The BEST episodes directed by Edgard Miranda

#4 - The Apostles Are Discovered
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 189
Magdalene despairs to know that the apostles were discovered. Joan says there was a tragedy. Marcos spots Petronius and the soldiers. Tiago Justo and Lázaro disguise themselves to mislead the guards at the inn. Pilate invites Arimathea and Magdalene to drink wine. Caiaphas celebrates the end of Jesus. Claudia and Helen threaten Pilate if he does evil to the apostles. Petronius and the soldiers reach the apostles' hiding place. Roman soldiers do not find the apostles in hiding. Lázaro and Tiago Justo try to hide the disguise. Sula implies with Mirian. Yona says she misses Jesus. Matthew talks to Cornelius and explains how they fled. James Juto is thrilled to discover that Deborah is pregnant. Claudia says she'll miss Cassandra. Pilate threatens Petronius. Tadeu talks about his love for Helena. Livona is pleased to realize that Caiaphas is enjoying her services. Lazarus and Susana declare themselves. Marta says she loves Malco. Bethany kisses Zelote. Peter and the apostles go out to fish. Petronius says goodbye to Cassandra. Pedro is disappointed with the lack of fish. Caiaphas praises the behavior of Livona and Annas strange. The apostles see Jesus during fishing, but they do not recognize Him. Miraculously, they can fish many fish. The apostles recognize Jesus. John writes on his parchment. The apostles and other disciples marvel at the words of the Messiah.
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#5 - Chapter 2 (A messenger looks for Mary)
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 2
The Angel Gabriel says that Mary was chosen by God to bring the Messiah to the world. In conversation with Tribune, Petronius speaks with admiration about the meeting with Mary in Nazareth. Cívia asks her husband not to go on the mission with the rebels, but he is determined. Isaac meets Judas Galileo. Fearing the power of Rome, Herod gives a scolding in Arquelau and Antipas. Barabbas wakes up in the middle of the night and goes after Isaac. Simon Zealot follows his brother and ends up entering a stable. The boy ends up causing a fire in the place and falls on the straw. Simeon finds Barabbas lost in the street. Cívia notices the children's absence and despairs. Petronius manages to save the life of Simon Zealot. Caiaphas seeks Tribuno and warns of the actions of the Jewish rebels. Judas Galileo, Isaac and the others enter the palace of Herod, but they end up captured. Maria is moved to remember the encounter with the angel. Herod is warned of the capture of the rebels and orders the death of the only survivor. Simeon talks about the coming of Messiah to Barabbas. Cívia rediscovers her son. Mary can not tell the truth to Joseph. Judas Galileo warns that they have captured Isaac. Cívia and the children are terrified. Maria tries to reveal what happened to Ana, but is interrupted by Sula. Barrabas is desperate to see his father tied to a pole, about to be burned. Isaac faces Tribune and Petronius. He is burned alive. Archelaus criticizes the position of Herod before the Romans. Undeterred, Barrabas questions the priests of the Temple. Herod rewards Annas for having betrayed the rebel attack. Petronius introduces his sister, Cassandra, to Tribune. Barrabas says he will take revenge on Petronius. They are watched by Satan. Maria talks to Ana and says she was visited by an angel. Petronius talks about Mary with Cassandra. Excited, Ana supports Maria. A messenger looks for Mary to deliver her order. Asisa pretends to be best friend of the girl and asks the messenger t
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#6 - Chapter 1 (Mary is observed by the angel Gabriel)
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 1
In Jerusalem, a crowd of people throw stones at Jesus, who carries the cross. Christ is flogged by Roman soldiers. Caiaphas looks at him with hatred and contempt. Mary Magdalene suffers from seeing the scene. Peter is terrified. Mary, impotent, observes the crucifixion of her own son. The Roman centurion Petronius also suffers looking at the cross. From the palace of Herod, Pontius Pilate looks out the window in anguish. While Jesus is nailed to the cross, the earth begins to tremble and the sky rages. Simeon explains the origin of humanity to the little Barabbas and Simon Zealot. The High Priest Annas, assisted by the Levite Caiaphas, receives the offerings of the profiled Jews. Isaac, the father of Barabbas and Simon, tries to argue with the religious leader about the taxes paid, but does not succeed. Judas Galileo introduces himself