The BEST episodes directed by Doug Naylor

810 votes

#1 - Quarantine

Red Dwarf - Season 5 - Episode 4

The crew are on a snowy planet, when they come across an abandoned research centre. Rimmer objects to Kryten being in charge but is ignored by the others and goes to sulk. They send a scouter which reports that there is a scientist named Dr. Lanstrom inside the facility. Unfortunately she is a hologram and Kryten asks Rimmer to go back to Red Dwarf so they can rescue her, using another Space Corp Directive against him. Rimmer questions the validity of the Directives that Kryten uses so Holly gives Rimmer a hologrammatical copy of the directives manual, whereupon Rimmer again goes off to sulk. Going into the research center, they find the Doctor in stasis only to discover that she has contracted a holovirus that has made her insane but has given her extraordinary powers like hex vision and telekinesis at the price of her sanity. They escape when her life force is drained and she disappears, but the disease is transferred to Rimmer. When the rest of the crew get back on Red Dwarf, Rimmer forces them to stay in quarantine (to avoid catching the disease off them) and unbeknownst to him, he goes insane, locking them in without oxygen. The crew escape thanks to a luck virus which Kryten got from the facility. Rimmer chases them down the corridor with his hex vision and thanks to the luck virus injected into Lister, Kryten manages to turn him off and restore him to his previous self… Rimmer wakes up in quarantine only to discover that the other three have now contracted the virus and gone insane!

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562 votes

#2 - Skipper

Red Dwarf - Season 12 - Episode 6

Rimmer gets hold of a Quantum skipper and skips his way across the multi-verse looking for a dimension where he's not such a giant loser.

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Back to Reality
852 votes

#3 - Back to Reality

Red Dwarf - Season 5 - Episode 6

The crew are on an ocean planet investigating a seeding vessel called the SSS Esperanto which was studying the life forms that had been introduced by humans. They find 3 people aboard who committed suicide, and a haddock who did the same. Lister notices an oil covering everything and Kryten suggests that it is a hallucinogenic venom much like the oil from an octopus or squid. He does a chemical analysis and rushes the others back to Starbug saying that the oil contains a hallucinogen which induces despair, enough to drive the crew of the Esperanto to kill themselves. They try to escape in Starbug to avoid it happening to them, but the despair squid chases them and they crash into a rock. Starbug is destroyed. The gang wake up to find they were playing a computer game called Red Dwarf for the last four years (and they only scored 4%). Lister is the rich and successful Sebastian Doyle, Rimmer (his brother, Billy) is a bum, the Cat is the saddest geek you will ever see named Dwayne Dibley (Teeth stick out a mile, terrible taste in clothes, etc.) and Kryten is a half-human, half-machine cop named Jake Bullet. While leaving the video game building and adjusting to all that has happened, Sebastian finds out that he is the chief of an organisation called the Ministry of Alteration which organises mass murders to purify democracy. Bullet kills a cop while defending a young girl and they make a run for it and are chased by the fascist police. We then hear Holly trying to tell them that they're hallucinating, but they can't hear her. In their heads they manage to escape the police and run down an alleyway. Bullet, so appalled by his actions decides to kill himself. So do Billy and Dwayne. Sebastian, despising his mass murdering lifestyle, decides the same. Holly communicates to Kryten on a higher frequency and gets him to open a canister of Lithium Carbonate (a mood stabliser), which he thinks is a fire extinguisher. The gas saves them just in time and they reflect on w

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Dear Dave
1052 votes

#4 - Dear Dave

Red Dwarf - Season 10 - Episode 5

Lister has women trouble when he gets himself in a love triangle with Snack Dispensers 23 and 34; then, to make matter worse, gets a letter from an old girlfriend telling him she's pregnant and it might be his. Lister and Rimmer hunt through the mountain of letters from the mail pod to discover if Lister is finally a dad.

