The BEST episodes directed by Dorothy Lyman

#2 - Fran's Gotta Have It
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 26
Mr. Sheffield is going to London to convince Celine Dion into doing Broadway. Fran decides to go after him and take advantage of the romantic scenario to solve their situation once and for all. After a romantic afternoon together, Max and Fran go back to the hotel and almost sleep together, if it wasn't for him backing out in the last minute. Insulted, offended and tired of all the cat and mouse play, Fran decides to leave him before it's too late for her to marry anybody. But they receive a phone call from NY saying that Niles just suffered a heart attack. Fran decides to stay and help while Niles recovers, giving Mr. Sheffield another chance to make a commitment. Meanwhile, C.C. is surprisingly sad after Niles's attack and even drops by at the hospital to bring him some flowers. She reveals to Fran that deep down she doesn't hate Niles as much as it seems.
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#3 - The Cradle Robbers
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 2
Mr. Sheffield is furious when he finds out Maggie is seeing a 25 year-old boy. He wants Fran to make it stop, but won't listen to her when she tells him to see a doctor for his hearing problem. Fran decides to chaperone Maggie on her (last) date with John, but she completely forgets Mr. Sheffield's orders when she meets John's gorgeous friend Mark, who is interested in Fran. Still, she has to fix Maggie's problem, so she decides to let it flow and wait until she gets tired of John, which doesn't take long to happen. Too bad it means that Fran will have to drop her 25 year-old as well. Meanwhile, C.C. misses an incredible opportunity of dinner with Max when she falls asleep (the result of a caffeine trick Niles pulled on her).
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#4 - Tattoo
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 9
While Fran is trying to convince Maggie not to get a tattoo, Val slips in front of everybody that Fran got herself a tattoo when they were teenagers. Sylvia tells Fran she'll have to have it removed if she wants to be buried in a Jewish cemetery when she dies; and Mr. Sehffield is dying to know where her tattoo is. Fran, of course, faces that as another opportunity for romance with Mr. Sheffield, so she arranges the whole family to go on a trip to the Bermudas, where she can put on a tiny bikini and reveal where her tattoo is. But in the last minute she changes her mind, and the two have a very exciting ping pong game instead.
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#5 - The Facts of Lice
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 18
After Niles is depressed about his life as a butler, he begins to act strange and while he is cleaning, he drops a piece of paper containing a list of items that convinces Fran that Niles is possibly a murderer due to his recent strange behavior and the contents of his list. A search of his room confirms her suspicions. During a stormy night, Maxwell takes the children out for dinner leaving Fran and Niles alone. Niles approaches Fran and she thinks Niles is about to murder her. He confronts Fran about how she knows what he is up to when in fact he is simply writing a play.
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#6 - One False Mole and You're Dead
The Nanny - Season 5 - Episode 12
Margo Lange, the famous actress, is starring in one of Maxwell's plays, and Ms. Fine disguises as a gardener so she can spy on them. After being busted by Mr. Sheffield, Fran accidently sprays water on Margo, and as she tries to dry her, Margo's famous Marilyn-Monroe-like mole comes out. Fran takes her mom to the doctor, and as they were talking on the waiting room, Cindy Adams, the columnist, overhears the story about Margo's fake mole, and announces it on her show, which makes Margo quit the play. Now Fran has to make things up to Mr. Sheffield, and in order to do so, she comes up with the idea of selling fake moles on the internet with Margo. But the whole plan falls through after Maxwell blabs about it to Mel Brooks, who steals it. Maxwell asks Fran to marry him so he can be forgiven, but she says no to it because she doesn't want to marry a man out of guilt. But he actually meant it this time...
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#9 - Love Is a Many Blundered Thing
The Nanny - Season 3 - Episode 19
Fran's upset because Valentine's day is approaching, but she quickly turns to happy when she scores a date with Jeff, the cop. She encourages Mr. Sheffield to get a date himself, and shortly after an anonymous valentine's card appears on Fran's purse. She automatically thinks it's from Mr. Sheffield and gets a huge billboard sign asking for Mr. Sheffield to be her valentine. When she discovers the card was from Brighton's friend, Fran and Val rush to Times Square to try to erase the billboard before Mr. Sheffield sees it. Due to an accident, Fran is left hanging from a rope and Mr. Sheffield's the one that comes for the rescue.
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#10 - The Boca Story
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 25
Sylvia decides to invest in a condo in Boca. This much anticipated fact that should come as a blessing for Fran upsets her deeply, and Dr. Miller says it's because deep down she doesn't want her mother to leave. Mr. Sheffield thinks if he takes Fran to see the condo she'll accept the idea, and just when Fran finally realized how much peace she'd get from that, they discover there isn't any condo, only a swamp. Fran's devastated (specially when Sylvia interrupts her fantasy from coming true), but at least she won't have to separate from her mother yet. Meanwhile, Niles feels bad for being the only one of his friends who's still single.
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#11 - The Best Man
The Nanny - Season 5 - Episode 21
Maxwell's brother, Nigel, is back to throw him a bachelor party, and Fran is terrified because Maxwell doesn't know that she almost married Nigel a year and a half ago. She tries to keep it a secret, but after Nigel gets drunk at the party, he tells Maxwell, just as Fran comes out of the cake in a surprise for him (after Sylvia confessed that Morty cancelled his wedding and ran off with the cake girl - Sylvia!). Fran and Maxwell have a fight over it, and they end up calling the wedding off, until C.C. (under the influence of Prozac) tells Fran that Maxwell didn't spend 5 years "doing the one man show". So Fran gets Marla Maples, who had a quick fling with Maxwell a year and a half ago, and confronts Maxwell. They finally realize they love each other and call the wedding back on.
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#12 - The Unkindest Cut
The Nanny - Season 3 - Episode 11
Sylvia hires Brighton to film one of Fran's cousin's bris. But Brighton didn't know what bris was and passes out during the most important moment of the party. Fran sends his video to "America's Wackiest Home Videos", and they are picked to go to the show. The entire family goes to Hollywood and tour around some filming lots. Fran, of course, gets lost while looking for a bathroom and ends up on the Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman set. After being thrown out several times (and trying to get back in just as many times), they return to NY to discover that Mr. Sheffield's book is going to be published. Just another result of Fran's work (and U$2.500 she paid to have it published!)
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#13 - The Cantor Show
The Nanny - Season 3 - Episode 24
Fran goes out with the new temple cantor, Gary. When Mr. Sheffield listens him singing, he hires him to be on his next play. He quickly promotes the cantor to the lead of the play after the original actor is run over by a bus, and Gary decides to quit the temple to dedicate his time to his Broadway career. Everyone blames Sylvia and Fran for it, and they start to be ignored at temple. Sylvia throws a curse on Fran and everything starts to backfire until Fran donates the $500 she got from the air company to temple.
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#14 - Kissing Cousins
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 13
Fran meets an incredible man at a singles bar. He's Jewish, he's a doctor, he's rich, he's everything Fran ever dreamed of in a man. But during her cousin's wedding - where she was a bridesmaid - Fran discovers that Mr. Perfect is her cousin! Seeing Fran devastated, Mr. Sheffield decides to send her to a therapist, and the therapist says Fran has an obsession about getting married. Fran decides to stop chasing men around, just to make Mr. Sheffield guilty.
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#15 - Your Feets Too Big
The Nanny - Season 3 - Episode 20
When Sylvia decides to have plastic surgery on her arms, the doctor tells her it's normal at a certain age for body parts to grow. Fran's feet modeling agency reunion is coming up, and Fran starts to freak out about her age and the fact that her feet have gone up a whole size. Luckily, she has Mr. Sheffield, who volunteers to escort her to the reunion.
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#16 - Fran's Roots
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 19
A woman calls Fran saying she might be her mother due to a mix up that happened in the hospital the day she was born. Doubtful, Fran goes to Sylvia to ask her about the day she was born, and finds out the story might be true after Sylvia says she left her for a moment while chasing for food. Terrified that her whole life might have been a lie, Fran invites the strange woman to her house, and for her surprise, she turns out to be black. Still, after Fran pays a visit to Lila Baker's huge mansion, Fran insists that she might be her daughter, since her late husband was Jewish, but the DNA test proofs not. Fran is really Sylvia's daughter, which is something Sylvia only gets after spending some time pleasuring herself with the wonderful food Lila has at her house. Meanwhile, Niles tries to convince Maxwell to sell one of his plays to CBS so C.C. has to move to LA.
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#17 - Rash to Judgment
The Nanny - Season 5 - Episode 11
Val has two tickets for Michael Bolton's album premiere party, so Fran asks Mr. Sheffield on a romantic date. She's terrified with a weird rash that appeared all over her body, and rushes to the hospital after Mr. Sheffield decides to take her up to a room for their first intimate night together. She gets a cortisone shot from an inexperienced doctor, which makes Fran swells like a balloon. The romantic night is ruined, thanks to Sylvia's squash-filled pasta that gave Fran the allergic reaction.
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#18 - The Taxman Cometh
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 7
Jay Leno leaves his dog under the cares of Mr. Sheffield. Meanwhile, Fran is being audited for her taxes, and not even flirting and champagne can help her out. She calls Mr. Sheffield for help, and they go to the IRS office to prove Fran's income taxes. The hearing doesn't go too good until Jay Leno shows up, making the appeals officer happy enough to dismiss the case.
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#19 - The Dinner Party
The Nanny - Season 5 - Episode 16
Maxwell decides to shop for a new ring for Fran, and Sylvia asks them to go to their uncle Stanley's, because he is family. But once there, they change their minds and go to Cartier instead. Fran gets an astonishing ring and they are mentioned in the social column (and Fran's name is mistyped Fran Fone...). But Fran starts to see that she might not be very well accepted among Maxwell's rich friends: she, Sylvia and Val are mistaken by ordinary people at a fancy clothe store, and at a dinner party Fran finds out that everybody is making fun of her behind her back. Hurt and afraid she might not be good enough for Maxwell, she goes to the park and meets a homeless man. She offers him chicken and opens her heart for him, giving him her address and offering him to drop by at anytime he feels hungry. That man turns out to be one of the richest men in the city and he ends up sponsoring Maxwell's new play. Meanwhile, Sylvia gets Maxwell and the kids to call her "ma" and "nana"; Niles has fun b
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#20 - Me and Mrs. Joan
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 6
Maxwell's father is in town and Fran decides to help end the Sheffield family feud inviting James Sheffield over for dinner. He brings Joan with him, his old secretary for whom he left Max's mother. Maxwell is outraged at his father's selfishness during dinner, while Fran keeps wondering why can't Maxwell act more like his father and marry the help.
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#22 - Samson, He Denied Her
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 17
Mr. Sheffiled calls from the limo saying he has to repair a mistake he made to Fran 6 moths ago. She's very excited thinking he might take back taking back saying he loved her, but for her misery he only wanted to pay her extra money he got from tax refund. Tired of living on high expectations, Fran decides to take some time off the house and joins C.C. on jury duty. How surprised is Fran when the case is about a woman who chopped off her boss's hair just because he told her he loved her then took it back. Fran manages to convince the jury that the woman is not guilty, and finds out later that the man married the his employee. Meanwhile, Sylvia takes over Fran's job as the nanny, and the entire family starts to feel hungry since Sylvia is an eating machine.
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#23 - The Nose Knows
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 15
Fran freaks out on Mr. Sheffield after he brings home a model and makes out with her in the living room. Dr. Miller says Fran is upset because she is thinking of Maxwell as her husband, not as her employer. At the movies, she runs into Dr. Miller, but is shocked to see him picking his nose. She is so disgusted that she thinks of never seeing him again. Mr. Sheffield worries about her and confronts Dr. Miller about his actions, but gets very embarrassed when he finds out the "inappropriate behavior" Sylvia told him about wasn't what he had in mind. Meanwhile, C.C. is dumped by her boyfriend and asks Niles to escort her to an awards show, and the two end up having a very pleasant night out.
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#24 - Fransom
The Nanny - Season 5 - Episode 4
Needing extra money for Yetta's bridal shower, Fran is hired by to be Chester's dog walker. As Fran and Gracie are strolling in Central Perk, a man distracts them and steals Chester. He asks for $20,000 for Chester to be returned safe, and for that much money Fran and Val decide to take over the investigation and rescue Chester themselves, but of course they also end up being kidnapped. Now the kidnapping couple is asking for $40,000 to return the ladies and the dog. Mr. Sheffield goes out for the rescue, but Fran gets rid of the kidnappers with some laxative chocolate Yetta gave her.
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#25 - Danny's Dead and Who's Got The Will?
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 12
Danny Imperiali, Fran's former fiance, is dead. At his funeral (while comforting Danny's widow Heather Biblow), she meets a Jewish man who is ignored by his former lover's family and got nothing after he died. Afraid the same thing will happen to her, Fran stands up for herself and imposes Mr. Sheffield to do something. Afraid his grandmother (who's in town visiting), might judge him and remove him from her will, Mr. Sheffield does nothing, so Fran quits. When he realizes he might have lost Fran forever, Mr. Sheffield goes after her and takes back taking back saying he loved her.
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#26 - That's Mid-Life
The Nanny - Season 3 - Episode 23
After losing to Fran in tennis, Maxwell goes through a midlife crisis including dressing younger and buying a flashy sports car. Fran finally makes him realize his life is great, and the two of them go for one last hurrah in the sports car.
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#27 - The Heather Biblow Story
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 24
Fran is shocked to learn that her biggest rival, Heather Biblow (who stole her fiancé and her job) is starring on her favorite soap opera, "The Young and the Restless". Heather invites Fran and Val over to her Malibu beach house, where she can rub it on their faces how successful she is. Fran and Val visit the studios, where they run across some of their favorite celebrities. Heather has a really hard time memorizing the lines, and Fran doesn't think twice before jumping at the chance of finally stealing something from Heather: her daytime TV job. Fran is hired to replace her, and calls the mansion saying she won't return. C.C. is happy at first, but quickly realizes she needs Ms. Fine back when Maxwell hires a new nanny: Heather Biblow. Fran is so upset with the thought of Heather in the house that she is fired from the show and returns to NY to get her job back.
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#28 - Homie-Work
The Nanny - Season 5 - Episode 17
Fran decides that even though she's marrying Maxwell, she still wants to work. She decides to help him with his new play. They have to find a rapper and Fran gets Sammy's grandson, who is a gift wrapper instead. In major trouble, Fran has to turn the nerd gift wrapper into a music rapper in less than 24 hours to prove to Mr. Sheffield that she is not stupid. Meanwhile, C.C. feels left out and replaced by Fran, and Niles doesn't let the opportunity of teasing her go away, until she finally goes nuts and is taken to a mental hospital.
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#29 - No Muse is Good Muse
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 22
After watching Tasha's (a new female rock star) video on MTV, Fran decides to write lyrics of her own about her misery and suffering and make it big on showbiz. Discouraged by Mr. Sheffield, Fran decides to hand her lyrics to Tasha no matter what, and even passes herself as hotel maid with Val just to meet Tasha. When she finally does, Tasha is so interested in reaching out and listening to what the people have to say that she actually hangs out with Fran. Unfortunately, Fran's song is no good, but her misery is good enough for Tasha, who uses Fran as her muse – until Mr. Sheffield tells Fran he misses her and Fran turns happy, which makes Tasha turn to Val for inspiration (after all, Val lives with her parents, is over 30 and single).
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#30 - The Pen Pal
The Nanny - Season 3 - Episode 1
After many years of exchanging letters, Fran's pen pal Lenny wants to meet her. But Fran is worried because over the past years she exaggerated a little on the lies and now is concerned that Lenny won't like her for who she really is. But Mr. Sheffield pushes her to attend the date (more because he wants to see Lenny than because he wants Ms. Fine to meet him) and waits for him with her at the Russian Tea Room. But Lenny never shows up and leaves a note at the door saying he couldn't possibly compete with such a good looking guy she was with (Mr. Sheffield). Meanwhile, C.C. arranges to work late just to seduce Maxwell, and Niles plays with her. Bored, the two have a few drinks and have their first romantic kiss after calling each other names.
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#31 - Green Card
The Nanny - Season 3 - Episode 25
Brighton is failing French in school so Mr. Sheffield hires a tutor for him. His tutor is incredibly good looking and attractive, and Fran wastes no time in flirting with him. He quickly proposes to her, something Mr. Sheffield thinks is quite suspicious since he doesn't have a green card. But Fran doesn't listen to him until she finds out Philippe has made a pass on C.C. and only proposed to her to stay in the country. She dumps him and Mr. Sheffield takes Fran out to console her.
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#32 - The Bank Robbery
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 16
Yetta's got a new boyfriend, who's much younger than her (he's 60) and already proposed. Afraid he's after Yetta's money, Sylvia decides to go to the bank to make sure money can't be taken out of their joint accounts without both signatures. While waiting in line, a very bumbling bank robber takes over the bank and makes Sylvia and Fran hostages. The bank robber is so unprepared that he even forgets to put on the mask and accidentally reveals his name - Leslie Tilbett - and Fran ends up making friends with him. They chat, order some food, and the kidnapper even acts as mediator between Fran and Mr. Sheffield (who messed things up with Fran with a Valentine's Day faux pas). When Leslie decides to leave, Fran and Sylvia argue about the best way he should take to escape the cops and they both end up going with him. At the bank door, Mr. Sheffield apologizes for taking back saying he loved Fran, and they make up. Sylvia, though, is still taken as hostage, but the kidnapper is arrested afte
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#33 - Freida Needa Man
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 5
Fran's aunt Freida has gone broke and moves into the Sheffield residence. The only way Fran can turn this around is if she convinces Freida's rich boyfriend Fred to propose to her. Fred doesn't think of himself as an exciting man, so Fran decides to teach him dance lessons. He has a heart attack and falls on Fran, just as Freida walks in. After the situation is cleared, everything seems to be fine again until Fred tells Fran he's in love with her. She almost puts a stop to the wedding, if Mr. Sheffield hadn't interfered. Fred has another heart attack, but this time everything ends up just fine.
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#34 - The Bobbie Fleckman Story
The Nanny - Season 5 - Episode 3
Fran screwed up with Elton John, and Brighton won a radio contest and the prize is that a film crew is coming to his house for a music video. When the film producers crew comes, a duplicate of Fran shows up, and Maxwell starts to fall for her. Guest star: Brian Setzer.
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#35 - Close Shave
The Nanny - Season 2 - Episode 21
Fran convinces Mr. Sheffield to stop giving Maggie money and make her get a job to gain responsibility. Maggie takes a job at the hospital, and when she has a date with her boyfriend she gets Fran to cover for her. Meanwhile, C.C. is trying some new recipes for her cooking class and she is such a bad cook that Mr. Sheffield has his pains all day when he eats C.C.'s "food". Turns out he has to get his appendix out. A doctor mistakes Fran for a nurse and now she has to shave Mr. Sheffield. In the next morning, it all seems to be a dream to him. Until he sees Fran using the whipped cream spray...
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#36 - The Two Mrs. Sheffields
The Nanny - Season 3 - Episode 9
Fran fights with a woman over flowers at a store, but this woman turns out to be Mr. Sheffield's mother who's in town visiting! She annoys everyone in the house except for C.C., who right away tells her that Fran has her eye on Maxwell. Mrs. Sheffield tells his son to get rid of the nanny, but Maxwell proposes to Fran instead just to tease his mother. When Fran realizes the proposal isn't real, she decides to play with Mr. Sheffield and make him feel guilty for the fake proposal.
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#37 - The Bird's Nest
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 3
Fran takes Gracie to the Loehmann's Semi Annual Red Star Clearance and has to fight over a green sweater with another woman. Back at the mansion, Brighton is having some problems with his science grade and Maxwell tells him he'll be sent to military school shall his grades not rise. He also tells Fran not to help him with his science project, but of course Fran doesn't listen to him. They decide to warm up a bird's eggs with lights and make a report on the birth, but Fran forget the lights on and the eggs hard boil. Now she has to ask Brighton's teacher for an extension, and what a surprise when she turns out to be the same lady Fran stole the green sweater from.
