The BEST episodes directed by Duwayne Dunham

355 votes

#1 - Rendezvous

JAG - Season 2 - Episode 15

Harm and Mac find themselves courtroom adversaries when Mac is assigned to defend an admitted wife abuser whom Harm is prosecuting for the murder of his wife's boyfriend. Mac finds herself detesting the man whom she is supposed to be defending -- a man who reminds her all too well of her abusive father. Meaning well, Harm advises Mac that she's letting her personal feelings get in the way of her professional duties, but the advice enrages Mac and she takes out her anger on Harm as well as her client.

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Traces to Nowhere
2834 votes

#2 - Traces to Nowhere

Twin Peaks - Season 1 - Episode 2

Agent Cooper enjoys the comforts of the Great Northern Hotel; Bobby Briggs and Mike Nelson are released from jail; Doctor Hayward hands over the autopsy report on Laura Palmer; Cooper and Truman interview Josie Packard; Audrey Horne and Donna Hayward vow to solve Laura's murder; Sarah Palmer has a vision of a grey-haird man; Doctor Jacoby conceals important information.

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War Cries
405 votes

#3 - War Cries

JAG - Season 1 - Episode 7

Cpl. Parr shoots at an intruder, who he believes shot at him first, at the United States Embassy in Lima, Peru. The intruder, an unarmed 15-year-old teen, is killed. But he wasn't just any boy. He was the brother of Cpl. Parr's girlfriend who (according to her) is pregnant. Harm and Meg are tasked to determine if the teenager was, in fact, unarmed, or if this was an attempt to kill the ambassador. Locations: Lima, Peru

Water War (1)
2238 votes

#4 - Water War (1)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 - Episode 1

When destiny calls, the chosen have no choice. When the king of Mon Cala is assassinated, talks break down between the Mon Calamari people and the Quarren, co-inhabitants of the aquatic world. To stop a civil war, the Republic sends Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, but unbeknownst to them, the Quarren are already being backed by the Separatists. Now the Jedi must protect Mon Cala's new leader, the young Prince Lee-Char, from the attack.

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Pursuit of Peace (2)
2179 votes

#5 - Pursuit of Peace (2)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 3 - Episode 11

Truth can strike down the spectre of fear. Padmé Amidala, Bail Organa and Onaconda Farr attempt to rally Senators in opposition to a bill that would appropriate funds for millions of new clone troops and have disastrous financial consequences for the Republic. Their opposition to the measure, however, soon makes them targets for intimidation and attacks by hired guns. After escaping two hired thugs — Chata Hyoki and Robonino — in a harrowing speeder bike chase, Padmé, is able to sway the Senate with a stirring account of how the war has affected an everyday civilian, her handmaiden Teckla Minnau.

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In the Blink of an Eye
168 votes

#6 - In the Blink of an Eye

7th Heaven - Season 1 - Episode 3

Annie continues to suffer through her mother's recent leukemia diagnosis. Annie then decides to go to Arizona to visit them and see what is going on with them. Meanwhile, Eric volunteers for a charity work, but he's unable to do it at the last minute. Matt then volunteers to do it, but his dating habits get him into trouble with the organization he is doing charity for. Also, Mary decides to call it a quits with Jeff while Lucy has her first real date with her classmate Jimmy Moon. Lastly, when Annie returns home with her parents, they decide to stay with her and the rest of the family so that they could spend some more time with them---which unfortunately will be the last for Annie's mom, Jenny.

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On the Wings of Love
1279 votes

#7 - On the Wings of Love

Twin Peaks - Season 2 - Episode 18

Harry is attacked by Jones in his sleep. Audrey and Wheeler begin a relationship. Gordon Cole returns with a report that Windom Earle worked with Major Briggs on Project Bluebook. Cole reinstates Cooper in the FBI. Earle plans to kill the winner of Miss Twin Peaks. Donna spies Eileen Hayward paying a mysterious visit to Ben Horne. Gordon Cole believes Shelly can cure his hearing loss. Annie recognizes the two tattoos are coming from Owl Cave. Earle visits Audrey. Cooper, Truman, Hawk and Andy visit Owl Cave. Cooper learns Annie has had a difficult life and offers to help her. Earle uncovers a petroglyph in Owl Cave.

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What Will People Say?
131 votes

#8 - What Will People Say?

7th Heaven - Season 1 - Episode 8

The possibility of Eric having an extramarital affair is what the Camden children are assuming when they catch Eric escorting a woman to a hotel alone. Nevertheless, Annie struggles to give him the benefit of the doubt about his confidential church business. The whole entire Glen Oak Community buzzes with this gossip. Meanwhile, Simon endures the wrath of his classmates when his secret crush is discovered. He tries to con his way out of going to school, but learns from his family that embarrassment will be drawn away from him and on to someone else soon. Also, Matt tries to keep things moving slow between Mary and her new boyfriend.

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Masked Ball
1529 votes

#9 - Masked Ball

Twin Peaks - Season 2 - Episode 11

Mrs. Briggs talks about her husband's disappearance into the woods. Nadine is put on the wrestling team, where she falls for Mike Nelson. James is hired by a mysterious wealthy woman named Evelyn Marsh. Dick takes on an orphan named Little Nicky. The case against Cooper will be handled by DEA Agent Denis (Denise) Bryson. Hank tells Ben that Jean Renault has taken over One Eyed Jacks. Windom Earle contacts Cooper with an omnious message. Dougie Milford weds Lanna Budding. Josie asks Catherine for protection. Andrew Packard comes out of hiding, very much alive.

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