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The Beginning
1086 votes

#5 - The Beginning

Red Dwarf - Season 10 - Episode 6

Hiding in an Asteroid, surrounded by a Simulant Death Ship and a fleet of Annihilators, the Dwarfers begin to wonder whether this is the beginning of the end. Only one man can save them. Unfortunately, that man is Arnold J Rimmer.

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1265 votes

#6 - Trojan

Red Dwarf - Season 10 - Episode 1

The Dwarfers' mining ship is still creaking through the wastelands of unchartered deep space, but the posse soon stumble upon the mysteriously abandoned SS Trojan. As they inspect the ship Rimmer receives an SOS distress call from an old foe, and is suddenly faced with the dilemma of his life.

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Fathers and Suns
1056 votes

#7 - Fathers and Suns

Red Dwarf - Season 10 - Episode 2

Every year Lister sends himself a Father's Day card to celebrate the fact that he is his own father; but when Rimmer points out he's been a lousy father to himself, Lister decides to do something about it. Meanwhile, Rimmer and Kryten install a new computer: the beautiful - but lethally logical - Pree.

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1030 votes

#8 - Entangled

Red Dwarf - Season 10 - Episode 4

Lister loses Rimmer in a game of poker to a group of Biologically Engineered Life Forms and in return gets an unwanted gift: a groinal exploder programmed to detonate in 24 hours unless Lister pays his debts. Meanwhile Kryten and Cat become quantum entangled and do everything in perfect unison.

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907 votes

#9 - Lemons

Red Dwarf - Season 10 - Episode 3

Marooned in Britain in 23 AD, the Dwarfers need an 8-volt battery to power up their Returner Remote and get home. Remembering a lesson from school, Rimmer suggests they make a battery out of lemons - but the nearest lemon to Britain in 23 AD is in India, 4,000 miles away. They begin their journey, a journey that will ultimately lead them to a meeting with a historical A List Celebrity that could alter the entire history of civilisation.

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598 votes

#10 - M-Corp

Red Dwarf - Season 12 - Episode 5

When the Dwarfers upload the latest software update they discover the Jupiter Mining Corporation, owners of Red Dwarf, have been bought by M Corp - a company that only allows products made by them to be visible to their employees.

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Demons & Angels
709 votes

#11 - Demons & Angels

Red Dwarf - Season 5 - Episode 5

Lister and Kryten have invented a triplicator: a device which can make triples of objects. They demonstrate it on the last strawberry in the universe and receive two exact copies. Lister samples one and reels from the taste, saying that it is brilliant, so succulent and divine. He tries the other and scrunches his face in disgust as we see that there are maggots crawling around in it. Kryten notes that the triplicator has put all the best qualities in one copy and the worst in the other. Lister attempts to reverse the process but causes an overload and Red Dwarf blows up. After the blast, they realise that they accidentally triplicated Red Dwarf and there are two copies left behind. The crew board the "High" ship to find their counterparts are monks and are all into the better side of things: spiritual happiness etc. Kryten finds half of the triplicator he needs to merge the ships to get the original back. They board the "Low" ship and it is horrible, the crew are monsters and have let the ship go into decay. The "High" crew are killed by various things (mostly by their own stupidity when they walk toward someone firing at them) and eventually they find the other half of the triplicator. The "Lows" capture Lister and implant him with a controlling device and program him to kill the others. Lister tries to kill the rest of the gang but Kryten successfully removes the implant, only to stick it into Cat who gets revenge on Lister for trying to kill him. Kryten throws the implant away and they leave the "Low" ship and regenerate the original Red Dwarf. Before they return, Lister accidentally sits on the implant but the crew cannot figure out who is controlling him until Cat shoots at a cupboard which emits a faint giggle and Lister's "Low" counterpart tumbles out. The Cat then decides to have a little fun with Lister and the implant...

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633 votes

#12 - Mechocracy

Red Dwarf - Season 12 - Episode 4

When all the machines on Red Dwarf go on strike Rimmer and Kryten hold a Presidential election, while The Cat faces an identity crisis like never before when he discovers he needs glasses.

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818 votes

#13 - Krysis

Red Dwarf - Season 11 - Episode 5

Kryten has a mid-life crisis and changes his body cover from Mech grey to Ferrari red. The posse try and show him how much he's achieved in life by taking him to visit a mechanoid from his old fleet.

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Can of Worms
764 votes

#14 - Can of Worms

Red Dwarf - Season 11 - Episode 6

Cat takes time off from being in love with himself to fall head over heels in love with a lady Cat with a big secret.

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Officer Rimmer
808 votes

#15 - Officer Rimmer

Red Dwarf - Season 11 - Episode 4

After a scandalous piece of good fortune, Rimmer saves the life of a bio-printed Captain and is promoted, fulfilling his life-long dream of becoming an officer. He immediately opens an officers' club, which is out of bounds to the lower orders, and uses the bio-printer to fill it with versions of himself.

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Give and Take
871 votes

#16 - Give and Take

Red Dwarf - Season 11 - Episode 3

After an altercation with a deranged droid, Lister has his kidneys organ-napped. The only solution is to ask Cat, the most selfish creature in the universe, to give him one of his.

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759 votes

#17 - Cured

Red Dwarf - Season 12 - Episode 1

The boys discover a research centre where evil has been eradicated. They are bombarded by carbon copies of the infamous historical figures Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Vlad the Impaler and Valeria Messalina, who are now 'cured' of all evil and loving life.

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905 votes

#18 - Samsara

Red Dwarf - Season 11 - Episode 2

When the Dwarfers investigate a crashed ship at the bottom of an ocean moon, Lister and Cat become trapped together, and Lister's nightmare begins. Meanwhile, Rimmer and Kryten discover the ship is controlled by a dark force.

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692 votes

#19 - Siliconia

Red Dwarf - Season 12 - Episode 2

A rogue ship full of mechanoids that have rebelled against their programming to seek freedom finds the Dwarvers. They 'free' Kryten and begin to integrate him to their leisurely world. They transfer the minds of Rimmer, Lister and Cat into droids who begin to lose their human attributes the longer they stay in their new metal bodies

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Back to Earth (3)
510 votes

#20 - Back to Earth (3)

Red Dwarf - Season 9 - Episode 3

The brand new three-part series concludes. Knowing they are destined to die, the Dwarfers track down those who created them to plead for more life.

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1016 votes

#21 - Twentica

Red Dwarf - Season 11 - Episode 1

The Dwarfers find themselves in an alternative version of America, where modern technology is prohibited, making Rimmer and Kryten illegal. The Dwarfers infiltrate the tech savvy underground, and try to bring down the authoritarian regime.

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Back to Earth (1)
728 votes

#22 - Back to Earth (1)

Red Dwarf - Season 9 - Episode 1

Nine years later the Red Dwarf crew are older but still none the wiser. Lister's busy day of annoying Rimmer is interrupted by the discovery of a dimension-hopping leviathan in the ship's mile-deep water tank.

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Back to Earth (2)
528 votes

#23 - Back to Earth (2)

Red Dwarf - Season 9 - Episode 2

Rimmer's replacement, Katerina, is determined to guide Lister back to his home planet. But Earth in 2009 is not everything the boys had expected, and Rimmer has no intention of being replaced.

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700 votes

#24 - Timewave

Red Dwarf - Season 12 - Episode 3

After the crew discover, name and take soil samples from a 'Helium-7'-rich moon (Planet Rimmer), Starbug is hit by a Time Wave, bringing them into contact with a Twenty-Third Century ship, the S.S. Enconium. However, there are two problems. First, the ship is set on a horrific collision course with Planet Rimmer. And second, upon the ship, all forms of criticism are punishable by life imprisonment or 'draining'.

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