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#38 - Not Without My Nanny
The Nanny - Season 5 - Episode 14
Gracie is invited by a school friend to fly to his palace in Koorestan. Fran tries to convince Maxwell to let Niles take her, so they can call each other by their first names all weekend, but Max needs Niles there so he sends Fran instead. There, she is flattered by all the luxury, and by how much the Sultan looks like Mr. Sheffield. After the Sultan invites Fran to stay with him forever, she thinks he proposed and says no. And when she decides to fly back to NY, she is surprised to see that her passport and clothes are missing, and there are guards at her door. Meanwhile, Niles tricks C.C. by saying that it's Mr. Sheffield's birthday and she uses his gift to look good, but Niles had tickets to Koorestan instead. Mr. Sheffield goes to Koorestan to rescue her, but turns out the Sultan only wanted her to be his nanny. Mr. Sheffield says he loves Fran.
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#39 - The Kibbutz
The Nanny - Season 3 - Episode 12
Mr. Sheffield decides to send Maggie off to a convent in Switzerland and wants Fran to tell her the news. Trying to smooth things, Fran tells Maggie about the time she went to a kibbutz in Israel with Val, which makes Maggie want to go to a kibbutz as well. While not happy with her decision, Mr. Sheffield eventually agrees. But Fran later remembers that she hated the kibbutz and it was there she lost her "hat". Now she has to convince Mr. Sheffield to go back on his decision, which results in the whole family going on the kibbutz. Meanwhile, Niles has the holidays for himself and C.C. teases him for being cheap. They both go on their ways but meet in the most strange place.
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#40 - Shopaholic
The Nanny - Season 3 - Episode 6
The news of Danny's marriage to Heather Biblow makes Fran start buying everything she cans. After being confronted by Mr. Sheffield, Fran enters shoppers anonymous, but has a very tough time giving up shopping, until an unexpected kiss from Mr. Sheffield cures her miraculously.
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#41 - Educating Fran
The Nanny - Season 5 - Episode 9
Fran goes to Maggie's school to have a word with her Philosophy teacher and ends up developing a crush on him. After having to ask Maggie for her approval, Fran starts dating the gorgeous Jewish bachelor, which, of course, upsets Mr. Sheffield (who won't do anything regarding his true feelings towards Fran). Fran lies about her age to Professor Steve, and later pays the price when his astrologist tells him he should be with a woman in her mid-thirties – C.C.!
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#42 - Where's Fran?
The Nanny - Season 3 - Episode 16
When Fran gets Maggie smoking with her boyfriend, she pretends to smoke to Mr. Sheffield can teach her a lesson in front of Maggie, so she doesn't have to tell on Maggie and lose her trust. But Mr. Sheffield exceeds himself a little too much which results in Fran leaving the house. After a few hours of wondering where she is (and remembering all the unique situations they all have been since Fran entered the house), Mr. Sheffield finds her at Roger Clinton's, where Fran pretends to have an offer from Hillary just to Mr. Sheffield would beg her to come home.
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#43 - First Date
The Nanny - Season 5 - Episode 2
Maxwell invites Fran to be his date at the very exclusive dinner party given by Elton John to celebrate Tantrums and Tiaras, the new film he and his partner, David Furnish, are premiering. Unfortunately, Fran’s lurid past catches up with her when she appears in the film as the fam who prompted one of John’s “Tantrums” by verbally abusing Elton. Yes, it’s another Fine mess, and Fran – à la Lucy – goes to extraordinary lengths to hide her identity during dinner. Then, trying to hide her identity, she doesn’t make a very good impression as Maxwell’s date. Meanwhile, C.C. tries to cope with Maxwell’s apparent preference for Fran over her.
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#44 - Mommy and Mai
The Nanny - Season 5 - Episode 7
Mai Ling, the Cambodian girl Fran and Val "adopted" in high school for 17 cents a day, is coming to NY to visit them. Sylvia doesn't like the girl, for whom Fran and Val fight over, resulting in a split up between the two best friends. Sylvia thinks Mai Ling will also come between Fran and Mr. Sheffield, but Fran finds out Mai Ling got engaged to Brighton to get a green card!
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#45 - The Tart with Heart
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 1
Fran and Maxwell return from their trip to Paris, and Fran couldn't be happier. Just as they are about to get home, Mr. Sheffield takes back saying "I love you" to Fran, and she is devastated. C.C. takes advantage of the fact that Fran is vulnerable and says Maxwell probably only hired her for her looks, which is accidentally confirmed by Max when he tries to compliment Fran. She decides to go to a singles bar with Val and meets a blind guy. The idea of dating a blind man sounds nice to Fran, since it'll serve as a proof that she isn't just a pretty face. After she is dumped by the blind guy, she and Mr. Sheffield decide to remain just friends.
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#46 - The Rosie Show
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 4
Fran and Val go to The Rosie O'Donnell Show and Fran is picked out of the audience to talk to Rosie. She's so natural and funny that Rosie asks her to come on the show as a regular guest to give parenting advises. C.C. jumps in as her agent, and Fran starts to have a taste of life as a celebrity. Maxwell gets scared of losing her and makes up a story about a dream he had where a ghost told him something horrible would happen to Fran if she didn't quit the Rosie Show. Fran gets fired and is replaced by a retired couple from Florida.
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#47 - The Fifth Wheel
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 14
Fran decides to stop chasing men like Dr. Miller told her. Sylvia doesn't like that at all and blames Mr. Sheffield for her daughter staying single forever. Fran, Val and Ms. Babcock decide to go out together on a "girls night", with no pressure to find a man, but after Val and C.C. get dates, Fran finds herself as a fifth wheel on their double date. Alone, embarrassed and depressed, Fran goes home trying to act as if she had a great time with them, but can't. Once again, Mr. Sheffield and Fran find themselves alone, comforting each other. Meanwhile, Dr. Miller tries hypnosis with Sylvia but that doesn't go too well.
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#48 - The Car Show
The Nanny - Season 4 - Episode 10
Maggie wants a new car, but since her father won't give her one she convinces Fran to enter a beauty pageant to win one for her. In the contest, Fran has to drive a stick shift car, which she doesn't know how to, so Mr. Sheffield takes her up to the country to teach her. But Fran gets traumatized after running over a bunny, which causes her to lose the contest. To cheer her up, Maxwell invites her to go with them to the charity dinner at Barbara Streisand's house. On their way there, Mr. Sheffield has a stomachache, forcing Fran to drive. Later she realizes it was all a plan of his to make her get over her trauma. Now she has to go to Barbara's again, but to return the boot and purse she stole from her.
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#49 - The Engagement
The Nanny - Season 5 - Episode 15
Fran is thrilled to tell the family that Maxwell has told her he loved her, and this time he didn't take it back! Everybody is happy for her (except for C.C.) and congratulate Fran. Maxwell reveals to Niles that he bought an engagement ring and is going to propose to Fran tonight. He, of course, can't keep a secret and tells Fran, who tells Sylvia, in a chain reaction that results in virtually everybody knowing about it. Maxwell asks Fran to invite her family over because they're having a very important dinner at the Rainbow Room and they should all be there. All the Sheffield and Fine families gather and wait for Maxwell, who never shows up. Afraid something happened to him (because she was sure he wouldn't just leave her waiting), Fran goes after him, and finds a passed out Mr. Sheffield behind the theater. He was knocked out by burglars who stole his watch and Fran's ring. Nevertheless, he proposes to Fran.
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#50 - The Dope Diamond
The Nanny - Season 3 - Episode 3
Fran's been going out with a rich, handsome Jewish doctor named Julius Kimble. After only 2 weeks, he asks her to marry him. Although having some doubts about it, Fran accepts after Sylvia pushes her into doing it. When they go out to buy Fran a ring, Julius disappears and takes the very expensive ring with him. Turns out he was just a thief and now Fran is left all alone. She blames her mother for the disaster and the Fine women end up going to a shrink to solve their problems. Back at home, both Mr. Sheffield and Fran complain about the lack of single attractive people for them to date.
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