to Isaac. A great movement of passers-by takes over the Temple of the city of Jerusalem, a year before Christ. Herod the Great is the king of Judea. In his palace, he speaks paranoidly in the presence of his sons, Archelaus and Antipas. Judas Galileo inflames Isaac by speaking evil of Herod and the High Priest Annas. Caiaphas says that the king does not care about the laws of God. Simeon talks about the Messiah with the boys Barabbas and Simon Zealot. In a humble house, the young Mary of Nazareth receives a flower of the fianc2e Joseph. In the palace, Herod is warned about the action of rebellious Jews. Furious, the king of Judea orders the High Priest to be called. The Roman soldier Petronius, with other officers, leads the Jewish peasant Alpheus, forcing him to carry a heavy burden. A group of Jewish rebels watch and prepare to attack. While taking water from the well, Mary of Nazareth meets Miriam and Asisa. Petronius and the other Roman soldiers are attacked by the group of rebellious Jews. Herod tells Annas to do something against the rebels. Maria, Mirian and Asisa are amazed to see Petronius being dragged by a horse. Mary decid
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#7 - Chapter 4 (Miraculously, Zacharias speaks again)
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 4
José is thrilled to hear Gabriel's words. Isabel goes into labor. Maria supports it. Joseph sets off in search of Mary. Nicodemus, Simeon, Annas, and Caiaphas talk about the Jewish rebels. Saul gives Cívia, his own niece. Ana says that José is a good man. Mirian worries about Maria. Isabel gives birth to baby John. Caiaphas asks to continue being informed. Herod humbles his servant. Joseph goes to the house of Elizabeth and Zechariah. Barabbas says he will take revenge on Saul. Archelaus and Antipas ask Herod to drink less. Miraculously, Zechariah speaks again. Herod suffers with his paranoia. Mary and Joseph meet again. In the East, the magician Baltazar warns his sovereign about the arrival of a new king who will change humanity. Joseph apologizes to Maria. Baltazar follows the search for the new king. Mary and Joseph return to Nazareth. Baltazar goes through the desert. Ephraim and Asisa speak ill of Mary and Joseph. Mirian finds Mary again. Baltazar meets Gaspar in the desert and they go together. Mary and Joseph exchange vows of love. Gaspar and Baltazar go together on the mission. Maria and José have breakfast in a romantic atmosphere. Ephraim defames Mary. Simeon is strange to Barrabas' rebellion. José loses some customers and is struggling with carpentry. Some days pass and Mary supports Joseph. Antipas warns of the dissatisfaction of the people in being ruled by Rome. Simeon says the people are suffering in Jerusalem. Asisa causes Maria and Mirian. José suffers from the collection of taxes. Mirian supports Maria. Alfeu complains of the abusive collection of taxes. Herod orders to kill his doctor. Jose and Maria are surprised by a group of people setting fire to the house.
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#8 - Chapter 5 (Joseph and Mary move to Bethlehem)
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 5
The house of Mary and Joseph begins to catch fire. Satan observes, satisfied. Joseph protects Mary and leads her out of the house. Ana and Joaquim are desperate for the fire. Joseph and Mary are saved. Joaquim is amazed to learn that they tried to burn them alive. Joseph decides to move with Maria to the house of Sula and Zebedee in Bethlehem. Revolted by the interference of Rome, the Jews continue to protest in the palace of Herod. Barabbas steals a merchant in the streets. The revoltosos arrive at the palace. Maria warns that she will leave Nazareth. Ephraim and Asisa talk about the fire. Judas Galileo leads the Jews. Herod commands all to be executed. Barabbas goes on to the tumult. Herod's soldiers attack the rebels. Archelaus leads the soldiers. Barrabás is knocked over. Maria says goodbye to Mirian. Simeon is astonished at the destruction in front of the palace. He finds Barrabás unconscious and helps him. Joseph and Mary say goodbye to Ana and Joaquim. Barabbas awakens and runs to look for Simon. As they travel, Mary and Joseph see Judas Galileo being captured. Barabbas rejoins Simon Zelote. Baltazar and Gaspar meet Melchior in the desert and travel together. Joseph and Mary stop in the city of Bethany to rest. Judas Galileo is condemned to death by crucifixion. In the city of Bethany, Joseph and Mary are welcomed in the house of Adela, Abiel and the daughters Martha and Mary of Bethany. Everyone is thrilled to learn of Mary's encounter with the angel. Barabbas observes the crucifixion of Judas Galileo. Satan appears behind the boy. Maria and José are grateful for Adela and Abiel's welcome. Simeon observes the rude way Saul treats Cívia. Joseph and Mary arrive at Sula's house. They are placed next to the animals. Herod complains of injuries to the skin. Zebedeu was strange to Sula's attitude. The magicians go through the desert. The months go by and Joseph and Mary adapt to life in Bethlehem. In the fields, a shepherd of sheep strange to the intense brigh
