past.

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Dellwo - 08 - Das letzte Rennen
27 votes

#18 - Dellwo - 08 - Das letzte Rennen

Tatort - Season 2006 - Episode 26

Kommissar Fritz Dellwo hat ein besonderes Ziel: Er nimmt am Messe-Frankfurt-Marathon teil. Um sein ehrgeiziges Vorhaben, unter vier Stunden zu laufen, zu erreichen, hat er sich einer Laufgruppe unter Anleitung des erfahrenen Trainers Henry Danquardt angeschlossen. Doch in der Nacht vor dem Großereignis, nach der traditionellen Festhallen-Nudelparty, wird Dellwo ins Präsidium gerufen. Der Schwerverbrecher Petar Gricic, den er einst hinter Gitter gebracht hat, ist aus dem Gefängnis entkommen. Dellwo ignoriert die Warnungen seiner Kollegen und besteht darauf, am nächsten Morgen an der Startlinie zu stehen. Während des Starts passiert die Katastrophe. Ein junger schwedischer Läufer wird von einer Gewehrkugel niedergestreckt und erliegt wenig später seinen Verletzungen. Charlotte Sänger findet heraus, dass der Heckenschütze von einem Kirchturm geschossen hat und es eigentlich wohl auf Dellwo abgesehen hat, der in der Nähe des Schweden gestartet war. Fieberhaft wird die Suche nach dem Ausbrecher Gricic, der Dellwo einst ewige Rache geschworen hat, intensiviert. Der neue Kollege Jan Gröner versucht, Dellwo aus dem Wettkampf zu nehmen, verpasst ihn aber immer wieder. Der Leiter der Mordkommission, Fromm, und Staatsanwalt Scheer diskutieren mit den Marathon-Organisatoren, ob die Möglichkeit besteht, den Wettkampf abzubrechen. Und Kriminalassistentin Ina Springstub ermittelt alle Kirchen entlang der Laufstrecke, die dann von SEK-Beamten gestürmt werden. Nur Kommissarin Sänger scheint in dem Trubel die Ruhe zu bewahren. Sie verfolgt intuitiv eine eigene Spur. Die Uhr läuft - und es beginnt ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit...