The BEST episodes directed by Desmond Saunders

Operation Crash-Dive
56 votes

#1 - Operation Crash-Dive

Thunderbirds - Season 1 - Episode 12

Fireflash has two mysterious disappearnces. The third time, International Rescue volunteers to aide in the testing of the Fireflash crash. But problems arise when communcations go out. Will Scott's brothers come to his rescue? And who is that dude that Gordon thought he saw? What the shell is going on here?!!

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Atlantic Inferno
79 votes

#2 - Atlantic Inferno

Thunderbirds - Season 2 - Episode 1

After attending a ceremony to mark the beginning of road construction through an Australian mountain, Lady Penelope retreats to the comfort of her nearby farm to tend to her sheep. She has no intention of spending her time Down Under alone, however, and makes a call to International Rescue headquarters urging Jeff Tracy to join her. Despite not having been on a real vacation in months, Jeff is reluctant to go in case an emergency should arise while he's gone. His sons know the procedures, and are all in their 20s, yet Jeff must still have his arm twisted into agreeing to take some time off. Surrounded by nothing but nature -- and Lady Penelope -- Jeff still can't relax, thinking of nothing but a naval torpedo accident that has sparked a huge underwater fire. He says it's definitely not a job for International Rescue, but Scott, who he's left in charge, has other ideas. Scott's miscalculation, dispatching International Rescue to extinguish a fire thrusting up from the ocean floor caused

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The Uninvited
88 votes

#3 - The Uninvited

Thunderbirds - Season 1 - Episode 10

Scott Tracy is returning home from a mission when he is attacked. He is recused by some lost explorers and is soon home. However the explorers get themselves lost and call out for help. Scott finds them in a pyramid where there resides the lost race of Zombites. Now Scott must face a crazy man struck by riches and gold and also a race trying to destroy them? Will Scott make it out with the two men? Will the rest of the Tracys save their brother? Find out!

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The Imposters
51 votes

#4 - The Imposters

Thunderbirds - Season 1 - Episode 16

International Rescue is in the middle of saving yet another life in danger, but what makes this mission different is the large crowd that's witnessing the feat. Reporters are also on the scene, and are able to snap the first-ever photos of the team in action. Other than International Rescue's usual camera shyness, there's only one problem: Each member was already at home on Tracy Island, awaiting the next mission. Though confused as to why someone would steal their identities, they try not to think too much about it, especially since a life was saved. It quickly becomes apparent, however, that the whole thing was a ruse to steal plans for a fighter capable of light speed, and the real International Rescue has been blamed, memories of their heroism a thing of the past. With a worldwide manhunt under way to locate their base, the group is powerless to act, regardless of who needs assistance. Will they be able to clear their name without revealing their true identities or location? And wh

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The Perils of Penelope
131 votes

#5 - The Perils of Penelope

Thunderbirds - Season 1 - Episode 3

Sir Jeremy Hodge -- without whom Brains could not have built any of International Rescue's vehicles -- has just finished his latest project, converting seawater into fuel. Sir Jeremy has little time to celebrate the accomplishment, however, as his colleague on the project has gone missing, mysteriously disappearing from the train on which he was traveling. Fearing that the knowledge possessed by his friend could be devastating should it end up in the wrong hands, Sir Jeremy arranges a rendezvous in a Parisian cafe with his old friend Lady Penelope. One barely avoided poisoned drink later (thanks to some quick thinking by Parker), and Penelope is off on yet another mission. Investigating a clue left behind at the cafe by the would-be assassin leads only to another attempt on her life, as Parker must again save his enchanting employer and her companion, this time from gas flowing into a windowless basement. Left with no options other than to ride the same train that prompted their investigation.

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Close Call
4 votes

#6 - Close Call

Terrahawks - Season 1 - Episode 6

The Overlander is hijacked, but the hijacker, a news reporter by the name of Darrel, is a potential security hazard for the Terrahawks.

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Space Samurai
2 votes

#7 - Space Samurai

Terrahawks - Season 3 - Episode 8

Tamura, a Samurai warrior from outer space, forces Zelda and Ninestein to meet on neutral ground in order to settle their dispute peacefully.

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Pit of Peril
158 votes

#8 - Pit of Peril

Thunderbirds - Season 1 - Episode 2

In a faraway jungle, the US Army has just finished three weeks of successful testing for the Sidewinder, a new transport vehicle. However, the congratulatory pats on the back prove a bit premature as the sidewinder fails to reach it's rendezvous point The ground crew sees smoke but there are no sign of the vehicle and attempts and contacting the sidewinder crew goes unanswered. When the crew finally responded, it is revealed that they have tipped over on their side and are unable to move! The fact that they have fallen 300 feet into a crater and are engulfed into flames makes it even more disastrous. Being so far from civilization, the Army isn't as alone as it thinks, as International Rescue has been listening in on its plight with great interest. For the moment, however, they choose to wait to see what happens. After two Army rescue attempts result in hospitalization, Jeff Tracy sends his sons out to try and help. But will they succeed when others have not?

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Alias Mr. Hackenbacker
45 votes

#9 - Alias Mr. Hackenbacker

Thunderbirds - Season 2 - Episode 3

Growing tired of the massive explosions that follow crashes or faulty landings, the airline industry has taken drastic measures to prevent any future accidents. Enter Hiram K. Hackenbacker, also known as Brains, whose latest invention, the Skythrust, will make flying infinitely more safe. Brains isn't the only International Rescue member with their face in the public eye, however, as the lovely Lady Penelope is in Paris to model a fabulous new clothing line for Francois, her friend and favorite French designer. Francois has actually developed a revolutionary new fabric, and while he should be thrilled he's only feeling stress, as he faces constant attempts to steal his secret invention. Between the hidden listening devices and spies outside her friend's window, Penelope comes to the conclusion that the safest place to debut the fabric would be at a fashion show on Brains' new plane. Citing safety concerns, Penelope arranges for the fashion show to be held aboard the Skythrust, a new pl

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Danger at Ocean Deep
51 votes

#10 - Danger at Ocean Deep

Thunderbirds - Season 1 - Episode 19

Ocean Pioneer I, the world's most modern tanker, encounters a strange mist and suddenly explodes while transporting its cargo, killing its three-man crew. Six months later, its disappearance is still a mystery, but it'll take more than that to stop the maiden voyage of Ocean Pioneer II, christened by International Rescue's own Lady Penelope. Unbeknownst to onlookers, she is there on behalf of Jeff Tracy to investigate any signs of the sabotage that just may have caused the disappearance of its predecessor. Penelope gives it the ok, but Jeff has other concerns at the moment. He's lost all communication with Thunderbirds 1 and 2 -- sent out on a rescue in Hawaii -- and their space satellite as well. The good news is that his sons all manage to return in one piece, but radio contact is still vital to their operation. What is causing the mysterious interference, and what will happen if someone finds themselves in need of rescue, especially those aboard Ocean Pioneer II? After retreating to

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Edge of Impact
99 votes

#11 - Edge of Impact

Thunderbirds - Season 1 - Episode 5

The Hood is back and again up to no good, this time ordered by the evil general for whom he works to destroy the Red Arrow, a state-of-the-art fighter jet and the only thing standing between his boss and world domination. Thanks to the Hood, the first test of the Red Arrow ends in a spectacular crash, killing the pilot and leaving Colonel Tim Casey disgraced and off the project he was tasked with leading. Casey unexpectedly turns up at Tracy Island to seek advice from Jeff, an old buddy from the early days of space exploration. Despite help from Brains, the second Red Arrow test is destined to end the same as the first, because the Hood won't receive payment from the General until each plane is destroyed. Planting a homing device to pull the aircraft off course, the Hood causes it to crash into the control tower, leaving the two men at the top teetering and clinging to life. Can anything save them from falling to their deaths? And can anyone stop the Hood from carrying out more destruc

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Hostages of the Deep
29 votes

#12 - Hostages of the Deep

Stingray - Season 1 - Episode 37

An underwater alien takes an ex-WASP admiral and his wife captive.

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Raptures of the Deep
30 votes

#13 - Raptures of the Deep

Stingray - Season 1 - Episode 9

While the Stingray crew go to the rescue of two crazy treasure hunters, Troy falls down a crevasse, runs out of air and goes into unconsciousness. When he comes to, he discovers he doesn't need breathing equipment to breathe and he is now the richest man in the world.

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2 votes

#14 - Gold

Terrahawks - Season 3 - Episode 13

Whilst exploring a meteorite, the Zeroids come across a huge nugget of Gold, they bring it back to Hawknest, unaware that it is actually a bomb created by Zelda. Upon it's arrival in Hawknest, the bomb is activated by Zelda, Ninestien manages to get the bomb as clear from Hawknest as he can, and the ensuing explosion claims his life...or does it?

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Security Hazard
130 votes

#15 - Security Hazard

Thunderbirds - Season 1 - Episode 26

International Rescue has just wrapped up another successful mission, helping to extinguish an out-of-control blaze and pulling the men trapped by it from the bottom of a shaft. The mission hasn't run as smoothly as initially believed, however, as Jeff Tracy detects an intruder aboard Thunderbird 2. With blasters drawn, Jeff, Scott and Gordon converge on the hangar, only to discover the ""saboteur"" is a little boy that stowed away in an unguarded pod after excitedly witnessing the rescue in action. While Mr. Tracy gives three of his sons a stern lecture about the security breach, Virgil is supposed to be babysitting -- and keeping his mouth shut. He does a good job of it, until the boy challenges his manhood by saying that Thunderbird 1 -- Scott's ship -- is the best. Virgil's response to the inadvertent verbal slight is to fold like an accordion, spilling his guts about their adventure in episode 14. After Dad summons Virgil to his office, Alan assumes the task of watching the child. He

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Give or Take a Million
43 votes

#16 - Give or Take a Million

Thunderbirds - Season 2 - Episode 6

Christmastime is rapidly approaching, and board members of the Coralville Children's Hospital are meeting to discuss ways to bring joy to the young patients' lives. They are also discussing ways to raise money for a new solar therapy wing. One man agrees to donate a rocket, while another, the owner of a toy store, agrees to fill it with goodies for the children, assuming the launch occurs from the roof of his New York building. In exchange for the free publicity, he will also contribute $10,000 to the fundraising efforts. Adding to the holiday festivities, International Rescue has agreed to give one lucky patient a trip to Tracy Island, notification of which is hidden in one of the rocket's gifts. Though pressed for time, the Tracys manage to finish their shopping, cleaning and cooking in anticipation of their guest. Things are not so cheerful back in New York, where two criminals have tied up a pair of store Santas in hopes of drilling through to the bank next door. Unfortunately, two

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The Mysterons
132 votes

#17 - The Mysterons

Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons - Season 1 - Episode 1

Spectrum officer Captain Black attacks an alien city on Mars, invoking the wrath of its ethereal inhabitants: The Mysterons. Their first act of vengeance is the attempted assassination of the World President. As part of their scheme, The Mysterons kill Captain Scarlet. They reconstruct him, now invincible and under their control but otherwise indistinguishable from the real Captain Scarlet. Will Spectrum detect the imposter in time? Will fate free the un-killable Scarlet from the Mysteron influence, making him a powerful asset for humanity in this "war of nerves"?

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