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#9 - Chapter 6 (The Birth of Jesus)
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 6
José runs for help. In the fields, a shepherd of sheep strange the intense brightness of a star. Sula helps Maria in childbirth. Joseph prays to God. Melchior, Baltazar and Gaspar go through the desert. Herod complains about his children's concern. Sula is ill and Joseph helps Maria in childbirth. The angel Gabriel announces the arrival of the Messiah. A rain of stars-shooting strikes the sky. The baby Jesus is born. Simeon smiles at seeing the star shining brightly. Sula is relieved. Barrabas sees the star, intrigued. Mary and Joseph get excited. In the fields, the angel and shepherds watch the rain of stars. Sula is ill again when she sees blood. Joseph says he loves Mary. Zebedee tells Sula to rest. Some pastors go to Joseph and Mary. They talk about the encounter with the angel. The day dawns and Gabriel sees the boy. Ana and Joaquim care about their daughter. Mary takes care of little Jesus. Pastors comment on the birth of the Messiah. Zechariah and Elizabeth take care of the baby John. Jesus is circumcised. The caravan of Belchior, Gaspar and Baltazar approaches Jerusalem. In Bethlehem, everyone admires the baby Jesus. Mary and Joseph take Jesus to be presented at the temple in Jerusalem. The magicians arrive in the city. Herod rests in his pool with two concubines. In the Temple of Solomon, Nicodemus talks to Hanna, an elderly prophetess. Joseph asks Barabbas to watch his mule. Joseph buys a dove to offer to God. Nicodemus says goodbye to Hanna. Joseph and Mary stand before Annas. Simeon sees the dove flying over Jesus and approaches. He holds the baby and prays to God. Herod is warned of a strange movement in the city. Baltazar, Belchior and Gaspar go to the palace. Simeon and Hanna say that Mary must be strong. Baltazar catches Barrabás stealing. Simeon speaks to Caiaphas and Annas about the birth of the Messiah, but is not taken seriously. Nicodemus is intrigued. Baltazar frees Barabbas from being stoned. In Bethlehem, Sula feels the pangs of childbirth.
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#10 - Chapter 7 (The Three Magi)
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 7
Herod laughs when he realizes that the magicians speak about the arrival of a Messiah. Zebedee runs to call for some midwife. Mary is moved by the words of Simeon. Annas and other priests are called by Herod to clarify the information of the magicians. They say that the prophecies say that the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem. Herod sends the three magicians to Bethlehem. Sula gives birth to a boy. Baltazar, Melchior, and Gaspar arrive in Bethlehem. Herod is disturbed by Satan. Sula becomes jealous of all the attention given to Maria's baby. Barabbas cares for little Simon Zealot. Baltazar, Melchior and Gaspar arrive in front of the house of Sula and are received by the angel Gabriel. Jose and Maria are surprised by the visit of the three magicians. Antipas and Archelaus go to meet Herod's call. In the manger of Sula's house, Baltazar, Melchior and Gaspar know little Jesus. Sula does not seem to believe that Jesus is the Messiah. The magicians present the baby Jesus. Archelaus and Antipas are frightened by Herod's command. Baltazar, Melchior, and Gaspar refuse to return to Jerusalem, fearing Herod. Mary and Joseph make plans with Jesus. Soldiers of Herod follow the road to Bethlehem. Gabriel appears before Joseph to see that they must flee with Jesus to Egypt, for Herod wants to kill the boy. The soldiers arrive in the city to annihilate all the babies. Sula refuses to leave with Jose and Maria. A soldier catches them fleeing and raises his sword to kill Jesus. Sula and Zebedee realize that the soldiers are approaching. The angel Gabriel prevents Jesus from being attacked and has Joseph and Mary flee with the baby. Antipas does not seem to believe the father's order to kill innocent children. The soldiers invade Sula's house. A baby is spared for being a girl. One of the soldiers regrets what he did. Joseph and Mary go towards Egypt.
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#11 - Chapter 8 (Herod the Great dies)
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 8
Four years later, in Egypt, Mary and Joseph take care of little Jesus. With them Tiago Justo and José Filho, the two brothers of Jesus. Herod has a crisis and is saved by the servant. He orders a massacre. Nicodemus and Caiaphas comment on the atrocities committed by Herod. The king makes changes in his will and says his time is coming. Maria says she misses Ana and Joaquim. Archelaus is warned of Herod's state of health. In the mountainous region of Judea, Zechariah and Elizabeth receive the help of the servant Elza in the creation of the little John the Baptist. Archelaus sees Herod at his last and approaches. He provokes his father and says he will win the trust of the people. Powerless, Herod is furious and dies. Satan watches the city. An officer announces the death of Herod. Jews celebrate in the streets. The news reaches the temple. Tribuno sends word to Rome. In the dungeon of the palace, Barrabas, already greater, is released along with the other prisoners. Antipas is warned about his father's death and asks when the will will be read. Barabbas rejoins Simon and discovers that Saul sold Cívia as a slave. Herod's testament is read. Antipas is disappointed and asks to speak alone with his brother, Arquelau. Barabbas meets Saul and threatens him with a knife. Antipas threatens Arquelau, but does not dare to kill him. Barabbas meets Simon and says they must flee. Simeon and Hanna wonder about the whereabouts of the Messiah. Barrabas says he and his brother will never see their mother again. Gabriel appears before Joseph and says that the time has come to return to Israel. Archelaus receives some Jews and revolts. He orders everyone to die in the temple. Satan watches, satisfied, the killing. Joseph, Mary and the children meet a pastor on the way. They learn of the killing at the temple in Jerusalem and are alerted to the cruelty of Archelaus. They go to Nazareth. A few days pass and they meet again Ana and Joaquim. Maria discovers that Sula has not been able
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#12 - Chapter 9 (John the Baptist preaches on the banks of the Jordan River)
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 9
John the Baptist preaches to dozens of people, including Philip and Andrew. Jesus goes alone through the desert. In Jerusalem, Annas, Caiaphas, and Nicodemus talk to Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy merchant, and Malchus, guardian of the Temple. They talk about the exile of Archelaus and the arrival of a new ruler in the name of Rome. On the road, Pontius Pilate and his entourage follow toward Jerusalem. Petronius, follows alongside the Roman ruler. In the entourage of Pilate are Claudia and Helena, his wife and daughter. Petronius talks about his sister Cassandra. Tiago Justo is worried about the arrival of Pilate. In Tiberias, Antipas rules the city. Herodias, his wife, tries to support him. Arimathea complains about Caiaphas' posture. Nicodemus speaks with James Justo about the story of Edissa, wife of Joseph of Arimathea, who was condemned to be eternally impure. Annas complains to Caiaphas that he has not given an heir to Judith, his daughter. Satan watches them. They are worried about the followers Batista is acquiring. John the Baptist preaches on the banks of the Jordan River. In Nazareth, Mary and Joseph, older, talk about Jesus, who walks alone in the desert. Antipas says he does not want to confront the God of the Jews, but Herodias tries to convince him otherwise. Salome, the daughter of Herodias with Philip, the brother of Antipas, comes to the place and is coveted by him. Herodias is troubled. In conversation with his brother Simon Zelote, Barabbas talks about kidnapping a woman. Antipas invites her niece Salome to drink wine, but Herodias prevents it. Joan of Chuza leads Judith, the wife of Caiaphas, to meet John the Baptist. On the banks of the Jordan River, Andrew and Philip are concerned about Batista's effort to baptize so many people. Matthew, the publican, approaches. Gestas and Dimas see Joan of Chuza, Judith and her servants. The brothers offer help and steal it. Caiaphas, Malco and Roman soldiers approach the Jordan River. Joan of Chuza and Jud
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#13 - Chapter 10 (Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist in the waters of the Jordan River)
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 10
Baptist is moved to see Jesus. Barabbas attempts to attack Petronius, but is prevented by Simon Zealot. John the Baptist and Jesus embrace. Andrew, Philip and some disciples observe curious people. Petronius and Pilate's entourage question Simon Zealot. Trying to save the life of Barabbas, Zelote lies and says that it was an accident. Jesus warns that he came to be baptized by Batista. Barabbas is furious with Zelote. On the way to Jerusalem, Helen and Claudia talk about the Jewish people. Zealot criticizes Barrabas' desire for revenge. Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist in the waters of the Jordan River. The Lord speaks and all hear. A light surrounds the Son of God, who goes to the desert. In conversation with Mirian, Mary remembers Isabel and Zacarias, the parents of John the Baptist. Tiago Justo and Nicodemos talk about the possible arrival of the Messiah. Mirian says that Mary always treated Jesus differently from other brothers. Matthew, the tax collector, arrives at his house and meets Asisa, his wife. Maria and Mirian have fun with their childhood memories. Asisa asks why Matthew did not bring her jewelry. She says her husband needs to collect more taxes. Sula cares for her husband Zebedee and the children James and John. Mary talks to Miriam about her children. Centurion talks to Caiaphas about the approach of Pilate's entourage. Antipas and Herodias arrive at Herod's palace in Jerusalem to receive the Roman governor. In the absence of Antipas in Tiberias, Judas Iscariot sits on the throne. In Jerusalem, Joana and Cook Almáquio organize everything for the arrival of Pilate. Herodias argues with her. Diana, the kitchen assistant, is nervous about the presence of Antipas' wife. Joan speaks evil of Herodias to the servant Hélio. She invites Salome for a walk in the palace. Antipas asks Chuza, the palace administrator, to tell him all about the latest events. Caiaphas treats the wife Judith, daughter of Annas, with rudeness. Pilate's entourage arrives in J
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#14 - Zelote is beaten by Roman soldiers
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 186
Simon Zelote is arrested and suffers at the hands of the Roman soldiers. Pilate questions Magdalene about the whereabouts of Jesus' body.

#15 - Jesus sets out for heaven.
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 192
Jesus calls the apostles to the Mount of Olives. Jesus blesses the apostles and is abducted by a strong light. Jesus sets out for heaven.

#16 - Chapter 3 (Joseph is shocked to learn that the bride is pregnant)
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 3
Maria denies the story told by Asisa and says she loves Joseph. Tribune orders Petronius to lower his sword. Archaeus provokes him. Herod regrets the end of the impasse. Maria talks to Joseph and tells the truth about the encounter with the angel Gabriel. Joseph is shocked to learn that the bride is pregnant. Desperate with the death of Isaac, Cívia tries to calm Simon Zealot and Barabbas. Jose does not believe in Maria and she goes home crying. Ana advises her daughter to move to the house of Isabel and Zacarias. In the mountainous region of Judea, Isabel, who is pregnant, receives the help of the servant Elza. She exchanges words of love with her husband Zacharias. Cívia decides to ask for help. Joaquim is annoyed by Sula's words about Maria and José. Ana warns that the daughter will stay in the house of Isabel and Zacarias. Maria discusses with Asisa.Tribuno says that he needed to transfer Petronius from town. Antipas does not know what to do in the face of the cruelty of Herod and Archelaus. Joaquim says that the daughter is innocent and asks José to have patience in his decision. Maria meets up with Mirian and reveals that she is pregnant. Joaquim comes home and talks about the meeting with Jose. Maria thanks Mirian for his support. Petronius says goodbye to Cassandra. Cevia and the children go to Saul's lodge. She asks for her uncle's help, but he demands the work of all to welcome them. Mary leaves Nazareth and leaves for the house of Elizabeth and Zechariah. Petronius leaves Jerusalem. Isabel, pregnant with a certain age, tries to talk to her husband Zacarias, but he can not speak. She receives the help of the servant Elza. Petronius meets Roman soldiers on the way. Joseph does not pay attention to Asisa and asks his friend Alphaeus to be alone. Isabel receives Mary in her house. She speaks of her encounter with the angel Gabriel and says she is pregnant with the Messiah. Isabel is moved and says that her pregnancy was also the work of the Lord. Joseph w
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#17 - Tiago Justo ve a Jesús y cae de rodillas
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 182
Los apóstoles temen represalias. Petrónius interroga a soldados. Pilato ordena la prisión de los apóstoles. Jesús se revela a Zelote.

#18 - Jesus visits the apostles
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 183
Jesus visits the apostles while the soldiers search the city for their body. Magdalene faces Petronius.

#19 - Petronius kills Barabbas.
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 184
Thomas distrusts Jesus to be resurrected. Tiago Justo reveals to Deborah that he has found the Messiah. Petronius rages and kills Barabbas.

#20 - Shabaka organizes plan to rescue Zelote
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 187
Apostles go through Roman soldiers and manage to free Zealots. Pilate threatens Petronius. Jesus appears to hundreds of peasants.

#21 - Jesus Appears to the Apostles
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 188
Caiaphas and Annas reveal to Pilate the hiding place of the apostles. The first to visit them, however, is the Messiah himself, with the proof of his Resurrection.

#22 - Pilate will have to answer for his actions to Cesar
Jesus - Season 1 - Episode 191
Pilate is irritated to know that he will have to answer for his actions to Cesar. Pedro talks to André and talks about the generosity of God.